Chapter 211 What a big profit

"You are a coward. If you have a big house in the city, tell me. You can buy it with money. Moving in is just for convenience. If it's not convenient for you, don't move."

Hearing what Wang Tong said was so magnanimous, Nahang Daqiao was so grateful that he almost knelt down, and agreed without a word:

"Many big houses in Tianjin City are empty. It's too easy for adults to find them. I can give you a letter tonight."

But Wang Tong's side is also drunk, and said with a smile:

"I don't know what goods are still piling up on our side, let's go and have a look together."

Hang Baihu had no hesitation about this request, and said:
"They're all heavy things, and they're nothing to look at, adults and children come!"

After a short walk, I arrived at the house behind. The snow on the ground was so thick that I couldn't even see footprints on it. Near the house, I could see ice marks caused by dripping water.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time. Walking through the snow, Hang Daqiao took off the seal with no words on the door. After opening the door, the smell in the house was not unpleasant.

The goods were piled high and covered with tarpaulin. Hang Baihu stepped forward and opened them, revealing bundles of bamboos of various thicknesses. Wang Tong was a little puzzled, wondering what kind of important goods this was.

Wang Tong wondered if the Hang Bridge was hiding something, and with a smile on his face, he looked at a dozen houses together, and he didn't need the Hang Baihu to lead the way, he designated the house himself.

It is full of bamboo, and every room is full of piles. What is the use of these bamboos, and what is the value of money, but you have to rent this Jinyiwei’s house for storage. Even if the rent for the warehouse is cheap, it is also a cost. Is Bamboo Worth It?
Although Hang Daqiao and the leaders are worn out, they don't have to go out to work, and they gamble and drink every day. According to Wang Tong's knowledge, the soldiers of Jinyiwei in Tianjin seldom pay them money, and a few hundred households can still maintain such a leisurely life. life, presumably there is another income.

This income must be related to the rent of this warehouse. After a rough calculation, although the amount is not large, it cannot be said to be a small amount that is casually ignored.

When Wang Tong was in the capital, he had a lot of understanding and communication with the merchants on South Street. He knew that doing business in this era is not easy, and the profit is meager, so he can't spend too much in any link.

I didn't know about this bamboo business before, but renting so many rooms for storage, instead of stacking it in the open air, is it very profitable, and what profit can this bamboo pole make?

"How much silver is the rent?"

Wang Tong asked such a question suddenly, Hang Daqiao was stunned for a moment, but walked quickly two steps to Wang Tong, knelt down in front of Wang Tong, kowtowed several times, and said with a mournful face:
"The small ones are guilty, but those with small rents have spent almost the same amount, and it's approaching the end of the new year, so we can't make up so much money. My lord, why don't you pay back yesterday's salary first..."

Wang Tong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said:
"What do you want this money for? I just want to ask you how much the rent is in total."

"...a total of 60 taels of silver, 40 taels will be paid first, and 20 taels will be paid when picking up the goods after the canal is opened..."

Wang Tong waved his hand to make the Hangzhou Bridge stand up, and walked to the goods with a click of his tongue. He lifted the sheet and looked at the bamboo poles below. There were about twenty bamboo poles framed by bamboo strips, piled up in bundles.

"It costs 60 taels to exist here, how much can he earn from this business!?"

Na Hang Daqiao was a little confused, but he could see that Wang Tong was not looking for trouble with him, so he couldn't help but feel relieved and relaxed a lot. He was originally a lazy character, and when he heard Wang Tong talking to himself , couldn't help but leaned forward and said:
"My lord, how much can he earn from these 60 taels?"

"It's just a few bamboos, how much can he earn?"

"My lord, don't you know that they bought this bamboo in the south for only one or two pennies. My lord may not know the market. This bamboo pole can be sold for thirty yuan in Tianjin City. The capital can sell fifty or sixty wen, and it is said that if it can be sold to Liaodong or the Tatars, it can be sold for one hundred or two hundred wen.”

Hang Daqiao babbled a few words, but Wang Tong was speechless. The price of a bamboo pole transported from south to north can be so high. The times are different, and there are too many differences in this trade.

After recovering from the shock, Wang Tong shook his head and said with a smile:

"The money is so easy to make, why don't you bring some bamboo from the south to sell it, why earn such a small amount of money."

"There must be a channel for water transportation, otherwise there will be too many tax cards and customs along the road, and there will be some private money to buy the road, even if it can be transported, there will be no money to make."

Wang Tong smiled and had no excuses. The tank boats transporting the grain grains that maintain the Northland have the privilege of being exempt from inspection and tax. These goods are presumably transported by this tank boat, so the tax is exempted and the profit is higher.

He didn't make a sound, but Hang Daqiao chattered endlessly:

"These bamboo poles are piled up outside, let alone dry and cracked, whoever passes by will not take one away. In the first month of the twelfth lunar month, those who set off firecrackers and build sheds in various houses, who don't want to use new bamboo poles, that is, they exist on our side. Don't worry, Jin Yiwei's name can still calm people down."

