Chapter 197

When he heard the words that Mr. Zhang was dead, the already chaotic scene suddenly became quiet, and some cavalrymen on horseback were killed by Wang Tong's men.

The infantry in other directions also showed obvious confusion, and the leaders shouted loudly everywhere to hold down their positions, but the next shout of "Go back to the camp" made them even more flustered.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wang Tong and his men finally got together, and while the cavalrymen were panicking, they rushed towards the nearest group of infantry.

No one came out from inside the chariot formation, but someone kept shouting those two words loudly. Wang Tong's twenty-odd riders had already been killed. There was also blood oozing.

Wang Tong raised the saber in his hand and shouted loudly:
"Their leader has already been beheaded. Reinforcements from Xianghe County and Tongzhou will arrive soon. When we kill these rebellious generals, everyone will be rewarded!"

The weather was very dry. Wang Tong's throat was already sore because of his nervousness in the battle just now, but he still shouted loudly, but General Tan immediately understood what he meant, and shouted:
"Reinforcements are coming!!"

The team that had been somewhat disciplined just now finally couldn't control it. The leaders who were loudly maintaining order were also looking around in panic. Taking advantage of this gap, Wang Tong's cavalry rushed in.

In fact, there was no fierce battle of hand-to-hand combat. When the cavalry charged, the already panicked bandits immediately broke up and ran towards the outer circle. Just now, the bandit cavalry formed a formation and chased them up with great difficulty. Watching their own team being washed away.

Wang Tong didn't intend to chase down the deserters at all. Instead, he slammed the horse's belly with the sole of his boot, urging the horse to continue to rush to another team. Let's go back to camp." These three words made them restless and panicked.

The cavalry team on Wang Tong's side hardly encountered any resistance, and they smashed the four square teams one after another. If you say beheading, they killed less than a dozen rout soldiers, and most of them scattered and fled.

When turning to the front, Wang Tong and others stopped their horses and waited for the horse-riding thieves who followed them to catch up. They stayed in the middle of the car formation, and the dealers with bows and arrows also climbed up under the command of Li Tao. With the pile of goods on the front side, it is most convenient to shoot from a height. .

The horse-riding thieves who were chasing after saw the fleeing companions and the archers on the cart. The few leaders exchanged a few words with each other, and went to pick up the bodies of the two men shot dead by Wang Tong on the horse. The road went straight and left.

The sun finally set, and the slowest thief disappeared from everyone's sight. After the person on top of the cart told everyone the news in a hoarse voice, the whole convoy burst into cheers.

Wang Tong grabbed the unsoiled snow on the side of the road, rubbed it on his face a few times, shook his head, and shouted at Zhang Shiqiang:
"Arrange people to go out and get some rabbits or something. The water will be boiled quickly, and the wounds will be cleaned and bandaged. Tonight we will camp on the spot without leaving."

The women who were still in shock hurriedly built a fire and boiled water there, and began to prepare meals for the evening. Although the servants and teenagers in the inner circle were very nervous, they did not go outside to participate in the battle, but they looked very happy. Li Hutou ignored his face from the cold. Flushing, leaned over and asked curiously:
"Brother Wang, the new band of thieves are obviously stronger than the first time. No matter how loud they are, they panic. What method are you using?"

Wang Tong has gradually relaxed in his heart, and Tan Jiang who came over looked at each other with a smile, and said:
"Hutou, the behavior of these people is clearly trained in the army, and those weapons are also made in the army. It must be the nearby soldiers and horses masked to rob and kill them. First find their leader and kill them. They don't have a leader. They were naturally flustered, and they called back to the battalion this time to make them feel that we already knew their identities, and at the same time said that reinforcements were coming, so that they would not dare to stay here to kill people, and we put a little pressure on them, and they dispersed. "

Although Li Hutou had also learned the art of war, what Wang Tong said still made him ignorant. Wang Tong just smiled and rubbed his head without going into details.

To be honest, Wang Tong's series of actions just now are actually a judgment on the enemy's psychology, which involves some professional experience in his life.

Wang Tong was a little tired after a short charge and battle, but he didn't rush to rest. He wiped and cleaned the two firecrackers that had made great achievements, and then began to load the ammunition. Hold the muzzle of the gun, this is also to prevent the projectile from falling when the muzzle of the gun is facing down. Anyway, it needs to be tamped with a cleaning rod before firing.

After the experience just now, General Tan's attitude towards Wang Tong has changed again, the look down from the elders has gone a bit, and he has become more respectful.

"Master, what are the arrangements for tomorrow?"

"Wait, just set up camp on the spot."

Hearing Wang Tong's tired answer, Jiang Tan stepped forward with some worry and asked:

"The loss suffered by the thief is not too great. If there is another attack like this tomorrow, our team will definitely not be able to resist."

