Chapter 185
On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, Emperor Wanli, who was wearing a dragon robe, came to the Huwei martial arts hall. There was no one in the martial arts hall, and the teenagers were all resting in the dormitory.

Several teachers also returned to their errands in the bank. After Huang Yang taught the teenagers the last lesson, he couldn't help crying when he left, saying that our family will never see you children again. I really can't bear it.

When an eunuch grows old, he has the disposition of an old woman. After spending so long with these vigorous youths, it is inevitable that he will feel reluctant. Moreover, he is very old, and there is really no time to see him again this time.

Huang Yang's news was well-informed, but the teenagers didn't know anything. They were all elated in Mr. Qian's robes, but they were a little stunned by the sadness of the old eunuch.

In comparison, Yu Dayou was much more relaxed. He took his big rough porcelain teacup to the Delicious Restaurant and had a meal with the teenagers, and made a few nasty jokes.

In the afternoon, he patted Li Tao, Sun Xin, and Chen Sibao on the shoulders, patted Li Hutou's head, and went back to Maodong in the small courtyard prepared for him by the Ministry of War, never going out again.

Every day, Li Wenyuan held a spear and silently watched the teenagers playing and laughing. As a result, the extremely happy teenagers also became a little confused and fell silent.

He also stayed in the dormitory in the morning, holding a map to do simple deduction, and those who were not diligent just slept until noon, and the whole martial arts hall became slack.

Wang Tong has seen little Emperor Wanli almost every day in the past year, although he also knows that this is the emperor, and he also knows that this martial arts gym was built for him.

But he couldn't always form a majestic image of the emperor in his mind. The little emperor he saw was a little narrow-minded, vain, and especially cherished friendship. His grades were not good but he tried his best to improve every day. He had many shortcomings. But still a lovely and amiable friend.

The Wanli Emperor I saw today was wearing a black-bottomed dragon robe, and the golden thread painted an exquisite golden dragon pattern on his body. Although the little emperor grew taller and stronger, he was still a bit chubby, but the dragon robe was tailored to fit perfectly. , Wearing it on the body exudes a majestic breath.

Zhang Cheng was standing behind Emperor Wanli in a scarlet python-pattern robe. This was the person closest to Emperor Wanli. In the distance were eunuchs holding various utensils, and there were serious-looking guards wearing light armor inside and outside. .

And South Street was blocked early in the morning by the soldiers and horses of the Four Guards Battalion of the Yumajian. stop patrol.

Emperor Wanli has practiced in this martial arts gym for almost a year, and the guard strength of the people who serve him on weekdays is much less than this, but nothing has happened, but this kind of formal occasion is different, not only for safety, There is also a decent attention to Tianjia.

Wang Tong deeply felt such decency and grandeur, because he was kneeling ten steps away from Emperor Wanli, and the little emperor sat there unsmiling, waiting for Wang Tong to finish prostrating, and said indifferently:
"Wang Qing's family is going to work in Tianjin, what's the problem!?"

There are also clichéd answers, Wang Tong kowtowed respectfully again, and praised:
"Your Majesty's love and care for me, I am very grateful. If I go to Tianjin, I will devote myself to repay the kindness of the Holy One."

Emperor Wanli nodded reservedly, and said in a deep voice:

"Zhang Banban, let everyone retreat outside this room, I have a few words to ask Wang Tong, Zhang Banban, you also stay."

They are now in the big room in the martial arts hall. Upon hearing the emperor's order, the guards and eunuchs who were waiting around bowed and retreated.

The big house was full of firewood at this time, and it was very warm. Seeing Zhang Cheng close the door, Emperor Wanli sighed, and said sadly:
"I wanted to keep you by my side, but in this Ming Dynasty, I can't decide some things. I can only let you go to Tianjin."

After saying this, Wang Tong, who was kneeling over there, and Zhang Cheng, who was walking back, both trembled, and Wang Tong even raised his head regardless of etiquette and said:
"Your Majesty, be careful, these words must never be said."

It is possible for the courtiers to prevent the emperor from saying certain things, and to accuse the emperor of disrespect and ransack the family and exterminate the family. However, Emperor Wanli sighed again and said:
"Zhang Banban, listen to what Wang Tong said. This is a loyal minister. It's a pity that such a caring person like me can't be kept by my side, and I have to send him away from a distance, so as not to lead me down."

During the speech, Emperor Wanli stood up from his seat, his tone had become a little fierce, and he raised his voice and said:

"If I was so easy to be led to ruin, and there are so many dirty tricks in the palace, wouldn't I be ruined long ago, then it will be Wang Tong's turn to lead me, Zhang Banban, you don't have to kneel, I will tell you what I said Talk about it, I won’t go outside and talk about it.”

Emperor Wanli walked a few steps in the room, jumped up and down casually, went to the weapon shelf on the wall again, took a long stick in his hand, set up a banner, and said in a deep voice:
"The widow has not only grown taller in this martial arts hall, but also learned a lot of things, and lived a happy life for almost a year. I have never experienced this before, and I am afraid I will not have it after this."

