Chapter 204
That young man Qianhu didn't know whose relative it was, and didn't know that the string in his head was wrong, but he came to Tianjin Sanwei to work as an errand.

Bing Bei Dao Panda was indeed a fat job when Panda didn't come, but it has become a hard job in recent years. The young and rich people know how powerful they are, and they are at a loss when they are squeezed by people's words, and they are scared to give up Drink first and have a good relationship with everyone.

When he came here, didn't the child force himself to be calm, and he didn't care about everyone's arrogance. Seeing that the few adults who followed him were angry, he was still trying to be kind.

This kind of young master who doesn't know how to be strong and has a weak temper wants to control everyone when he comes here, who will obey you, or he will pay for everyone by himself, or he will just stay and suffer with everyone!

That's what Baihuhang Bridge thinks. Many people in Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu think the same as him. The so-called poorer the poorer, everyone will break their pots and fall, and they are too lazy to deal with it.

Waiting for a good meal with good wine and meat, and then patted their buttocks to leave. When they came here, the table was empty. Everyone gradually got impatient and was about to get angry, when they saw the person holding the stick coming from They poured in everywhere.

The person on the outermost side was defenseless, and the distance was so close that he didn't even stand up, and was directly knocked to the ground, and then trampled over.

Wang Tong's servants and teenagers didn't fight indiscriminately, they were similar to the tactic of forming a charge. After knocking down a person, they would not stop and continue to charge into the circle. If they fell to the ground without resistance, they would ignore them. If someone tried to resist, It must take a few more hits before it's over.

After the initial panic, although these Jinyiwei in Tianjin were tired and sloppy, they were trained soldiers after all, and some people picked up benches to resist, but there would definitely be more than three big sticks coming over, and the smashing would be even harder , suffer even more.

The clerks and shopkeepers of Xingcai Inn disappeared completely, only shouting and crying remained. Wang Tong's servants and teenagers, led by the general of Tan's family, quickly gathered together in the center, and there was no one standing around. However, after the first round of beatings, no one suffered any injuries. It was just a pain in the flesh, and they could still struggle to get up. At this time, the second round of beatings began, and those who stood up were beaten to the ground. kick a few feet.

"What... what's going on, Mr. Wang, who are these people!!?"

Jin Yiwei Baihu Hang Daqiao was stunned. This psychological gap is too great. Why did so many people come in and start fighting? Isn't this a banquet?

Several hundred general banners on the table were also yelling non-stop. The smile on Wang Tong's face never faded. He shook his head and said regretfully:

"Everyone is also a member of the army in brocade clothes. After recruiting more than 200 people, no one even brought the Xiuchun Knife. Could it be that they used it to exchange money?"

While talking, Wang Tong took out a wooden stick from under the table, kicked the table over, Hang Daqiao subconsciously jumped up, but Wang Tong took a step forward, and swept the stick to his waist, Hang Daqiao yelled in pain, Wang Tong kept moving his hands, and the second stick hit Hang Baihu's leg directly.

Wang Tong's strength was not small, the two sticks had already knocked him down to the ground, and Sun Dahai, Ma Sanbiao and others beside him all jumped up violently and started with sticks and whips.

Hang Baihu fell to the ground and just yelled, Wang Tong rushed forward and kicked him on the stomach, swallowing everything he said, the pain was so bad that he wanted to curl up, but he couldn't do it, he was already beaten Wang Tong stepped on his chest, he couldn't breathe, his face was the color of an eggplant.

Under Wang Tong's stampede, he managed to catch his breath. Just as he was about to raise his head and curse, a stick fell down with the sound of wind. He shrank back in fright, and the back of his head hit the ground heavily again, screaming out in pain again. Voice.

"When I was transferred to other places in the past, some people told me how good the place is, how promising the market is, and how promising the future is. !"

This was said so quickly that the people around didn't hear it, and those who heard it were a little confused, thinking that it was the first time that my lord got a foreign job, so why there was a "before".

The Hang Bridge that was trampled on the ground couldn't breathe, so he didn't care what Wang Tong said. Wang Tong complained, looked down at Hang Bridge and sneered:

"Does it mean that the official is young and thinks that you can bluff me by playing tricks? Do you think that you are poor anyway, and you don't want to lose your face, and everyone in the world owes you?"

Without saying a word, he used the stick in his hand to draw it. The strength was not strong, but the face of Hang Daqiao was already swollen after a few blows. Neck, with this move, Baihuhang Bridge's body stiffened instantly.

"I'm the boss who directly supervises you. If you act recklessly without your superiors, I can chop off your head right away. Look at the school captains all over the yard, wearing this flying fish suit, every one of them can't even hold a knife." No, those who know that Jin Yiwei is having a dinner party, those who don’t know think they are here to beg for food, Jin Yiwei’s reputation for hundreds of years has been ruined in your hands, I will kill you now!!”

