Chapter 206
Everyone inside and outside the palace knows that after entering the twelfth lunar month, the little Wanli emperor worked a lot harder. He listened carefully and asked questions carefully when he went to court every day. to late.

After the martial arts hall was disbanded and Wang Tong left the capital, the innocence and childishness of the little emperor seemed to disappear without a trace, and he quickly became mature.

Emperor Wanli's diligence is not reflected in decision-making, but more in learning, and more in the diligence of members of a system. He does not interfere with the various major policies decided by Zhang Juzheng. It's just a stamp of identity approval.

Therefore, Zhang Juzheng admired his diligence very much, not only praised him in the court, but also said in private that if the emperor is like this, Zhang can be regarded as worthy of the ancestors of Ming Dynasty, Jiangshan Sheji.

Cisheng Empress Dowager Li also felt happy, feeling that the little emperor had indeed grown up after this year's ups and downs, even though Wanli ate and talked with her less and less.

Somewhat different from Zhang Juzheng, Empress Dowager Li felt that Wang Tong had contributed a lot to this transformation, and always thought of Wang Tong's benefits in her heart.

After Zhang Cheng listened to Zou Yi's report, he stayed in the duty room for a while to read a few notebooks, and then he picked them up and walked towards the inner study of the little emperor Wanli.

The Department of Public Security in the capital was initially created, and many things have not yet taken shape, but the discovery of the whereabouts of the major case of officers and soldiers intercepting and killing Wang Tong in the market made Emperor Wanli and Zhang Cheng pay more attention to this institution.

As the eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies, Zhang Cheng specially transferred a few experienced old eunuchs from the factory of the supervisor of ceremonies to help and guide the newcomers. A trusted eunuch picked and sorted them out, and then Zhang Cheng summed them up, annotated them a bit, and sent them to the little emperor.

High-ranking people, especially Zhang Cheng, an administrative bureaucrat who has survived for decades, are also brothels, gambling houses, and street folks. Others look at the usual information, but Zhang Cheng can see the difference.

As the twelfth lunar month approached, Emperor Wanli learned a lot of knowledge and allusions about people's livelihood from this information. These things were much more informative than what he had seen and heard during private visits to the palace, and their value was even more incomparable.

In the past, Emperor Wanli was very afraid of being alone. Even if he could calm down and study in the imperial study at night, there were still eunuchs and court ladies standing around him waiting for him to call at any time.

Today's imperial study room is deserted, relying on the nearest eunuch who is also waiting outside the door, seeing Zhang Cheng approaching, the eunuch is about to kneel down to pay respects, Zhang Cheng waved his hand to stop him, and he raised his voice to announce, it's over Only allowed to go in.

When he entered, Emperor Wanli didn't turn his head to greet him, instead he waited and looked at Zhezi attentively. Seeing the appearance of the little emperor, Zhang Cheng felt distressed, walked forward quickly, and said in a low voice:
"Long Live Lord, just read these excerpts tomorrow. Don't damage your eyes if you stay up all night. If you can't recover, what should you do?"

Emperor Wanli smiled, threw the folder aside casually, and asked:
"Zhang Banban, can those who go to Tianjin to suppress thieves go to Tianjin Sanwei today? Don't worry?"

"If you go back to Lord Long Live, people will be able to enter the city almost tonight. This time, the person supervised by Zou Yi, called Cai Nan, is careful in doing things. Besides, it is just a few hundred soldiers under President Qian. The frontier soldiers in Ji Town will be suppressed, and they will kill chickens with a sledgehammer, so there will be no problems."

Emperor Wanli exhaled and said:
"Since the Ministry of War has intervened in this matter, the cabinet will immediately know that Qi Jiguang is a pillar of the country, so don't involve him in this matter."

Zhang Cheng smiled and stepped forward to remind him:

"Long live, have you forgotten what the relationship between Qi Zongbing and Mr. Zhang Ge..."

"The widow is really confused. Qi Jiguang's position today is not because of Feng Daban and Mr. Zhang's strong recommendation, but because of the harmony between civil and military, and the integration of inside and outside!"

Emperor Wanli lowered his voice, and Zhang Cheng was not answering the conversation. After being quiet for a while, Wanli took over the file from the Department of Public Security brought by Zhang Cheng and began to read it. He didn't know he saw the record over there. , said with a smile:

"It's also a coincidence that a group of Hou Bo's children are talking about famous generals in the world, and Qi Jiguang has a false name and has not made any achievements in Jizhen. Li Chengliang has made great achievements over the years. He is the pillar of my Ming Dynasty. Shallow, It's really superficial, ever since Qi Jiguang came to Jizhen as the commander-in-chief, the local barbarians didn't dare to go deep, but they repeatedly violated the frontier in Liaozhen, don't you understand who is doing better?"

These things can be seen by sober people. It is rare that Emperor Wanli can see them clearly at this age. Zhang Cheng thought so in his heart, but praised with an expression of approval on his face:

"Long live Lord Mingjian, the border still needs such famous generals to guard, and we can't spoil the country's major affairs because of trivial matters."

The soldiers and horses under his command pretended to be thieves to rob and kill the court officials. This is a major case, and the chief official of Ji Town must of course be responsible for it. Moreover, Qi Jiguang is Zhang Juzheng's man, which touched a certain thread of Emperor Wanli, but Wanli The emperor can consider the overall situation and not delve into it. This is indeed mature.