Wang Tong glanced at Hang Daqiao, he really had nothing to say, when Jin Yiwei was reduced to the point of showing others the warehouse, he still felt proud of his face.

He thought that there were some precious items stored in these warehouses, but he didn't expect that they were bamboo poles. He was not too excited for a while, so he asked the Hangzhou Bridge to close the door and turn around together.

"Our Jinyi army is different now. After you come, my lord, who would dare to look down on us? At that time, the porcelain from Jiangxi and the woven silk from Nanzhili will all be stored here."

Wang Tong stopped turning around helplessly, sighed and said:
"Lao Hang, you are more or less a hundred households, why are you so promising..."

After speaking, he strode to the main room, leaving Hang Daqiao scratching his head in confusion, not knowing what he said or did wrong.

The main house where the gang of Tianjin Jinyiwei gambled was also cleaned today, the windows and doors were wide open to let in the air, Mrs. Ma ordered a few women to wipe and clean the house.

Seeing Wang Tong approaching, she hurriedly yelled and closed the door, and someone brought the red-hot charcoal stove over. There was a difference between men and women, so Mrs. Ma yelled to the outside, and the men all avoided it.

Wang Tong just sat down here, but Qiao Da, the leader of the blacksmith, came over with a look of excitement and fear, looking around evasively.

Wang Tong understood this meaning, he didn't want to have other people present, Tan Jiang and others were outside or at the Xingcai Inn, and Wang Tong sent the rest of the people out.

"My lord, I beg for mercy first. If I violate the king's law by saying this, you can't send me to the court, my lord, or I won't say anything."

"That's right, my own people, which kind of official will be sent to me, tell me quickly!"

"If you have the words of the master, I will say it. This Tianjin city is easier to make than the capital city. Whether it is coal or iron materials in our blacksmith workshop, it is easier to find than the capital. The price is also cheaper. There is another advantage. This blacksmith workshop There are many skilled craftsmen, and the craftsmanship is not bad."

He stopped at this point, Wang Tong nodded casually, and said with a smile:

"Isn't this a good thing? If you are short of money, go to Zhang Shiqiang to withdraw it, and spend what you need to spend..."

Then Qiao Da rubbed his hands, but he still didn't finish his sentence, and said with some difficulty:

"The identities of those skilled craftsmen are not very clear. They are all craftsmen from the firearms manufacturing camp in the east of the city. This... this is all for the government. It is a taboo for us to use it, although the eunuchs usually don't care about it. But if you really want to pursue it, it will be troublesome..."

It turns out that for such embarrassing things, the craftsmen are half-slaves in the firearms manufacturing camp. It is quite difficult to support their families, and they are not paid. They are unwilling to work hard and often sneak out to do private work. The eunuchs in China usually turn a blind eye to it, and they are making money and other loopholes, but they ignore it, and if they are seriously investigated, they must be punished as a serious crime.

Wang Tong is not afraid of this, he may be a little afraid of civil servants and military generals in foreign dynasties, but he is not afraid of the errands of these eunuchs, and he is also interested in what Qiao Da said.

Now he opened his mouth and said:
"You can hire whoever you want, and report your master's name when something happens. You can do it boldly. If you do it well, you will be rewarded with money. If you don't do it well, I will take care of it for you!"

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Qiao Da felt relieved, and quickly agreed.

As soon as this side left the door, Zhang Shiqiang lifted the curtain and came in again, and reported:
"Just now, according to the command of the adults, Tan Bing and Tan Bing took the roster and counted the people again. As a result, all the 240 six people arrived yesterday, and there were 32 more people."

"Why are there more?"

"My subordinates are also surprised. When I asked those people yesterday, they said that these were also soldiers of Jinyiwei in Tianjin. They lost their jobs because they had no money to support their families. They went to work for others, or went home to farm. You are magnanimous, so you came here today, just now you were pestering your subordinates for money, rice, pork, etc."

Counting that Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu had 820 people five years ago. Could it be that they all ran back one after another when they heard that money could be distributed? Wang Tong pondered for a while and said:
"Halve everything, and make it clear that they are no longer soldiers of Jin Yiwei. If they want to do things to make money, they can do it, but they can only be servants of the official, but not as servants. Those who want to stay, and those who don't want to leave. "

Zhang Shiqiang took the order, but still asked in doubt:
"My lord, will we be talked about if we do this, after all..."

"They're all comrades, right? They don't want their official uniforms anymore. What else are they doing? Besides, the soldiers here in Tianjin are all poor and useless. Of course, the more than 200 left can't be driven away. They belong to the imperial court and are the duties of this official, for the rest, I don’t want such useless subordinates, let’s work and make money!”

(End of this chapter)

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