Seeing Wang Tong throwing a knife in his hand, Hang Daqiao, who was trampled there, lost his soul, and begged for mercy heartbreakingly:

"Sir, forgive me!"

Strictly speaking, it is within the power of a thousand households to kill a hundred of their subordinates, but it will cause a lot of trouble afterwards. Tan Jiang and others want to stop it, but it is too late.

There was a moment of silence in the arena, and the Tianjin Jinyi guards who were knocked to the ground were lying on the ground around them, and those who approached all turned their heads to look at this side, and when they saw the light of the knife passing by, they all screamed out.

The knife cut it, but the heart-piercing screams continued. Looking again, the square hat on the head of Hang Daqiao had been chopped off in half, and the bun inside was also broken by the knife. Diffuse completely.

Wang Tong looked at Hang Daqiao's loose hair, patted his cheek with the back of his knife, and asked with a sneer:

"Give you a chance to reform yourself. Will you be obedient in the future? Will you know the rules in the future? Will you still toss in the future?"

Hang Daqiao was really on the verge of life and death just now, looking at Wang Tong with a smile on his face, it was like seeing a demon king, how could he dare to say a word of no, regardless of his swollen cheeks, he was there vaguely Keep shouting:

"My lord, I'm an official... the little one knows that the little one used to be a beast inferior to pigs and dogs, and from now on, the little one will definitely listen to the old man's words and never say anything else."

Wang Tong placed the knife in his hand on Hang Daqiao's neck again, and said calmly:
"Remember this sentence, if you do it again, I will cut your neck off next time, stand up!!"

After putting the knife into its sheath, he kicked again. This time, Wang Tong had also ordered him to do so. What he suffered was nothing more than flesh and blood. There were no injuries, and there were some bad luck, such as when he resisted too much , accidentally twisted his waist or something, then he can only consider himself unlucky.

When Hang Daqiao stood up, there was no pain in his body, and the top of his head was still a bit cool. The ancients did not shave their heads, and their buns were cut off. It looks like a yin and yang head. The side with less hair on the top of the head is being blown by the wind. It was very uncomfortable, but looking at Wang Tong who was sitting there with the big horse golden knife in front of him, he didn't dare to move.

Under the eyes of servants, teenagers and dealers holding big sticks, the soldiers of Tianjin Jinyiwei stood up in a state of embarrassment.

Tables and chairs were overturned on the scene, and the ground was in a mess, but no one dared to make a sound, no one dared to move around, there was only a low cry of pain, Wang Tong sat on the bench, behind him, Jiang Tan was holding a gun in his hand. Qiang Gong, Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang held big knives and spears in their hands, and kept looking at the people in the field. This posture made everyone more and more panicked, and their hearts became more and more nervous.

"Do you know the rules?"

Wang Tong sat there and asked in a drawn-out voice. Many soldiers below didn't know what the rules Wang Tong said were going on, but they didn't dare not answer. Under the contempt of the surrounding eyes and sticks, they were speechless. nodded and said repeatedly:

"I know, I know."

"Tomorrow at midnight, those who arrive late will hit a hundred boards, those who don't arrive will be caught and their legs will be broken, did you hear that?"

"Little ones take orders!"

Wang Tong stood up holding the knife and walked into the crowd. No matter how tall, short, fat or thin, when Wang Tong saw him, he shrank back subconsciously. After being cowardly for a long time, he was afraid of such thunderous tactics. very.

"Look at your useless looks. Other places have a lot of food and drink, and you are not even as good as the street gangsters here. Look at our yamen, it is a ruined temple. After tomorrow, everyone will clean and repair the yamen house. , have you heard it all!!"

Hearing Wang Tong's order, all the people below were thinking about what to do with their jobs tomorrow and what to do this year, but they dared not say no, they all answered "Yes" without energy.

"Speak up for me, is someone dead at home, so listless!!"

Wang Tong roared loudly, and many people were shocked by the sound, and the answer this time was finally louder.

Today I finally let them know what is powerful. With fear in their hearts, the order is much easier to handle, but judging by the effect, there will still be troubles in the future.

Wang Tong shook his head, walked back to his seat, looked at the silent crowd below, and raised his voice and shouted:
"let's go!!"

The yelling this time made the Tianjin gang nearly jump up, wondering if they were going to hit someone again, but this time it was the guys from the Xingcai Inn who came in. Filed in, filed out, more and more things piled up.

Wang Tong jumped onto a table and said loudly:

"There are still a few days left for the Chinese New Year, two taels of silver per person, twenty catties of meat, thirty catties of rice, report your name, and then take things back to celebrate the New Year!!!"

Everyone stood there in a daze, looking at the rice and meat in front of them at a loss, Wang Tong raised his voice and said:
"Everyone is my own brother. After knowing the rules, there is absolutely no reason why everyone can't live through the year. These things are in front of us first, and the food and salary will be replenished slowly!"

There was silence, and suddenly there was a "wow", and someone couldn't help crying...
I am in a very bad mood today, please support me with monthly tickets, please support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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