Chapter 198

"Do you still think I am the Son of Heaven!!?"

The officials knelt down, subconsciously straightened up, and waited for the emperor to say hello according to the usual practice. Unexpectedly, when Wanli said this sentence, everyone fell to the ground again.

"You asked me to drive Wang Tong out of the capital, and I did so, but Wang Tong walked halfway, but was intercepted and killed. Could it be that my new couple is about to be sent out of the city to be killed?"

The words are so heavy, even the first assistant Zhang Juzheng can only kowtow with everyone, and justified in his mouth:
"I dare not wait, Your Majesty will investigate!"

"How dare the widow dare to investigate in detail, all of you who love the Qing and are loyal to the country, and want to kill that Wang Tong must be in line with the sage's reasoning and the world's way. Just kill it, I will never ask, and I dare not ask, or else... huh!"

Listening to the little emperor talking more and more, Feng Bao and Zhang Cheng who stood behind didn't care about the difference between monarchs and ministers. They came over a few steps and tugged at the sleeve of the little emperor. Emperor Wanli stopped his words and sneered a few times.

"I'm exhausted today, so I'm going back to the palace first, and all major affairs in the world, dear ones, please decide on your own!"

The little emperor came to the court meeting today, but he didn't even sit down. After saying a few words, he left directly and listened to the eunuch's singing outside the door. Only then did everyone react.

As usual, Feng Bao, the eunuch who was in charge of the seal of ceremonies, went out a few steps behind, and the ministers got up from the ground. Zhang Juzheng didn't care about the expressions of the others, and hurried to the door, saying in a low voice:
"Eunuch Feng..."

Feng Bao stretched out his hand and waved it slightly, and said in a low voice:

"Our family has to report this matter to the Empress Dowager. Elder Zhang Ge will ask the people around him if there is anyone who wants to ask for credit for doing this. Whether there is or not, please send a message to our family first, It's not too late to make calculations."

Zhang Juzheng folded his fists and bowed his body, but did not continue to speak.

Feng Bao left Wenyuan Pavilion, but he didn't go back to the guard's room. Instead, he took a soft sedan and left the palace directly from the east gate. Near the east gate, many eunuchs' houses were located here. Come here to stay, meet your relatives and confidantes outside the palace, and so on.

After getting off the soft sedan chair, the housekeeper respectfully accompanied Feng Bao directly to the main hall. A middle-aged man dressed in a royal guard and wearing a blue double-breasted robe saw Feng Bao approaching, and immediately paid homage. Feng Bao walked in Afterwards, standing in front of that person without asking him to get up, he asked calmly:

"Feng Jin, do you know what happened to Wang Tong?"

"Back to the factory, the little one only found out about this morning."

"Can it be related to you?"

The middle-aged man quickly kowtowed again, and said respectfully:
"Without the order of the factory owner, the young ones would not dare to do such things even if they had the courage. The people from the East Factory have already been sent out, and they will definitely be rewarded within five days."

"If you have news, let our family know as soon as possible, and don't tell others."

After finishing speaking, Feng Bao turned around and went out. The man on the ground knelt and did not move until the sound of footsteps went away. In front of Feng Bao, the high-ranking official who saw the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice was just clasping his fists and saluting, as if he was a servant of the family.

Zhang Cheng reviewed several notebooks in the value room, and Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liao Town, played, saying that there was a snowstorm on the grassland this year, many cattle and horses were killed and injured in Tumote's department, and the Jurchens outside the customs also showed signs of instability, so he asked the court to allocate Food, soldiers and horses should be prepared early.

This Li Chengliang is very fond of complaining, and he doesn't know how much money he has made in these years, but his ability to fight well has always been valued by the court.

Moreover, these matters on the prairie have been reported by the meticulous work of various places and the merchants who come and go on the prairie. It is also true that preparations should be made early. For details, Zhang Cheng couldn't make a decision.

Take a red pen to mark a few strokes on it, put it on the left side and press it with a silver paperweight. The most important memorials are placed there. If Feng Bao comes over, Zhang Cheng will take the folder over there and send it over. In Cheng's absence, there are also eunuchs presenting it, which is also the rule of the ceremonial supervisor.

When I was reading the second booklet, I heard a burst of soft footsteps running in. This voice has gradually become familiar to Zhang Cheng recently. It is the child Zhao Jinliang who doesn't have a smile on his face.

Hearing of the catastrophe at home, this child came in from the palace. He is young but has a calm temperament that does not match his age. Zhang Cheng likes this child very much, and has repeatedly asked Zou Yi to take good care of him.

All the brochures and posts that Zhao Jinliang sent in were most likely Zou Yi's for Zhang Cheng to read, and they were the most important news.

Zhao Jinliang tiptoed to put the notebook on Zhang Cheng's desk, bowed his head and lowered his hands, and stepped back.Zhang Cheng picked up the booklet and glanced at it for a while, his expression changed, he closed the booklet, said hello to a few eunuchs, got up and went out.

The soft sedan chairs carried by the young eunuchs in the palace were extremely stable, and when the eunuchs carrying the sedan chair were trotting, the people sitting in the sedan chair did not feel the bumps.

