Chapter 201

"The little one knows that the adult may be staying outside the city, and has been waiting here for the past few days."

As soon as Tan Jian entered the door, Wang Tong called him over. The first sentence was explained in this way. Wang Tong sat there and looked sideways at General Tan, but didn't make a sound.

Tan Jiang knew the meaning of Wang Tong's look, shook his head and said:

"Xiao Jian, everyone knows your identity. Just tell the master what is going on. Our master is not a person who is not responsible."

A person with the identity of Dongchang Fanzi came to Tianjin City to ask for help. Not only did the rescue not come, but he was in such a mess and looked injured. Not to mention Wang Tong didn't believe it, General Tan was also angry.

Tan Jian is a strong man, usually very alert, he naturally understands the reactions of the two people in front of him, he knelt down directly, leaned to the side as soon as he knelt down, supported himself with his arms, and opened his mouth to defend loudly road:

"The little one really went to report the letter. The villain took the letter with the seal of the adult to the yamen of Tianjin Bingbei Dao. Unexpectedly, he hurriedly said his intention, but the Bingbei Dao slapped the table and said how could anyone dare to Attacking and killing the imperial court official, saying that the villain was ignorant and lying, and let people beat him out with a stick. The villain justified a few words at that time, the big stick had already been beaten, and he didn't care about anything. He took a few hard fights before running out... ..."

Tan Jiang walked up to him with a gloomy face, lifted Tan Jiang up, rolled up his trouser legs behind him, his legs were bruised, and some places were even black.

No wonder just now when he knelt down, his body was crooked, and Tan Jian's voice was a little crying:

"The villain finally ran out, and the soldiers from the Bingbei Road Yamen came out to chase him. If the little leg is broken, I just need to find a place to cat it. I didn't recover until yesterday. I went to the local Qing Army Hall and several other yamen. , always dare not go in, the young ones also know that the master is in an emergency, but they are also afraid that this fate will be handed over to Tianjin City, and there will be no one to report it by then!
The imperial court of the Ming Dynasty set up official positions in various important military areas for the regulation and management of armaments. Although they were not full-time, they were almost all of the fourth rank, with great power. They were considered the most powerful civil officials in Tianjin.

The Qing Military Office is an official stationed by Hejian Prefecture in Sanwei, Tianjin, in charge of civil litigation and criminal law. Hejian Prefecture's Qing Army Tongzhi is in charge of it.

The Ming Dynasty ruled the military generals with literati, and if they wanted to send troops to rescue, they had to report to these civil officials, and then send troops to rescue.

"Tan Jian, go find Ma Sanbiao. He still has medicine, alcohol, and wound medicine for bruises. When we enter the city, I will find a doctor for you. Go and have a good rest!"

Wang Tong stepped forward and patted Tan Jian on the shoulder, and called a servant to accompany him. When he left the house, he turned to Tan Jian with a sullen face and said:

"General Tan, how credible is this matter?"

It seems that this matter has already been related to the credibility of the generals of the Tan family. General Tan did not dare to ignore it, and after careful consideration, he opened his mouth and said:
"On the official road in Beijing and Tianjin, a large army was dispatched to intercept and kill thousands of households of Jinyiwei. If you have not experienced it, others will tell you that it is incredible... But being an official pays attention to safety. Even if you don't believe it, sending someone to look It should be, precautions are always necessary.”

Seeing Wang Tong agree with this statement, General Tan said again:
"If you can't enter these two civil offices, you can go directly to the local Dusi Yamen. The generals will have less scruples. If you are directly killed there, there is no reason to justify it."

Wang Tong picked up a cup of cool tea on the table and drank it down, put the tea bowl on the table heavily, and said in a cold voice:
"Let's go into the city now!!"

The Anping Marquis Mansion in the capital was once the residence of the most prominent relatives of the Ming Dynasty. The area of ​​the mansion exceeded the normal regulations, and there were many guests on weekdays.

Emperor Jiajing's Yue's family was also favored by the Longqing Dynasty. In the Wanli Year, they also paid more respect to their family, but on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, everything changed.

"...The Marquis of Anping, Fang Rui, went to cut his rank, and thought about his mistakes behind closed doors at home...Fang Zhongping was so violent and rebellious, he did such unimaginable things, he was sent to prison, and he was handed over to the judge..."

The eunuch Cai Nan recited the imperial decree expressionlessly. He didn't have any affection for the Fang family who bowed five steps away in front of him. He didn't know when it started. Following this lord, the future will definitely be bright.

This Fang's family dared to think like this, it really deserves death, and the bodies of several people kneeling behind Fang Ruixing began to tremble.

The lowering of the title, from a marquis to an uncle, but no one naively thought that it was over. This demotion means that the royal family no longer has any affection for you, and all kinds of bad things will happen next.

After Cai Nan announced the decree, the Fang family wanted to thank En for accepting the decree. Cai Nan handed the imperial decree to Anpinghou in disgust. Seeing what Anpinghou wanted to say, Cai Nan ignored him and turned to go out.

