Chapter 187

Seeing the little fat man who was with him day and night wearing a dragon robe and standing on the wooden platform with a serious face, the teenagers immediately exploded.

For a moment, I forgot to kneel down to praise the emperor, and I was at a loss. Some people stared and looked around, and some people dragged their companions around them.

The eunuchs who were in charge of teaching etiquette just now turned pale with fright, and urgently urged:

"Get down on your knees, get down on your knees, shout long live, shout long live."

The teenagers in the martial arts hall came to their senses for the first time, and began to kneel down in different moods. Some were excited, while others were apprehensive, especially at the beginning of the martial arts hall when they besieged Wang Tong, Wanli and Li Hu. Among the teenagers of the first three, Li Tao, who was the leader, turned pale.

Chen Sibao and the people around him were so excited that it was hard to put into words. As the noble children of the capital, they knew what this meant. At least the prosperity and wealth of their own generation would not be a problem.

Goodness, thanks to that time I went to Zhenxing Building for a drink, thanks to looking for a venue the next day, thanks to the fight with Anping Hou's family in Shima Lane, I have such a little friendship with Long Live Lord, maybe I will eat it for a few lifetimes Endless!
The teenagers all knelt down, only Li Hutou stood there with his mouth open. The closest person in the martial arts gym was actually the emperor, Li Hutou couldn't believe it.

The man on the stage was wearing a dragon robe, with a majestic look on his face, wasn't he just that little fat man, he was a little thinner than when we first met, other than that, it was different.

Only Li Hutou was standing alone, and several guards around him ran over with angry faces and wanted to push this impolite boy down. Who would have thought that before he arrived, he heard a loud shout from the stage:
"Whoever dares to touch him, I will cut him!"

The movements of the imperial guards immediately stopped, and they bowed their hands and stepped aside. Emperor Wanli stretched out his hand and pressed down, saying hello:

"Tiger head, you have to kneel down first, or else it's against the rules!"

Li Hutou was still in a daze, when he heard this "oh", he knelt down, this is still the way of speaking in the martial arts gym, everyone couldn't help but relax a lot when they heard it.

Behind him, Chen Sibao couldn't help but look up at Li Hutou, his eyes were full of envy, this kid didn't know what kind of luck he had in his previous life, he actually made friends with Lord Long Live, and he didn't know what kind of glory and wealth he has in this life !
"I am the Son of Heaven, and I stayed with you in this martial arts hall for a year. Wang Tong is my confidant, and he organized this martial arts hall."

Before Wanli finished speaking, Wang Tong walked in from the outside, stood under the wooden platform, held his head high and held his chest high as a salute to the teenagers below.

The seal letter of the Ministry of War has been issued by the Jinyiwei's experience department. Wang Tong is now wearing the armor of Jinyiwei Qianhu and a silver waist badge.

"I have learned a lot during this year in the martial arts hall with you, and I am very happy every day. I am really reluctant to say goodbye today."

respectively?The teenagers forgot for a moment that Huang Yijun was the emperor. They looked at each other, not knowing the meaning of this sentence. Emperor Wanli said on it again:
"My country is busy, and Wang Tong is going to Tianjin to take up the post. The martial arts hall will be disbanded in the next day. It's just that everyone is not in the martial arts hall, but the mind must be the same as in the martial arts hall. Practice and study every day, and become the pillar of my great Ming soon. You are talented, come to serve the court as soon as possible, and serve the widows. You are 100 people who go out in the martial arts hall. You have to teach others what you have learned. In the Ming Dynasty, this martial arts hall is set up everywhere. No, it is martial arts. !!"

The teenagers were so excited when they heard it, they all bowed down and replied loudly:
"I would like to follow His Majesty's will, and I will serve the country loyally and serve the country, and I will serve my life to the death."

Hearing the teenagers talking like this, Emperor Wanli looked at an eunuch next to him with dissatisfaction, and complained:

"I don't want to do these false things, it's so awkward now."

The eunuch bowed with a smile and said in a low voice:
"Long live, you can't mess with the rules of etiquette. If you don't do this, I don't know how many people will have their mouths twisted."

Emperor Wanli shook his head, ignored it, turned his head and said loudly:

"I designate each of you as Chief Qian. If you are willing to go back to your hometown, you will be given a real job in the army. The rest will depend on your own performance. If you earn military merit, you will naturally have glory and wealth waiting for you. Your future is boundless. If you rely on my trust to act recklessly, I will not tolerate it!!!"

The teenagers responded in unison again. Emperor Wanli was talking, but he couldn't control his emotions. He opened his mouth several times and couldn't speak. He covered his eyes with his hands and lowered his head. After a long silence, he raised his head and brought some Tremolo said:
"The widow is reluctant to part with you, and is reluctant to leave you!"

The teenagers below were also a little emotional at this time. Some knelt on the ground and did not look up, while others bit their lips to hold back crying. I know that it will not be easy to see Huang Yijun in the future.

