Chapter 214
Bingbeidao Yamen is the highest-ranking and most powerful government office in Tianjin. It is also located on the best street in Tianjin City. As the New Year is approaching, there are many people wandering and shopping for New Year's goods on the street.

At this time, the water transportation outside the city stopped, and there was no farm work in the fields. It was the time when there were the most idlers. When they saw a large group of soldiers in tattered brocade and guard robes walking over yelling, everyone was shocked. The first reaction was Was there a mutiny, just ran away in a panic.

But I heard the soldiers of the brigade shouting:

"Pay the arrears, pay the arrears, pay the arrears for the New Year!"

The voice is loud, but it does not disturb the people and shops along the road. The idlers saw that it was a lively scene, and immediately followed, and the crowds became more and more crowded.

There are also [-] soldiers stationed at the Yamen of Bingbei Road, and there are more than a dozen guards at the gate. It is also leisurely during the New Year's Eve, chatting around the charcoal fire basin at the gate.

Suddenly seeing a large number of soldiers and civilians rushing in at the intersection, everyone was startled, and the eunuch Wan Dao's coachman attendant who was waiting at the tea shed at the door was even more panicked.

These guards first drew their swords, but they knew from a distance that they couldn't deal with so many people. After a moment of hesitation, the leader turned and ran towards the door. Seeing that the leader ran away, the others were not fools, those of eunuch Wan Dao Those who followed the coachman ran into the door regardless of the carriage and horses.

The gate was closed soon. The Yamen of Bingbeidao is an important place in Ji Town, and there are elite guards personally arranged by the general officer Qi Jiguang. After the news from the outside came in, the generals were always surprised, but they reacted quickly. The soldiers marched out with their swords in their hands.

On the other side of the courtyard wall at the main entrance, there had been prepared wooden frames and short ladders. The soldiers with bows and arrows all climbed up, and a general went up to the gate tower of the main entrance neatly.

Looking at the streets that are almost full of people outside, as long as these beggar-like Jin Yiwei dare to rush into the yamen, they will start fighting immediately. There are more than 500 people, but there are only more than 100 people holding sticks. These people come here to make trouble , Do you want to die? As long as you dare to mess around, it will be considered treason.

There were also sharp-eyed idlers who saw the swords, guns, swords and halberds on the wall of the yamen, and they all backed away in fear, not daring to follow forward to watch the excitement, lest it would hurt the fish in the pond.

Unexpectedly, this group of brocade-clothed guards did not rush into the front of the door, and a dozen or so stood around with their backs to the main entrance with their sticks, yelling loudly not to allow anyone to come forward. Yamen is the same.

"What am I calling, everyone shouting!!"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and the crowd suddenly fell silent.

"I owe wages for 28 months in three years, I can't survive!"

It wasn't loud and powerful, but it was the truth. The people below shouted in unison, the one who was about to order the fight with his hand on the handle of the knife almost fell off the gate tower, what is that.

"The whole family is hungry, and when everything is sold out, we can only beg for food!!" "It's Jinyiwei, but it's a beggar!!"

Looking at the heavily guarded walls, those cowardly soldiers in Jinyi guards in Tianjin felt extremely apprehensive, but after shouting a few words with that loud voice, all the ups and downs of these years flooded into their hearts, thinking about the hardships of their family members these years Day by day, the mood was gradually mobilized.

In the end, these slogans were condensed into a sentence of "Deducting military pay, heaven will not tolerate it!!" The slogan was so earth-shattering that more and more people were attracted to it.

"The street entrances on both sides are blocked, no idlers can be allowed to sneak into this team, and you must remember that no one can do anything to this military preparation road yamen."

Wang Tong was in the team, giving orders calmly, and several teenagers gathered around him, and squeezed out after hearing the order.

The idlers on the street were very excited when they saw this scene. Everyone wanted to join in the fun. This was another collision with the government, and everyone was very excited. Everyone knew that Jin Yiwei was not welcome in Tianjin City. There is trouble.

