Chapter 202

From beginning to end, this Jinyiwei Baihu called Laohang didn't look at the door, turned around and entered the house again after finishing his convenience.

Wang Tong shook his head violently, took a step back to look at the main entrance, then looked left and right, turned back to the guy leading the way and asked:

"Is this the residence of Jinyiwei Qianhu in Tianjin?"

This kind of slack appearance, there is not even a guard in front of the door during the day, but inside they are gambling all night, it is really hard to believe that this is Jinyiwei Qianhu.

The style of Jinyiwei in the capital is already very lax, but the rules are still there. I thought that I would see something different when I went to the place, but I didn't expect it to reach this point.

The guy also saw that Wang Tong's complexion was not good, so he replied cautiously:

"The aborigines who live in the villain Zhang Guantun, this yamen has been here for at least 120 years, so how can a small person misjudge the place?"

He had already got the bounty money, and he was thinking about running away quickly. The young master's face was too ugly, and it was hard to guarantee that he would spread his anger on others.After finishing speaking, he wanted to leave, but was grabbed by Wang Tong, who forced him to ask:

"Last night, I saw that your shopkeeper wanted to pay money in advance. Is this group of people eating for nothing!?"

The guy froze for a moment, then nodded, and said in a babbling voice:
"It's common for the elders of Jinyiwei not to give money or to give less money. Later, all the families have learned how to behave. All the elders of Jinyiwei take care of business. If they don't give enough money, they will not entertain them."

Hearing these words, Wang Tong's face became even more ugly, and he waved his hand irritably, and the guy ran away as if he was being amnesty.

Wang Tong turned around in front of the door. There was garbage everywhere, not to mention the pungent smell at the base of the wall. General Tan who was standing behind saw Wang Tong's ugly face, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and said:

"Master has been in the capital these years, and he hasn't visited the place. I have traveled so many places, but the yamen of the capital is a bit strict, and the emperor has to take care of his face. The place is as high as the sky, and the emperor is far away. This is not unusual. .”

Wang Tong shook his head and said in a deep voice:
"This yamen doesn't look like a yamen. Have you heard what the guy said just now? You don't even dare to force yourself to eat and drink for free. You don't do things well. Anyway, you are a bit wild and arrogant. What is it like now, this virtue, It's even worse than those wastes from the soldiers and horses in the five cities of the capital!"

After speaking, he strode into the yard, and the people who followed him looked at each other behind him, quite dumbfounded, they all shook their heads and followed.

The courtyard door didn't even have a door panel, just a frame, which was really ugly. Wang Tong and his party walked up the steps while dodging the filth in the courtyard.

The front room looked alright, but the window was hung with a broken quilt from someone else to keep out the wind, and there was a dirty cotton curtain on the door.

Standing outside the house, one could hear the yelling inside. Wang Tong frowned and lifted the curtain, opened the door, and a pungent and unpleasant turbid smell came out. Wang Tong choked for breath and almost vomited. When I came out, I remembered that this kind of smell was only found at the train station in winter when I was a child. After coming to this era of less pollution, I rarely experienced it.

"You mother, close the door quickly, the cold wind is pouring in!"

There was a sound of cursing inside, Wang Tong and several people behind him walked in and closed the door.

From the beginning to the end, no one looked back to see who came in behind them. Under the light of a few dim oil lamps, a dozen men in worn-out flying fish suits gathered around the table attentively. Throw it down.

Hearing the tinkling sound, a man suddenly jumped up from the bench beside the table, laughed loudly and said:

"My point is the biggest, give money, give money, haha, I'm lucky, I'm lucky, I will pull three feet of cloth for my mother-in-law today!!"

Only then did the man in Jinyiwei, who was directly in front of Wang Tong, notice the group of people who had just entered, looked left and right, muttered a few words in a low voice, and everyone stood up.

It was almost a night of gambling, everyone was in a daze, and the light in the room was dim, so everyone had to rub their eyes to see the Jinyiwei Qianhu robe on Wang Tong.

"You are the newly appointed Wang Qianhu, Mr. Wang?"

Someone asked in a low voice, but Wang Tong showed a smile on his gloomy face, and nodded kindly.No one could clearly see the change in Wang Tong's expression. Everyone saw that the boss had admitted his identity.

The people in the room stood up noisily, worshiped unevenly, and shouted in their mouths:
"My subordinates met Lord Qianhu and kowtowed to Lord Qianhu."

The voice was feeble, and there was nothing respectful about it. After kowtowing, before Wang Tong could say please, a group of people stood up directly. Wang Tong was even more unhappy, but the smile on his face became heavier and more friendly. asked:

"The rule of our pro-military is that we can only go back and rest on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. Today is only 25. Why are there so few people, and they are all patrolling the streets?"

