Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 200 On Merit Rewards Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 200 On Merit Rewards Buying People's Hearts
Wang Tong's team of nearly [-] people, dozens of carts, and hundreds of horses found the inn easily outside the city of Tianjinwei.

Moreover, this inn has a private courtyard, a stable, and even an open space for large carts. The conditions are quite good. Judging by the careless appearance of the cart driver, it seems that there are many such inns.

The name of the inn is quite vulgar, it is called "Xingcai Inn", which is a pretext for words. When Wang Tong and others checked in, the inn was very deserted. There were only two Jiangxi merchants who couldn't make it home for the New Year. Here.

When he moved in, Wang Tong encountered a small incident. On the way, Wang Tong was wearing the official robe of Jinyiwei Qianhu for various considerations. When the shopkeeper saw the clothes, he was obviously embarrassed.When General Tan stepped forward to ask if he could stay in the store, the shopkeeper actually replied:
"The shop is full, all guests, please go elsewhere!"

When we arrived at this shop, the city gates of Tianjin Wei had already been closed, so it was impossible to find an official reception. It was such a late day, and everyone finally found a place, so no one wanted to move.

However, the leader of the coachman who followed along the way was relieved. Everyone had passed through life and death on the road, and the relationship was extraordinary. Moreover, the leader of the coachman also knew that Wang Tong was a reasonable person, so he leaned over and whispered:
"My lord, pay the money first, this man eats horse chews and spends a lot of money every day!"

Hearing this, Wang Tong couldn't laugh or cry, but the prepayment of the rent was just what he said, so he hesitated, so he immediately turned around and gave instructions. on the counter.

After seeing the cash, the shopkeeper who was full of embarrassment immediately changed his face, and said with a smile:

"There are rooms and rooms available. The uncles will arrange for you right away."

There are so many people, not to mention the place to live, food and fodder, and the labor to take care of them is indeed not a small amount, but the way the shopkeeper behaves is not like a businessman. A horse is enough, so why bother asking for money by choking the neck like this.

But in the next moment, Wang Tong realized that the one who dared to love the shopkeeper was afraid that he would not give the money. When he was negotiating just now, he had been staring at the flying fish suits of Jin Yiwei and others.

Thinking about it, I used to be afraid of people living for free. Needless to say, the one living for free is naturally Jinyiwei. I don’t know if it’s from Tianjin Wei.

The next thing is very simple. I settled the money for this journey with the coachman, and gave the money to the big car dealer separately. Find my official", but the driver of the big car dealer was stunned because he didn't understand the word "Jinmen", so he had to pass it vaguely.

Another ten taels of silver was added, and the Xingcai Inn slaughtered the pigs and sheep, cleaned them up, stewed them in a large pot, baked flatbread with white flour, took out pickles and pickles in the vat, washed them, shredded them, and fried them with oil. The store also brought up the whole jar of spirits brewed privately by itself.

Although there are no fine dishes, there are also a variety of dishes in a hurry, and the meals of the female relatives are all delivered by the rough envoys who serve in the inn.

Regardless of whether they were injured or not, the men were all dragged to the lobby of the inn. The fear and life-and-death struggle on the road were over, and they didn't even eat a few mouthfuls of hot food on the road. Seeing this big meat and good wine, the atmosphere suddenly became lively Got up, knocked off the mud seal on the wine jar, Wang Tong poured a large bowl full of wine into his own wine bowl, then held it up and said:
"Everyone, there was blood and fire along the way. No one thought that it was just a change of official position. It was not easy for everyone to encounter such a scene. From today onwards, everyone is a family who share life and death. I, Wang Tong, have a family." If you eat, you will never let everyone eat porridge, and if you live in my Wang Tong’s house, you will not let everyone get wet, and the days will be long in the future, please remember Wang’s words, I will do it first.”

This big bowl contains at least two or three ounces of wine, the taste of privately brewed wine may not be very soft, but it is first-class strong, Wang Tong threw his neck back and drank it all.

There seemed to be fire in his throat and stomach, and his face was also flushed. Wang Tong drank a little anxiously, and staggered two steps. Zhang Shiqiang behind him quickly reached out to support him.

His arrogance made all the men in the room applaud, everyone stood up and drank the wine in the bowls, Wang Tong raised the empty bowls to signal one by one, the servants and teenagers were obviously respectful, Even the generals of the Tan family leaned forward to drink the wine from the wine bowl.

Along the way, life and death were fought, and the command was determined. Wang Tong's prestige had been established unknowingly. In the past, Wang Tong acted rigorously, but when interacting with everyone, it always made people feel separated, but now it is no longer the case. , everyone thinks that Wang Tong is his own family, the real master of his own family.

Especially in this wine market, the relationship between the men can be drawn closer, and those farmers from the grassland let go after drinking the first bowl of wine.

Wang Tong already felt a little dizzy after drinking it, so General Tan didn't let people come forward to toast. Those who could drink would pour wine and clink each other's glasses, and those who couldn't drink would start to eat.

"Chihei, come here!"

