Chapter 188
"...Huang Yijun is the emperor, Huang Yijun is the emperor..."

"Go and stay at your senior brother's house, you've been talking about it all night!!"

In Wang Tong's main room, Li Hutou was obviously over excited, wandering around the room after dinner, muttering non-stop.

Li Wenyuan and the others gathered in Wang Tong's room. The kid was bouncing around, and everyone didn't need to talk about things. Li Wenyuan frowned and scolded.

Li Hu shrank his head, lifted the curtain and ran out. There was a burst of laughter in the room, but it was kind.

These people under Wang Tong have been preparing for a catastrophe in the past few days, resettling their families, and investigating the route out of Beijing. The first stop has been placed somewhere in Hejian.

But after Wang Tong's appointment, and the fact that Emperor Wanli went to the martial arts hall to speak this afternoon, everyone's worries disappeared, and now everyone in the main room has a look of joy and encouragement on their faces.

For Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang, they didn't know who Wang Tong's real backer was, and they left the capital just to avoid disaster.

I didn't expect to find out today that Wang Tong is actually the Emperor Wanli, and the appointment doesn't seem like a disaster. For Jin Yiwei like them, their boss will be sent to other places to serve as officials, and he is still the general. The thousands of households, they don't want to leave the Wanli Emperor, there is no greater glory and wealth, they just think, if their boss gets a fat job from outside, wouldn't their family go up with the tide.

Now everyone is a small flag. When you arrive in Tianjin, why don't you make a fortune, let alone get a lot of extra money than Fenghou here.

Ma Sanbiao and Tan Jiang are busy, almost all of them have been vacated, and life is very inconvenient. Wang Tong will not leave until five days later, and he has to bring back what he needs.

Wang Tong took a glance, and everyone's expressions fell into his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Ma Sanbiao shouting loudly outside:
"Master, Lu Tongpan is here."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Tong turned his head and asked Li Wenyuan:
"Have you heard anything about the Andingmen?"

"Returning to the master, I have asked. Those who have committed crimes only need to pass through the Anding Gate during the day and pay the money in advance. When the old Dong is on duty, he will go out. No one will stop the questioning."

After Li Wenyuan finished speaking in a deep voice, Wang Tong raised his voice and shouted outside:
"Master Lu, please come in!"

It took only a few words, and he couldn't feel the waiting. Lu Wancai walked in with casual clothes, and he clasped his fists solemnly as soon as he entered the door, but said in his mouth:

"Congratulations to Mr. Wang for his promotion, first of all, I wish you great success in the future."

"Master Lu is too annoying, sit down quickly."

Everyone in the room, especially Sun Dahai, who is so hot-tempered, didn't have a good face when they saw Lu Wancai coming in. Zhang Shiqiang and Li Wenyuan also looked indifferent, but Wang Tong knew that Lu Wancai, a civil servant, could do this. It's not easy, the abrupt bow just now at the door actually meant apology.

Seeing the smile on Wang Tong's face, Lu Wancai felt relieved and sat down sideways. Wang Tong turned around and said to Li Wenyuan:
"Brother Li, once my younger brother leaves, you will take care of the affairs of the capital, so you have to worry more about that!"

Li Wenyuan quickly stood up, bowed and cupped his fists and said:

"My lord, please don't worry, my lord's property in the capital will be guarded by my subordinates, and there will be no mistakes."

"In the future, you will not only be busy with this guard, but also with many errands."

Wang Tong said with a smile. Seeing Li Wenyuan's confused face, he told everyone in the room what he had said about the security department with Emperor Wanli today. Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang didn't care too much. But such a calm character like Li Wenyuan became excited, and the folding fan that Lu Wancai kept in his hand fell to the ground.

He bent down to pick it up.As soon as he left his seat, after thinking about it, he simply knelt down to Wang Tong, bowed three times, then straightened up and clasped his fists and said:

"Without Mr. Wang's support, how could such wealth and honor fall on Lu's head. From now on, Mr. Wang will be Lu's benefactor, but with encouragement, there is no difference between water and fire."

After finishing speaking sonorously, he knocked his head on the ground again. Anyone with a little experience in the officialdom will know what the Secretary of Public Security represents. Even if the rank has not changed, he may still be criticized by the government and the public, but this is great wealth. It's like everyone scolding Dongchang and Jinyiwei as imperial eagle dogs, but if there is a chance to do it, no one is unwilling to do it.

What does it mean to detect the affairs of the government and the public, and go straight to Tianting? It can even be said to suddenly enter the inner circle, or have the opportunity to serve the inner circle.

Lu Wancai is a juren, and since he met Wang Tong, he has been frightened a lot, but he has made a lot of money, and his official career is full of surprises.

Now I know better that Wang Tong goes directly to Tianting, although I don't know how to do it in the future after being far away from the capital, it may persuade the emperor to set up this security department, and even the staff can recommend a good location.

What kind of trust is this in front of the emperor, and what kind of grace is needed to do this? Although I felt that it was not easy for me to shrink my head and report the news secretly, in Wang Tong, a young and energetic In the heart of the warrior, maybe he felt cold, not to mention that when he came in, he saw that Sun Dahai and the others looked wrong.

