Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 183 Not necessarily as expected

Chapter 183 Not necessarily as expected

In the martial arts hall in the afternoon, Emperor Wanli did not come, nor did Chen Sibao and his party. Wang Tong put the small wooden box containing the short-fired guns in the place closest to him.

Every time between classes and in the middle, I go to ignite the fire medium in the copper tube and change the core. This afternoon, Huang Yang and Yu Dayou's class is also different from the past. , I often express my expectations for everyone.

This is quite in line with the mentality of the two old people, but the teenagers are not very patient to listen, it seems that something happened against them.

The nobles of the capital are well-informed, so the Uncle Xiangcheng's family is definitely not willing to let their children get involved. Naturally, the stories of the old eunuch and the veteran can also be thought of from the perspective of parting.

Thinking of this, Wang Tong couldn't calm down no matter what. He didn't make any mistakes. Why did he suddenly treat himself like this? Could it be that the glory, wealth and wonderful life he worked so hard for will soon be for nothing?
In the afternoon, Wang Tong did not talk about anecdotes, nor did Chen Sibao and the others talk about the scenery and famous objects of the capital. The teenagers gathered together excitedly to discuss the messages and special products from home. , On the contrary, I am very excited to be able to celebrate the New Year outside.

Li Tao, Sun Xin, and a dozen older teenagers were discussing all day long, what kind of official background they could have after stepping out of this martial arts.

If it wasn't for the repeated orders from the instructors not to sworn sworn brothers, everyone in this martial arts gym would probably be righteous brothers and sisters, and Wang Tong would have to be a big brother.

At dinner time, there was no movement. As usual, Wang Tong returned to his residence silently carrying the wooden box. The house, which he thought was deserted and deserted, was still lit. When he walked in, he found Ma Sanbiao Waiting in the house, Li Wenyuan was also there. Li Hutou, who thought he was going home, was practicing in the yard with a spear that was much taller than him.

Seeing them, Wang Tong was a little dazed, Li Hu put down his spear excitedly and said:

"Brother Wang, my senior brother ordered several dishes at the Zhenxing Building, and I'm waiting for you to come back to eat. Hurry up, this big gun is too tired for your arms."

"Master is back, my mother insisted on coming, Brother Zhang and I tried to persuade him, but my mother sent me here again, if Zhuangzi didn't need someone to watch, Brother Zhang and Steward Tan would also come over!"

Li Wenyuan also came out, first glaring at Li Hutou, Li Hutou looked like a mouse seeing a cat, and picked up a big gun to practice again, Li Wenyuan had no expression on his face, and said in a deep voice, clasping his fists:

"My lord, we share wealth with you, and naturally we also have to go through adversity. Treating me like this is too chilling for the people below."

Ma Sanbiao said in a loud voice:

"My master is right. When you eat meat and drink wine, you should be happy, and you can't complain when you encounter difficulties. My lord, please warm yourself first, and I will go to the Zhenxing building to urge the food."

Wang Tong nodded, Li Wenyuan shook his head and looked at Ma Sanbiao's back and said with emotion:
"Sanbiao calls me master, Hutou calls me father, and the subordinates still call you a master, but Hutou calls you elder brother. It's really a mess of generations. Hutou, you can't use up all your strength when stabbing!"

After finishing speaking, he went down to instruct Li Hutou on the exercises. Wang Tong lowered his head and walked into the room. A stove was fired in the room. There was a pot on the charcoal brazier for boiling water. It was wet for a while, and I covered it with my hand and dared not let go, and I stopped for a while before letting go.

Seeing the truth in adversity, maybe that’s what I said. I just sat down in the house, opened the wooden box and started to organize the firecrackers. Not long after, I heard the door outside and Ma Sanbiao’s loud voice:
"Master, Hutou, hurry up and eat in the house, it will be cold in a while!"

Li Hutou cheered and rushed in quickly. Ma Sanbiao carried a large food box in one hand, went into the room to put it down, but did not open the cloth in a hurry, but turned out an envelope and walked over.

"My lord, I was walking halfway just now, and I ran into a person in a shambles. The letter belongs to him, but he has disappeared, this matter is strange, and I specially brought it to the master to see."

There is such a strange thing in this very season. Wang Tong received the letter, but naturally there was no text on the envelope. When he opened the letter, it said:
"It's windy and rainy, brothers, be careful. Old Dong, the guard at Andingmen, is greedy for money by nature. If you want to go out of the city, ten liang is enough, take care."

There is no signature, but this handwriting is somewhat familiar to Wang Tong. I remember a chat one day, and the judge Lu Wancai once said that the government can rely on handwriting to convict. If you practice a little, you can write with your left hand. It's completely different, and the government will not start from this.

So excited at the time, Lu Wancai even wrote a few demonstrations with his left hand. Now that I think about it, Lu Tongpan was probably preparing for the scene like today, because the words on the letter were too similar to those written that day.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city gates were all soldiers of the Wucheng Army and Masi. These soldiers usually made money by blackmailing pedestrians and businessmen who came in and out of the city gates. Lu Wancai named this soldier, the old Dong, presumably with some special skills.

