Chapter 210
Those who achieve the position of local officials, who do not know a few people in the capital, have backers of varying sizes behind them.

However, the eunuch who can let the capital come out to deliver the decree is so humble that it makes people think and be afraid of who they know and who is behind them.

The eunuchs who pass the decree are basically the confidantes of the great eunuch, that is, the candidates who will become the great eunuch in the future. They come out of the capital and represent the emperor and the court. Everyone can see the sky with their eyes, and they will take care of these people in the local area.

Before leaving Beijing, Wan Dao, the eunuch of the grain supervisor, was considered a figure of the Yumajian. He was given a cold face when he took the initiative to talk to him, but he was helpless. Talk about what happened in Beijing.

All of this is easy to say, but the crux of the matter is, according to the Deputy Envoy of the Procuratorate, Bing Bei Dao Pandapan, who gave Wang Tong such an ugly face, what to do next.

I don't know where the wind leaked in, blowing on Panda's face, it was cold for a while, Master Pan realized that his face was covered with sweat, he quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped it a few times, but he felt that someone was poking him, It's the season, and if there is any trick, Panda will scream angrily when he turns around.

But he found that the person who poked him was actually a Tongzhi from the Qing army stationed in Tianjin by the Hejian Mansion. It's pouring in, but that's not the point.

Instead, the member of the Ministry of War, Wailang, who came together, was talking with a servant in his early forties, and the servant came here with Wang Tong.

Each of the six ministries and divisions, Lang Zhong is the chief official, Yuan Wai Lang is the deputy, and Yuan Wai Lang is also an official of the fifth rank, with great power. These are not considered small officials in the capital. Such a Beijing official actually chatted with Wang Tong's servant.

Judging from the attitudes of both parties, this Yuanwailang's posture was lower, and the eunuchs, civil officials, and generals in the room all followed the direction of the Qing army colleague.

Looking at the imperial envoys over there accompanying Wang Tong carefully, and seeing the Beijing officials from the Ministry of War politely chatting with Wang Tong's servants, everyone felt that their brains were not enough, and even a little dizzy. What kind of thing is this?

"This is that Qianhu surnamed Wang, what a grand occasion!"

"When you get back, write a letter to the capital to ask, don't come to a great god and treat it like a little ghost."

Hearing who was talking behind him, Bing Bei said that Panda shook his head, and then he reacted, not to mention the sweat on his face, his clothes were soaked with sweat and his clothes were sticky, which was quite uncomfortable.

His face was very ugly, no matter who was behind Wang Tong, he had already done something to offend others, he glanced left and right, only to find that the eunuch Wan Dao, who supervised the grain, took a few steps to the side, intentionally pulling distanced.

After Cai Nan announced the decree and exchanged greetings there, all the military information outside the city was conveyed to this side. Within the jurisdiction of Ji Town, mobilizing troops and horses to kill his own troops, this is a big case. After the direct transfer of troops, the surrounding troops, as well as the transferred troops, must report to each level, and let their superiors know as soon as possible.

The general who came to receive the order had an extremely ugly face. He was the last to know about such a major incident in his own jurisdiction. The above generals were all replaced by officers sent by the capital to take over command.

Seeing three thousand soldiers surrounded their camp, the soldiers pretending to be thieves wanted to surrender immediately, but the people outside didn't want them to surrender at all. They began to search for those who were not dead, and threw them directly into the prison van, ready to be taken to the capital for interrogation.

The general thought that his own punishment was the penalty, and then looked at such harsh measures, he felt cold all over his body, completely unable to figure out what was going to happen next.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Wang Tong, Cai Nan could also see that Wang Tong was not in a good mood. He was a shrewd person, and just now he saw how the local officials in Tianjin were very different from Wang Tong. Even now, Tianjin The officials stood in the distance with ugly faces, but none of them stepped forward.

Cai Nan kept all this in her heart, but said nothing, they came and left in a hurry, they couldn't stay here for too long, looked at the sky, and bowed to leave.

The imperial envoy who delivered the decree bowed and said goodbye to Wang Tong, but these civil and military officials in Tianjin never dared to make such a big deal, and they had to send each other politely, with full etiquette.

A group of imperial envoys waited to mount their horses and go away, the atmosphere in the courtyard of Bingbei Dao Yamen was quite strange, Wang Tong and General Tan were in a corner of the room, and they were about to leave.

"General Li, lead your family's military generals out and sort out the soldiers and horses around our Tianjin Guard. The three commanders are also the same. You must pay close attention to the big and small affairs in your guard. Tell me, if it’s really not possible, I will write to General Qi.”

General Li Shen and the three guard commanders agreed with ugly faces. Panda cleared his throat, glanced at Wang Tong and Wang Tong quickly, and said loudly:

"The New Year's Eve is approaching, and all the food and salaries in Ji Town are ready. If you have any difficulties, feel free to come and talk to me."

