Chapter 194

"...When the old man left Tongzhou, someone spread the news that the old man's convoy was carrying a large amount of gold and silver... The leader of the villain saw that there were too many people on the old man's side, and he couldn't eat it all by himself. Chu sent a quick horse to pass the post..."

The sharp pain in his wrist made the spy feel a little dazed. A shepherd who was watching took off the skin bag from his waist and poured a few mouthfuls of strong wine into the man's mouth.

The man was cold and painful and gradually weakened. After drinking the strong wine, he suddenly regained some energy. Wang Tong had a cold expression from the beginning to the end, but this indifference made the spy even more frightened, and he confessed in a panic.

"The people in the Zhuangzi in front have all been dismissed, and the people from Zhentianhu have already gone there to wait for them."

Wang Tong patted the man's cheek with the back of his knife, and asked:
"How many people are behind, how many people are in front?"

"...the villain's three teams, together, there are more than 80 riders, more than 100 people who walk, and it is said that there are no less than 400 people on the Tiantian Tiger's side..."

Wang Tong stood up, and Tan Jiang, who had been listening carefully, had a puzzled look on his face. He took two steps back and said in a deep voice:
"It's not peaceful here in the capital. It's normal for the third team to have these troops. No matter how big the gang is, the soldiers in Jingying and Jizhen will be wiped out. How did the 400 people of the shocking tiger come out. "

Wang Tong drew out the knife, turned around and chopped off the spy's head, wiped the knife on the man, and ordered:

"Put the person and the head on that horse, and pull it back to show them."

Turning around, he said bitterly:
"At this moment, I have to go to the nearby Xianghe County to transfer people. They were all strangled to death, but judging by the arrangement, there are probably ambushes on the surrounding roads...Damn, I don't know if Tan Jian will have an accident. "

General Tan shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"Tan Jian was able to send news when he was chased and intercepted by the Tartar cavalry. These thieves can't stop him. What should I do now?"

Wang Tong didn't answer, but raised his voice and asked:
"Does anyone know if the road to Xianghe County is easy or not?"

A driver on the side interface said:
"Master, there was a flood this autumn, and the roads were washed out. Now people can leave on the official roads over there, and big cars can't pass!"

"No wonder these thieves chose this place to attack. We can't go to the front and back of our convoy and Xianghe. If the convoy runs into a mess, we can't even clean it up. When it gets messy, it will be meat under the knife. Keep going. The scouting horses before and after should stay away, and continue to report back when there is news.”

After Wang Tong gave the order, General Tan immediately conveyed it, and then did not stop to rest for lunch at noon, everyone ate two mouthfuls of dry food, grabbed clean snow by the roadside and sent it down, and the brigade continued to move forward.

For the next section of the road, Wang Tong also looked around from the top of the carriage, and the horse carrying the spy's corpse ran back along the official road.

From a distance, the group of people following in the distance could be seen stopping for a while, and then followed up, and the speed was obviously much faster. Wang Tong meditated for a while, and then loudly ordered:
"Sanbiao, arrange ten dealers who are accurate in archery to go to the back, wait for those horse thieves to rush over and shoot a round of arrows, and then run back, General Tan, you arrange someone to respond, Brother Zhang, the convoy stops and circles, running around Those who keep shouting orders, Sun Dahai, you directly kill people!!"

I calculated that there was still more than an hour's journey away from the planned foothold, and there were ambushes there anyway, so I couldn't make it through, and the sun was about to set.

As soon as Wang Tong gave an order, the strings had already been tense and everyone in the convoy immediately started to move. Zhang Shiqiang rode his horse and shouted the order from the back to the front.

The carriages loaded with the old and the weak, women and children entered the inner circle, while Wang Tong's servants and teenagers divided into teams to help unload the animals from the carts, and drove the animals to the center of the circle to stay there.

"You stare at it, and if there is any movement, please find someone to tell me!!"

Wang Tong and Tan Gong, who was on guard, greeted each other, and hurriedly got off the pile of goods. General Tan and the generals surnamed Tan had all put on their clothes and got on their horses. Wang Tong put on his leather armor inlaid with iron leaves, and held a pole The short gun also followed the horse.

"The blacksmith in the workshop, the coachman who drives the cart, the men from every household, everything that can move must move, Sun Dahai, arrange and arrange, and circle the carts as soon as possible. Arrange people to watch every cart, and leave front and back. Make an entrance and exit, and everyone on horseback will go out with me!!"

Seeing Wang Tong's repeated orders, everyone followed suit, Tan Jiang nodded again and again, Wang Tong turned his head to look, and immediately shouted:
"Li Hutou, get off the horse for me, and together with Li Tao and Sun Xin, show me this car formation!!"

