Chapter 191

Li Wenyuan took over the position of Baihu on Wang Tong's recommendation, and Sun Dahai and his brothers were unwilling to stay in the capital and wanted to follow Wang Tong to Tianjin, Zhang Shiqiang needless to say.

Ma Pozi and Ma Sanbiao are also going to follow Wang Tong. The rest of the people are willing to stay in this delicious restaurant and continue to work. They originally wanted to keep that Zhang Hongying, but Ma Pozi rarely took the second place and took Zhang Hongying to Tianjin. .

Not many teenagers in the martial arts hall followed Wang Tong. Most of the teenagers in Xuanfu and Jizhen wanted to go home to celebrate the New Year, and to earn the status of Qianzong, and to be classmates with the emperor. Boasting, the so-called homecoming is just like that.

However, Sun Xin led six teenagers to follow Wang Tong. They were all from military generals near the capital, and their families could not be said to be well-off. Moreover, there were not so many places for soldiers and horses around the capital to place them, so it was better to follow them. Wang Tong left.

What really surprised Wang Tong was that Li Tao actually wanted to stay. Li Tao's father was a general who guarded the side of the Xuanfu. It was surprising that he wanted to follow Wang Tong instead of going home.

There are also seven teenagers left behind by Li Tao, and four of these seven teenagers are quite similar to Sun Xin and the others, but the reasons for Li Tao and the other three are not the same.

Ever since he knew that Huang Yijun was the Wanli Emperor, Li Tao hadn't had a good night's sleep. He was really frightened. After all, he had led people to besiege the Emperor. What a crime it was.

Right now, the only way to get rid of the crime is to be with Wang Tong. This Wang Tong is the same age as him, and he is already a thousand householder of Jinyiwei. Being by my side is also a shelter for myself, and secondly, I can learn something.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, people from the Ministry of War and Jin Yiwei came to urge him again, but they didn't dare to do anything to Wang Tong, they just begged Wang Tong to go to the post as soon as possible, and not to delay in the capital.

Seeing a few middle-aged people in their 40s and [-]s nearly kneel down to him, Wang Tong couldn't laugh or cry. All he answered was pointing to the empty main room, and said:
"All the things have been moved to Zhuangzi outside the city, please reply to the adults, Wang will leave tomorrow."

Early in the morning on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, when the sky was just emerging and the street was still dark, Wang Tong finished his preparations, dressed and washed.

Ma's mother and son, Zhang Shiqiang, Tan Jiang and others had already moved to Zhuangzi outside the city, Li Hutou also followed, and now the old house is Tan Bing and him.

Hearing Wang Tong get up, Tan Bing also got up in the wing room, Wang Tong greeted:
"You can wait until you get up, I'll go out for a walk first."

Although the weather was cold in the twelfth lunar month, and the storefronts of various shops were approaching the time when they would close their doors for the New Year's Eve, when Wang Tong went out, he still saw the guys from various shops busy cleaning there.

Seeing this scene, Wang Tong really felt a lot of emotion in his heart, so he went to the South Street, and seeing Wang Tong's shopkeepers hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to say hello.

These neighbors don't have too many twists and turns in their minds. They only know that Wang Tong is now Gaosheng and a thousand households. In the past, he did a lot of things to help everyone on this South Street. Everyone should remember Mr. Wang's kindness .

When passing by the dim sum shop, the shopkeeper brought Wang Tong two freshly baked ham biscuits as usual, and Wang Tong smiled and nodded in thanks.

There was no wind, but it was still very cold. After taking a bite of some hot ham biscuits, my body warmed up a lot. Looking around, I walked to Tian Baihu's old house without knowing it.

Tian Baihu sent Uncle Tian's coffin back to his hometown and has not returned yet. The gate is closed at this time, and the front door is not as clean as it was when Uncle Tian was there. Wang Tong stood there and finished eating the biscuits, then turned back to South Street.

He found a random shop and borrowed sweeping tools. Wang Tong returned to the door, silently swept the floor clean, then sprinkled it with water, and stood in front of the door with fists in his arms.

When he got home, Tan Bing also got up early, fed the two horses in the stable, hung up the saddles and harnesses, and then made two bundles of the last things to be taken away, and hung them on the on horseback.

Wang Tong's horse has some special equipment. There are two leather bags on the left and right sides of the saddle, and there are two firecrackers in them. The second firecracker was also forged according to the same, and sent to Wang Tong, and it happened to be brought with him at this time.

After the two of them finished their breakfast, the sun had already come out. After listening to the second round of bells and drums ringing in the imperial city, the gates of the capital city should also be opened. Wang Tong and Tan Bing led their horses and left the courtyard.

Just about to set off, I heard someone behind me calling out:

"Master Wang, please stay."

The voice was quite familiar. When I looked back, I saw the little eunuch Cai Nan running over with his arms waving. When he came to him, he said out of breath:

"Master Wang, please don't rush away. Eunuch Zou asks Mr. Wang to go to the martial arts hall. There is something urgent."