For such a character, it is not a disadvantage to consider himself a disciple, but it is too late.

Wang Tong didn't reach out to help Lv Wancai pay respects, but sat there with a smile and said:

"The Secretary of Public Security is very important to us. Wenyuan and Wancai are here. We must protect the foundation we have laid down, and don't allow others to take it away."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Li Wenyuan also knelt down, bowed together with Lu Wancai, and said:
"Please rest assured, my lord!"

Wang Tong has always called Li Wenyuan and Lu Wancai "big brothers", but just now he showed the patriarch's attitude towards disciples. Before leaving to entrust, this attitude must be clarified, and there must be no intention of taking advantage of loopholes and slack.

Seeing the two people so respectful, Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and said indifferently:

"If there is anything that can't be taken care of, it will be enough for the capital to go to Tianjin Wei Kuaima for three days. Tell me, and I will find someone to solve it."

The Department of Public Security was originally a structure where Lu Wancai and Li Wenyuan could directly report to Zhang Cheng, but Wang Tong said so, but there was a hidden meaning, which was to show that Wang Tong himself could contact the capital at any time, so don’t think that he could do whatever he wanted, even though he was not in the capital. But there are also means of control.

Smart people don't need to say much, Lu Wancai bowed down and got up and said respectfully:
"Please don't worry, my lord, the capital is about to deal with a major event, and my subordinates will send it to Tianjin as soon as possible, so that your lord will know as soon as possible."

A gentle smile appeared on Wang Tong's face, he got up and helped the two people in front of him who were more than twice his age, and said with a smile:

"We are all from our own family. How could we be more polite today? Sit down and sit down, which made me feel uncomfortable."

Everyone laughed, and Wang Tong said to Sun Dahai:
"Greeting Sanbiao and General Tan to come in, everyone sit down, no one should go to bed too early tonight, there are still many things to discuss."

As soon as the person was called in, Wang Tong asked people to sit down and said directly to Li Wenyuan next to him:
"Brother Li, Hutou is still young. When I am here, I can still stare at him every day. When I am not, Brother Li must take care of him and not let him make a small mistake. You know, Your Majesty and He is very close, this sky-shattering wealth is right in front of you, don't be put off by small things!"

Li Wenyuan was originally an instructor of the Huwei Martial Arts Academy. Emperor Wanli and Li Hutou played together every day, and he could see how close they were. Li Hutou was better at fighting than Emperor Wanli, and many times he stood in the way of Emperor Wanli In front of him, the relationship between the two youngest ones is very good.

Now that Emperor Wanli's identity is clear, anyone who is a little smarter will know what kind of future Li Hutou will have in the future, but he is young, simple-minded, and has nothing to do with political affairs, and even civil servants will not treat him too much Beware of taboos, prosperity and wealth are already a certainty.

Hearing Wang Tong's advice, everyone in the room couldn't help laughing, it sounded like Wang Tong was Li Hutou's biological father, and Li Wenyuan was just a passerby.

"Hutou will not stay in Beijing, but go to Tianjin with your lord."

Wang Tong was a little stunned. Why, Li Wenyuan shook his head and said:
"Hutou is too young, such a sudden wealth will not do him any good, but it will harm him. During this period of time with adults, he has been disciplined by adults, and Hutou has become more sensible. This time, there are few people who are close to Tianjin. I can still show my head and hands, and I have seen blood, so I feel relieved to be a guard by my side."

Since Li Hutou's father said so, Wang Tong didn't insist on it anymore. Although Li Hutou was still young, he was the first person close to him. If he went to Tianjin and was unfamiliar with his life, there was indeed someone who could rest assured. .

"Da Hai, tomorrow you and Brother Li will take someone to the place where the Ping An sign is distributed. The money will continue to be collected, and if someone causes trouble, they will be beaten back severely. Otherwise, Brother Li's errands will be difficult to do in the future. "

Taking orders here, Wang Tong turned around and said to General Tan:
"Except for luggage and groceries, don't move other things into the city. The horses on the village outside are all equipped with harnesses. If there are not enough carts, just spend money to buy them."

Tan Jiang quickly nodded and listened, then asked again:
"Master, the blacksmith workshop outside the city has a lot of people and a lot of things. At least it needs six big carts. I'm thinking about it. Is it possible to make a move in the capital and go to Tianjin Sanwei to buy it."

Wang Tong waved his hand and said in a deep voice:
"Take them all away. In this workshop, I don't care about money, as long as I can make something for me."

General Tan hastily bowed to answer, but when he straightened up, he exchanged glances with other people in the room, thinking that our master spends money very frugally on weekdays, and there are no skilled craftsmen in this workshop, so why do you care so much? There is a big official workshop for firearms manufacturing in Wei, who can't be hired?
I have something to do this afternoon and night. I slept for five hours last night and rushed out of this chapter. Chapter 2 is almost an hour later.

(End of this chapter)

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