"If you really want to fight the thieves, you have to leave, but the youngest Mr. Zhang is also a leader, and about 30 people died. Such casualties are revenge on the thieves. If so many people died suddenly by a soldier , Is there any war, how do they explain, how dare they come out again, all we have to do is wait, wait for the guards and horses from the capital to come, and then set off again, then everything will be safe."

After Wang Tong finished speaking, General Tan nodded thoughtfully, and went to arrange things for the night. Before it got dark, the people who went to Xianghe County to ask for reinforcements came back, saying that the city gate had been closed when they went, and they were under the city. Calling out, the soldiers on the city said that there has been a large amount of banditry activities recently, and they dare not open the door, saying that they will report it in the next day.

With this attitude of Xianghe County, Wang Tong couldn't decide whether it was intentional or unintentional. It didn't matter, as long as the defense was done at night, even bandits would not dare to attack in such darkness.

Those farmers who herd horses are in a hurry when they are fighting, but they have a lot of experience when they go out to hunt. It is said that they are used to doing it around the village near the capital.

Not long after, they came back after killing seven rabbits, cleaned them up and put them in a pot, and heated up all the dry food they took with them on the road. The team members who didn't eat a few mouthfuls of hot food happened to be full and rested.

Wang Tong still looked like a half-grown child, but everyone in the camp looked at him differently, with an expression of awe and awe.

Arranging camps for defense, taking the lead in attacking, shooting and killing the enemy leader, and using tactics to force back the overwhelmingly superior enemy, commanding well, and calmly arranging, such a Wang Tong, even with a young face, who would dare to take it? He treats him like a child, and his image does not know how tall he is.

Needless to say, Li Hutou, Li Tao, Sun Xin and other teenagers who came out of the martial arts gym are even more admirable. According to what they have seen, whether it is the martial arts courses of the eunuch Huang Yang or the veteran Yu Dayou in the martial arts gym, many of Wang Tong are very good at it. Delayed, I didn't expect that there would be such a clever plan in front of the enemy.

After eating a rabbit's leg and drinking hot soup, Wang Tong's exhaustion gradually surged. There should be no danger to come to the door tonight, but he still arranged his duty and defense, and fell asleep next to the fire go.

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, the capital’s east-facing city gates opened early, and hundreds of fully armed cavalry galloped out of the city, heading in the direction of Tianjin Sanwei.

The five city soldiers and horse soldiers guarding the city gate were all very surprised. They hadn't seen such a posture for many years, so they couldn't help whispering.

"....What kind of big event happened, to let the troops of the left guard of Longxiang go over..."

In Wenyuan Pavilion early in the morning, during the routine court meeting, the ministers nodded their heads and walked into the room one after another. Now everyone is doing it very easily, and they don't have so many intrigues.

Anyway, Mr. Zhang Ge made up his mind on how to do it. Everyone just follow suit with low eyebrows. Recently, there is a Yaochi Eighteenth Heavenly Girl in the Qin Pavilion of the Beijing Normal University. Enjoy it in a private room.

Some people don't want to have fun, and they are a little bit careful, but the more they do things in the world, the more grand and lofty Zhang Ge's reputation becomes.

A large number of hidden fields were found out, and all the forces in the capital were more or less involved, which made them look ashamed, but it was beneficial and harmless to the first assistant Zhang Juzheng. The revenue and expenditure will definitely increase sharply. If the New Deal is not implemented, the tax base will increase so much, and the national treasury will be filled.

From the 30th year of Jiajing to the present, there have not been a few years when he has been as financially rich as he is now, and this is all due to Mr. Zhang Ge.

Emperor Wanli became more and more calm in the eyes of everyone, and his emotions and anger became more and more hidden. It seems that he has grown up a lot, but the bosses think about it for a while, it seems that this is less than a month. The attitude of the city government and the changes in the court situation seem to have passed months or even years.

Ding Youduo fell in love, many people made a fuss, and then either became an official or was exiled, and some people saw the right style, now the promotion is prosperous, the future is bright, the little emperor who has always been obedient is also arguing with the ministers in the court, refusing to give an inch.

The court situation is getting more and more dangerous, and the emperor is gradually growing up. Everyone is caught in the middle and be careful not to make things irreversible.

The first assistant and the second assistant came in turn, everyone greeted each other, and the eunuch outside announced that Emperor Wanli and several officials from the ceremonial supervisor walked in together.

Everyone saw the little emperor Wanli walking in with a cold face, and said that he was not showing any emotions, which showed his emotions. The ministers held back their surprise and knelt down to pay homage. Before the ceremony was over, they heard Wanli said coldly:

"Do you still think I am the Son of Heaven!!??"
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(End of this chapter)

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