Chapter 186

Emperor Wanli had many words of resentment towards Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng in his words, and Zhang Cheng was listening from the side. Right now, you can tell who is the most trusted person in the inner palace.

Just now when Wang Tong explained the various aspects of the new government office, the other two listened fascinated, but they also felt that this was Wang Tong's strategy to stay for himself. In the end, the head of the new agency would most likely recommend himself.

Unexpectedly, the two people Wang Tong mentioned, one is a civil servant and the other is Zhang Cheng. In this way, they have nothing to do with Wang Tong, so it can be said that the establishment of the new yamen has no selfish intentions.

Emperor Wanli pondered for a while, and asked again:
"Every time the imperial court wants to increase taxes, it always says from top to bottom that it disturbs the people. The imperial court should not compete with the people for profit. If this new government office is established, there will inevitably be a lot of discussions. How should we deal with it?"

The emperor began to ask for details, which meant that the matter had been approved, and he began to think about how to implement it. Wang Tong had already prepared for this, and replied loudly:

"Take it from the people and use it for the people. The city walls of the capital, the government servants who patrol the city, and the grain that the imperial court spent a lot of money to transfer from the south of the Yangtze River did not spend money to occupy a place in the capital and make money by doing business. , receiving these benefits in vain, but making no contribution, how can this be justified!?"

Daming's business tax is a joke. There are many shops on South Street. Wang Tong chats from time to time and learns some things that he finds unbelievable.

From the 42nd year of Jiajing to the present, the commercial tax has only been collected twice, and the collection method is even more absurd. The governor of Shuntian Prefecture placed an account book and a box at the door, and the yamen servants knocked on the gong to notify them everywhere.

Merchants who are willing to pay taxes go to the account books at the entrance of the government office to write down their income, and then throw the money that should be paid into the box by themselves. There is no one watching at the door.

It is said that it lasted for three days, and a total of three, two, and three dollars was collected. The eunuch who was in charge of the Yumajian almost fainted out of anger, but the governor got the reputation of being honest and honest, and never disturbing the people.

Now that Ming's business and domestic and foreign trade are gradually prospering, the merchants are basically not taxed, but they always make up their minds in the fields of Shengdou Xiaomin. I really don't know if I don't understand it or deliberately don't think about it.

The Ping An brand can be regarded as a tax collection on the profiteering industry. In Wang Tong's next plan, the small Ping An brand will be issued next year, and ordinary merchants will also have to pay money. Unfortunately, the capital has to be transferred out now, so it cannot be implemented.

Emperor Wanli patted the chair lightly with his hand, and said slowly:
"Mr. Zhang often said that the world's wealth is a fixed amount. The treasury must have accumulated surpluses. First, we must clean up the fields, find out the hidden fields of those treacherous people, and increase the tax base. Second, we must consolidate the corvee taxes. Things have become an evil government that is useless to the people. If you don’t convert it into money and collect it, if there is any labor issue, then send it out. The country will lose unnecessary subsidies and losses. The third is to live within its means and save various expenses... According to what you said, if it is implemented in the capital and the entire Ming Dynasty does this, how much money will be spent out of thin air..."

Emperor Wanli's inquiry was almost like talking to himself, but Wang Tong understood a lot. The economic policy that Zhang Juzheng instilled in the little emperor Wanli should be tight finances, and he still made a fuss about land tax.

Even if Wang Tongcai has been out of the capital once, he also knows that the workshops and businesses in Su Songchang in Nanzhili, Hangjiahu in Zhejiang, Huguang, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other places are extremely prosperous. It depends on how much more agriculture eats, but no one collects taxes.

"My servant interjected, what Wang Tong said is indeed the truth, but His Majesty must not say what he just said."

Zhang Cheng, who has always been respectful, couldn't help interjecting. Seeing the eyes of the little emperor and Wang Tong, Zhang Cheng said in a low voice:
"Your Majesty, the shops and workshops opened by ordinary people are inextricably linked with the officials behind them, especially everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River. To collect taxes from them is tantamount to cutting their flesh. If Your Majesty wants to do this It is bound to be a big trouble, why did Mr. Zhang Ge only mention the land tax and not the business and trade matters, he also thought of this!"

Even Zhang Juzheng, who is in charge of the world and has power in the government, is afraid of this matter. It is conceivable what kind of resistance will be encountered if he touches this interest group.

The little emperor's expression became hesitant again, and he said in a low voice:
"If the capital collects business tax, wouldn't it be troublesome? I also know more or less who is behind those merchants."

"Your Majesty, the land of the capital, under the feet of the emperor, is not so lawless. Brothels charge more, ordinary merchants charge less, and there is no need for taxation. If you talk about the cost of buying a brand, no one else will be able to say anything."

Wang Tong followed up. Emperor Wanli was silent for a while, and finally made up his mind, and said:
"Zhang Banban, what Wang Tong said makes sense. You are the one to catch the general manager. I will leave the matter of Shuntian Mansion to that Lu who will handle it. The people from the East Factory will ask you to order them around. Jinyiwei will let Wang Tong recommend it." A reliable one, let’s get this thing done together, this job is considered to be the Supervisor of Ceremonies, what’s the name?”

