Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 205 No regrets, no rush

Chapter 205 No regrets, no rush

Zhang Shiqiang brought out a cash box, scissors and a small scale, and started distributing two taels to each person. First he was beaten, and then he brought out the money and food. understand what happened.

The rice and frozen meat were real things, they were brought in by the guys and placed in front of him. Just now, a few vicious people were holding the roster and handing out two taels per person.

Weighed it in his hands, the money was heavy, and he stretched out his hand to touch the rice and frozen meat in front of him. It was not fake. Hearing what Wang Tong said, and thinking about what he had endured in the past few years, everyone vaguely felt that life was about to change. up.

The passage just now was really ups and downs, which made people come over with great surprise and joy. Some people couldn't hold back their emotions and cried there, even the most tired and rascal Hang Daqiao stayed there.

Holding the money in his hand, he looked around at a loss, then looked at Wang Tong rudely, and then lowered his head, not knowing what to think. When the money was distributed, the roster was also registered.

Wang Tong got up again and raised his voice and said:

"These things are for you to see. The official of the big car has already hired it. I will move it to the car and pull it to your home. I won't care about your meals at noon. Go home!"

There is rice and meat, this is the most real thing, who still remembers that meal, after hearing Wang Tong's words, everyone reacted from the daze, and started to carry it in a hurry.

I don't know who took the lead, walked up to Wang Tong and kowtowed first, then turned around to carry things, one person took the lead, and the rest followed suit.

It is natural for subordinates to kowtow to Shangguan, Wang Tong accepts it calmly, but this kowtow seems to have a different meaning, the whole Xingcai Inn is very quiet, everyone kowtows and then goes out with their own things, where Wang Tongduan sits, behind him Tan Bing reported the names of the people on the roster one by one.

The people left quickly, Zhang Shiqiang had already started haggling with the shopkeeper of the inn for the broken tables and chairs, leaving Hang Daqiao and the other two hundred households.

At the end, Hang Daqiao and the other two looked at each other, knelt down to Wang Tong hesitantly, kowtowed three times in a row, and then Wang Tong said:
"Do you still remember the beating just now!?"

The three hundred households didn't know why the other party asked such a question, but kowtowed again, not daring to speak, Wang Tong said:
"To be our brocade soldier, even if you can't do good, you must have the ability to do evil. You guys who have no backbone and no face, don't beat you, you need to be energetic!!"

Wang Tong's voice raised a little, and Hang Daqiao and others kowtowed again. Wang Tong looked at the three kneeling people on the ground, feeling a little helpless, and said:
"Get up."

When Hang Daqiao and others got up, Wang Tong took out three silver coins and said with a smile:

"After all, the three of you belong to a hundred households, with different identities. Each of you is ten taels. In the future, your benefits will be indispensable."

This made the three people at Nahang Bridge tearful, plopped and knelt down again, and kowtowed continuously. Wang Tong frowned and reprimanded angrily:
"Men must have integrity, neither humble nor overbearing, you must correct your low-key attitude as soon as possible, don't be afraid of anything, in this Tianjin Weizhong, I will support you!"

The habits developed in four or five years can be changed by saying that they can be changed. The three of Hang Daqiao obediently agreed, took the money and walked out of the house carrying the New Year's goods.

Wang Tong sat on the chair and looked at their backs, sighed, pointed and said:

"There are hundreds of households, and they don't even have a subordinate who helps them work. They are useless!"

Tan will interface behind him and say:
"People are being bullied so badly, they can't see the day when they will come out, and there is no other place to go, so I can bear it. What the master did today is really wonderful. It can be seen that these people were already in awe when they kowtowed to the master. Abnormal, if you clean it up tomorrow, there will be no thorns."

Wang Tong shook his head and said in a deep voice:
"After a beating, some benefits were given. These soldiers must be obedient, but they need to be trained if they can be used."

After finishing speaking, Wang Tong stretched his waist and said with a smile:

"Setting up such a situation, everyone has been busy for a day. Brother Zhang can't rest in the afternoon, go to the city as soon as possible to buy the house where we live, shopkeeper, hurry up and serve food!!"

Zhang Shiqiang accepted the order with a smile. The shopkeeper of Xingcai Inn and the guys watched a good show with joy this noon. In addition, this little adult is no less generous than those poor people in the city. He agreed in a voice, and hurried to Zhang Luo.

Wang Tong rubbed his forehead. Although the noon rage had elements of drama, but seeing the appearance of a mangy dog ​​with hob meat, he really hated iron for steel, and felt a little uncomfortable because of his blood.

After rubbing his head a few times, he saw that the people around him looked at him with concern, and couldn't help but smile and said to Sun Dahai:

"Dahai, you all said that you would come to Tianjin to enjoy the blessings with me. Now that you see this dilapidated situation, you may not be able to enjoy the blessings!"