The gate of the Marquis of Anping was opened, and the streets outside were full of guards and soldiers dressed in Dongchang Jinyi. The leader was Xue Zhanye, a hundred households sentenced to death in Dongchang. Seeing Cai Nan walk out, Xue Zhanye led the crowd. swarm in.

With the influx of soldiers, Anpinghou began to scream and cry, but Anpinghou's family knelt there and did not dare to move.

Anping Hou Fang Ruixing knelt there, but said in a cold voice:
"Fang Zhongping, if you still consider yourself a member of the Fang family, just take that medicine. You bastard has done so much to the Fang family. When you were born, you should have been thrown into the pool and drowned."

There was no blood on Fang Zhongping's face, and his whole body was shaking like a pendulum. He was holding a small porcelain bottle in his hand, and the knuckles of his fingers had turned white.

"……Fast food!!"

"...You bastard, what you did, don't let everyone..."

The people kneeling there are all Fang Zhongping's brothers and uncles, but everyone is gnashing their teeth to let Fang Zhongping take this medicine. Fang Zhongping's body trembling has turned into violent shaking, his lips are open and closed but he can't speak. Stiffly straightened up, pulled out the stopper of the small porcelain bottle with difficulty, trying to send it to his mouth, but he couldn't get it to his mouth no matter what.

The hand trembled like a stroke, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, the liquid in the porcelain bottle flowed out, burning the stones on the ground with a sizzling sound.

Fang Zhongping lost all his strength in an instant, collapsed on the ground, and burst into tears. He has been thinking excitedly for the past few days, how to boast among his companions after Wang Tong was killed, and how to put that Qin Guan held it in his hand, and went to get rid of the frustration he had encountered this year.

When the decree came down and Jin Yiwei and Dongchang fanzi poured into the mansion, he realized who he had offended.

Watching the poison fall to the ground, some of the Fang family's children couldn't resist picking up the medicine bottle, while the others grabbed Fang Zhongping's body and tried to forcefully pour it into his mouth.

Even though he knew that not committing suicide and waiting for him was not a way out, his survival instinct still made Fang Zhongping struggle desperately, soldiers kept pouring in, he ignored the scuffling Fang family members at all, and ran past them.

Xue Zhanye walked over frowning, holding a long knife in his hand, and pulled the other Fang family members away, leaned over and grabbed Fang Zhongping's bun, and dragged it away, ignoring the dumbfounded people behind him , and said with a sneer as he walked:

"How can such a flamboyant young man have the ability to command the children left by your ancestors, go to the imperial prison and talk about it slowly!!"

Everyone in the Fang family behind them looked ashamed...

"There is such a big inn outside the city, and the cost of food and clothing is not much worse than that of the capital. Why is the city so dilapidated? When I entered the city outside the city just now, there were still a few places on the city wall that collapsed. Why is that so?"

After Wang Tong entered the city, all he saw was a desolate scene, which did not match the legend that Tianjin Wei was located in a hub and gathered merchants, so he asked the question.

No one greeted, no one greeted, and Tan Jian who came in to report the letter was beaten by the people from the Bingbei Road Yamen. Wang Tong was unfamiliar with the place, so he simply asked a clerk from the Xingcai Inn to lead the way.

"Don't you know that, in the first month of last year, there was an earthquake in Tianjin Wei, and hundreds of people died. It has been left like this, and I didn't care about repairing it."

The man answered quickly, Wang Tong shook his head, and looked at the scale of the inns outside and inside the city for merchants, as well as the warehouses for storing various materials. I don’t know how much money is brought to Tianjin every year. The oil and water in the place must be There are quite a few, but they are so dilapidated that I really don't know how the local government did it.

Jinyiwei Tipingqian Household Official Office of Tianjin Sanwei is a large mansion that occupies a large area. Looking in from the outside, there are at least [-] rooms. I don’t know what kind of mansion this mansion used to be, it may even be an army barracks What.

The reason why I could see in from the outside was because the walls of the mansion had collapsed in several places, and Wang Tong, who was riding a horse, could see everything clearly inside.

It's winter, and you can still see snow and dead grass covering the yard. If it's summer, it must be full of grass, and it must have a garden flavor.

On the other side of the main entrance, there is a vague road leading to the front room. It seems that the road has been stepped on by people, not swept out.

When standing at the door, Wang Tong's face was extremely gloomy. Jin Yiwei was stationed by thousands of households, but there was not even a single guard at the door.

With a "creak", the door of the room opposite the main entrance opened, and a person came out cursing and stumbled. Someone inside could be heard shouting:

"Old Hang, don't run away if you lose money!!"

This old hang was wearing the robes of Jinyiwei Baihu, and he unbuttoned his pants directly under the steps in front of the door for convenience, and replied in a hoarse voice:

"Go to hell, I lost all night, and I still have to make money!"
I came back from a trip and wrote this chapter without eating. I updated it. Please support me a lot. If there is a monthly ticket for Laobai, can you vote for Laobai? Thank you in advance

(End of this chapter)

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