Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 207 Do You Recognize Grandpa's Identity?

Chapter 207 Do You Recognize Grandpa's Identity?
Compared with the dilapidated Jinyiwei Thousand Households Government Office in Tianjin, the scale of this Bingbei Road Yamen is much more luxurious, with high walls and deep courtyards, black tiles and red doors, and it looks solemn and solemn everywhere.

Bingbeidao is often served by the inspector and deputy inspector sent by the Metropolitan Procuratorate. In a certain place, it only needs to be responsible to the local commander-in-chief. It has a lot of management and no restrictions.

In this land of three guards in Tianjin, the hub of water transportation, food and grass from all over the country are distributed and transported to Jizhen, Liaozhen, and even part of Jingying and Xuanfu. of.

Panda holds this position as the Deputy Envoy of the Procuratorate, and he is of the fourth rank. In this land of three guards in Tianjin, he can be said to be as good as he promises.

According to Wang Tong's understanding, on the capital side, the military pay is nominally issued by the Ministry of War, but in fact it is just a formality, and people from the experience department often go directly to the Ministry of Households to get money for payment.

I don't know what happened to the foreign missions in other provinces, but in this land of Tianjin, they are specially issued by Bingbeidao, which is a big trouble.

Woke up early this morning, Tianjin Jinyiwei soldiers gathered in front of the gate with their tools. Wang Tong simply assigned them to clean up by themselves. Everyone was very obedient. After yesterday's rubbing, Wang Tong's prestige has been initially established. Stand up, no one dares to be disobedient.

I asked about Hang Daqiao, and I probably understood the extent of the arrears. For three years, a total of seven months of military pay was paid. Why did Hang Daqiao talk for a few more months that day? Let this little adult take out the silver and distribute it.

What is even more frustrating is that these seven months are actually paid on the basis of the head. Originally, Wang Damin took office, and after three months in arrears, he thought about dismissing most of them, and leaving a small part to eat empty quota is also profitable. Panda on the Bingbei Road came to check the soldiers and horses, how many soldiers there are and how much money will be paid.

Then there are non-stop deductions and arrears. You can’t take advantage of the loopholes. If you can’t make it through, people gradually disperse and find other ways to survive. Jinyiwei has fewer and fewer people, and the money they pay is getting less and less. This is a vicious circle. stand up.

Anyone can tell that it is no longer a matter of handling the affairs of the government, but of deliberate embarrassment, but if you ask the people at Hang Daqiao what the reason is, no one can tell the reason.

Dealing with such high-ranking civil servants who hold real power, Wang Tong and others know the trouble.
"My lord, doesn't Beijing allocate tens of thousands of taels of silver to us every year, or how about we use this money to pay the people below first?"

Of course Wang Tong would not agree with this plan, he shook his head and said:
"The money is earmarked for special use, and the money in the capital is used for other purposes. Everyone is working for the emperor and Daming. If the money is paid out privately, it will be charged with the crime of bribery. You can't tell if you are full of mouths."

Zhang Shiqiang stopped talking a little ashamedly, and Wang Tong waved his hands and continued:

"Working for Daming and the Emperor, the Ministry of War has to pay the salary. This Bing Bei Dao is just an official who forwards it on his behalf, but he is so embezzled and procrastinated. It's a business. We must understand this matter."

Wang Tong's words were simple, but he knew in his heart that this matter was difficult. The official money exchange was the most entangled, and he didn't know where it would be difficult.When he went to collect money in that life, every time he was overwhelmed, even if it was a private client, let alone the trouble of the public.

Helplessness is helplessness, embarrassment is embarrassment, but Wang Tong still has to do it, and he can also feel that on the territory of Tianjin Sanwei, the influence of Bingbeidao Panda is everywhere, and he can do whatever he wants, They all have to deal with Panda. Rather than being embarrassed in the future, it is better to meet and find out the details this time.

Sure enough, it was very difficult to deal with. When the guards at the gate of Bingbeidao Yamen saw Wang Tong and his group of people in brocade robes approaching, they immediately pulled their faces down.

According to official rules, Sun Dahai first handed over a greeting card to a leader dressed as a small flag at the door, and asked him to pass it on. According to official etiquette, the leader of the guard should take it with both hands, and then say a polite word of waiting. , turned around and sent it to the post. With Wang Tong's status, the concierge should invite him in for tea first.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoqi held the post with one hand, didn't even read it, and muttered:
"Grandpa can't read, so what are you doing with this post?"

"My lord is not here, please come back another day!"

Xiaoqi said casually, seeing the other party's rudeness, Sun Dahai was already a little angry, and just about to step forward to put it right, he was pulled by General Tan behind him.

Wang Tong looked at both sides of the gate of the official office, pointed to a team of chariots and horses and said:
"Your family is not here, who will receive this team of horses and horses?"