The strength of the wine was a little bit high, Wang Tong fell down on the chair and shouted loudly.

This Chihei does not sound like a Chinese name. It is the name of a farmer in Wangtong Zhuangzi. It is said that he escaped from Horqin. He is in his early thirties and is very popular. He followed these dealers. the leader.

When Chihei was half-drinking a bowl of wine, he quickly put down the wine bowl when he heard the greeting, and ran over in a hurry. Wang Tong looked at him with a flushed face and smiled, which made the Mongolian man quite puzzled. Tan Jiang next to him waved his hand, Tan Jiang nodded with a smile, and then raised his voice and said:
"The farmer, Chi Hei, killed six thieves on the road, and was promoted to be the head of the village, with a reward of 12 taels of silver."

As soon as the room was quiet, Chi Hei stood there at a loss, Zhang Shiqiang beside him had already taken out twelve taels of silver ingots and a few pieces of scattered silver, and handed them over on the wooden tray provided by the inn.

Then there was noise in the room again, 12 taels of silver, these farmers would have to save for five years without drinking, not to mention the position of the head of the farm, with enough money, and a leader, servants, farmers, and even the workshop All the blacksmiths were talking about it, and they looked at the red and black eyes with envy.

"...Chihei...Chihei....Thank you for your reward, Chihei will definitely kill more thieves in the future..."

The Mongolian man was already speechless, kneeling on the ground excitedly, the silence in the room was suddenly broken by loud laughter, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"If you come to a place like Tianjin Wei, then I will use you to kill people and lead people well. The master here also wants to open a village. General Tan, let's be next!"

Another farmer named De Leng who shot and killed three people was promoted to be Chihei's deputy after taking the money. The rest of them who had the record of killing the enemy took the money one by one and returned to their wine tables with high spirits. superior.

The rest of the dealers who were flustered before the battle were envious, while secretly gritted their teeth and encouraged themselves, hating themselves for not holding their bows and arrows firmly.

Moreover, my master's rewards for meritorious deeds are also fair. How many enemies each person kills is like that in a trance, and no one can tell what is wrong.

Next is the reward from the generals of the Tan family. These elite fighters became more indifferent, but the atmosphere in the room gradually increased. Every time one of them's achievements was mentioned, everyone applauded, but what people didn't expect was that taking money Ma Sanbiao was the one with the most. He brandished a big knife and slashed and killed thieves. He actually made 40 taels at once. Ma Sanbiao was a flamboyant character. All tossed off.

"Everyone, this journey is not easy. Follow me through life and death, follow me, as long as you are loyal and hardworking, you will be indispensable to prosperity and wealth. Everyone has seen the example just now. In addition, everyone who followed me to charge Two taels per person, one tael for each person guarding the convoy."

Originally, there were some people below who regretted that they didn't get the money, but when they heard Wang Tong's words, they immediately cheered out, which is really happy for everyone.

Calculated from inside and outside, Wang Tong threw in more than 1000 taels of silver that night, but Wang Tong had nothing to feel bad about, and what he gained was the loyal hearts of these subordinates.

After this reward, everyone felt a sense of vigor in their hearts, knowing that they followed the right master, and they knew what to do when encountering such things in the future. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with going forward bravely.

Even the generals of the Tan family were a little bit moved. This young man was very clear about rewards and punishments. If you follow him, you don't have to worry about anything, and you can look at the future with peace of mind.

When the atmosphere in the room was warm, Wang Gong rubbed the corners of his eyebrows vigorously, and asked in a low voice:
"Tan Jian sent a letter to Tianjin Wei for help. The news didn't wait until he didn't say it. Why can't he even see anyone now? Could it be that there is something wrong with Tianjin Wei?"

Tan Jiang was surrounded by several servants and toasted a few glasses of wine. Although he didn't finish it, he drank a lot. He relaxed a little while talking, and said with a smile:

"If the master doesn't ask, the little one thinks the master has forgotten."

After saying this, I felt something was wrong, cleared my throat and replied in a deep voice:

"Master, don't worry. Tianjin Wei is the hub of water transportation. Zhili connects Liaodong and Shandong by sea. It connects Dayi. If you attack the master here, it will be killing officials and rebelling. How can he fight with the 15 people in Jizhen?" Wan Dajun resists, not to mention the scene of Longxiang Zuowei's elite cavalry escorting the adults, those who are interested have already seen it, so they dare to fight against the imperial army."

Wang Tong shook his head vigorously to stop the growing drowsiness, and said in a deep voice:
"If that's the case, why doesn't Tan Jian have any news?"

"The younger brothers are used to seeing things, and they will definitely not be arrested. It's just that Tan Jian also has a fan identity in secret, and there may be some other weirdness."

Having said that, Tan Jiang himself shook his head, his face full of doubts.

The next morning, Tan Jian found the Xingcai Inn by himself, limping and in a panic.
The 2th chapter is up, brothers, Lao Bai is about to go out, I woke up early in the morning to write this chapter, Chapter [-] will be late, do you need a monthly ticket to support it, thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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