Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 212 Deduction of this routine

Chapter 212 Deduction of this routine

I remember that after entering this well-known large company in the country, Wang Tong, who had no background, cried a lot. After joining the company, after the probationary period, he was directly sent to Guangxi as a sales company manager.

Wang Tong thought he was extremely lucky, and only after he came to Guangxi did he realize that the place was losing money every year, there was no business, and the employees were all doing their own private work. Only then did Wang Tong know that nothing would fall from the sky.

In the first year, I spent all my time in the shopping malls in the three core cities of Nanning, Guilin and Liuzhou. In the hot weather, I squeezed the bus and ran around to increase the sales little by little. The people under him couldn't help him, instead they dragged him down and even played tricks behind his back.

It took another year, and he gradually eliminated the members of the sales team, replaced them with useful ones, and built a capable and progressive team.

Then, the president praised him face to face, and sent a crony to take over the Guangxi branch he had worked so hard to build, and then Wang Tong fell ill...

Wang Tong suddenly sat up from the bed, the charcoal fire in the charcoal basin under the bed had dimmed, but the faint red light made the room even darker.

Touching the cold barrel of the firecracker, Wang Tong breathed slowly and calmly. He has been in this era for so long, and he has almost forgotten everything about his life. He did not expect to dream suddenly this night.

Putting on a long gown, Wang Tong got out of bed and poured himself a cup of tea. There was also a slight noise outside. The generals of the Tan family and Li Hutou were extremely alert. They would be alert if there was any movement in the house. Wang Tong whispered said:
"It's okay, don't worry about it."

The outside suddenly became quiet, Wang Tong was sitting by the bed holding the Xiuchun knife and fiddled with the charcoal fire in the brazier, the room was a little warmer, and his thoughts gradually became clearer.

The former soldiers and leaders of the Jinyi Guards in Tianjin Guard were all unusable. Those who kept their identities were considered lucky, and those who left wanted to come back to serve as errands.

On the other side, the team under him must be his own hardcore, loyal to himself, and used for himself. Although the people in Hang Baihu will not pose any resistance, but they have been useless for a long time, they are very incompetent, and they are local snakes. I can't tell about other activities.

Tinkering is worse than tearing it all down and starting again. Wang Tong wants to build a force that is entirely his own. When he comes to Tianjin Three Guards, he does not have the direct support of the emperor, but he can let go of his hands and feet. This is an opportunity, and it depends on his ability. Can't hold it well.

"Master Wang, please count the 520 taels of silver and 410 guan of treasure banknotes, and then send a note to the villain."

Four officers and soldiers, two porters, and an official wearing a green shirt brought over the owed wages early in the morning.

Although it is the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, there are more and more people in Jinyiwei Qianhu in Tianjin. Yesterday, the steamed buns of miscellaneous grains, the soup boiled with beef and sheep bones, all the soldiers ate happily, lost their identities and had nowhere to go to know the news Started to come back gradually.

Repairing the house, courtyard, and walls of this yamen requires manpower. It was roughly done yesterday, and there is still a lot of work that needs manpower.

Wang Tong didn't give them a clear identity, and called eating and drinking work, and everything will be discussed later in the year.

To be able to eat a full meal, the soup is a bit meaty, this is already a great meal for these soldiers who have been poor for a long time, and they are full of energy.

Early in the morning, almost everyone came, but it happened to catch up with the payroller.

The official was wearing a cotton gown with a satin front, a leather hat, and rabbit fur earmuffs on his ears. They were tightly wrapped, and he looked rich. Jin Yiwei's soldiers are too strong, he may not know the scene of receiving the order yesterday, so his expression is obviously impatient.

After Wang Tong heard this number, he pondered for a while, his eyes suddenly widened, and he asked:

"520 taels of silver, 410 coins, how do you calculate this!?"

"My lord, there are a total of 240 six people in your office, and the payment of the salary for June is clearly the amount that the villain said."

Wang Tong's face darkened completely, he stared at the official's eyes and said word by word:

"240 six people each pay one stone of rice per month. Let's not care about the price of food. Calculated according to one tael of silver per stone of rice, there should be 460 taels of silver. The money you brought, even if the money can be used as money, is worth it. It’s only 930 taels, not to mention that precious banknote is a waste of paper.”

"It's cold this year, and even if it's cheap, you can only buy nine buckets of rice. My lord is just looking for the best. How much have you swallowed!"

Sun Dahai was in a hurry, he had already stood behind and yelled out, Wang Tong also felt that his anger was rising, but at this time he could still hear the whispers of the beggar Jin Yiwei behind him:

"It's paid, it's paid..."

"Why do you want so much, don't get angry about paying the salary anymore, this little lord is really..."

Wang Tong pretended not to hear the disturbing words behind, and stared at the official in front of him, waiting for his reply. When the official heard Wang Tong's calculation, he looked up and down in surprise at Wang Tong, and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect Mr. Wang to be proficient in algorithms."