When everyone thought the matter was over, Emperor Wanli stepped down from the stage, stared back at the eunuchs who followed, and said loudly:

"Captains, let's form a circle with the widow as the center!"

Although everyone was a little baffled, they still made a big circle according to Emperor Wanli's instructions. This is also a fun training item for the queue on weekdays.

After forming a circle, Wanli stood in the center of the circle and said:
"I met you once in this martial arts gym, and we have been together for a year. After all, it is fate. We will support and take care of each other in the future. If you kneel down and worship, it is considered as mutual worship.

The teenagers knelt down with Emperor Wanli as the center of the circle, and bowed down in unison. Those who could not control their emotions were already a little choked up. Emperor Wanli did not kneel, but cupped his hands, and solemnly bowed in all directions several times.

The eunuch who followed saw the emperor making such a move, and immediately panicked. How could the emperor do this with these low-status teenagers? He was about to run out, but was stopped by Zhang Cheng, who shook his head slowly, and everyone dared not Messed up.

In the evening, a lot of delicacies were prepared in the Delicious Hall, and the cooks and staff from the Zhenxing Building came here to prepare them. Jiang Zhonggao, who was in the imperial dining room, led them to make delicious delicacies.

In the past, the teenagers must have cheered and cheered, but the atmosphere in the delicious restaurant tonight was not good, everyone just stared blankly at the delicious food in front of them, not moving their chopsticks at all.

Zhang Hongying and others who had already arrived at Zhuangzi outside the city also came back and were busy in the house. Zhang Hongying knew that these teenagers were leaving soon, so she couldn't help crying, her eyes were red and she urged the teenagers to eat more. Don't leave it to waste.

She walked past some tables, and some teenagers knelt down to kowtow to Zhang Hongying, saying that sister Hongying took such good care of me, and there was nothing to repay, so kowtow first to thank her.

On weekdays, Zhang Hongying took care of some relatively weak teenagers, which made these teenagers who left home very grateful. On this occasion, they thought that there was no chance of seeing each other again, so they simply kowtowed.

Zhang Hongying was not very old, so she could bear it there. After the two boys kowtowed, she couldn't help crying and ran out.

As a result, the atmosphere became even heavier. When Wang Tong came in, he was almost knocked down by Zhang Hongying. He was a little surprised. As soon as he entered the room, the teenagers all stood up from their seats when they saw that it was him. Hu, who is as close as the emperor, and who is vaguely the leader of everyone in the martial arts hall, no one dares to neglect right now.

When Wang Tong came here, he just told the young men that the Ministry of War and the Imperial Horse Supervisor had sent people over. The young men were going home again. Tongtong sent people to escort him, and gave the travel expenses in silver, and Wang Tong also wanted to take this opportunity to ask who would like to go to Tianjin with him.

Who would have thought that as soon as he entered the door, Sun Xin knelt down for him, kowtowed a few times, and said solemnly:
"My lord Wang, our family has reached the next generation, and we thought it was going to fall, but I didn't expect this opportunity to revive the family, such a great favor, please accept it!"

He knelt down in such a solemn manner, many young men from the families of the small officers in the room also knelt down, Wang Tong was not used to it, the young men who were friends with him on weekdays suddenly showed such respect.

Back in the palace, Emperor Wanli's mood can be imagined, not very good, he finished his meal at the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li's side in a muffled voice, and went back to the palace to sleep.

Although Zhang Cheng, who had been with him all day, was exhausted, he didn't go to bed early, nor did he go to the duty room of the Rites Supervisor to handle government affairs. Instead, he sent someone to call Zou Yi over.

After turning off the screen, Zhang Cheng told Zou Yi about today's events in detail. Zou Yi's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he lowered his voice and said excitedly:
"Godfather, now Eunuch Feng holds Dongchang, and he has all the news and people's sentiments on his side. If godfather can set up this security department, money is a trivial matter. It means that we have our own eyes, ears and eyes. Godfather will be here in the future The position of the chief of ceremonies is different again!"

Zhang Cheng rubbed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Xue Zhanye has been working in Prince Yu's Mansion since he was 14 years old. Our family takes care of him. He is safe to use. Lu Wancai is at Shuntian Mansion. This man is quite decent in his work. Jin Yiwei uses Wang Tong to keep him here. "

Zou Yi hesitated for a while, but still stepped forward and said:
"Godfather, why not use the one we are familiar with, after all, Wang Tong is going to Tianjin, and what will happen in the future is still unknown, so there is no need to give this favor!"

The exchange between Emperor Wanli and Wang Tong in the daytime flashed through Zhang Cheng's mind, and he already had some calculations in his mind, so he didn't explain the reason, but just reprimanded him with a straight face:

"Confused! What is the holy will? We can't take risks to gamble. Tomorrow morning, you say hello to Xue Zhanye and ask him to go to Wang Tong's properties. From now on, he will take care of those places. If there is anything he can't take care of Let him come to our house directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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