Chapter 213
"Then what did Wang Tong say?"

"It is said that the payment in arrears for these months must be settled before the fifth day of the first month, and that since Jinyiwei is Tianjin Jinyiwei's prison for thousands of households, it must be treated as the main army, and the whole rice must be paid, no treasure money, and no one will be given. Discount."

In the Bingbei Dao official office, Panda did not go home for the New Year. He sat in the main hall on the afternoon of the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, listening to Han Tingcai's cry below.

Seeing his subordinates with bruised noses and swollen faces from the beating, and a few distressed soldiers outside, the deputy envoy's face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Where are the silver and treasure notes sent?"

"Master Wang, no, Wang Tong wrote a note saying that he had accepted 520 taels of silver, and the rest of the owed payment has not yet been made up."

Hearing this, Panda couldn't restrain his anger anymore, he slapped the desk, and shouted angrily:

"Bastard, rude warrior!!"

He stopped in the middle of speaking, thinking about the imperial envoy's humility to Wang Tong that day, and the various scenes of receiving orders, Panda felt a little more jealous, and waved his hand at Han Ting in disgust:
"Useless things, hurry up and get out!!"

After Han Tingcai kowtowed with a sad face, he got up and walked out the door quickly. Panda groaned there for a while, and ordered in a deep voice:

"Just say that the yamen is closed for the New Year, and there are no outsiders, so you all go out."

The servants and guards in the hall responded and retreated. Panda lowered his head and turned around the screen behind the desk and entered the inner hall.

The so-called inner hall is just a space separated by a screen in the main hall where errands are held. When Panda turned in, the eunuch Wan Dao, who supervised grain, was sitting on a chair.

"Eunuch Wan, you heard all those words just now, trouble, trouble!"

Panda sighed, sat opposite Wan Dao, shook his head dejectedly, Wan Dao said calmly:
"There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital, and there are not a few people who can be treated so politely by the imperial envoys. Maybe they are relatives of that father-in-law. The letter written by our family has already been on the road yesterday, and the news will be back on the first day of the first lunar month."

Bing Bei said that Panda took a sip of tea, calmed down a little, and said in a low voice:

"Pan also sent someone to the capital to ask, but he couldn't figure out one thing. If he is really such a great person, why would he come to Sanwei, Tianjin to mess around? How many good places are there in the world?"

Wan Dao chuckled a few times, and said:
"Tianjin is where water and land meet, and it is an important place for north-south travel. Naturally, it is also a good place. It is not wrong to come here. Master Pan, don't be offended by our family's words. What is this little military salary worth? Any battalion leader Shang Gua Gua also came out, just give it to him, why bother with it!?"

With a wry smile on Panda's face, he said:

"Eunuch Wan's words are simple. How much rice is worth money, how much is lost, how much is horses and horses, these are all common practice in the world. If Pan breaks this rule, he will be unable to live in a few days." If I stay in this position, I might be sent to the heavens and the seas to suffer, and it will be inconvenient for everyone at that time."

Wan Dao took a sip of tea, smiled and said:

"That is to say, you civil servants have a lot of things to do, and you deduct them layer by layer. You still talk about established rules and regulations, making it look like your ancestors have established a law. Let's put it here. Don't waste a lot of money because of this little money. When the time comes, Everyone is ugly."

Speaking of this, Panda nodded cautiously.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, and the door of the main hall was also opened. Panda frowned immediately, and before he could speak, he heard his servants shouting in fear:
"Master, something is wrong, something is wrong, hundreds of people outside have blocked the main entrance!!"

Hearing this, Panda and Wan Dao looked at each other and stood up. Panda hurriedly turned out of the screen and asked:
"What's going on, who is surrounding the door?"

The servant cried and said anxiously:

"It's Jin Yiwei's. They're here to argue about wages, saying that those who celebrate the Chinese New Year can't afford the money and can't live!"

Panda was taken aback for a moment, then grabbed a porcelain vase at hand and threw it heavily on the ground, looked at the servant who was standing there, and said in a hateful voice:

"What are you doing foolishly there, go to General Li Shen and dispatch troops to take precautions."

The eunuch Wan Dao also came out, looked at the servant who was scrambling and running out, and heard the growing commotion and shouting outside, with a complex expression on his face, and said:
"This Wang Tong is really unscrupulous in his actions."

"Eunuch Wan, you have to be a witness to this matter today. He is a royal guard, first he beat the officials who paid the salary, and then he actually came to make trouble in front of my official office. Does he have the dignity of the officialdom? Does he need the dignity of the court!! "

Wan Dao gave a wry smile, and said to Panda who was a little mad:

"Master Pan, I don't know the details of Wang Tong. Let's be careful first. Our family left the Houmen first. Don't worry too much about Mr. Pan. In broad daylight, Wang Tong doesn't dare to make too much noise."

