Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 199 The Secretary of Public Security is Useful

Chapter 199 The Secretary of Public Security is Useful

Wang Tong ostentatiously camped on the official road, and the next morning, a letter asking for help was sent to Xianghe County. The status of Jinyiwei Qianhu was far higher than that of the county magistrate.

After the magistrate of Xianghe County received the letter, he almost fell off his chair, and immediately mobilized the only [-] soldiers in the county and twice as many civilians to rescue them. Needless to say, all the magistrates and magistrates in the county followed and confessed to Wang Tong and his party as if they were their ancestors.

After seeing so many people coming, Wang Tong was relieved. In any case, such a diligent and careful rescue showed that Xianghe County should not be involved in it.

With the help of everyone in Xianghe County, Wang Tong's convoy started to move forward again, but when it reached the village in front, it stopped and waited for the reinforcements behind it.

That village was where the "Shocking Tiger" was stationed. The villagers were still terrified when they saw the large group of people. According to them, a masked group rushed into the village three days ago.

They didn't grab food or money, and they didn't touch women. They just drove them to a house at the end of the village and didn't leave until yesterday afternoon.

Wang Tong, Tan Jiang and others took a look at the situation in the village. There were indeed traces of a large number of people stationed there, but they were also cleaned up very cleanly. Looking at the layout of the village entrance, it was even more certain that this was the judgment of the officials and soldiers.

It is also very simple to find out who did it. I went to Tianjin Three Guards and sent official documents to check with each battalion head. If the general died recently and the troops were lost, it must be true.

It won't be too late to take care of things slowly at that time. What we have to do now is to rest in this village, recharge our batteries, and wait for the arrival of rescue soldiers and horses.

It didn't take too long to wait. On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, the second night of the battle, hundreds of cavalry led by Longxiang Left Guard Battalion Officer Deng Pu joined Wang Tong, and the panic-stricken Xianghe County worked hard to organize a large number of soldiers. The military supplies, let these imperial guards recuperate overnight, before setting out on the road the next morning.

Longxiang Zuowei's fully armed hundreds of cavalry can only be dealt with in Beizhili unless more than 3000 infantry or more than [-] cavalry are mobilized, but such a large mobilization will definitely alarm the governor and the local guard generals , How could the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty take action against the Imperial Army?

Therefore, the current Wang Tong and his party are foolproof.

"...Wang Tong shouted 'Master Zhang is dead' and 'return to the camp', and those masked thieves panicked immediately. They thought their whereabouts had been exposed. Shouting in unison, the culprit became more and more flustered. In addition, Wang Tong killed the two big bosses with a firecracker. The morale of the culprit was already extremely low. With Wang Tong's brave charge, the culprit could no longer hold on... "

While looking at the newspaper in his hand, Zhang Cheng preached vividly, thinking that Wang Tong was really novel, and it is said that he specially asked the magistrate of Xianghe County to write this article.

It's very simple, and it's all written in vernacular, like the storytelling in a teahouse. It's said to be played by the Ming Dynasty, but it's actually told by Zhang Cheng to the emperor.

Of course Emperor Wanli knew how to read, but it was quite interesting for Zhang Cheng to read it this way. Emperor Wanli listened attentively, leaned forward when he got to the exciting part, and clapped his hand on the table to applaud when he got to the exciting part.

After Zhang Cheng finished reading, seeing the little emperor's expression still unfinished, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"Lord Long Live, don't worry. When this battle report was sent, Wang Tong was only a day and a half away from Tianjin Three Guards. He might have settled down now!"

Wanli didn't answer the words, but said excitedly:

"If I were in this team, I would definitely take the lead and fight fiercely with those courageous thieves. When the time comes, I will kill some heads and go to the local government to receive rewards for my meritorious service. Those servants will find out that I am the Son of Heaven, and they will definitely be speechless. .”

The little emperor was so excited that he completely substituted himself into it. Thinking about traveling on the official road with his companions in the martial arts hall, making a fire and cooking by himself, and meeting the enemy and bandits working together to fight against the enemy, Emperor Wanli was very excited. Zhang Cheng was there With a smile on his face, he slandered a few words in his heart, if Lord Long Live followed that way, he would not have to send a large army to accompany him, let alone a thief, he would not even be able to see a pedestrian on the road.

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, a ceremony of worship was held in the palace. When dinner was approaching, Zhang Cheng recited this newspaper sent by Wang Tong to Emperor Wanli.

It was getting dark, according to the palace rules, tonight the little Emperor Wanli was going to have dinner with the Empress Dowager Cisheng, Empress Dowager Rensheng, and King Lu.

But after Wang Tong left, Emperor Wanli was not so interested in going to have dinner with the Queen Mother and King Lu. This kind of polite dinner tonight cannot be excused.

After being excited for a while, Emperor Wanli patted the book table and asked in a deep voice:
"At the court meeting today, no matter whether you asked Feng Daban or Mr. Zhang, Dongchang and Jinyiwei didn't find any news. How about Zhang Banban?"

Zhang Cheng hurriedly bowed and replied:
"Forgive me, Long Live Lord. I have just set up a shelf for the Chief of Public Security on the side of the servant girl, so it is a bit slow to do it. The servant girl reckoned that no matter whether I heard about it or not, the news will be there tomorrow."

