Chapter 190

The people who were watching the excitement suddenly noticed this scene, and the surroundings immediately became quiet.

There are very few jokes about evil young men robbing their relatives, and there are actually many people who are robbed half-heartedly. Isn't the so-called Eighteen Heavenly Girls in Yaochi laughing?
Fang Zhongping saw Song Chanchan's resoluteness, but he didn't feel the slightest touch. He just pouted to the side in disgust, and said disdainfully:
"You are in the Jiaofang where thousands of people suppress and ten thousand people ride. You are pretending to be so chaste and nine-strength here. If it weren't for this young master who made a bet with his friends, how could he fall in love with you, an old man, and obediently obey, otherwise Well, these men and women in the Qin Pavilion, when they got tired of playing, they all threw them outside the pass to serve the Tartars."

These words were naked and undisguised, and they were even more heart-wrenching. Song Chanchan's hand trembled, and the hairpin cut a small wound on her throat, and the blood immediately flowed down.

Song Chanchan glared at Fang Zhongping fiercely, but put down the hairpin in her hand, not because she was afraid of death, but because Fang Zhongping threatened everyone in the Qin Pavilion.

"If you become a ghost in the next life, I won't let you go!"

"If there was a ghost, I would have met him thousands of times, and you have already scared anyone..."

Fang Zhongping said without fear, he really felt confident at the moment, he lost so much face in the Qin Pavilion, and now he has completely recovered, not to mention the benefits he will get next.

The scene was completely out of control. Fang Zhongping's friends grabbed the eighteen-day girl from Yaochi, while the servants he brought harassed the women in the Qin Pavilion, making all kinds of unsightly actions.

The guests who were watching the excitement also felt that the incident was too much, and the laughter gradually weakened, and they all leaned towards the surroundings.

Several guards at the door, Anping Hou's Ding, couldn't help looking inside, seeing his companions acting recklessly, each drooling enviously.

"Please help me watch the meeting, let's go in and play..."

"...Wait a minute, brother, let's go together..."

Right now, all of this seems to be a certainty, and no one thinks there will be any more disturbances. They all ran towards the lobby of the Qin Pavilion. If they couldn't catch the woman, they ran directly to the back yard and the second floor, getting more and more excited. It was chaotic, and as a result, there was no guard at the door, and a team of people came but no one noticed.

Jinyiwei Flying Fish Clothes, a dark blue double-breasted gown with the front open, this attire is exactly the attire of Dongchang. In this messy situation, I couldn't help frowning, and just about to make a sound, a twelve or thirteen-year-old maid ran over crying, followed by two laughing servants, and idlers who were watching the excitement at the door Seeing this scene, they flashed to both sides.

There was also a malicious person who probably slowed down when he got out of the way, just in time to block the fleeing little girl, the little girl's footsteps slowed down, just happened to be caught by the person behind her.

She is small in stature, and being dragged like this by someone, she couldn't run away. The person who grabbed her complained:
"Others have a good food, but we only have small ones."

The man on the side smiled grimly and said:

"Small is also small..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the screams from his companion. The one who arrested him had let go of his hand at some point, clutching his wrist and wailing loudly.

The iron ruler in Xue Zhanye's hand turned around, tapped the little girl's shoulder with the iron ruler, gently pushed the girl aside, pointed at the two family members of Anping Hou Mansion, and said coldly:

"Broken shoulder!"

"We are from the Marquis of Anping..."

Ordinarily, when this name is reported on weekdays, the opponent's movements are always slow, but the two big men flashed out from behind Xue Zhanye, and the black lacquered sticks in their hands did not slow down at all, and smashed down on their shoulders.

Even before they could react, they heard the sound of "click", and the shoulders of the two servants of Anping Hou collapsed. It was obvious that the shoulder bones were smashed. Before the two people screamed, they smashed their black paint When the stick was retracted and stabbed, it happened to poke their lower abdomen, and the whole person was poked open, unable to speak, and turned directly to the inside.

Xue Zhanye pointed at the person blocking the way again, and said:
"Two hands and two feet!"

The idler who blocked the way wanted to join in the fun, but he didn't expect to provoke right and wrong. He wanted to run away, but he took a step when he was hit on the back by a stick and fell to the ground. A man stepped on his back, swung a big stick, and his hands and feet were broken.

Broken hands and feet, excruciating pain, the man screamed loudly, the spectators at the door were all terrified, and moved away to the two sides, and the noisy hall gradually became quiet.

Xue Zhanye twirled the iron ruler in his hand, followed by more than [-] men holding black lacquered sticks, and walked into the hall.

Xue Zhanye, one of the hundred criminals in the East Factory, was tall and burly, and he stood there with a look of self-importance. When he caught his cold gaze, these lawless people let go of their hands and walked away.

On the side of the wooden stage, there was another wicked young man who was hugging the girl and was about to kiss her. In the crowd, the girl struggled and cried desperately, but no one paid any attention.

