Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 189 Taking care of the chaos in the Qin Pavilion

Chapter 189 Taking care of the chaos in the Qin Pavilion
Wang Tongcai made the arrangements, and before he started to act the next day, a dead-faced head of the Ministry of War and Hou Baihu from the Experience Department came to urge Wang Tong to take up his post as soon as possible.

The relationship between the Ministry of War and Jin Yiwei was based on issuing documents as usual, and there was no interest involved. The head of the Ministry of War seemed to be here to drive people away. Hou Baihu from the experience department had dealt with Wang Tong many times, and he knew about this matter. Clearly, I thought Wang Tong was finished this time, and the cabinet raised such a big storm to deal with a small hundred household, wouldn't this small hundred household have no place to die.

Unexpectedly, when the result came out, Wang Tong was kicked out of the capital, and he was actually sent to Tianjin Sanwei to punish Qianhu. Others didn't know, but Hou Baihu knew that Jinyi's army and several Xungui families were responsible for this. The position broke the head, but Wang Tong got it in the end. Thinking about who is behind this makes people shudder.

The principal kept urging, while Hou Baihu kept smiling and said repeatedly:
"My lord Wang is going out of Beijing this time. If there is not enough carts or money for the move, everyone in the army can make up for it. I can't make it hard for my own family."

"Subordinate Xue Zhanye, pay respects to Eunuch Zhang."

In front of the big and small leaders of Dongchang, the eunuch Zhang Cheng, the supervisor of ceremonies, was not as unambiguous as Feng Bao, the eunuch of the palm seal, but he was also extremely prestigious.

The first place in the ranking of the supervisor of ceremonies is the palm seal eunuch, who is the head of the internal supervision office, and the second is in charge of the east factory, called the factory owner or factory owner. Looking at the old rules, the palm seal and the factory owner cannot be held by the same person, and Feng Bao holds the same position. These two positions are naturally in the hands of power, in addition to holding the office and the etiquette room.

As usual, if the eunuch who is in charge of the study room or the etiquette room is in charge of the etiquette room, he must be transferred to the internal official supervisor, but Feng Bao also broke this law.

The weight is like a mountain, but there are also so many things like a mountain. Even if Feng Bao wants to take over, he can't take care of it at all. As a result, he is grasping power, but Zhang Cheng is still required to assist in the general affairs of Dongchang.

"Xue Baihu, our own family, don't be so polite, get up!"

Xue Zhanye, a hundred households in Dongchang, thanked him again, stood up, and Zhang Cheng smiled and said:
"Think about when you were in Prince Yu's Mansion, you were still a stupid wild boy, and now you are standing alone."

"If it weren't for the father-in-law's promotion and care, the young one in Jiajing 44 would have been beheaded, and that would still be today."

After a few words of politeness from both sides, Zhang Cheng vaguely explained the matter of the Department of Public Security. Even though Xue Zhanye had a calm temperament, he couldn't help but move excitedly.

"You have a steady temper, and you are close to our family, and you have a good relationship with Wang Tong. You will take the lead in the East Factory, the errand of the Department of Public Security, but it is estimated that it will be a year later, you I have a preparation in my heart, and I have thought about who I should use."

Xue Zhanye cupped his fists and bowed deeply, and quickly agreed. When he raised his head, he asked hesitantly:

"Eunuch Zhang, Feng Qianhu's side..."

"Of course he will know the decree. Our Feng Jin only has Eunuch Feng in his eyes. Don't bother him. There is one thing I need to explain to you. All these things are Wang Tong's suggestion. Long Live Lord adopts it." Yes, Wang Tong is a man you can weigh and understand?"

It is said that Feng Jin is Feng Bao's grandnephew, who is in charge of Qianhu in Dongchang, and is Feng Bao's diehard loyalist. He never buys other eunuchs, so Zhang Cheng has such a saying.

"Everyone discussed earlier that Wang Tong left the capital, and it will not be a big problem to be a commander in a few years. How to go next depends on whether the Holy One still remembers the relationship. According to what my father-in-law just said, Wang Tong has a bright future. Here, it’s impossible to guess how far it has gone.”

"Our family also thinks the same way. Wang Tong has made a lot of property in Beijing in the past six months. Let's take care of him. If there is a day when he comes back, this is a real relationship. .”

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, how could a thoughtful person like Xue Zhanye not understand, he clasped his fists and said:
"Thank you, Eunuch Zhang, for reminding me that my subordinates will lead people to walk through the merchants that have obtained the Ping An brand today, and say hello to people everywhere, so that no one will take the opportunity to cause trouble."

Before the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, businesses around the world will be closed to make it easier for shopkeepers to go home for the New Year. On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, even local shops will be closed.

But the gambling house is different from the brothel. The gambling shop does not stop during the Chinese New Year. The few days of the Chinese New Year are when gamblers have some spare money, while the brothel will be closed before the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month. Keep this rule, but those high-end big businesses do it like this.

It is said that they are afraid that some businessmen from other places will miss Goulan and will not go back to celebrate the New Year. The families of these pleasure-seekers are afraid that they will cause trouble.

