Chapter 184

These two words are the core of the entire edict of "Thousands of Jinyiwei" and "Three Guards of Tianjin".

Even if Tianjin Sanwei has no historical knowledge at all, he knows that this is the Tianjin of later generations. Jinyiwei has thousands of households, and Wang Tong is even more familiar with this official position.

Sending Jinyiwei to the outside world, especially to the inland provinces, is a first-class job. Although Jinyiwei is majestic, there are too many people in the capital who can't afford to offend, and they have to keep their tails between their tails. Hundreds of households, Thousands of households are collecting land fees layer by layer to make some small money.

Some of the backgrounds are strong, and they may not dare to collect land fees. When everyone gets rich, they just ransack their homes according to the order.

But it is completely different to be sent to other places. Naturally, it is hard work in war-torn areas such as Nine Sides and Southwest, but if you can do a foreign job in a peaceful place, you will be rich and powerful.

You may not be a big deal in the capital, but it will be different when you are sent to other places. No matter how small the person is, they are all from the capital. Everyone thinks that you represent the yamen in the capital. In today's world, everyone should be polite.Other small officials and officials can be domineering, not to mention Jin Yiwei, who is known as the emperor's pro-army.

Among Jinyiwei, when they sat at the level of a hundred households, they began to think about letting them go outside. If they can go to other provinces to become a hundred households, they can save money that they can't spend in their lifetime in five years. If they go to a wealthy place, I can earn money that I can spend countless lifetimes on.

Tianjin Sanwei is the largest transfer station for canal water transport and sea transport before arriving at the capital, and it is also the logistics center of Ji Town. The recent transfer of grain, grass and military supplies to Liao Town also passes through there.

The traffic arteries and the distribution of a large number of materials have brought great prosperity to Tianjin Sanwei. It is known as the second most prosperous place in Beizhili, second only to Baoding City in Baoding Prefecture.

This errand is a huge one, even Ma Sanbiao knew it was a good errand, he couldn't help but tilt his head to look at Li Wenyuan, wanting to get an answer from his master.

How could he be so casual when receiving the order? Li Wenyuan glared at him, but Li Wenyuan himself was also very surprised. Wang Tong's preparations these days clearly looked like a catastrophe was imminent. What a catastrophe.

The content of the imperial decree was completely different from what Wang Tong thought. It seemed that Emperor Wanli blocked him, but after he breathed a sigh of relief, he was not in any happy mood.

If you want to be prosperous and rich, and want to have a greater future in the future, you must be by the Emperor Wanli's side and often appear in the emperor's sight. If you can do this, even if you are a rankless and rankless Jinyiwei school captain, Now he has reached the sky in one step and became a thousand households stationed abroad, but it is very likely that he will stop here.

It was the same in that life. Those who were the easiest to be promoted and reused were the ones who often appeared in front of the leaders and superiors and had frequent dealings with them.

Ordinarily, with Wang Tong's status, he was just the only son of a poor Xiaoqi. To be able to reach the level of Tianjin Jinyiwei's punishment of a thousand households at the age of 15 is already an astonishing special case, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has reached the sky in one step.

But for Wang Tong himself, since he can have such a good friendship with Emperor Wanli, it is nothing to reach the level of Jinyiwei's thousand households.

Especially in the future it is possible to stop here, Wang Tong felt relieved to get out of the catastrophe, but also felt an unspeakable loss, so after Wang Tong heard this decree, he knelt down there a little dazed.

"Lord Wang, accept the order and thank you!"

The two big Han generals standing behind Zou Yi were really envious and jealous. Seeing Wang Tong kneeling there without any reaction, they wanted to scold and ridicule, but they didn't expect that Eunuch Zou, who announced the decree, would speak so politely.

Hearing Zou Yi's words, Wang Tong's body trembled, and he finally came to his senses, and immediately remembered the word Zou Yi brought to him. Things have come to this point, it is a blessing in misfortune, and he can only walk while walking. Look, you can't ask for anything else.

"I thank God for my grace, long live my emperor!"

Wang Tong hurriedly kowtowed to thank him, took the will with both hands, got up, Ma Sanbiao took out the silver and handed it to the two accompanying Jin Yiwei, and dragged them to drink tea at the auspicious teahouse outside.

After the two outsiders left, the little eunuch Cai Nan took Wang Tong's money, and after thanking him, he followed Li Wenyuan to the teahouse to drink tea with interest, and the rest in the courtyard were his own people.

Kneeling there impatiently, Li Hutou immediately jumped up to Zhao Jinliang, held hands and hurriedly asked:
"Xiao Liang, how are you doing in the palace, is anyone bullying you, what's going on with the injury on your left cheek!"

Zou Yi smiled and said:

"A short-sighted little bastard beat Xiao Liang a while ago, and our family has already beaten him fifty times and thrown him to the Clothes Bureau. It's nothing serious."

"Thanks to Eunuch Zou for taking care of him, Xiao Liang is doing very well in the palace, Brother Hutou, don't worry."

Zhao Jinliang answered the question with a maturity different from those of his peers. After saying this, he walked up to Wang Tong and knelt down, kowtowed a few times, and then said in a low voice:

"Engong is about to leave the capital, and Xiao Liang can't do anything to help. Kowtow to Engong, and wish Engong a smooth journey."