The few people in Shuntian Mansion that Wang Tong has good friends with used to come for a walk every day, and they wanted to talk to each other if they had nothing to say, but they didn't come to the door today, but it is hard for Wang Tong to say that they are cold if they can send this letter. Bo, after all, Lu Wan is the general judge of Shuntian Mansion. He was born as a civil servant, and when this kind of thing is involved, no matter whether Wang Tong is good or not, he will not mix up in the officialdom from now on. Wang Si and Li Gui are even natives of the capital. I have a family and a job, so I dare not get involved.

To be honest, the person over there was able to send this letter, it was considered a big risk, and this friend was not in vain.

However, in this situation, it is really hard to say whether the old director of Andingmen is trustworthy or not, and it is better to ask someone to inquire about it. At that time, it is really not worthwhile to rush there and run into a trap.

Several people had already walked into the room, and no one dared to disturb the letter in Wang Tong's hand, but they were all interested in the contents of the letter. After reading it, Wang Tong crumpled up and threw it into the charcoal brazier in front of him, laughing. said:

"Nothing, nothing, I'm hungry, let's eat quickly!"

The letter and envelope were burned to ashes, and everyone knew to keep their mouths shut. When Ma Sanbiao returned the food box after eating, Wang Tong whispered to Li Wenyuan:

"Tomorrow, I will trouble Brother Li to go to the Anding Gate to inquire about the gatekeepers of the old Dong. You must be careful and keep quiet."

Li Wenyuan nodded in agreement, Li Wenyuan did things calmly, and because of Li Hutou, there would be no risk, so he could be used for such things.

Many of Wang Tong's preparations had not been completed, and Li Wenyuan hadn't gone to the Anding Gate to inquire. The next day, the door of Wang Tong's house slammed.

Wang Tong, who hadn't slept much, immediately stretched his hand under the pillow, took out the firecracker that had already been loaded with ammunition, took the matchstick and put it in the incense burner in the house and lit it. He could hear voices outside, and got up to open the door. Ma Sanbiao's voice is very loud:

"Isn't this Eunuch Cai? It's so early today!"

"Third brother, hurry up and call Lord Wang to get up, there is an imperial edict!"

"Imperial decree...imperial decree! Master!!! Master!!!"

Ma Sanbiao obviously didn't react in his mind, and when he did, the voice trembled, and it was like roaring outside.

Judging from the tone of the conversation outside, the imperial decree should not be to ask for guilt, otherwise Cai Nan would not be so kind. Wang Tong pondered for a while, pulled out a short knife, cut off the matchlock, and stamped out the burning end with the sole of his boot. Wang Tong did not After undressing and going to bed, he put the firecracker and matchlock in a corner of the main room, and then lit a candle.

Only then did he open the door, and saw Zou Yi standing in the courtyard wearing a black robe with tight sleeves and holding the imperial decree in his hands. Behind him were two Jinyi guards, the little eunuch Cai Nan and another smaller one, standing in front of him. on the side.

Did Jin Yiwei come to arrest him?Wang Tong quickly denied this, because the two Jinyiwei were tall and straight, and they were wearing brand-new flying fish suits, and even the embroidered spring sword sheath was polished shiny. There is only one kind of person, and that is the "big Han general" who is in charge of the guard of honor. He just looks at the majestic decoration, but does not have any official tasks.

The generals of the Han Dynasty usually follow the eunuchs to announce the decree in the capital. This should not be for arrest. After Wang Tong realized this, he looked at Cai Nan, but he was stunned when he saw that. Li Hutou, who squeezed out his eyes, shouted joyfully:

"Xiao Liang, why are you here, are you doing well in the palace!"

The little eunuch was actually Zhao Jinliang, wearing a green robe, standing beside Cai Nan with his head bowed, but when he saw Wang Tong and Li Hutou, his face also showed an excited look.

"Wang Baihu, the imperial decree has arrived, you..."

The two Jinyi guards at the back saw that the courtyard was in a mess, and there was a person who received orders there. This Wang Tong was just a small family, so they reprimanded him intentionally. Zou Yi turned around and waved his hands, and said kindly:

"Wang Baihu, accept the order!!"

Bringing Zhao Jinliang again, Cai Nan and Zou Yi's attitudes were so friendly again, Wang Tong was also confused, it seemed that it was not in the right direction with the wind ahead.

Wang Tong was in a daze, and Zou Yi, who was below, reminded him softly:
"Wang Baihu..."

Only then did Wang Tong come to his senses, but he moved a step, and was immediately stunned again. He didn't know how to receive the order. Seeing Wang Tong's expression, Zou Yi understood, and turned to the two Jinyi guards and said:
"Two lieutenants, help Wang Baihu arrange the scene of receiving the order. He is not familiar with it either."

The two Jin Yiwei were completely confused, what kind of rule is this, to go to someone's house to proclaim the decree and ask for less money is considered to be worthy of each other, why in this hundred households, they even have to declare the decree for the decoration.

Slander belongs to slander, but Zou Yi and the others couldn't afford to offend them, so they had to follow suit.

All preparations were completed, Wang Tong and a group of people knelt in front of the incense table, and Zou Yi unfolded the imperial edict:
"Following the fate of the heavens, the emperor appointed Wang Tong, a hundred households of Jinyiwei, as the three guards of Jinyiwei in Tianjin to punish thousands of households..."

(End of this chapter)

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