Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 196 A Strong Enemy Doesn't Have to Be Difficult

Chapter 196 A Strong Enemy Doesn't Have to Be Difficult

Looking from both sides of the official road, apart from the frozen canal, there are fields, short trees and paths. The snow that fell in the past few days has melted a little, and the ground looks like a dirty rag, one piece is yellow and the other is white. Very ugly.

Wang Tong and Tan Bing were behind a clump of bushes. Their royal blue cotton robes had now turned khaki, and their mounts were covered with a piece of felt, which was also khaki.

Looking from a distance, you can't see anyone in a trance. It's very simple to achieve this effect, just roll on the sandy ground.

The sun was about to set, and the horse stopped behind the two of them, chewing hard food in a pocket, while Wang Tong and Tan Bing stood behind and stood still.

"As long as the case can be sent to Xianghe County, the county magistrate will lose his position if he doesn't accept it. He will definitely report to send troops to rescue, but all the city gates are closed early in the twelfth lunar month. Let's see if we can catch up."

Tan Bing looked at the official road not far away, and whispered to Wang Tong.

Wang Tong nodded, but there was no answer. They were on the side of the official road about three miles east of the convoy, and they were almost certain that the Sky-Shattering Tiger would come from here, so they decided to take a look first.

The rays of the setting sun were extremely bright, and the sky and the earth seemed to be dyed with a layer of color. At this time, a team appeared on the east side of the official road.

It can indeed be called a team. The cavalry in this team is far inferior to those of the thieves just now, that is, about fifty cavalry, but they are neatly arranged. There are no horses galloping, and small steps are running in front. Regardless of whether they are cavalry or cavalry, they are all wearing black cloth Or half-worn cotton padded jackets made of brown cloth, there is another very strange thing, that is, they all cover their faces

The infantry in the back are all armed with swords and shields on the outside, and those holding long soldiers on the inside. Although the team is a little loose, it is in the middle of a trot, and the formation can be maintained even if it is far away. It is not easy to see the original arrangement.

In addition to the sound of horseshoes and footsteps, there was only the order of the leader to restrain the soldiers in a low voice. The team of about 500 people marched quickly on the official road, which actually gave people a kind of pressure.

Wang Tong took a slow breath and said in a low voice:
"If this is a bandit, our Daming would have been turned upside down... You guys are so cruel, I don't know what you did, but you actually dispatched troops to kill me."

Backing away while talking, they got to the horse's side, removed the blanket, the two turned on the horse, whipped, and the horse hurriedly galloped towards the way it came.Someone in the team on the official road must have seen the noise here, but they just stopped their eyes, but no one paid attention to it, and just continued to move forward.

Wang Tong and Tan Bing rode their horses and galloped wildly. Naturally, their speed was much faster than the enemies who wanted to maintain their formation, and they left the group of enemies behind in a short time.

By the time he rushed back to his motorcade, the other side had already started to get busy nervously. On the great plain, Tan Gong was standing on a high place, and the light was good, so he could see the group of people clearly from a distance.

Seeing Wang Tong and Tan Bing coming, the blacksmith and several dealers in the workshop yelled to move the carts blocking the way and let Wang Tong and Tan Bing ride in.

In a short distance of three miles, the horse was almost running at a sprint speed. After entering the range of the car formation, the horse was already covered in sweat, and the dealers hurriedly pulled it away.

Tan Jiang rushed up quickly, and after talking with Tan Bing for a few words, he approached Wang Tong and said in a low voice:
"My lord, let's take a horse and walk in the wilderness now. If we hurry up, we can bypass the soldiers and horses in front and go to Tianjin Three Guards. We will be safe then."

Wang Tong looked back at the old and young in the car formation with a sullen face. Among these people, there were only 50 people who could ride horses. His close relatives, young people in the martial arts hall, and the hard-earned money could not be taken away. What should I do if I ran away from security.

Regarding General Tan's proposal, Wang Tong shook his head and said in a harsh voice:

"If I leave like this, who else will be loyal to me in the future."

After a pause, Wang Tong's question interrupted Tan Jiang's continued persuasion, and said:
"Jin Yi's army is different from the other soldiers and horses of Ming Dynasty. If the horse bow and horse skills of your brothers Tan Jiang are in the army, what is it?"

Although General Tan was surprised by Wang Tong's question, he still showed a proud look on his face, and said loudly:
"To tell you the truth, there is no one in a hundred."

Wang Tong nodded, and before he could speak, Tan Gong, who was on guard above, had already shouted:
"Come on, push up everywhere, and keep an eye on those who hold weapons."

When Wang Tong went to watch the enemy just now, General Tan and the others had already made arrangements here, and the dealers who let the horses were divided into two teams, all of them were on standby with bows and arrows, while the servants and the young men were holding the long and short. The weapons are divided into several teams and guarded in various directions.

Sun Dahai, Zhang Shiqiang and the Jin Yiwei who followed them, together with the blacksmiths in the workshop, protected the panic-stricken women and children.

