Chapter 203 A lot of trouble here
"The Tianjin Bingbei Dao Yamen distributes military supplies to Jizhen for transfer, and is also responsible for distributing the military salaries of all the military yamen on the Sanwei side of Tianjin. The Jinyiwei's salaries are also distributed there."

On the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, Wang Tong released his subordinates from the Jinyiwei Thousand Households Yamen in Tianjin to inquire about the news in the neighborhood. What he wanted to know was not a secret, so the news gathered quickly.

Wang Tong didn't know anything about Tianjin, and judging from the situation, maybe the capital didn't know the situation here either.

"Bing Bei Dao Panda was originally a member of the military department. It is said that he had a conflict with a nobleman in the capital, so he was relegated to this position."

Bingbei Dao is not a full-time job, but it is usually around the third rank, but it is only the seventh rank in the work, but in the work of the capital, it is extremely noble and has a bright future. It is considered qualified, but he sent a soldier to prepare for the road, which is considered a great demotion.

"After Panda came to Tianjin, he started to trouble Jin Yiwei. Everyone knows about it, otherwise his subordinates wouldn't be able to find out in the teahouse."

"The younger one has some acquaintances near Tianjin, and they were all working as errands under Mr. Tan's command. According to them, this Panda also has connections in the capital. Wang Damin wrote many secret letters to sue this Panda. As a result, they were all suppressed, and some letters were even sent to Panda for him to handle by himself."

"Originally, Jin Yiwei's military salary here in Tianjin was paid eight months a year, and with some other extra money, they were able to get by, but when the soldiers got here, the military salary was less, and all the extra money was forbidden to them. , it’s just getting sad day by day.”

"... I also heard that this Panda has a very good reputation in Hejian Mansion and Ji Town. He claims to be an upright official, and he is not afraid of the court's eagles and dogs..."


"What Dr. Tea said is interesting. The inside and outside of the city are dilapidated, but the richest and largest houses are no worse than those in the capital. One belongs to Lord Pan and the other belongs to Eunuch Wan. That soldier has been in Tianjin for three years and is beautiful. Concubine Ji has already taken in the seventh room, and she is very romantic."

"Who is Eunuch Wan?"

"Three Guards in Tianjin is a water transportation hub, and it is also an important place to supply grain and grass to Ji Town. Last year, it added the responsibility of transferring to Liao Town. It is also a first-class important town. According to the rules, the imperial court must arrange a mid-level official to guard it. The guarding officer here is a young prisoner from the Horse Guard, called Wandao."

A bowl of japonica rice porridge, a few steamed buns, and a plate of pickled vegetables, this is Wang Tong's breakfast. Tan Jiang, Ma Sanbiao and others are reporting to Wang Tong what they found out yesterday.

Wang Tong asked while eating, and gradually he had some concepts in his mind. At this time, Qiao Da from the blacksmith workshop came in shyly, and said politely:

"Yesterday, the master ordered everyone to inquire about the city official and Jin Yiwei. The younger one went to ask the price of iron and coal here. We talked about it in that shop and learned something."

Wang Tong took a sip of the porridge, nodded to signal Qiao Da to continue, and Qiao Da continued:
"It just so happened that there was a Jinyiwei soldier in the blacksmith's shop helping out. He said that everyone was doing this on weekdays. Many people lost their jobs as Jinyiwei and went home to farm and stayed in the city. The people here are all aborigines, some take care of the homes of big families, some run small businesses, and some learn crafts, and pay ten cents a month to a hundred households in their own family, and those who are brave enough don’t have to pay. ..."

Appreciating the thoughtful Qiao Da, he sent it out. Several people in the room looked at each other, and Zhang Shiqiang said in a low voice:
"I thought it would be a disaster for those who were sent to make preparations on the south side of Jingshi Street. I didn't expect that the people in Tianjin Wei would be like this."

Wang Tong turned to Tan Bing and said:
"Yesterday afternoon, you wandered around these inns outside the city, did you ask anything?"

"It is said that before Panda came, the Jinyi Guards here were quite domineering, but they were just rampaging, eating for nothing. In the past few years, whenever there is something, Jinyiwei will be judged to be wrong. Not only fighting, but also Heavily punished, Jinyiwei was justified a few times, but they were still punished. As a result, Jinyiwei was very honest on the street. Some people were extremely poor, so they came to cheat food and drink, and ran away without giving money , the store has nothing to do..."

"Old Dong's son in the east of the city has been to Shandong for almost ten years. He took over the old Dong the year before last. It is said that the mansion has hundreds of servants, and it has inexhaustible money for several lifetimes. This is the punishment for thousands of households in Shandong. Why is it so miserable here in Tianjin, it has completely embarrassed our Jinyi soldiers."

Sun Dahai said bitterly at the side, Wang Tong shook his head with a smile, and said to General Tan:
"Just follow the arrangement last night, and it will be arranged before lunch."

