Chapter 193

There was no electricity, no lights of all kinds, and the nights of the Ming Dynasty, especially the nights in the villages, were really pitch black.

Wang Tong came out at night to patrol around, and after seeing the darkness and the unrelenting night guards, he went back to sleep in peace.

With this kind of visibility, the people guarding the village can't see clearly, but in the wilderness outside, if the thieves really want to rush over, they must be even more unclear. If you want to hang slowly behind, you will definitely not choose this time when you can't see anything. attack.

Sure enough, nothing happened all night. When he got up the next morning, Wang Tong took out gold and silver and bought all the surplus grain in the village at three times the price. He also bought two carts in the village to pull these Grain, with this money, the villagers can use the only cart left to go to other places to buy more grain.

It takes less than three days for fast horses to travel from the capital to Tianjin, but Wang Tong's group of old and weak women and children, although the carts can travel fairly fast on the hard ground in winter, it will take at least eight days to get there. It turns out that Wang Tong is ready to go for a longer time.

After going on the road this day, they walked a little faster. In the rare windless weather in the twelfth lunar month, the sun came out and warmed up a little, so everyone walked a little faster.

Everyone saw the tension yesterday. They were fully armed at night and on the road during the day. No one knew what happened, and everyone's heart was raised.

Those shepherds were not stupid either. They were scolded for drinking yesterday, and they knew what had happened to their nervousness from the afternoon to this morning.

When the horses are disobedient and the carts are not working, these shepherds will take the initiative to help, and the march of the team will not be delayed.

Within an hour of being on the road, Tan Gong could still sit on the roof of the car, but when the sun rose high, he couldn't sit still anymore and climbed up and down among the big cars.

"There is another group of people coming from the north direction. They ran with us for a while, and then stopped and stopped. I guess they are looking for a chance to attack."

Hearing Tan Gong's report, Wang Tong also climbed to the top of the cargo with both hands and feet, and looked in the direction Tan Gong pointed out. In the desolate field, he saw several horses circling there. Such a vast plain On the road, there are so few horses alone that people can see them all the more clearly.

According to what was said yesterday, there are at least three teams following the convoy, but what are they doing hanging around like this.

Wang Tong got out of the carriage and called Tan Jian directly. He remembered that this person should be the detective of Dongchang, but he was also very capable. Wang Tong didn't say anything else, he just ordered:

"Bring dry rations, money, and my badge, ride horses and go to Tianjin Sanwei to mobilize reinforcements, take three horses, and change horses halfway, remember, no matter what happens, our convoy will definitely be here. On the road, you will not run but only guard!!"

Tan Jian solemnly agreed, and after taking the things, he hurriedly headed east to fight horses away. It is estimated that it will be a day and a half away from Tianjin Kuaima, and the soldiers stationed in Tianjin Sanwei should be able to arrive in time.

The people who asked for help hurried away, but Wang Tong calmed down, since he was sure that someone was going to fight, and he couldn't run away for a while, so let's fight, anyway, there is only one way to go.

Tan Jian walked without a stick of incense, and Wang Tong suddenly discovered something. Since he set off in the morning, there was no passerby on this official road, no matter if they were coming from the same direction as him or oncoming.

Standing on top of the carriage and looking back and forth, besides the convoy, in the official road on the Great Plains, apart from the convoy, there are some suspicious people far behind.

Not far away is the frozen canal. Except for the children who don't know their worries, they are still talking and laughing. Everything is quiet. It is cold and windless, and the sun is shining brightly. Chilling, the people he offended have not let him go.

Now I know that there will be a battle, but I don't know what kind of scale the battle will be, and whether I can go to Tianjin to take up my post safely.

There was no delay in the speed of the convoy. About half an hour before lunch break, a single rider came out from the roadside trail.

Seeing Wang Tong's large team, the knight hurriedly returned to the trail, the official road was not too spacious, and there was a convoy, his horse couldn't turn around hastily, so he had to dodge again.

The knight wears a sheepskin jacket and a felt hat that covers his ears. His clothes and harness are half-worn and patched up and down. The horse is an old horse with a burden on the back of the saddle. He is also of medium build. Ordinary appearance.

As soon as he got out of the way, the coachman facing him didn't have to adjust the direction of his animals. There were dozens of large carts in this convoy, and if there was a change in one cart, he would have to adjust accordingly.

The sudden appearance of the knight was convenient, the coachman had to straighten up on the shaft to make a smile, and greeted:

"Brother, please give way here, where is this going?"