The words were like a math teacher discovering that a naughty boy can do arithmetic. Wang Tong took a step forward. He had already become really angry, withholding and swallowing his own military pay, and he was still so blatant. Now he is still making fun of him like this. It's really a tiger. sick cat?

Seeing Wang Tong's anger, the official took a step back in fear, and hurriedly said:
"Master Wang, Master Pan told the villain to bring it to you in person, how dare the little ones do anything in it, besides, after receiving the money this morning, the porter and the little one came over without even stopping. Why don't you search the skirts of the younger ones to see if there is nothing hidden!"

"Why is the number wrong!!"

Wang Tong asked sharply again, but unexpectedly the official laughed, and said leisurely:
"Don't worry, my lord. Let me do the math for you. Jinyiwei is considered a soldier of the capital, and a guest army here in Ji Town. If the capital can distribute enough rice, we need to distribute both rice and banknotes here. Ji The main army of the town pays [-]% of the whole rice or [-]% of the rice, and the guest army usually pays [-]% of the [-]% of the rice. As usual, there will be about [-]% of the wear and tear, and then there are [-]% of the carriages and horses. Master Pan said , this is only [-]% of your loss, and those with small horses and horses only get one point, you have a good calculation, think carefully about whether it is this amount."

The calculation is not complicated, and the amount is not large, but what is the matter with the seven deductions and eight deductions? How much rice is how much money is paid, that is, how much money is paid and how much money is paid. Whether it is food or silver, the army and soldiers always have to match it with precious banknotes.

This is a discount. Using a nominally legal currency such as a treasure banknote makes people unable to talk about it on the face of it, but the [-]% loss and the [-]% of the car and horse are what a bastard.

It's only a stick of incense to walk here from the treasury of the Bingbei Dao Yamen, and it takes a lot of money and horses.

Wang Tong took a few deep breaths and asked in a low voice:

"What's the name of this person? What position does he hold in the Bingbei Dao Yamen?"

The official thought that his errand was about to be finished, but the other party pinched his nose to admit the matter, and couldn't help but relax, thinking that he would go home soon and be busy with his work. The outer house cried all night last night and he wanted to comfort Wang Tong casually. bowed, and said:
"The younger one's surname is Han, and his name is Tingcai. He works as an official who distributes money and food in the Bingbei Road Yamen..."

Before I finished speaking, I felt that the front of the front was tightened, and the whole person had been caught by Wang Tong. Wang Tong was tall and strong, and this official named Han Tingcai had his feet off the ground after being caught. Wang Tong roared viciously:
"The surname is Han, your mother's grandpa recognized the money, and dared to withhold it. If you don't spit out the money to grandpa today, you won't be able to go back to celebrate the New Year alive today!!"

No one expected that Wang Tong would suddenly act in a rage, and the soldiers standing next to the porter subconsciously wanted to pull them up. Ma Sanbiao and Sun Dahai rushed out with a shout. Soldiers who are more like coolies than soldiers are opponents.

As soon as they met each other, they were knocked over by Ma Sanbiao's punch. Sun Dahai also threw one to the ground, and the other retreated in a hurry to dance with a shoulder pole. They all saw a thin and small figure rushing towards him, and then his lower body was in severe pain. He opened his mouth and covered his lower body before falling down. Li Hu succeeded with a blow to the head, and the short stick in his hand swept across and knocked down the ones beside him.

Li Tao and Sun Xin were even more straightforward. They held the spears and forced the two porters. Han Ting, who was arrested, looked around. He wanted to say something, but he panicked when he saw this situation.

Before he could react, Wang Tong threw the knife on the ground with a swipe and drew the knife out of its sheath. The tip of the knife pressed against Han Tingcai's throat, and cursed angrily:

"Grandpa's money is something you can swallow. If you hand it over, I won't kill you today. If you don't pay it back, grandpa will cut you to pieces!"

That Han Tingcai showed a bit of arrogance at first, fell on the frozen ground, was pointed at the neck with a knife, and his earmuffs were thrown off. Looking at the murderous Wang Tong, he was completely scared from the inside out. , the whole body was as cold as ice, and he didn't say the first cry, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

Swallowing desperately, he said in a hoarse voice:

"Master Wang, Uncle Wang, this money is really not a small one, it's a routine, it's a routine!!"

At that time, Tan Jiang hurried over from other places, and after a little understanding of the situation, he went behind Wang Tong and pulled Wang Tong, and said in a low voice:

"Sir, this is indeed the rule."

Wang Tong turned his head in astonishment, and the soldiers of Tianjin Jinyiwei who were watching were also nodding there, and said in a chaotic voice:

"It's a's a practice..."

Wang Tong looked around and found that everyone was saying the same thing, he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy. Is it reasonable to deduct military pay...

(End of this chapter)

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