The sun was hanging above the horizon, and it looked huge, and the enemy army had already rushed to the front of the convoy, which was almost a hundred paces away.

The cavalry in front stopped first, and the infantry immediately began to deploy. Without much effort, they formed five square formations of a hundred people. This action made the people in the car formation feel more pressured.

"I don't know if it's the soldiers and horses of Tianjin Sanwei, but it looks like they have been on the battlefield before."

General Tan said with emotion.

After running all the way to come here, there is also a time for respite and rest. Except for the cavalry in front of them, the other four troops spread out in other directions.

After forming a posture of encircling the car formation, they did not rush to attack. Instead, they gathered the formation there and temporarily repaired it.

The defense circle formed by the large carts looks solid, but it is only a temporary defense. If these 400 people exert their strength at the same time, the defense inside will definitely not be able to take care of it. Such an isolated and helpless small stronghold, breaking a point, The entire defense is completely opened.

While it was being repaired, on the side facing the thieves' cavalry, the cart used to make the entrance was moved away, and more than [-] horses rushed out of the cart formation.

The cavalry standing still on the opposite side was a little agitated, attacking from all directions, and hitting more and less. Their cavalry was only used to chase and intercept the fleeing people.

But even so, there were more of them than the cavalry in the convoy, and they never expected that the other party would charge out so openly.

Could it be that he looked at the people outside and wanted to run, but this posture didn't look like it. Could it be that he was looking for death? Some of the riders yelled a few words, and the cavalry who had just stopped soon started to move, yelling Go out on a horse.

Wang Tong held a large shield in front of him, and the hand holding the shield was also holding the reins to control the horse, and his movements were quite awkward.But he was at the forefront of the team. All the members of the Tan family had followed on horseback. The dealers were the most accurate archers, and Ma Sanbiao, Sun Dahai and several servants were also riding in the team.

Sun Xin and Li Tao are in charge of the current command in the car formation. If Li Hutou and Ma Pozi hadn't stayed inside, many people would have thought he was going to escape.

Wang Tongchong was at the forefront, with more than twenty cavalry in the shape of a regular triangle, and the opponent responded well, and the cavalry surrounded them with left and right wings.

With a distance of more than a hundred steps, the two sides had already ran dozens of steps in response to Wang Tong. A cavalry in front shouted and raised the spear in his hand, and stabbed straight at Wang Tong.

With a sharp whistle of "嗖", an arrow shot out from Wang Tong's side, hitting the cavalryman's chest, and the cavalryman fell down from his horse.

Wang Tong kicked the horse's abdomen fiercely with both legs to speed up the mount. Every cavalry in front of him was shot off by the people behind him.

In the battle of less than a hundred riders, after more than a dozen people were shot down, everyone knew that they should not stand in front of Wang Tong. In front of Wang Tong were only the person who gave the order and a few guards around him.

Wang Tong dropped the shield, took out a copper tube of fire medium and lit the matchlock, then removed the paper ball from the muzzle of the gun, rammed it a few times with a cleaning rod, and raised the muzzle of the gun upwards.

The rays of the setting sun shone from behind Wang Tong, and the person opposite couldn't see what Wang Tong was holding in his hand, only when he raised a stick, even though the other party covered his face, Wang Tong still clearly heard the order The man's laughter, even the contemptuous words can be heard clearly:
"The little brat who has grown up in Maodu is still learning how to fight like others. Whoever goes up and ends him, I will give him 200 taels of money over there."

The guards on the side also laughed. One of them took the spear from the saddle and drove the horse. Wang Tong had come to a distance of [-] steps from them, but he suddenly reined in his mount, and everyone was stunned.

Wang Tong leveled his arm, aimed at the man in the middle who was giving orders, and pulled the trigger. The burning end of the match ignited the priming medicine in the medicine pool, and there was a loud "touch".

At this distance, the short-fired guns were accurate enough. There was a bang, and the gunpowder smoke drifted away. The man in the middle tightly grasped the front lapel, let out an ahhh, and immediately fell off the horse.

"Master Zhang!!"

Neither Wang Tong's horse nor the opponent's horse was used to the huge roar of the firecrackers. Both sides were struggling to control their mounts. He chased after Wang Tong with a gun, and ran towards the field as soon as he pulled the rein.

He conveniently took out the short gun hanging on the other side, tamped it firmly, and reined in the horse, the horse stopped, Wang Tong turned his head, the man's spear was no more than ten steps away from Wang Tong.

Wang Tong hastily aimed and pulled the trigger.

After the loud bang, the chasing knight leaned back suddenly, and his spear fell to the ground. The other formations were a little restless. He didn't know whether to help the cavalry or attack, Wang Tong gasped. After a few breaths, put his hands around his mouth, and shouted in a shrill voice:

"Master Zhang is dead, Master Zhang is dead, everyone hurry back to camp!!"

When he shouted, everyone in the convoy shouted, "Master Zhang is dead!" "Go back to the camp!"
Dear book friends, the beginning of the month is when everyone has a monthly pass. Don’t let Lao Bai lose at the starting line. Please support Lao Bai a lot, thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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