Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 182 Review of Being a Backward Boy

Chapter 182 Review of Being a Backward Boy

"General Tan, go and hire eight carts, don't argue with the other party about the price, and say you want to move to Zhuangzi outside the city."

Wang Tong ordered in a deep voice, since General Tan saw Wang Tong's face last night, he knew something was wrong, so he didn't want to ask any more questions at this time, so he answered and went out.

Looking at the charcoal brazier in the house, the note with the word "forbearance" had been burnt so that the ashes could not be seen. Wang Tong was silent for a while, then went to the delicious restaurant and called Ma Sanbiao come over.

Ma Sanbiao is currently living in the wing room opposite Wang Tong, but Mrs. Ma has made strict rules for him. When he wakes up and washes up, he will come to the front to help immediately. It is a blessing for you to live in the house of the master, but it will delay the work of the master. down to business.

"When General Tan hires a cart to come over, you follow him to the outside of the city once, unload the things at Zhuangzi, go to the blacksmith workshop to get back my firecracker, go and ask your mother and Zhang Shiqiang to come in, you Wait outside."

Although Ma Sanbiao was a bit confused, he still did it. When he got up early in the morning, Mrs. Ma would stare at the delicious restaurant to prepare the food materials and prepare for the day's business.Zhang Shiqiang wanted to check in Zhenxing Building, Jixiang Teahouse and Juyifang, and they were the busiest.Wang Tong rarely greeted them at this time.

After entering, Wang Tong asked Zhang Shiqiang to close the door, pondered for a while and said:
"Go out of the city later, and wait for the news from the Tan family. If there is anything wrong, follow the arrangement I said, give Sun Dahai 3000 taels, his brothers 500 taels each, and Lu Tuiguan 3000 taels." Two, Wang Gui and Li Si each have 1000 taels, and all the money brought by the Tan family will be returned to Tan Jiang and they will distribute it themselves. The people in this shop are 20 taels each, and the rest will be divided among you Aunt Ma and Brother Zhang."

After Wang Tong finished speaking, Mrs. Ma said anxiously:

"Wang Tong, don't you want to scare aunt, what happened, why did you say that suddenly!?"

"Don't ask anything, just take the money and leave. The farther you are from the capital, the better. If you think about it, no one will argue with you."

Wang Tong's expression was quite cautious, Mrs. Ma and Zhang Shiqiang were used to Wang Tong's judgments and orders, they knew something important was going to happen, but Wang Tong said they couldn't ask, so no one dared to ask.

With the money accumulated these days, confidantes such as Ma Pozi and Zhang Shiqiang have some concerns. Even if the money is paid out as Wang said in the call, what Ma Pozi and Zhang Shiqiang can get is more than ten thousand taels of silver.

"Wang Tong, my aunt is getting old, and she will be content after these days of good life. My aunt doesn't know what's going to happen to you, but my aunt is not afraid, and I can give you a meal or something if I stay here. "

Grandma Ma's tears were streaming down, Zhang Shiqiang bowed down, made a big salute, and said in a shy voice:

"The young one owes the grown-up too much. If the grown-up has something to do, how can the young one just take the money and leave? Let the young one stay and wait for the grown-up when the time comes, and report the news."

Wang Tong waved his hand. He was moved in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He said with a wry smile:

"The matter is still undecided. Don't say that I seem to have been arrested and imprisoned. Let's do this first. It's safe. Maybe I will have a chance to go out and go with you."

If he were to go to jail for the crime, Wang Tong had no intention of arresting him. If he could run, he would of course run. When he said this, Ma Pozi and Zhang Shiqiang no longer insisted on anything, but they thought in their hearts that the arrangement of the adults was not a preparation for absconding.

The two were just about to go out to clean up, but Zhang Shiqiang remembered something, turned around and asked:

"Master, doesn't Li Xiaoqi need to give any money?"

Wang Tong waved his hand and said:
"If it comes to the point of splitting the money, remember not to have any relationship with Li Wenyuan. Their family has their own wealth, and the money will delay them."

Then Li Hutou played so well with "Huang Yijun" in Huwei Martial Arts Hall, there may not be any kind of glory and wealth waiting for their family in the future, so there is no need to get involved.

Zhang Shiqiang nodded and was about to go out. This time it was Wang Tong who remembered something and stopped him:
"Take the money from the Qin Pavilion, and send it to Miss Song of the Qin Pavilion later, and tell her to take care of herself!"

After all, since Song Chanchan came to report the news, she should accept his affection.

Wang Tong and other families' money and money were loaded into the cart. Tan Jiang and Ma Sanbiao led the cart out of the city. When they passed by South Street, the Dongchang Fanzi, who was on duty in casual clothes, ignored them.

When lunch was approaching, Ma Sanbiao brought back the short-fired blunderbuss to Wang Tong. Wang Tong specially asked someone to make a wooden box. Cowhide bags are divided into categories such as cleaning rods, and there are also grids for placing firecrackers.

Wang Tong ignited the copper pipe fire medium, then blew out the open flame, and put the lid on. At the critical moment, he would rely on it to ignite the match. After loading the ammunition, he saw the empty room, and felt really inexplicable.

