Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 195 Xiao Sheng waits for the big fight to camp and wait for the tiger to come

Chapter 195 Xiao Sheng waits for the big fight to camp and wait for the tiger to come

The dealers in the second row are the group that came out with Wang Tong and the others. There is a large group of people behind them, and their minds are also quite stable. Before the saddle.

General Tan swung his bow high in his hand, Wang Tong, Ma Sanbiao and a dozen family members all moved to the two sides, and the family of the thirteen Tan family members came to a place five steps away from those dealers.

They all took out their bows from the side of the saddle. The generals of the Tan family used all the military bows of the Ming Dynasty. The bow body is not as thick as the horn bow, and the shape is also narrow and long. Similarly, the arrows are almost longer than the short arrows of the herdsmen. out doubled.

The thieves on the opposite side rushed over clamorously, and the dealers also picked up their bows and arrows. They were still thirty steps away, so they couldn't make the mistake of those in front of them, and had to wait before shooting their bows.

Behind the dealers, Tan Jiang and his party raised their bows and set up arrows. The direction of the arrow was slanted upwards. Tan Jiang squinted his eyes as if he was counting.

Thirteen long arrows drew arcs in mid-air, and all of them fell into the formation of the bandits. The long arrows were heavy, and the armor of the bandits was nothing more than two layers of cotton-padded jackets.

"噗哧" sounded repeatedly, the arrow penetrated into the body, and shot from an arc again, all of them hit the thief's body, there was a series of screams immediately, and he immediately fell from the horse.

This sudden blow caused the thieves to lose their positions immediately. General Tan and the others kept moving their hands. They took out long arrows from the quiver, raised their bows, and shot out another round.

The herdsmen who had already raised their horned bows suddenly found that the formation of thieves in front of them was much sparser, and there were only ten cavalry in front of them. With such a small number of people, the dealers were all determined, and they even had the ability to aim when they drew their bows and set their arrows. time.

This bow and arrow can shoot through the leather of a rabbit, and it can also shoot through people without armor. There are only two of the ten thieves who have not been shot. Chong, pulling the reins and leading the mount to both sides, desperately trying to escape.

This time, the dealers were free to shoot. Before the two of them could take a few steps, they were shot by the bow and arrow behind them.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, wait and follow behind to rush!!"

Wang Tong shouted at the top of his voice, Tan Jiang and others had already divided into two lines to make way for Wang Tong and others to come up, while they put back their bows and arrows, and took out the spears and broadswords hanging on the side of the saddle.

The thieves were in a mess fifty paces away from the banker's bow and arrow line. The two rounds of accurate and destructive arrow rain had completely scared them out of their wits. Those who were not affected by the arrow rain Desperately grabbing his own mount, the reins had already neighed the horse, and it was moving wildly.

It was the same before and after. The pawns behind did not know what was going on in front of them, so they followed up out of breath. At this time, the farmers who blocked the road moved away to the two sides, and some knights in armor and armed with spears and swords rushed forward. Come here, I don't know who among the thieves yelled:

"It's the government, an ambush by officers and soldiers!!"

Such a strict defense layer by layer, with so many archers, and finally a group of armored cavalry rushed out. If it weren't for the official soldiers and horses, who would have such a pomp, this is a fucking trap.

When I shouted this, everyone felt that it was true. Everyone looked around in panic, to see if there were soldiers and horses in ambush coming, and when the cavalry with spears and swords rushed over aggressively, who else could ride on the horse? Still thinking about fighting, he just turned the horse and ran for his life.

Noisy pedestrians blocked the official road, just collided with the horse-riding companion in front, people couldn't hit the horse, and immediately trampled by their own leader's cavalry, and I don't know what happened, the scene was chaotic .

There were corpses of people and horses on the ground. Although Wang Tong and his party rushed over, they were not fast enough to avoid tripping over things. They only dared to let the horses charge when they saw that there were still more than ten steps away.

At this distance, the horse couldn't run. Wang Tong felt that his strength was not enough with the spear under his arm, so he simply turned sideways and approached the horse with both hands. Looking at the back of the cavalry in front, he stabbed fiercely.

The superior weapon and the strength of both arms cannot be blocked by the leather robe in front. The spear pierced straight in. Wang Tong felt the resistance in front loosened. come out.

Regardless of the person in front of him falling off the horse, the horse rushed into the crowd dragging the corpse, Wang Tong continued to stab in his hand, and Tan Jiang, Ma Sanbiao and others behind him all followed, holding weapons and starting to kill.

The speed of the horses can't be rushed, and now Wang Tong and the others are fighting purely on horseback, but it is really like breaking a bamboo, these bandits are not facing them, all of them are facing their backs, plus this running, the horsemen It is entangled with the walking one, and it will not be separated for a while.