The room was quiet, and after a while, Emperor Wanli waved his hand at Wang Tong and ordered:

"Get up, you don't have to be so restrained in front of me."

When Wang Tong walked up to him, Emperor Wanli sat back on his seat and said solemnly:
"Wang Tong, you helped me a lot in the matter of seizing love and Ding You, but I can't keep you by my side, and I want to drive you out of the capital. I feel uneasy from time to time."

"Your Majesty said this, and the minister is terrified. Thunder, rain and dew are all blessings. I can go to Tianjin to serve as an errand. I don't know how many people in Jinyi's army are envious. This kind of great favor, I should wholeheartedly repay it!"

From a certain point of view, what Wang Tong was telling was also telling the truth. Emperor Wanli's expression eased a little, and he said:
"I understand the key point. What is the official position of Jinyiwei Qianhu? When I have the opportunity, I will transfer you back to the capital. Apart from this, I will leave you with the career you have done in the capital while you were on duty in Tianjin." , the silver collected every month and every year will also be sent to you, and you don't have to worry about everyone in the capital taking tea, I will send someone to tell you that you are on an errand in Tianjin, and I will let you be comfortable , you will be promoted even more when you return to Beijing."

This was said by the emperor, as weird as it is, Wang Tong also felt quite awkward, and even forgot to kneel down to thank him, but when Emperor Wanli mentioned "this career", he couldn't help but think about it a little. Thinking about it, just when Zhang Cheng was about to scold him for his disrespect, Wang Tong stepped forward and said in a deep voice:
"Your Majesty, I don't know if I should say a few words or not. Please forgive me first."

Emperor Wanli nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, you know that I won't blame you."

"Your Majesty, I have placed safe signs on various brothels and gambling houses in the capital, and asked them to tell them what news they have on a regular basis every day. The previous few things were inquired through this channel."

"You have talked about these things with the widow, and it is inappropriate to say it directly."

"I think that if all the merchants and stores in the capital act according to this method, 20 taels of silver can be collected every year. This money is still a trivial matter. Your majesty's eyes and ears are all over the market, and your majesty will be able to know if there is any trouble. This is a big deal. the benefits of."

The little emperor Wanli was stunned for a moment, and said:
"These things, don't Dongchang, Jinyiwei, Wucheng Bingmasi and Shuntian Mansion all do this, why bother?"

"Your Majesty, the East Factory is short of manpower, and there are many important cases to be investigated. The Jinyiwei has a lot of people, but the good and the bad are mixed, and the actions are cumbersome and rigid. In anyone's hands, His Majesty may not be able to use it well, and the Five Cities Bing Ma Si and Shuntian Mansion are useless..."

The East Factory is in the hands of Feng Bao, the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, and Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jinyiwei, is the follower of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Basically, the intelligence information from these two places will not be directly presented to the Wanli Emperor, or to the Wanli Emperor. The information in hand will definitely not be the original appearance.

You can stop talking, you don’t need to be too clear. When Wang Tong said this, Emperor Wanli was already a little bit moved. Now the little emperor wants to seize power by himself, and he is more and more anxious to know more information. Wang Tong said This organization was just right for him.

"Wang Tong, since you mentioned it, can you tell me in detail?"

"The current system does not need to be greatly changed. It is nothing more than increasing manpower. Yu Ding of Jinyiwei will be used to fill Shuntian Mansion. He will go to various shops and merchants every day, collect money to inquire, and report what he has seen and heard back to Shuntian Mansion. Shuntian Mansion will find more criminals." An old official, transcribe and read these messages every day, and select useful ones to report."

Wanli frowned, looked back at Zhang Cheng, and Zhang Cheng said knowingly:

"Wang Tong, your method doesn't seem to be effective. Firstly, the Shuntian Mansion will intervene in this matter, and secondly, what's the use of just asking."

"The reason why people from Shuntian Mansion are used is to avoid discussions between the government and the public, such as talking about the re-opening of the West Factory. Moreover, Shuntian Mansion is not high-level, has no power and power, and it is easy for His Majesty to control it. Moreover, with Those merchants collect money directly in the name of tax collection, which can be regarded as a cover in name."

Seeing the emperor and Zhang Cheng listening intently, Wang Tong continued:
"People from Shuntian Mansion don't need to be in charge of Shuntian Mansion, just set up a new yamen, and use Shuntian Mansion's judges and judges to manage it. If you want to take action, so many people from Dongchang and Jinyiwei will naturally be able to mobilize .”

Emperor Wanli began to nod slowly, Wang Tong looked at Zhang Cheng, and said again:
"The general leader of Shuntian Mansion needs a person from the inner court to contact and guide him. I take the liberty to think that Zhang Cheng and Eunuch Zhang are the most suitable."

Wanli was taken aback, and Zhang Cheng was taken aback.
Happy weekend, Laobai doesn’t have weekends, he needs code words, ^_^, come on, come on
(End of this chapter)

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