"Secretary of Justice..."

"It's a good name, long-term peace and stability. The Public Security Department will be temporarily headed by Lu Tongsan from Shuntian Mansion. All matters will be reported to you, Zhang Cheng, and have nothing to do with Shuntian Mansion."

Zhang Cheng took out a film from his pocket. He had a pen and a brass tube around his waist. He dipped the pen into the copper tube and quickly recorded on the film.

This matter was considered a preliminary agreement. Emperor Wanli looked at Wang Tong with a look of approval on his face, and said with a smile:
"The more I tell you, the more I want to keep you. It's a pity that the money collected by the Secretary of Public Security can't treat you badly. I will allocate one third to you every year."

According to Wang Tong's previous rough estimate, the Department of Public Security received 20 taels a year, which can only be said to be unqualified. Even so, one-third of the amount would be 7 taels, which is really a huge sum of money.

Wang Tong hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed to thank him, but when his head touched the floor, his mind moved, and when he lifted it up, he said loudly:
"Take it from the people and use it for the people. After you get the money, you must spend it for something useful."

These words really scratched the itch. Emperor Wanli turned his head to look at Zhang Cheng, clapped his palms together, and said with a smile:

"Look, this is called Gongzhong Tiguo, this is my loyal subject, what are you going to do with this money?"

Wang Tong raised his head and said:
"Your Majesty, the Tiger's Mighty Martial Arts Hall has been quite effective so far. The youngsters are diligent and studious, and they are guided by famous teachers. They are now the seeds of famous generals. It would be a pity if they were to be disbanded like this. If someone is willing to go to Tianjin with me, I plan to set up a martial arts school there again, to train a lot of generals who are loyal to His Majesty, who are also brave and courageous, to train an elite soldier who is unwaveringly loyal to His Majesty, and to give some useful talents to Ming Dynasty."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Wanli was also a little excited, stood up from his seat and said loudly:
"This money is spent in the right place. These young people in the martial arts hall I come into contact with every day. They are all young heroes, and they are all the talents of the Ming Dynasty. It would be a pity if they were wasted. Put what you have learned into practice. Send out a loyal army and let these youngsters act as generals, well done!! Well done!!"

The ink on the film Zhang Cheng had just recorded had dried up, and he was about to put it in his arms, when he heard Wang Tong and Emperor Wanli's question and answer, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

The old eunuch sighed in his heart, Wang Tong is not very old, but he really knows how to please the emperor, he is young and knows how to train soldiers, he is nothing more than trying to please Emperor Wanli, but this ability to please the emperor is really a one-off wait a minute.

"Everyone came out of the Tiger's Mighty Martial Arts Hall. The soldiers and horses you trained are called the Tiger's Mighty Army. They will be hung under the Horse Guard first."

Emperor Wanli was talking excitedly there, while Wang Tong kowtowed to the ground again and said loudly:
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the name!!"

It's been almost half an hour since the martial arts youths in Qian Zong's robes gathered on the playground, even though they were wearing a lot of clothes, they couldn't stand still here, and it was the cold weather of the twelfth lunar month, and it was terribly cold.

Some people danced lightly there, but everyone didn't complain about the cold, but looked around excitedly or talked in low voices.

Around the front, back, left, and right sides of the boys' formation, there were heavily armed soldiers looking at the boys with serious eyes. Outside the soldiers, there were eunuchs in charge of various duties. Sure enough, the emperor was coming to see everyone.

When the teenagers were called from the dormitory to gather here, they were told that the emperor was coming and he wanted to summon everyone.

Now no one doubts that the Huwei Martial Arts Hall is a martial arts school opened by the imperial court. There are eunuchs and famous generals from the Imperial Horse Supervisor giving lectures, and they wear the robes of Mr. Qian. Many are just a total.These surprises are not counted, there is actually a summon from the emperor.

Everyone was in high spirits, wondering what their future would be like. On the contrary, Chen Sibao and the others knew a little about the recent changes in the court because of their family relationship. They gathered at the back of the team and whispered, quieter than usual a lot.

Li Hutou looked back and forth, and kept saying:

"Where did Brother Wang go, and where did Huang Yijun go? The emperor is coming, why are the two of them gone?"

Several middle-aged eunuchs walked back and forth in front of the team expressionlessly, telling the excited teenagers how to salute and praise later, not to lose their dignity.

Suddenly heard a long announcement: Your Majesty is here~~~
The soldiers in front of the boys scattered to both sides, and a man in a dragon robe slowly walked up to the temporary wooden platform set up in front of the boys' team.

The eunuchs urged in a low voice: "Kneel down, kneel down!"

But the teenagers didn't follow suit. They all stared at the emperor on the stage in a daze, and some couldn't help but say:
"This isn't Huang Yijun, could it be that he is the emperor!!!??"

(End of this chapter)

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