Someone laughed at his question at that time, and Sun Dahai, who was already furious behind him, immediately became furious, and he was about to yell at him when he took a step forward, but Wang Tong raised his hand to stop him, and continued to speak kindly :
"What? Did I ask the wrong question?"

The laughter stopped immediately, and the faces of several people were correct. It was still the old Hang who was convenient to go out, stepped forward, bowed and reported:

"My lord, it's a cold day, and my brother has nothing to do, so we're all going back to find some work for the New Year."

"What if there is an errand? Why find some work for the New Year? Isn't there a military salary?"

The Jinyiwei in the capital pays military salaries nine or ten times a year, plus everyone has gray income in their own garrison, so they can barely get by. How can he be so miserable when he is so majestic outside?

Someone moved the oil lamp forward a little, so they could clearly see the appearance of Wang Tong's half-grown child, and when Wang Tong asked this question, some people couldn't help showing contempt on their faces.

But Hang Baihu forced out a sad face and said in a mournful voice:
"My lord, our military pay has only been paid four times in the five years of Wanli. Who is not a big family? How do you live these days? My lord, you just came to take office, so let's pay the owed military pay to the younger ones!"

Hearing what the Hang Baihu said, all the Jinyi guards in Tianjin suddenly realized, and begged in unison:

"I beg Mr. Wang to pay the military salary we owe first!"

The light from the oil lamp was insufficient, but it was enough for Wang Tong to see their expressions in his eyes. Wang Tong sneered in his heart, but asked in his mouth:
"It's all about my brothers, I have to worry about it, I don't know how many brothers we have in Tianjin!"

A thousand households have a full quota of 1000 people, but this is not a soldier. Is there any army farming and eating money? Out of dissatisfaction, Wang Tong originally thought that Tianjin would be different, so it is better to ask the insurance company first.

"To tell you the truth, my lord, there are 240 people in total, and three hundred households."

"so little!!?"

Even though Wang Tong was in a good state of mind, he was still taken aback when he heard the number. Sun Dahai roared out and said loudly:
"Damn it, even if you eat [-]% of your quota, it's a black heart. You Tianjin can eat [-]% of it. This..."

"Brother, you must speak with conscience. Look at the clothes we are wearing, and look at the size of the bets on the table. If you can eat [-]% of the empty quota, who is still here!"

Just after Sun Dahai finished speaking, someone was retorting unconvincedly. Wang Tong stretched out his hand to stop the unnecessary quarrel. He also saw the bets on the table, which were all copper coins. The amount of money rolled up could be as high as ten taels. Besides the Hang Baihu, Wang Tong also saw the other two Baihu. The jacket, tied around the waist with a hemp rope, is as sloppy as it can be.

Looking at each of them gambled in the dark, their spirits were sluggish, they probably didn't want to sing bitter tricks in front of themselves, the few people over there saw Wang Tong's groaning, and thought that their crying for poverty had already had an effect, so Hang Baihu moved forward After taking a few steps, he said with a playful smile:

"My lord, you are a new official, and the brothers are waiting for the money to celebrate the New Year. You might as well pay the outstanding money first, so that the brothers can get down to work."

It is the most taboo thing to use your own money to pay the government's food and salary, and no one will think of you, Wang Tong is not stupid, he just shook his head with a smile and said:

"I have to talk to the manager about the payment of the salary, and now where it will be paid..."

Seeing that Wang Tong was not up to the trick, the leaders of Jinyiwei in Tianjin were all discouraged, and they all sat back listlessly. At this time, Wang Tong was still standing there, no one paid any attention to it, but Wang Tong was not angry at this behavior of being so arrogant. Instead, he went on to ask:
"How did my predecessor, Wang Damin, fall off his horse?"

As soon as this name was mentioned, Hang Baihu spit on the ground and cursed:

"This old boy is cruel to himself. He came to Tianjin Wei as an errand. He didn't get a penny, and he lost a lot. I don't know why he went crazy in July. He's going to be searched on the tank boat. The bamboo sticks of those boats are also I knocked casually, but I ran into the boat of the Nanjing Young Prison, and was beaten up. When I came back here, I was caught by the Bingbei Road Yamen and beat the board. I lost my face on the ground. Our gang It's difficult to be a small one, so there's no need to toss, and now he fell down and returned to the capital, leaving us poor and miserable."

"Lord Wang, I would like to listen to everyone's advice. If you have connections, you can work in another place, or return to the capital. Don't stay in Tianjin Wei."

A few people over there sat down while talking, and someone picked up the dice again. Even Tan Jiang had an angry look on his face, but Wang Tong said kindly:
"Thank you for saying so much. At noon tomorrow, I will be the host of the Xingcai Inn outside the city. I will call all our brothers from Qianhu. First, I will recognize the person, and second, I will ask everyone to help me in the future."
Everyone's gap is not big, a dozen votes, twenty votes can change the ranking, how about everyone helping Laobai, thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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