Carrying the suitcase and going out of the house, Wang Tong went for a stroll in the martial arts hall. Now the teenagers should be listening to lectures in class, and it looked deserted outside.

It was a little strange that the little eunuch Cai Nan was there, based on the rules Wang Tong had summed up, Xiao Cai was afraid to avoid it in such a season, and today she came forward to say hello with a smile, it was really strange.

It will be lunch soon, and after lunch, I will go to the martial arts gym again.

Many residential buildings around the martial arts hall have been evacuated, and they have been converted into warehouses, or stationed in the East Factory and Forbidden Soldiers, and a few have been converted into resting places for the martial arts staff.

Every noon, the imperial chef of the Delicious Restaurant also goes to the Zhenxing Building to watch the chef over there cook a few light and delicious dishes, and then deliver them in a food box with a cotton cover. Those who can enjoy this treatment are nothing more than It was Huang Yang, the former supervising eunuch of the Yumajian, and Yu Dayou, who had a idle job in the Ministry of War.

These two have been in the military for many years, and at this age, they don't have any temper. Although one is in the south and the other is in the north, they are Daming's military yamen after all, and they know a lot of people.

In the leisure time at noon and evening, eating some delicious food and talking about the stories of old friends from that year is also a very pleasant time. When Wang Tong pretended to be calm outside and his heart was turbulent, the atmosphere on Yu Dayou and Huang Yang's side was still peaceful and peaceful. .

Yu Dayou has a habit of drinking strong tea. In his big rough porcelain cup, it is as black as ink, and he doesn't know what kind of tea it is.

Picking up a piece of crispy meat, chewing it a few times, taking a big gulp and sending it down, Yu Dayou touched his mouth casually, and said with a smile:

"Eunuch Huang knows about the martial arts hall, right?"

That Huang Yang has been pampered and respected in the inner palace for many years, and he is much more particular about eating than this Yu Dayou. There is amber-colored rice wine poured in a fine porcelain blue and white wine cup, and he sips it slowly.

Hearing Yu Dayou's words, Huang Yang put down his chopsticks, smiled and said:

"General Yu's news is also well-informed. One of our adoptive sons came to tell us the news at noon. I don't know how General Yu knew about it?"

"After so many years of fighting, the leaders of the army and the pay, have a lot of contacts with the people in the Ministry of War, and they are familiar with them. There are always a few people who can be trusted. I really didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. A certain family thought, could it be this Laoshizi's Ding Youduoqing has involved Wang Tong, what can he do with a small family!"

Huang Yang shook his head with a smile, sighed and said:

"What else can I do, it's a sin to get too close to Lord Long Live..."

The words stopped here, Yu Dayou took another big mouthful of strong tea, put it heavily on the table, and cursed in a rough voice:

"A good martial art, this can't go on, it's embezzlement and stealing merits, trying to cultivate some good seedlings, and making this kind of thing again, these officials really think that the world is peaceful."

Huang Yang had no choice but to put a piece of fish into his mouth. He closed his eyes and chewed, as if savoring the taste of the dish, and said in a low voice:
"Master Yu thinks how many young people in the martial arts school can become talents?"

Yu Dayou didn't continue the topic just now, holding a teacup in his hand, he pondered for a while and said:

"Li Tao is young and mature, with a family background and a scheming mind, which is very good. Sun Xinming is simple and honest in his heart, calm in his heart, and is not easy to make mistakes. If these two people have the opportunity, it is still possible to be a general. It depends on the blessing, the son of Bo Xiangcheng's family is an admiral who trains troops and defends the city in various big cities."

Huang Yang smiled and said:

"Our family's opinion is similar to General Yu's. The admiral's errand may fall on this Chen Sibao, and their family may even be able to fight for the title of Lord Marquis!"

As usual, the position of Admiral of the Beijing Camp is held by Xungui, but the real power is often held by the eunuchs and civil servants who also serve as admirals. However, now that Xungui has completely declined, it is considered a privilege to have this position. If you do well, you will be rewarded extraordinarily generously .

This is a consensus, the two sides said a few words, but Yu Dayou said:

"Then how does Mr. Li Hutou feel? Even if he doesn't play so close with the emperor every day, that kid is different from others. Not to mention that he rarely loses in martial arts. Watching him perform sand table exercises a few times is also cruel. Spicy Guojue, but he is too young to say what will happen to him in the future?"

Huang Yang also laughed when he heard this, shook his head and said:
"This child is young, but he is sharp and he is familiar with His Majesty. I really don't know what kind of future he will have in the future. I'm afraid you and I won't see it!"

After saying this, Huang Yang sighed, shook his head and said:
"Our family gives lectures to these children every day. Seeing how attentive they are listening, I feel happy in my heart. When I am old, I feel that my work was not in vain. It is hard to say that good things come from teaching us Daming some useful talents! "

Eunuch Huang's sudden emotion, but Yu Dayou didn't care much, and said with a smile:

"Our Daming family is a scholar. The ups and downs of a certain family have been ups and downs over the years. Can't your father-in-law understand? By the way, what does my father-in-law think of Wang Tong? This child is not very old, but he looks like a 40-year-old. , no matter the martial arts or the strategy are in the middle, not very brilliant, but people can't see through..."

(End of this chapter)

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