Everyone knew something in their hearts, but they just agreed casually, Bing Bei said to Panda, took two steps forward, and said with a smile:

"Naturally, the military supplies in the border town are given priority to the soldiers in the north. It is inevitable that some brothers in the back have been treated badly. Tianjin Jinyiwei's rations have also been delayed for a long time. No matter how hard it is, I can't help my own people. Tomorrow, the officer will repay the six-month military salary. I also want to repay you brothers for your dedication to serving the country."

At least the eunuch Wan Dao could see clearly the attitude just now, thinking that Mr. Pan changed his face too quickly, but anyone who sees the way the imperial envoy treats him should change his face as soon as possible.

"Master Pan, Bingbeidao owed a total of 28 months of food and salaries to Tianjin Jinyiwei Thousand Households. This time it was paid for six months. When will the rest be paid?"

There was no trace of gratitude on Wang Tong's face, and he asked coldly, Panda's face darkened suddenly, but he forced a smile, and said:
"The yamen for military preparations has been closed, and the allocation of rations and salaries requires seals from the chief military officer, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of War. Don't worry, Mr. Wang. After the beginning of the new year, you will make up for the lack of rations and salaries."

"Master Pan, do you need to kneel down and kowtow for such a big favor?"

Wang Tong raised his voice very high, Panda's face was completely dark, but he was still smiling, and said with a smile:

"We are all officials in the same place, and we will spend a long time together in the future, so why be so polite, no need, no need."

These rhetorical questions are tantamount to slapping Panda's face in front of everyone, it's really heartbreaking, after saying these few sentences, Wang Tong clasped his fists casually, and without saying goodbye, he led General Tan in a big stride go out.

The people in the room looked at each other, not knowing what to say, after a while of silence, the eunuch Wan Daocai said with a smile:

"A young hero like Wang Qianhu really behaves differently. He will definitely be a pillar of our Ming Dynasty in the future. It's really amazing!"

The Tongzhi of the Qing army stationed here by the Hejian Mansion also nodded in agreement there, and praised repeatedly:

"Today's son is a wise and mighty young sage, and it is my great fortune to have young sages like Mr. Wang assisting me!!"

You talk to each other, praise without words, and don't care whether Wang Tong can hear it or not, just hope that a word or a word can reach Wang Tong's ears.

Panda's face was so ugly that it couldn't be any more so, but he still pretended to be kind to his elders, and said a few words of agreement.

"General Tan, do you know Yuanwailang from the Ministry of War?"

"To tell you the truth, this Yuanwailang was brought up step by step by Mr. Tan's protégé in Zhejiang back then. He also dealt with the young one many times back then, so he got to know him well."

On the way back, the group of people was much more elated than when they returned last time. Seeing the officials who were extremely arrogant before humbly flattering them, they felt really indescribably happy.

Wang Tong and General Tan chatted for a few words, the horses were about to run back to the station, and there was a mess in front of the Tianjin Jinyiwei official office, and those Tianjin Jinyiwei soldiers were busy cleaning with sweat on their heads.

Under the supervision of Mrs. Ma, the garbage in the yard was swept into the soil basket, and then carried out of the door. Wang Tong and the others also had a cart to pull the garbage to dump.

Seeing Wang Tong coming back, Hang Baihu, who was covered in dust, hurried over to greet him. He greeted Wang Tong and walked into the yard covering his mouth and nose.

Although it is still dilapidated, the appearance of the garbage dump yesterday is gone, and it is much neater and neater. Wang Tong is satisfied, and he can't stop nodding after walking around. Nahang Bridge followed into the yard from the door, but did not go any further. Sweep, instead follow the looks.

"The salary should be delivered tomorrow, and it will be delivered in six months. You go back and talk to your brothers, and everyone will be happy."

Hang Baihu quickly bowed and said:
"My lord is here, the sun is really rising in the sky, the brothers below are going to set up a long life tablet for my lord..."

Although we hadn't met for a long time, Wang Tong could still feel that something was wrong with Hang Baihu, so he turned to stare at him and said:
"Old Hang, working under my command, you won't be able to stay long if you hesitate, you can say whatever you want."

The old Hang Daqiao blushed, and said for a long time:
"I heard that the entourage brought by the lord is going to live in those rooms in the back. Today, the cleaning was stopped by the little one. Can you ask the lord to forgive me a few days later, and the little one who lives in the inn outside will be responsible for it."

Wang Tong was also interested in what he said, and turned his head to stare at Hang Daqiao and asked:
"Money is a trivial matter, why can't these houses be vacated."

"The little guy made his own decision and rented out these houses as warehouses. If they were freed up, they wouldn't be able to finish them in a day or two, and they couldn't find a place to store them."

Wang Tong had heard about it a long time ago, but he was always interested in what was stored.

(End of this chapter)

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