After Feng Bao went out of the palace once, he rushed back to the palace immediately, and came to the palace of the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li. He sorted out in his mind what the emperor said today, and told the empress dowager Li.

After listening to Feng Bao's statement, Empress Dowager Li's face turned cold, and she said in a deep voice:

"The children have already left the capital, why are there still people staring at them, don't they have the emperor in their eyes, and the empress dowager Aijia in their eyes?"

Hearing what Empress Dowager Li said was serious, Feng Bao quickly knelt down and reported:
"Your Majesty, the news I got from this servant is that Wang Tong sent someone to send a memorial for help to His Majesty, and it was passed on by Eunuch Zhang. The memorial probably didn't say whether it was the officers and soldiers pretending to be thieves, or the local Thieves."

The chill on Empress Dowager Li's face became heavier, and her voice became colder:
"The important place in Gyeonggi, the residence of the emperor, there are such arrogant and unscrupulous thieves around, how do the guards and generals do it, and what are there so many soldiers and horses in Hejian Mansion and Shuntian Mansion? To be a thieves is to cause chaos, if the thieves are rampant, it means that the local government is not strong enough, and we must undertake it.”

Having said that, Feng Bao could only kowtow to accept the order. The Queen Mother Li's tone became more and more calm, but the content of her words became more and more severe.

"Mr. Zhang Ge said in his greeting, for the sake of the emperor and Ming Dynasty, some things that are not in compliance with the rules are allowed. Wang Tong is just a child, and his heart is also good. There is nothing wrong with staying with His Majesty for a year. It’s just a little more playful, it’s nothing more than driving out of the capital, if someone really loses his head to please you and Zhang Ge, the Ai family will not tolerate him.”

Feng Bao didn't dare to stand up anymore, so he could only say something from the top and kowtow to the bottom. Seeing his appearance, Empress Dowager Li sighed and said in a low voice:

"Get up, you are also the chief of the inner court, don't lose your face in front of the little one, everyone who should greet inside and outside should greet you, it is right to do things out of public interest, but you must also know that this world belongs to the Zhu family , it belongs to the emperor, whoever is in charge of the house has to figure it out."

Zhang Cheng took the booklet to the emperor's study. When he was in the corridor, the little eunuch took the shawl and asked the person at the door in a low voice, "

"What is Lord Long Live doing?"

"Responding to Eunuch Zhang, when I went in to deliver tea just now, I saw Long Live holding a book and looking at the window sill and smiling..."

Isn't this just distracted by reading? Zhang Cheng shook his head wonderingly, and raised his voice outside to announce. After the approval inside, he walked in lightly.

The study room was very warm. Emperor Wanli was holding a book in his hand, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were not on the book at all. When he saw Zhang Cheng coming in, he shook his head. It seemed that he had just been distracted in a daze.

Zhang Cheng turned and closed the door, and the little Emperor Wanli said with some emotion behind him:

"I was just studying, and I unconsciously thought of what happened in the martial arts school. I, Wang Tong, and Hutou fought with other school captains. At that time, I was running all over the field. If it wasn't for the tiger's head protecting me, I'm afraid I would I was about to be punched and kicked by them for a while, less than a year has passed, but when I think about it, it seems like a long time ago."

After saying these words, Zhang Cheng had a new estimate of Wang Tong's weight in Wanli's heart, stepped forward and said in a low voice:
"Long Live Lord, Wang Tong sent another message just now. It was an hour and a half behind the letter above. It said that it was the second wave of attacking men and horses. They were officers and soldiers nearby. One of them was called "Zhang adult's

With a sound of "crash", the tea bowl of the Shanghao official kiln was smashed to pieces by Emperor Wanli. The little emperor's face had turned ashen, and his face had become very hideous at this moment. He almost gritted his teeth and said:
"Investigate!! Give me a careful investigation!!"

Zhang Cheng waved his hand to let the eunuchs and guards rush in to leave, and reported in a low voice:
"Wang Tong led the men to beat up nearly 500 people, but the people in the convoy are fine."

The little emperor's expression softened a little, and he leaned on the back of the chair and said with a gloomy face:
"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, officers and soldiers can be used to rob and kill my confidantes. I really don't know if this is my country, Zhang Banban, Dongchang, Jinyiwei, Shuntian Mansion, Hejian Mansion's various yamen, Send them all out to investigate, report to them immediately if they have any news, the widows will deal with it strictly, and you will only know how serious it is if you lose your head."

Zhang Cheng hurriedly bowed to receive the order, and said:
"The servant girl is going to deliver the decree. According to the decree of the Long Live Lord, the left guard of Longxiang has already rushed over with five hundred cavalry. The battalion officer Deng Pu is also a capable person."

Seeing Wanli nodding, Zhang Cheng turned around and was about to go out when he heard the little emperor whisper:

"The news from Dongchang is from Feng Daban, and the news from Jinyiwei is from Mr. Zhang. Use your own connections to check, and use the Secretary of Public Security!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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