Xue Zhanye walked over with strides, pinched the evil young man by the neck, and grabbed it in front of him like a chicken, looked at the evil young man's face, and said coldly:

"Your father is Wu Tinghan, the buyer of the Shangyi Supervisor..."

The evil young man was frightened to death when he heard someone report his father's name, but his courage inexplicably strengthened again, and he said loudly:
"Since you know my father's name, how dare you..."

The strength in Xue Zhanye's hand increased, the tongue of the pinched young man gradually stuck out, and his face gradually turned purple. Xue Zhanye said with a sneer:

"What does your father look like in front of a certain family, you kid hasn't seen it yet!"

Casually throwing the suffocated young man on the ground, Xue Zhanye strode towards Fang Zhongping, the third son of the Marquis of Anping, and raised his voice while walking:
"The troublemakers form a group and beat them with sticks. Don't break your bones!"

The more than 20 men who were like wolves and tigers immediately started to act. The fans of Dongchang had been trained, and the strength on this stick was very good. The family servants and others were all beaten and rolled all over the floor. They were in extreme pain, but they didn't hurt their muscles or bones.

Fang Zhongping naturally heard the situation behind him, he still dared to look at Song Chanchan, hurriedly turned his head and glared fiercely at Xue Zhanye who came over, and shouted in a cold voice:

"Why do the people from Dongchang meddle in the affairs of Anping Hou's family?"

Before he finished speaking, Xue Zhanye's iron ruler was inserted into his waist, and the waist knife was drawn out in his hand. The blade was pressing against Fang Zhongping's neck. Fang Zhongping never expected that the other party would draw out the knife without saying a word. He could feel The cold air coming from the blade on the skin made the whole person froze in fright, not daring to move.

After a long time, he trembled and said:
"You...what do you want to do?"

Xue Zhanye smiled coldly, and the blade shook slightly. Fang Zhongping felt a pain in his neck, and immediately shouted in fright, but Xue Zhanye put the knife into the sheath, and said:
"I'm sorry, I'm not steady."

Fang Zhongping felt hot and humid on his neck. He stretched out his hand to feel it, but it was bleeding, and he was even more panicked. Xue Zhanye ignored it, turned around, and said loudly:

"The Ping An brand keeps you safe. Some people can't get along with this Ping An brand, that is, they can't get along with Dongchang. If the Qin Pavilion breaks something today or delays business, you will pay three times the compensation and send it tomorrow. If not, I will come to pick it up. It has nothing to do with it." Let the people go away, throw those broken hands and feet outside, don't delay the business of the Qin Pavilion!"

After saying this, Xue Zhanye led the people and walked out. Song Chanchan behind was watching all this in a daze. After Xue Zhanye walked out of the door, Song Chanchan suddenly knelt down on the ground and burst into tears stand up.

Fang Zhongping's cronies looked at each other, then at Fang Zhongping, who was screaming loudly while clutching his neck, and walked out without making a sound, no one paid any attention to him once.

It was Fang Zhongping's elder brother who sent a cloth towel, and after wiping it clean, he saw that there was only a fingernail-sized wound on his neck. After all the troubles just now, who would dare to stay in the Qin Pavilion any longer? Face continued to stay here, Fang Zhongping didn't even let go of his harsh words, he just bowed his head and hurriedly left this place with his family.

This kind of young master went out to mess around, the family didn't know about it, but they didn't care about it, but there was something troublesome, and all the dignitaries in the house knew it well.

Fang Zhongping went out in high spirits, but came back in a state of embarrassment with gauze wrapped around his neck. Naturally, someone would report it to the housekeeper Fang Da. After Fang Da got to know him a little bit, he felt that he couldn't make the decision, so he hurriedly reported it to Anping Hou Fang Ruixing.

It was getting late today, but Fang Zhongping, who was just about to go to bed, was called to the main hall by his father's chief attendant. When he entered the main hall, Fang Zhongping greeted him dully, and was about to find a pier to sit on , but unexpectedly Fang Ruixing said coldly at the beginning:

"You bastard still have the face to sit? Kneel down!!!"

Fang Zhongping shuddered when Fang Ruixing yelled at him, and he knelt down in the middle, when he heard Anping Hou ask in a cold voice:
"Do you know who you offended?"

"Dongchang wants to take over the silver of the Ping An brand, so my son and..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked down by Anping Hou Fang Ruixing, took the whip that he had prepared long ago, and beat him down fiercely, cursing:

"Do you know who you offended? Do you know how much trouble you have brought to our family?"

After a few whips, Fang Zhongping, who was pampered and pampered, rolled all over the ground. Mrs. Anping Hou couldn't bear to stand behind, and ran out crying, crying:
"Master Hou, if you offend that person, you have to get rid of it as soon as possible. What's the use of beating a child?"

The whip raised by Marquis Anping stopped...——
Thank you everyone, Chapter 2 will be later

(End of this chapter)

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