Where these yamen are located, there is a shed at the entrance for vehicles and horses to stop, and the carriages and entourages to rest their feet. The team of carriages and horses on the side does not seem to belong to that nobleman. The big gang is chatting and laughing in the tea shed.

If it is a local yamen, there will always be chief and deputy officials. If the forehand is absent, there will be a deputy who will come forward to receive them. However, there is only one deputy envoy who holds this position in this military preparation.

Reception in official circles is all about status and status, and only Panda, a soldier in the army, has the status to receive the nobles who are related to the team of horses and horses outside the door. If Panda is not there, there is no need for this nobleman to wait.

When Wang Tong said this, the old Xiaoqi blushed and said forcefully:
"My lord is receiving distinguished guests, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by others, so please come back another day!"

"Come back another day. Tomorrow is the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. All the yamen in Tianjin are closed for the New Year. I have business to see, please pass it on to my brother!!"

"My lord, didn't you explain it clearly? You don't want others to disturb you. Don't make it difficult for the little one. Please go back, please go back!"

The little flag was lying in front of the door. When he said this, there was no apologetic expression on his face, but an expression of impatience.

The coachman's entourage sitting in the tea shed next to him, as well as the guards in front of the official office, all had titters on their faces, and even bolder ones pointed there.

Ma Sanbiao, Sun Dahai, Zhang Shiqiang and others who followed Wang Tong had ugly faces, and even Jiang Tan cleared his throat unnaturally.

The situation was a bit embarrassing, perhaps it was the smiles and pointers on the side that cheered up Xiaoqi, he joked and said:
"This lord must be a newcomer to Tianjin. I don't know my lord's habits. It's cold and windy. Don't delay here. You should go back earlier!"

"Come tomorrow, Mr. Pan will not be here, please inform me, there is indeed an important business to discuss."

The little flag waved his hand and said impatiently:
"My lord doesn't see Jin Yiwei, so don't waste your energy..."

After speaking halfway, there was a crisp sound, Wang Tong walked up to him and slapped him hard, not so much a slap, but a fist with his arm in the face.

The little flag was directly hit, Wang Tong kicked him down the steps, and said:
"What kind of thing are you? You're also here like a dog, Naqiao. I'm here to discuss business. You can afford to delay the business?"

I was still watching the fun just now, when suddenly Jinyiwei Qianhu actually hit someone, the porter who was staying inside the door suddenly panicked, and he was about to block the door with his arms open, shouting in his mouth:
"My lord, this is the yamen of the army, you can't intrude..."

After saying half a sentence, Wang Tong kicked him in the lower abdomen, making him roll like a gourd, and rolled down the steps in the yard.

After hearing the phrase "my lord does not see Jin Yiwei", Wang Tong gave up the possibility of entering the family in a friendly manner. Since this Master Pan is clearly Ka Jinyiwei's neck, there is no need to pay attention to the official rules.

Originally, inside and outside the gate, a group of servants and soldiers were all watching the excitement, but they didn't expect to make a sudden move here, and they were about to barge in.

The group of people in the tea shed had nothing to do with themselves, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, they immediately stood up and surrounded them excitedly, while the guards at the gate of the Bingbei Dao official office, the servants of one and two were in a hurry.

Wang Tongcai passed the main entrance, and before turning around the wall, more than a dozen people had already surrounded him. Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang didn't react in time just now, and they were suddenly separated by the two sides and couldn't keep up.

Looking at the pawns around, Wang Tong showed no fear, and said with a sneer:

"Have you seen Grandpa's official uniform clearly? Do you know the brand on Grandpa's waist? Grandpa is a thousand households of Jinyiwei. What are you guys? Get out of the way for Grandpa!!"

Bingbei Dao Panda is a fourth rank, there is indeed no one in the official office who is greater than Wang Tong, and it is not uncommon for him to offend a superior official and behead him. In the past, those officials from Jinyiwei came to the official office in a low voice. Who would have thought of this Half a child is so fierce.

Seeing the difference in official ranks, those soldiers hesitated, thinking that they were only serving in the underground, why should they offend the officials, but then they thought, their lord had a strict order, if they let it in like this, they would have to suffer.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Tong drew out the Xiuchun knife, raised it high, and pulled it down suddenly, frightening the person opposite him out of his wits, it was too late to hide, and everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

With a "snap", the man covered his face and screamed after falling to the ground, but the knife turned into a slap in the middle of the knife. After all, it was a steel tool, and the slap on the face immediately made his cheeks black and purple. Wang Tong's face was cold. Looking around, he said grimly:
"You son of a bitch, you really dare to stand in front of grandpa, whoever comes up again, grandpa will kill you!!"

It's just an errand, why put your life on the line, look at this young master's fierce appearance, if he stepped forward to stop him, he might have been hacked to death, or died in vain.

Wang Tong glanced left and right, and everyone who was seen shrank their heads and quickly moved away. Wang Tong put his sword back into its sheath, and strode towards the main hall. The road to asking for salary is really difficult! ——
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(End of this chapter)

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