Wang Tong was puzzled, but he still handed over the reins to Tan Bing, and followed Cai Nan towards that side, not far away, surrounded by earthen walls and wooden fences, a flat playground, and tall classrooms, but There was no one there, and it was very quiet. Wang Tong stared at it for a while before being greeted by Zou Yi.

Zou Yi directly sent Cai Nan and the forbidden soldiers who came with him away. Two red flags were erected where he was, but they had just been inserted.

Rubbing his face flushed with cold, Zou Yi said with a smile:

"Brother Wang looked towards the imperial city, could he see two red flags?"

The area around the Tiger Mighty Martial Arts Hall is quite empty, and it is very close to the imperial city. Wang Tong glanced at the two red flags on the top of the city, and there seemed to be a figure between the red flags.

While he was wondering, he heard Zou Yi say with a smile:

"Your Majesty knew that Brother Wang was leaving today, and wanted to see you off, but it was inconvenient to leave the palace, so he simply sent him off at the head of the city. Since you are here, Brother Wang, I will wave the red flag and report to Your Majesty that you have arrived."

The imperial city is far away from this side, and I can see people, but I may not even be able to see the color of the clothes clearly, it is nothing more than expressing my heart.

Wang Tong was stunned, took a deep breath, knelt down in the direction of the two red flags on the top of the city, and kowtowed a few times. When Wang Tong got up, Zou Yi also stopped shaking his hands.

When the two red flags on the top of the city were withdrawn, Wang Tong clasped his fists and said to Zou Yi:

"Brother Zou, in the past, he took care of me more in the capital, but from now on, my younger brother will go to Tianjin as an errand, so I have to trouble Brother Zou."

After finishing speaking, Zou Yi gave a deep bow, and Zou Yi returned the salute solemnly, and said:
"Our own brothers, why bother to say such polite words, don't interrupt the correspondence in the future, and go back to Beijing when you have time, don't waste these relationships."

The two sides bowed to each other again, everything was kept silent, Wang Tong's face was numb from the cold, he stretched out his hand to rub it, walked out of the street corner, greeted Tan Bing, and got on the horse and set off together.

I don't know if it has anything to do with what Lu Wancai said. Wang Tong left the capital this time through Andingmen, even though it took some detours.

When they got there, the guards in front of the city gate saw a Jinyiwei Qianhu riding a horse, so they didn't dare to neglect, stepped forward to look at the affidavit, and hurriedly moved out of the way.

"My lord, go to Pengcheng thousands of miles!"

Just as he was about to shake the reins, he heard a voice from the side saying hello. Wang Tong turned his head and found Lu Wancai, who was wearing a Confucian robe, standing at the side, bowing solemnly.

At the beginning, I told them that I was going to leave the city at this city gate, but I didn't expect that Lu Wancai would come to see him off. Wang Tong stopped his horse, but saw a woman in a cloak knelt down and kowtowed to him, it wasn't Song Chanchan.

Wang Tongchang let out a breath, corrected his posture on the horse and clasped fists for the two, bent over without speaking, turned around to drive the horse, and accelerated away. There will be a difference!

When we arrived at the Zhuangzi, all the people under his command were waiting outside the village. Eight of Sun Dahai’s group were willing to follow. Including their small family, there were a total of 30 people, and more than 20 people in the Zhuangzi were willing to follow. Counting other things, there are more than a hundred people in this team, including the driver of the coach, there are even more people.

The large carts pulling various supplies are lined up, and there are four carriages specially designed to pull women and children. The rest of the men, the elderly sit in the carts, and the young and strong who can't ride horses follow the carts. On the other side, those on horseback are on the outer circle.

Four knights were separated separately, two were cruising in the back, and two were scouting in the front. The only exception was one of the generals of the Tan family named Tan Gong. He looked left and right on the top, so leisurely.

Watching Wang Tong keep looking at the carriage, Tan Jiang explained with a smile:

"Tan Gong has a good eye. The team is marching, and looking around is his forte."

On the first day, I left Zhuangzi and walked for [-] miles. It was cold and there was no snow, but the road was easy to walk, along the canal all the way to the east.

The vicinity of the capital is densely populated, and people can be seen all the way for twenty miles. At night, I happen to stay in the post station, and there is nothing to do.

On the second day, as we went east, the villages on the plains on both sides became less and less populated. Tan Gong on the carriage was not as leisurely as the first day, and occasionally stood up on the roof of the carriage and set up an awning to look around. Take a look, and sometimes yell at the horse rider below to go to the place he instructed.

Between Beijing Normal University and Tianjin Sanwei, there is always a big car shop or village at some distance, and when it gets dark, it happens to complain.

On the third day on the road, Tan Gong had been standing and looking around, but Tan Jiang asked Wang Tongdao in a low voice when he was resting at noon:

"Master, this time you are transferred from Jinyiwei to leave the capital, didn't you arrange soldiers and horses to guard you?"

Wang Tong was also stunned, he really didn't know the rules, General Tan knew the answer just by looking at his expression, he sighed and didn't make a sound.

When he was on the road in the afternoon, Wang Tong filled his two firecrackers with medicine and reserved the kindling...
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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