Li Hutou, who was called out by Wang Tong, gagged and rolled over from the horse. After all, Li Hutou was small in stature, and it was not convenient to maneuver on a horse, so it was better not to join in the fun.

But everyone was laughed at by this little episode, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed. Wang Tong glanced at Tan Gong who was on top, but there was no new news. He raised the spear in his hand and shouted:
"The thieves following behind are a mob, let's go and kill these blind bastards first!!"

The dozen or so members of the Tan family were used to fighting, so naturally they didn't care. The rest of them were young and energetic, or they were unrelenting herdsmen, shouting and shouting together on horseback.

The following servants and youths from the martial arts hall were also young people, they cheered and applauded together, Wang Tong shook his head, killing people was not a usual practice, it was too easy to see the matter.

"Those who know how to shoot go to the front, and when you're done shooting, go down from both sides of the official road to give the people behind you a way to get out of the way, or else you'll rush along.

When they ran out, the herdsmen who had been sent out just now joined the Tanma who were behind just now, shouting and rushing forward together.

Torturing the spy just now has aroused the wildness in these people's hearts, and they all got excited. The thieves who had been hanging for a few days saw that the spy they sent had his head chopped off, and he was obviously tortured before he died. They were all angry, and they rushed over with their horses.

As a result, these herdsmen were also unambiguous. Ten horses and ten people lined up in two rows on the official road, each with bow and arrow waiting.

The horse thieves were divided into three groups, and they had known from various channels that the convoy in front carried no less than 4 taels of silver, not to mention that the horse carts they carried were valuable wealth.

I have been following behind these few days, and I know from the villages and cart shops where Wang Tong and the others stayed that Wang Tong's team has a large number of well-armed people, so if they go up to fight rashly, not to mention if they can't get cheap, they might even have to eat a lot of money. Fortunately, now that there are three groups of people gathered, it is more courageous to consciously have more people.

The horse-riding thieves were lucky to say that those few days of walking were really bitter, cold and without rest, and they only hoped that after the convoy in front would be wiped out, they would get some profit and have a good year.

Seeing their companions being chopped off, the bosses were firstly angry, secondly because they were afraid of hurting their morale, and thirdly, that Sky-Shocking Tiger was in front, and if they really did something at that time, most of their heads might be snatched away by that Sky-Shocking Tiger , why don't you take advantage of this time to encourage everyone to eat it first.

Everyone held back their energy, but they just watched the convoy in front stop. Immediately, everyone clamored and rushed up. The big convoy rushed away, and the silver women would be first come, first served.

Those who rode horses ran in front, and those who didn't ride horses followed behind. They were all scumbags running. The people under Wang Tong's subordinates spit when they saw it, and said disdainfully:

"The distance is so far away, so the **** ran away, and the horse has no strength when it comes to it, no wonder I can only be a thief in this life."

The herdsmen sent by Wang Tong were not as relaxed as shooting rabbits after drinking alcohol yesterday. Although the horn bows in their hands were ready for bow and arrow, there were no signs of shortness of breath or sweaty palms.

These herdsmen listened to the movement behind them, watched their own people rushing over, and someone shouted loudly:
"Don't look back after shooting, I'm an official."

I don't know why, after hearing this, my mind has settled down a lot, and everyone is waiting on the road for the thieves rushing over there.

When the bandits saw the two rows of herdsmen parked on the road, they already felt that something was wrong. They rushed over aggressively from their own side, but the other party waited leisurely. There must be something weird.

The people in front wanted to slow down, but the people behind were still noisily crowding forward. As a result, the bandits at the front were being pushed forward by the people behind. While hesitating, they felt that there were no more than two rows of ten people. Sparsely, it will be washed away in front of you.

Reluctantly and unwillingly, the thieves came to the front, the thieves were confused, and the herdsmen were also nervous. When they counted fifty steps, they drew their bows early.

The bows they use have a strong pull, so they should be opened and released quickly. The earlier the bowstring is drawn, the arms and shoulders will be a little bit unbearable. How fast is the horse thief on the opposite side? go back.

When the man reached thirty paces, there was a sound of swishing, ten arrows shot past, three shot to nowhere, seven hit, and two were not at the vital point, but this also made the thieves scream, There was chaos ahead, if the elite soldiers on the grassland were shooting the second arrow at this time, it would not be a big problem for them to shoot three arrows in a row.

The herdsmen didn't have this ability. At this time, they beat their horses and ran down the official road in a panic. Another horse was caught and a man fell from it. Fortunately, the man got away and ran back.

The thieves, who were a little apprehensive at first, were only slightly hindered, and only three of them died. Immediately, their arrogance surged, and they continued to charge forward regardless.

There are two rows of archers on the official road ahead...
There will be another update later, it's the beginning of the month, and Lao Bai is begging for a monthly pass! !Let's cast your bets.
(End of this chapter)

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