Sun Dahai grinned a few times, and said nonchalantly:
"As long as you can follow the adults, it will be a short while to endure hardships. It will be a matter of time to enjoy the blessings. We can't just follow the blessings and refuse to suffer. Don't worry, my lord. Whatever difficulties Tianjin Wei has, the subordinates will take care of them first. "

This was a scene talk, but Wang Tong felt much warmer in his heart. He got up and patted Sun Dahai's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"I remember your words."

Wang Tong relaxed his muscles and bones, waved his hand and said:

"Everyone go and have a full meal first. I paid the money today, and I have to go to the Bingbei Dao Yamen to ask for the owed salary. I have worked hard every year and year. Regardless of him, let's have a good year first. "

Everyone laughed in unison and agreed, and packed up together with the shopkeeper of the inn.

In just two days, it is really rare to issue two decrees to a family, or to a family like the Marquis, except for the founding ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang who killed the heroes.

On the first day, the Marquis of Anping’s Fang family was decreed to be earls. On the second day when it was dark, there was another decree in the palace. The decree of the title would be cut off for the common people, and all their property would be fined. Cut the waist and abandon the market.

Xungui in the capital was terrified to the extreme, but he didn't know why. The yamen in charge were Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and Xungui's line had nothing to do with civil servants, so he was confused for a while.

I can't find any information, so I can only speculate on my own. No matter how I calculate, this Fang Zhongping has just fought with a family of Jinyiwei in the past few months. Recently, it is said that he was humiliated again in the Qin Pavilion. The Qin Pavilion is so crooked that it can be dragged onto the Jinyiwei Baihu.

From the clues, it can be seen that the Jinyiwei Baihu has some kind of relationship with the royal family, and the well-informed probably came to a judgment. Maybe this matter is a personal conflict between the Jinyiwei Baihu and Fang Zhongping. Longyan was furious when he touched Nilin.

As for those big nobles who knew the details, they kept silent, or they re-raised their evaluation of this Jinyiwei Baihu in their hearts.

"Master Yifu, hurry up for three hundred miles. The messengers from the Yumajian and the Ministry of War will arrive in Tianjin almost tonight."

Zou Yi respectfully reported to Zhang Cheng, and Zhang Cheng continued to circle the notes on the notebook with a red pen in his hand, and said in a deep voice:

"Is this the only boss of the Fang family in Ji Town? If it happens again, even you and I will be investigated, and the charge of ineffectiveness will not escape."

Zou Yi bowed again, and said with a smile:

"Godfather, don't worry, Mr. Qian, who pretends to be a thief this time, is the son of their Fang family, but he doesn't care about the old master's family at all. It is said that Fang Da promised 1 taels of silver and paid 5000 taels in advance. Please move these brave soldiers."

"1 taels... The Fang family is so willing to spend money..."

"Returning to godfather, the matter has something to do with our Public Security Department. Didn't godfather order Xue Baihu to take care of Wang Tong's property? This Qin Pavilion happens to be where Xue Baihu forced Fang Zhongping and his cronies to leave. But it frightened Marquis Anping, thinking that his son had offended Wang Tong several times. Looking at Wang Tong's favor, it is a certainty that he will come back now, but Fang Zhongping offended him ruthlessly."

Anpinghou Fangrui thought about Wang Tong's merciless means. If he really came back, Anpinghou's mansion, which had already been reprimanded, did not know what would happen. Anpinghou Fangrui acted with murderous intentions.Ji Town's 100 soldiers plus hundreds of bandits, it is common sense to deduce that Wang Tong's more than [-] horses can be eaten, but they were abruptly killed and retreated.

"I don't need to talk about the kindness of Wang Tong, but this brave strategy will definitely become a great weapon in the future. Our family is getting old. If you think about the future, Zou Yi, you should have a good relationship. Eunuch Feng and Mr. Zhang Ge were also born divided."

Zhang Cheng spoke indifferently, but Zou Yi replied respectfully:
"What the godfather taught me is that my son will remember it."

After saying this, Zou Yi felt a bit embarrassed. After a moment of silence, Zhang Cheng frowned and glanced at him, a little impatient. Zou Yi cleared his throat and said hastily:
"So that Godfather knows, it's not that this big case happened on the way. People from Dongchang went to ask Wang Damin who came back to Beijing, but they knew something else..."

"What's the matter, why are you hesitating, talk!"

After being reprimanded by Zhang Cheng, Zou Yi said "yes" and said:
"Wang Damin himself lost more than 1000 taels of silver in the position of Qianhu in Tianjin Jinyiwei. He only has more than 200 people left under him, and the salary is paid less than five months a year."

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng threw the booklet on the desk and said in a cold voice:

"In Liu Shouyou's eyes, there are only elders in the pavilion and no emperor. In this kind of thing, you have to set up a trap to deceive people. Zou Yi, find a chance to tell Wansui..."

Before Zou Yi responded, Zhang Cheng stopped speaking, waved his hands and pondered. After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said softly:

"No hurry, no hurry, our family will write a letter to Wang Tong first."
Asking for a monthly ticket, the front runs fast, and the rear is chasing closely. I can't do without a ticket. Thank you everyone
(End of this chapter)

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