After finishing speaking, Wan Dao cupped his hands and left in a familiar way, and the voices outside became louder and louder.

After the payroll officials and soldiers fled in embarrassment, Wang Tong returned to the main room with a sullen face, and the more than 500 taels of silver and more than 400 coins were also moved in.

Many Jinyi guards stared at the money eagerly. As soon as Wang Tong entered the room, there was a commotion outside, but they also remembered Wang Tong's killing blow, and no one dared to open their mouths.

After discussing for a long time, the Hang Daqiao, which is usually a bit popular, was pushed out. This Hang Baihu also had a small calculation in his heart. He took more money from Wang Tong than others. Why don't you take more, so you half-pushed and entered the house.

Except for Wang Tong, everyone in the room stood on both sides. General Tan and the two tall teenagers stood in the front. They didn't know what they were talking about just now, and they stopped talking when they saw Hang Daqiao coming in.

Hang Baihu gave a dry cough, stepped forward and said:

"My lord, it's really out of the sun. Six months' salary has been sent here. The young people outside are all admirable. The subordinates are thinking about cleaning and they are almost done cleaning. According to the rules, they will be at home for the new year tomorrow. My lord Do you think it's okay to send this salary down, and let everyone kowtow to you as a way of paying homage to the early years."

Wang Tong stared at Hang Daqiao with a dark face, and said in a cold voice:
"You have owed 28 months of salary with this little promise, and you have paid so much with discounts and withholdings. Do you still admire it?"

Hang Daqiao smiled and replied:
"There are quite a few, some hair is good, who would hate how many!"

Seeing that Wang Tong's face was not right, he thought about it and said hastily:

"Your Excellency has worked so hard. The brothers below are all sensible. This time, the superiors have distributed a total of 350 taels of silver, and the brothers will not bother you..."

This meant that almost 200 taels of silver were set aside for Wang Tong himself. This amount of money was not in Wang Tong's eyes, but it was much larger than the amount of military pay this time.

After listening to the other party's proposal, Wang Tong shook his head and stood up, and said in a deep voice:

"Let everyone stop their work and line up outside the door. Dahai, you go out on horseback first. Call all of us from the inn. It is enough to leave ten men, women and children to watch the house together. Hurry up. Bar."

Nahang Bridge smiled like a flower, and said repeatedly:
"Adult, is this going to be paid? I'm going to call everyone over here, I'll go right away!!"

After finishing speaking, he ran out, Zhang Shiqiang next to him called Li Tao and Sun Xin, and asked first:
"Are you going to move the money out, my lord?"

Wang Tong nodded and said in a deep voice:
"Don't send it out when you move out. The six months' food and salary have been deducted to such an extent that I don't have time to play those official document tricks with the Bingbei Dao Yamen. I don't know how long it will be delayed. I need to be quick."

After speaking, he strode out the door and walked out of the yard. The street outside was full of people. The guards in brocade clothes who were working heard that they would be paid, so they all ran to gather outside the door.

Wang Tong stood there and looked down, his numb face was a little angry at this moment, Wang Tong bent down to open the box, reached out and grabbed four or five pieces of silver ingots, and then threw them back into the box.

The silver was shining in the sun, and everyone's eyes were focused on it. Wang Tong said loudly:
"How much does Bingbeidao owe you? For 28 months, even if it is calculated according to the routine of ten months a year, there are still 800 taels of silver. This is only 500 taels of silver. Are you tempted? You are so promising ? That’s all your vision?”

Such irritating words were a common way to motivate employees in that life. First, arouse the anger, and then encourage and encourage. Unexpectedly, after saying this, many people below will nod repeatedly.

Wang Tong felt weak all over his body, and then felt ruthless, since he couldn't encourage him, then use a whip to whip him. He kicked the lid of the silver box and said loudly:
"Follow me to the Bingbei Dao Yamen to make a fuss, and ask that Panda to pay all the salary owed. After the payment, I will not deduct a cent, and you all take it back for the New Year!!"

After saying this, the faces of the soldiers below all showed hesitation and shrinking expressions, Wang Tong snorted coldly, and said loudly again:

"Follow me, even if Panda can't give you any money, I will make up for all the owed wages for you over the years. All of them will be calculated according to the money and food, and you won't be given any discount. If you don't go, it will be paid the day before yesterday. The food, rice, meat and silver, I will let you return a lot of money."

Wang Tong's servants and teenagers were also quite a few here. At this moment, they were standing on both sides with sticks and watching coldly. Sun Dahai and Ma Sanbiao didn't say anything, but just opened the box and picked up the silver ingots inside. Toss it a few times, then throw it back.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the silver, and their breathing gradually became heavy. Wang Tong asked loudly again:
"going or not!?"

The arrow is on the line, those who don't go will be beaten and refunded, those who go still have the expectation of making money, and I don't know who started it, everyone is clamoring:

"I want to pay, I want money to celebrate the New Year!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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