I thought it was a hard fight, but who would have thought that it would turn into a massacre, Wang Tong stabbed down with both arms, this was very sharp, he actually devoured the person in front of him, the strength was too great, and he actually stabbed the other one too close , but couldn't get it out, it seemed that it was stuck by the second person's bone.

Wang Tong tugged, but he didn't pull it out. He simply dropped the spear, took out the big knife from the side of the saddle, drove the horse forward with his legs, and swung the big knife in his hand like a windmill.

The spear is okay, the big knife is slashing down condescendingly, just like cutting melons and vegetables, the enemy below must be separated from the body at one point, either the head or the body.

Not long after, the iron leaf leather armor Wang Tong was wearing was stained red with blood, and his face was also dotted with scarlet. Ma Sanbiao beside him was even more murderous, yelling and cursing loudly, and slashing down with his sword.

The crowd was howling and crying. Relatively speaking, the generals of the Tan family had much smaller movements. They quickly retracted the spears in their hands, and the long knives in their hands were just wiped on people's necks.

Although the movements were small, one life disappeared with each stroke. Wang Tong thought he had killed for a long time, and there was no enemy in front of him. Looking up, the thieves had already scattered, but when he looked back, he only rushed for less than ten steps. .

There were more than 30 people around Wang Tong, and the charge just now killed nearly a hundred people. How could the [-]-odd thieves in total be able to hold on? The people who were killed were scattered a little, and when they had room to run, they immediately dispersed. Who dares to continue fighting.

Seeing that this group of people don't want any weapons, and they even roll and crawl, I guess it's some kind of fraud. They won't come back after running like this. If they run out like this in such a desolate and remote place, will they freeze to death or something will happen to them? No one cares, everyone is too lazy to care.

Those dealers who ran to both sides just now held broad-bladed knives and picked up a lot of bargains on the way. Now they join the brigade and see Wang Tong's bloody, fierce appearance. Originally, he was in a happy mood They all took back a lot, my master and his group are really too fierce.

After Wang Tong's slashing and killing just now, he only felt that the suffocation in the capital had dissipated a lot, as if a fire was burning in his head, and Tan Jiang who was beside him called out "Master" softly, and then he woke up.

He took out a cloth towel and wiped the blood on his face, Wang Tong scanned the surroundings, saw those dumbfounded dealers, and immediately said in a cold voice:
"What are you still doing standing there stupidly? Go and bring over those dead people, any money and suitable weapons, keep ten horses, pick up the strong ones, and give the rest to the coachman who came from the nearby village, let him Go to Xianghe County to report to the officials, and find Tan Bing to file a report later!"

After Wang Tong finished speaking, the dealers immediately dispersed and started to get busy, not daring to violate anything. Only then did Wang Tong notice the strong and pungent smell of blood on the battlefield, but he didn't feel uncomfortable, instead he took a deep breath. General Tan jumped off his horse just now, pulled out the spear from Wang Tong's body, walked up to him and handed it back, asking in a deep voice:
"Master, what should we do next? Continue to move forward, or turn back to the capital."

After the killing just now, something in Wang Tong's heart was aroused. He wiped the big knife with the cloth towel just now, and ordered:

"Use my servants and the young men from the martial arts hall to go back together, first to find Li Wenyuan, then to Lu Wancai, and through them to find Eunuch Zou, let's continue to Tianjin and see what tigers, leopards and wolves are blocking our way. "

General Tan glanced at the messy corpses on the ground, and said with a smile:

"Master, these are just local chickens and dogs. Even if the master didn't lead the big guys out, Sun Xin and Li Tao came out in line, just like killing pigs and goats. It's the shocking tiger. I'm afraid there will be trouble if we gather such a big lock in the meantime!"

"We must not turn back, at least not today. These broken thieves will soon spread the news to the Shaking Tiger. If we turn back, the people in our team will be flustered. It will be dark soon. If a large group of people catch up, the warriors are fine, the others will definitely be in chaos, if they don’t care about anything in the panic, it will be a big trouble.”

Wang Tong said resolutely, Tan Jiang pondered for a while, nodded solemnly in agreement, but asked again:
"Sir, is our team still moving forward?"

"Don't go, set up camp on the spot, light a fire and cook. There is still an hour and a half before dark. Let's set up camp. They will definitely not wait for us to rest for a night and get enough energy before coming to fight. Before dark When we are exhausted after playing, this is the opportunity, hurry up and make arrangements, before it's time to rest!"

General Tan obeyed orders awe-inspiringly. His current attitude was no longer that of an elder to a junior, but purely a general's obedience to his master. Before everyone recovered from the joy of victory, they immediately began to get busy again.

Wang Tong looked in the direction of Tianjin Sanwei, and said to himself in a cold voice:
"It's nothing more than killing people, so kill them!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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