Although Xingcai Inn is not small, it is still not enough to hold more than 200 banquets at once. Fortunately, Wang Tong is not particular about it, so he put tables in the big yard. Although the weather is cold, the tables and tables Time to set up a large charcoal brazier and spend more money on firewood and coal.

It is very troublesome to provide food for such a large group of people as Wang Tong in the inn. Suddenly there is such a big banquet, and it is approaching the New Year's Eve, and it is necessary to allocate wine and meat from other inns in the city and outside.

Fortunately, Wang Tong didn't make things difficult for the store this time, and he paid the money first.

At noon, the number of people gradually increased, of course they were soldiers from the Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu, probably knowing that the new official took office, everyone tried their best to wear flying fish clothes.

But this effect really makes people frown. It doesn't matter if the clothes are patched, but they don't look neat. What's more unbearable is the look on their faces, without a trace of martial arts temperament.

Those who knew knew that this was Jinyiwei’s thousand households entertaining the soldiers below, but those who didn’t know thought it was Xingcai Inn who opened a porridge shed to relieve the refugees.

Wang Tong was sitting at the innermost table in the room. He was wearing the robe of Jin Yiwei Qianhu, but every soldier who came in did not come to greet him proactively.

Just find a seat and sit down, and chat with acquaintances. The side of Xingcai Inn became very noisy after a while, like a market.

Wang Tong watched all this coldly, and said in a low voice:
"These people don't have the protection of the superiors. After being bullied for so long, they have lost their backbone. After deducting so much military salary, they can only fend for themselves, so they lose face. They are nominally working in Jinyiwei, but there is no salary for this job. Second, if there is no power, everyone will not take this errand seriously, and they will not take this Shangguan seriously."

Staring at these rags, Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang, who were full of anger, nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, I heard the voice of greeting with a smile from outside, that Hang Baihu and two other Baihu walked in together. It is said that Wang Tong is a stranger. One got up to pay attention, but it was the three hundred customers who greeted politely.

"Taking the money from the subordinates every month, but not giving any benefits to the subordinates, not being able to protect them, and not caring about them, this upper official will naturally become a subordinate official, and he has to nod and say hello to the subordinates."

"This Hangbai household is called Hang Daqiao. His family worked in Tianjin during the Hongzhi Dynasty. He and the other two hundred households can't collect any money now. Many of the soldiers below can't pay the money. The three of them They turned the rooms behind Jinyiwei’s Qianhu yamen into warehouses and rented them out to make money.”

Ma Sanbiao, who was sitting at another table to inquire about the news just now, came back and said this to Wang Tong. Wang Tong said disdainfully:

"He can't do things, and dare not do evil. If he didn't have a heart to make money, he would be a complete waste."

While talking, Na Hang Daqiao had already walked to Wang Tong's table, and he bowed carelessly. Before Wang Tong could speak, he sat on the side and said in a loud voice:

"For Mr. Wang's meal, the few of us were hungry last night and this morning. We just waited to eat meat and drink, and our stomachs growled along the way. Mr. Wang, hurry up and serve the food to the bar, Nian After the year before and after, just wait for this meal to bring some oil and water..."

Wang Tong smiled and said nothing, but changed the subject and asked:
"Then Panda owed you so much food and wages, didn't you ask for it? It should be your money, why didn't you ask for it?"

"It's not that I haven't opened my mouth before. Every time I say that money and food are tight. First supply Jizhen and Liaozhen. The servants in our city don't have to fight the Tartars. It is also necessary to tighten their belts. I will ask for it later, or If you don’t see him, or use the police to drive people away.”

"In Tianjin, there are many ways to make money. Hang Baihu, you can rent out the yamen to others as warehouses. Why don't you lead everyone to find some ways to make money?"

Hearing Wang Tong say this, Nahang Bridge immediately pulled down his face, and said in a cold voice:

"Master Wang, you are young and ignorant. Jinyiwei is in Tianjin and in the capital. It is a different matter. Jinyiwei is not my family's business. Why should I worry about it? If the adults stare at these things, it will not last long."

Ma Sanbiao was about to stand up as soon as he slapped the table, but Wang Tong smiled at the rude words. Nahang Bridge became more and more unruly, and said with curled lips:
"These brothers are so poor that they can't live on. The wives and children go to your house to cry and make trouble. Why don't you go down to the government to persuade and help you? You should be an official with peace of mind. After three years, go to another place. Don't stay here with your little one. If you are poor together, don’t worry about other things that shouldn’t be dealt with!!”

After finishing speaking, Hang Daqiao took a sneak peek at Wang Tong's expression, and found that the half-grown child was still smiling, so he couldn't help but become more courageous, and said in a rough voice:

"Having said so much, the table is still empty, my lord, hurry up and serve the food!"

Wang Tong shook his head and smiled, stood up and said loudly:
"Everyone, this official is the new Qianhu Wangtong. We are hosting this banquet today to get close to everyone, so I won't say much, let's go!!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Tong's servants and teenagers from the martial arts hall rushed in from all directions holding sticks and shouting, beating anyone they saw——
It's getting farther and farther away, please support the monthly pass, don't keep the guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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