The knight adjusted the direction of the horse on the small road, walked up the road a few steps to keep up, and said politely:

"What's the trouble when you're away from home? Come over from Xianghe County and go back to Yangcun's house for the New Year. Where's the brother?"

"Go to Tianjin Wei, our lord will take office."

Cars and horses have their own rules, and when you go out on the road, everyone is very polite, and since the new year is approaching in the twelfth lunar month, everyone is anxious to celebrate the new year, so naturally they should be kind.

The knight was obviously delighted to have a companion to talk to on the road, so he leaned over on his horse and chatted with the coachman. The handlebars of the cart were also boring and tight, and someone chatting gossip also eased the nervousness.

In the first three days, everyone felt a little new, but on the fourth day, everyone was a little bored. Many people couldn't help but take a look at such a person.

Wang Tong also came to take a look. The knight's horse was a little restless and wobbled. Wang Tong returned to the team and pondered for a while, but just in time for Tan Jiang to come over. The two of them lowered their voices almost in unison and said:
"Is there a problem with this person (is it a spy)?"

Both of them were taken aback for a moment, then Tan Jiang showed a curious smile and asked:
"How did the master see it?"

General Tan treats Wang Tong, although he is respectful and respectful in terms of address, but there is still some care and love from the elders towards the younger generation in his bones. He is very happy that Wang Tong can see this, so he asked this question.

"There is at least one more day to Yangcun, and depending on the weather and his old horse, he will definitely spend the night outside tonight. With his clothes and such a small burden, how can he handle it, and return to Xianghe County? My family rode a horse during the Chinese New Year, so I must have made some money, but there were no special products for the New Year. The bag was too light when it was lifted up just now, and there was no hard object, which meant that there was no silver or copper coins in it. Something is wrong."

After hearing this, Tan Jiang shook his head with a smile, and said:
"Master thinks it's a bit trivial. When I was young, I lived in poverty. If I had a horse in a small family, I really should treat it like my father, mother and brother. Now that I can't go fast with our convoy, that person should have dismounted a long time ago. He led the horse and followed, and he was still riding there..."

Wang Tong also laughed, and turned to a horse shepherd beside him and said:
"Find a few people to help, and tie up the person in front to see me."

The shepherd opened his eyes first, then nodded with a smile on his face. Not long after, the five of them rode on horses and slowly approached. The rope tied the person up.

Wang Tong shook his head while watching from behind, and commented in a low voice:
"We dealers are very skillful, and we don't look like good people."

"Master, I just don't know. These Tartars came from the north. In nine out of ten, they offended the nobles and most of the people on the grassland. They didn't want to fight hard to escape. They came here by death. If they are kind, they will died over there."

Tan Jiang answered with a smile, the man was already tied up like a rice dumpling, he was carried over and thrown on the ground, Wang Tong stopped the convoy, stood in front of the man and asked in a cold voice:
"Have you seen this official uniform? These are the clothes of Jin Yiwei Qianhu, and they can also determine your life and death. Tell me, why do you follow this official?"

The man was still dizzy from being hit on the head with a big stick, and he opened his eyes to see Wang Tong tremblingly begging:

"My lord, the villain is just going the same way, I don't want to follow my lord!"

Wang Tong kicked the man's belly hard, and the man immediately curled up like a shrimp. Wang Tong asked again:
"Why did you follow me!?"

"The villain really doesn't know, the villain's mother, wife and son are still at home waiting for the villain to come home for the New Year!"

When the convoy stopped, many people stuck their heads out to see what was going on here. Hearing the man's cries, many old people and women had unbearable expressions on their faces. Wang Tong raised his voice and said:

"Dahai, go get the medicine and bandages!"

The person lying on the ground heard the words about the wound medicine and thought that Wang Tong was soft-hearted, so he cried louder. Six hired coachmen also surrounded him. After getting the wound medicine and bandages, Wang Tong did not give them to the people on the ground. Loosen the tie, let Sun Dahai grab the man's right arm, draw out the knife and chop it down directly.

The man screamed loudly, and Sun Dahai was sprayed with blood all over his body. While having the severed arm bandaged with medicine, Wang Tong picked up the man's right hand for a few moments, squatted down and patted the man with the back of the knife, which was distorted and deformed. face, said coldly:
"Why do you follow me secretly, if you say it, I will give you a good time, if you don't say it, I will cut off your hands, feet and head one by one."

After finishing speaking, Wang Tong stood up and raised his knife, the man below stopped screaming abruptly, and shouted in a hoarse voice:
"My lord, tell the little one, talk to the little one..."

His voice was out of tune because of the severe pain.
Thank you for your selfless support to Laobai this month, please continue to support me in September
(End of this chapter)

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