The situation of the Department of Public Security is that Emperor Wanli has always been concerned about participating. Now he is short of manpower, the various yamen are not cooperative, and the distribution is not complete. He also understands the situation. He shook his head helplessly when he heard this, sighed and said:
"It's difficult for us monarchs and ministers to do anything. People and money are held by Feng Daban and Mr. Zhang. When Wang Tong settles down there, we should write to ask. According to what Wang Tong said, the Secretary of Public Security can support himself. Myself, as well as those at the beginning, are now doing something different from what I said..."

Zhang Cheng blushed slightly, bowed his head and agreed, and Wang Tong handed over the security department to his department. Although this so-called security department is a rudimentary creation, it is indeed useful whether it is financial resources or intelligence spying.Zhang Cheng originally thought that it would be easy for him to run the job after so many years, but he didn't expect that there were so many mistakes, and everything was not smooth, so he felt a little ashamed.

At this moment, someone outside announced:

"Slave Zou Yi has something to ask to see Lord Long Live."

Zou Yi is Zhang Cheng's adopted son, and he is also called Wang Tong's brother. In a sense, he is also someone that the little emperor Wanli can rest assured of.

Zou Yi's face was a little flushed with excitement, he grabbed a few pieces of paper in his hand, kowtowed as soon as he entered the door, knelt on the ground and said a little excitedly:

"Long Live Lord, the news just came from Mr. Lu Wancai, Mr. Lu, what happened to Mr. Wang on the road has some clues."

"Oh!?" Emperor Wanli and Zhang Cheng exclaimed almost at the same time. Zou Yi hurriedly handed the paper in his hand to Zhang Cheng, and said out of breath:

"Fang Da, the steward of Fang Ruixing, the Marquis of Anping, raised a woman in the west city, and this woman had an affair with a rogue, and the rogue lived on the money given by the woman. Yesterday when the rogue gambled in Nancheng, he boasted that he The woman gave him 50 taels of silver, it is said that Fang Da was going to ask someone to kill an official who offended their young master halfway, and took 2000 taels out of the 500 taels of the relationship, and gave the woman 200 taels..."

Zou Yi's words were a bit indifferent, but the news was heard by the people in the casino, and he told the guards who came to check it as a bragging anecdote.

However, Lu Wancai arranged for the investigation of the case outside the city. The guards who heard the news immediately paid attention to it and reported it layer by layer. Finally, when they arrived at Lu Wancai's side, the matter was serious, so naturally they didn't dare to neglect it. Riding a horse to inform Zou Yi.

Emperor Wanli chanted "Marquis of Anping", his face gradually turned cold, and he pondered for a while and ordered Zhang Cheng to say:
"Zhang Banban, write a booklet about these things. I want to see it at the mother's side, and Feng Daban and Mr. Zhang's side. The Secretary of Public Security is really useful. There is no news from Dongchang and Jinyiwei in the market. After inquiring about it, he found out, Zhang Banban, in the future, you should spend less effort on the matter of the Supervisor of Rituals, anyway, Feng Daban is worried about it, and working hard in this security department will be of great use sooner or later."

The two empress dowagers, Wanli and King Lu sat around the table to dine. In this kind of etiquette, Feng Bao, as the chief of the inner court, also had to serve him.

After eating a few mouthfuls, King Lu was about to say Zhu Song's words, but Emperor Wanli took out the booklet from his arms, and the originally rather pleasant atmosphere changed immediately.

Empress Dowager Li and Empress Dowager Chen naturally understood the contents of the booklet. Empress Dowager Li's face gradually turned cold, and she said in a deep voice:
"Anpinghou Fang's family acted recklessly during Emperor Sejongsu's reign. They beat and killed three people outside the city in order to fight for water to irrigate the fields. They did not restrain themselves when the late Emperor was here. Why did they do such evil things today? It was out of concern for the Tian family I have tolerated it again and again for my face, but now it has become like this, Feng Bao, the people from Dongchang will go tonight and ask them to blame!"

The Wanli Emperor had a low eyebrow and a pleasing eye on this matter, and he didn't say a word. He had the right to eunuch inside and the minister outside. Although Queen Mother Li also relied on these two, she must be on guard in her heart.

Empress Dowager Li's precautions made her unable to allow any more unrestrained people to appear. The Hou family of Anping violated this taboo. They were able to ambush people outside the capital to attack the emperor's cronies, and they were officers and soldiers pretending to be thieves. If you dare to do this today, you will be in the future. To what extent.

Anyone could hear the sternness in the Empress Dowager Li's words, Feng Bao hurriedly bowed and agreed, and King Lu also put down the bowl and chopsticks, and sat quietly on the side.

The Empress Dowager Chen thought about it after reading the excerpt, and then persuaded in a low voice:
"Sister, after all, the Fang family is Emperor Sejongsu's natal family. It would also damage the dignity of the royal family to let Fanzi come to arrest people. How about conferring the Fang family and only taking Fang Zhongping?"

After arriving in Sanwei, Tianjin, Wang Tong bid farewell to Deng Pu, who was escorted here, and found an inn to stay in. From the beginning to the end, no one greeted him or greeted him.
Happy weekend, do you have a monthly pass?
(End of this chapter)

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