Seeing Zhao Jinliang acting like this, Wang Tong felt uncomfortable. He pulled Zhao Jinliang up on the ground, touched his head with his hand, and said softly:

"We are all one family, so what are we doing?"

After all, Zhao Jinliang was a child. When Wang Tong said this, tears immediately filled his eyes, and he didn't know what to say.

While Zhao Jinliang and Li Hutou were talking in the side room, Wang Tong and Zou Yi walked into the room together. As soon as they were seated, before Wang Tong could ask a question, Zou Yi said with a smile:

"First of all, congratulations to Brother Wang for his promotion. In Tianjin Wei, there is a lot of money and few officials. He is the first-class foreigner in the Jinyiwei army. I have only heard that the commander is willing to be demoted to do it, but I have never heard of a single person. Baihu can be promoted to this position, this is the grace of the Holy One!"

Wang Tong sighed and asked:
"Brother Zou, you and my family, do you think this promotion is really a good thing?"

"Being a brother also felt that it was not worth it at the beginning. Anyway, I have been with you for so long, and the Lord Long Live took a fancy to you so much that he released a thousand households. But brother didn't realize this time, you are in the capital, and now you are already He is the first-class trusted person of the Long Live Lord, which makes Zhang Ge how to deal with himself, and makes Feng Gonggong how to deal with himself."

A thorn in the side, a thorn in the flesh, these two words came to Wang Tong's mind, thinking that he thought he would be valued by others, and that he would make further success, but he did not expect to bring disaster on himself .

In front of Zou Yi, he naturally behaved more casually. Wang Tong patted his forehead with his hand, and said dejectedly:

"Smug, smug!"

Seeing what he said, Zou Yi also knew that Wang Tong's knot had gone away, so he said in a low voice:

"Even Lord Yifu couldn't open his mouth about this matter. I'm afraid it was a joint effort from the inner palace and the outer court. Who can resist it, but in this matter, it can also be seen that Long Live Lord Brother's trust and value, I heard from acquaintances that at the court meeting in Wenyuan Pavilion that day, Lord Long Live almost confronted the cabinet scholars and the six ministers of the Jiuqing, and refused to give up an inch. It was Zhang Ge who brought the empress dowager out. Let go, brother Wang has a lot to do in the future for this kind of holy family!"

Wang Tong smiled wryly, and said:
"The allusion of three people becoming a tiger, my younger brother has also heard about it. When I go to Tianjin, I don't know how someone will arrange brothers. After a long time, everything is hard to say."

"That's what I thought. Letting you go to Tianjin, Brother Wang, doesn't mean that you will stop writing letters if you don't step into the capital in your life? You won't send things? Isn't this relationship all maintained by people?" ?"

Zou Yi taught a few lessons that he hates iron but not steel. Wang Tong shook his head, got up and saluted with fists, and said with a smile:
"My little brother is indeed thinking about it. If it weren't for Brother Zou's advice, I really wouldn't be able to understand these things."

"It doesn't matter if you hide, Mr. Zhang Ge is very powerful right now, and if you stay away from his old man, you will have less right and wrong. Zhao Jinliang is a smart and motivated kid. You don't have to worry about having our family take care of you. You got this position today. Your relatives in the capital are still old. You don’t need to worry if you have a property, and Eunuch Zhang and our family will help you take care of it, just go at ease!”

Wang Tong pondered for a while, said please wait a while, turned around and went into the room, took out a small box, put it on the table, pushed it to Zou Yi, and said politely:
"Gold is 100 taels. In the future, Big Brother Zou will spend more money for my younger brother. Take these first. When I go to Tianjin in the future, there will still be some filial gifts. At that time, I will have to ask Big Brother Zou to pass it on to Eunuch Zhang, and maybe there will be some for His Majesty." I have to trouble Big Brother Zou to present the tribute!"

Zou Yi didn't look or touch at all. He just nodded with a smile and said, "It's easy to talk about." It was necessary to take out real money. Ever since the two parties got acquainted, Wang Tong gave Zou Yi more than 4000 taels piecemeal. Before leaving, he simply placed a big bet and won over.

"Long Live Lord won't come to the martial arts hall these two days. Brother Wang, you should also relax. Make arrangements for what you need to stay and leave. Take a good rest and start your journey after His Majesty comes down."

Zou Yi said a few gossips before leaving, and before leaving, he called Xiao Cai to come in and take the little box away.

This afternoon, all the classes in the Huwei Martial Arts Hall were suspended, and Chen Sibao and the others also returned to the martial arts hall. The teenagers rarely had leisure time, they were all running and jumping on the playground.

After herding the sheep like this for more than half an hour, the instructor Zhao Da led a group of tailors in and measured the body of each teenager, so that they could make clothes.

A teenager asked about the tailor, and when the instructors left, he excitedly said to everyone:
"Everyone, everyone, I asked just now, and I said that I want to make Mr. Qian's robes for us."

"I said this is martial arts, right!!"

The atmosphere in the martial arts hall suddenly became lively.

(End of this chapter)

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