Looking through the papers for a while, it was nothing more than a slight increase in food prices, but a drop in the prices of various southern goods. The common people didn't know whether to complain or be happy. These things, compared with Dongchang Jinyiwei's report, this one is more life-like and more interesting.

"There's something I don't know whether or not Long Live Lord should tell me?"

Seeing that Emperor Wanli was in a good mood, Zhang Cheng started this topic cautiously, but it was not a good thing to say so, Emperor Wanli frowned, then nodded.

"Long live, I was looking for a good job for Wang Tong outside the capital that day. There was a vacancy in Jinyiwei Tianjin, and the servants sent someone to inquire about it. Liu Shouyou said it was a first-class fat and beautiful job That is to say, the people below went on a errand to ask Qianhu who came back today, but found that it was very hard there and was severely oppressed by several local yamen. There are rumors that Qianhu who came back this time broke his leg because of a fall."

The little emperor Wanli was stunned, and then he slapped the table heavily with his hands, but his voice was lowered, his face was flushed with anger, and he said in a hateful voice:
"Jin Yiwei is the emperor's personal army, and Liu Shouyou's commander looks like Mr. Zhang's personal guard. Where is he standing!!"

After saying this, Emperor Wanli got off his chair and walked back and forth a few steps in front of the desk. The composure of Emperor Wanli just now was still gone. He rubbed his hands a few times, stopped, and said to Zhang Cheng beside him:
"Zhang Banban, Wang Tong was kicked out of the capital because of me, and now he is sent to a poor place, how can he be worthy of him, help me draw up an order, transfer Wang Tong to Henan, to Nanzhili..."

"Long live lord, long live lord, don't worry, just listen to what this old slave said, Wang Tong's going to such a miserable place in Tianjin may not necessarily be a bad thing!"

Emperor Wanli looked over suspiciously, Zhang Cheng stepped forward and said:
"Wang Tong built a delicacy hall, built a martial arts hall, and set up the shelf of the Secretary of Public Security before leaving. At such a young age, it can be said that he is capable, but inside and outside the court The officials of the court thought that he was only a close minister of the emperor, and the literati and bureaucrats were sour. With this impression, it would be very detrimental to Wang Tong's future. This time he was placed in a poor place like Tianjin, because he showed his skills. when."

Emperor Wanli sat down on an embroidered pier with his hands behind his back, and listened carefully to Zhang Cheng's analysis. Zhang Cheng talked eloquently:

"It's done well in Tianjin. Firstly, there is an excuse to stop the courtiers' mouths. It will be useful in the future. If it is not done well, it is also a hindrance in the poor village of Sanwei in Tianjin. Long Live Lord also has an excuse. If it is transferred now, it will be the cusp of the storm, and I am afraid it will be a lot of trouble!"

"You are right. Wang Tong will be of great use to me in the future. It is convenient for me in the capital. It is just a test here in Tianjin. If you can do it, you don't have to say it in the future. If you can't do it, you can come back and be a confidant." It's not a loss to him, a close minister."

Hearing that the emperor judged according to his own opinion, Zhang Cheng respectfully said:
"Long Live Lord Shengming..."

Wanli walked back from the embroidered pier to the back of the desk, just picked up the memorial and put it down again, shook his head and said:

"No, this is still treating Wang Tong badly. Zhang Banban, you should draw up a decree or set a banner for him. Otherwise, what would he be worth in Tianjin, Ji Town, as a fifth-rank Qianhu? , if he doesn't do well like this, wouldn't it be my fault..."

This is too serious, Zhang Cheng was shocked when he heard it, and quickly replied:
"Long Live Lord, if the decree or flag is issued, it will inevitably cause disturbances in the internal and external yamen. I am afraid that it may not help him at that time, but it will harm him."

The little emperor was a little irritable, Zhang Cheng hurriedly said:

"If you don't want to write a letter to Wang Tong, if someone is in trouble, take out this letter from your servant to see that it will save some face for the sake of the supervisor of ceremonies. If it doesn't work, it's not too late to worry about it."

Emperor Wanli pondered for a while, shook his head and smiled, and said:
"That's good too. It's said that the famous posts of the Supervisor of Rituals are more effective than my will. Seeing Zhang Banban you, the chief pen's post, there are only a few people who don't want to lose face."

When Zhang Cheng came out of the imperial study room, his expression was calm. As he walked far away, his smile gradually emerged. Whether Wang Tong suffered or not is not the point.

Tianjin is obviously a hard job, but was called a fat job by Jin Yiwei. He set up a trick to trick Wang Tong and let Emperor Wanli know about it, so that the little emperor had a bad feeling for Liu Shouyou, the commander of Jin Yiwei. Maybe he didn't trust Zhang Juzheng, who was behind Liu Shouyou. A little bit more, this is the key, if Zhang Juzheng's trust in the emperor's heart is less, it means that Feng Bao is less stable.

On the morning of the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month, Wang Tong and a few entourages came to Tianjin Sanweibing Beidao Yamen, asked to see Bingbeidao Panda, and was informed that the soldiers and guards at the gate were not very polite——
Thank you everyone, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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