Moreover, it was opened too late in the local area. At the time of the new year, some people's usual jealousy may become very jealous at this time. The art of coloring is charming, not the first time in bed, and it also needs a period of recuperation and rest.

On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, many people waited early in the teahouses around Qin Pavilion. Let's take a quick look, and there are some other rumors that make everyone feel that they may not be able to see it in the future.

Song Chanchan didn't know the news of Wang Tong's position change, and after reporting the letter that day, she came back and lived in fear. Although there was no disaster coming, she didn't hear too much news in the Qin Pavilion.

The only thing that can be heard is the story of "the chief minister's righteous courage to drive out evil spirits" happily talked about by the officials and scholars. Song Chanchan is a person who has personally experienced the turmoil in the officialdom, and knows the horror of this matter. He didn't dare to have anything to do with Wang Tong, for fear of being implicated.

Closing the door early is also to avoid disasters as soon as possible.

Song Chanchan was in her small house, the doors of the house were wide open, and a steward was bowing down to report to Song Chanchan who was wearing a peony satin cloak.

Whether it was reporting or listening, her face was quite ugly. Finally, Song Chanchan nodded, gritted her teeth and said:
"There's nothing we can do if we know. Anyway, we didn't buy these eighteen girls with money, and it's not because of my aunt's pain to steal them. Those little girls have long been willing."

After speaking, he walked towards the Qin Pavilion, and the steward hurriedly followed.

The so-called "Eighteen Heavenly Girls in Yaochi" are the cash cows of the Qin Pavilion, so the treatment is naturally different. Song Chanchan arranged a private courtyard for them alone, with a separate living room, and hired a professional woman to take care of them when they groomed and dressed. these girls.

When Song Chanchan walked into the yard, she could hear chattering in the room. These girls didn't know how to feel sad, and they were very happy in the room.

Song Chanchan opened the door and went in. The girls who were dressing up in the room saw that it was her, they all got up and said a blessing, and said softly:
"Say hello to Sister Song."

Looking at these carefree girls, Song Chanchan sighed and said in a low voice:

"Yesterday, Fang Zhongping, the third son of Anping Hou's family, and his gang of cronies played a game in Fushou Building. They have already divided up your sisters. Whoever wants it will push Pai Gow out."

The girls couldn't help being startled when they heard this statement, and then they all screamed in surprise. Song Chanchan's ability to perceive words and expressions is first-class, and she has seen that the "Eighteen Heavenly Girl" was clearly full of joy before she was surprised, and she almost I'm about to cover my mouth and snicker.

Song Chanchan shook her head, found a chair to sit down, and said calmly:

"You careless Grandma Sigu understands in her heart that the one who was dragged by Fang Zhongping back that day was blocked by Wang Tong and complained a few times when she went back, saying she was meddling in other people's business."

Hearing what she said, a girl turned pale and lowered her head with shame. Song Chanchan ignored it and continued:

"Women like us just want to be redeemed by a rich man, or save enough to redeem ourselves. Do you think it's a good thing to be snatched back by Anping Hou Shizi and his gang of wealthy sons?"

Although the girls did not answer this question aloud, some of them showed expressions of approval on their faces, and a sneer hung on the corner of Song Chanchan's mouth:
"If you really snatch it back and let you be concubines, even if it's a servant girl, your aunt will not stop your wealth, but these bastards will give it away in exchange for a few days, and there are all kinds of tricks No less than [-] girls from various courtyards in the capital died at their hands."

After saying this, the faces of these girls suddenly changed. Song Chanchan stood up expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice:

"Auntie asked you to leave the day before yesterday. You felt that Auntie was preventing you from getting rich, and you all found reasons to stay. Today, those bastards have found someone to look after all the doors. You can't run even if you want to, so don't always think of the bad. , There are also some people who follow them to get a name, please ask for blessings!!"

At night, as soon as the so-called Eighteen Heavenly Girls in the Qin Pavilion got on the stage, a group of villainous young men surrounded them, each of them took a good look at the ones they liked, and dragged them all down.

For a moment, there were screams and laughter in the hall, and the guests on the second and first floors were no longer as scrupulous as before. They all applauded and booed, and the Qin Pavilion gradually became noisy.

Right now, Song Chanchan didn't care about those girls at all, because she also had troubles in front of her. Fang Zhongping kept approaching with rubbing hands and smiling, and said with a sinister smile:

"Song Chanchan, tonight the master sleeps with you, but there is a lottery of 1000 taels. You don't have to worry about the future. You will follow the master in the future. This Qin Pavilion is also the property of the master, so naturally it will take good care of you."

Song Chanchan took a few steps back, but behind her was the counter that could not retreat. She stared at Fang Zhongping in front of her, her face gradually turned pale, she gritted her teeth and pulled out the silver hairpin from the high bun, put the tip against her throat, and said in a cold voice:

"It's up to you, I won't give you my aunt's body even if she dies!!"
Thank you all, the update time may not be stable tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, please support, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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