Some people thought about going in to fish in troubled waters, while others thought about going in to see the excitement. No matter what, some of them would blow their minds when they went back today.

Unexpectedly, this group of Jinyi guards pulled up a banner with white cloth on both sides of the intersection, and stopped everyone outside. If anyone wanted to cross the banner, there would be that vicious man with a wooden club. I watched from a distance.

But there was also a story on the banner. It was written in big characters in black ink, and on both sides it said "28 months in arrears, deduction of military pay, it is unlawful!"

The shouting crowd here was excited, and the guards at Bingbeidao Yamen looked like they were facing a formidable enemy at first, but they looked at each other in blank dismay afterwards and didn't know what to do.

Everyone is a soldier for food, and owed 28 months, which is unreasonable. If the soldiers in Ji Town dare to default like this, there will be a riot, and the Shangguan's head will be chopped off. These Jinyi guards can endure for 28 months, it is really difficult for them.

The voice became louder and louder, and even Panda, the soldier in the inner hall, could hear it clearly. Of course he knew how much disturbance would be caused by making such a fuss here. Everyone knows about it.

In the official office, when the momentum outside suddenly rose, everyone ran there in a panic, scurrying around like headless chickens, but after a while, no one from outside rushed in, and everyone was a little at a loss I don't know how to deal with it.

Bing Beidao Panda's chief ran over with Xiaobu, leaned closer and whispered:
"Master, some people outside didn't block the back door, and the little one has already called the sedan chair over, let's go through the back door!"

Panda waved to the long follower with a sullen face, and the long follower came up to him with a smile. Panda swung his arm and slapped him hard.

"What are you going to do?! These gangsters are here to make me look bad on the master. If they continue to make trouble like this, the official, the master, will stop doing it. What are you doing in a daze? Go to General Li Shen to call for reinforcements, and say that there are people If you want to rebel, someone wants to attack our Bingbei Dao Yamen, hurry up!!"

The long follower covered his face, took two steps back and said:
"Didn't the second housekeeper go to invite..."

Bing Beidao Panda lifted his robe and kicked it directly, cursing angrily:
"Have General Li Shen's soldiers arrived? If they haven't arrived, I will urge the officer, or else they will go to the mansion and beat you to death with a board first.

Seeing him getting angry, the long follower ran to the back door in a hurry. Hearing the louder and louder "Deduction of military pay, it is not justified" outside, Panda's face became more and more ugly, and he couldn't help but quickly walked to the front door, loudly Shout to the guards:

"Go out and drive these bastards away, go and drive them away!!"

The leader of the guard on the wall looked rather embarrassed, and said while looking outside the wall:
"My lord, the guards in brocade clothes outside did not attack our yamen, and there is some distance from the outer wall of the gate, there is no reason to do it!"

"I have already blocked my official office, and there is no reason to do it. Do you really wait until they kill the officials and rebel before you do it? If you can't use knives and guns, then you go out and drive people away with sticks and whips!"

The generals always looked embarrassed, and after a long time of hesitation, one of them whispered:

"My lord, it's not that the little ones don't do it. If you use a knife or gun, you will be subject to military law. After all, you are also a brother who is on duty outside. If you don't use a knife or gun, there are so many people outside. I'm afraid the people in the government office can't match..."

These guards are the guards assigned to Panda by the commander in chief. Protection is fine, but if they are really ordered to kill people, they have the right not to obey orders.

And having said that, looking at some ragged clothes outside guards in brocade clothes shouting there, shouting that it has not been three years since a penny was paid, it is impossible to say that there is no sorrow for the death of a rabbit, and it is impossible to hold It is really reluctant to go there with real swords and guns.

Panda glanced around several military schools with a cold face, and found that no one was willing to go out, and there was no reason to want to get angry, so he could only snort coldly, and walked away.

But by coincidence, this side was unwilling to go out, but the housekeeper who went out to ask for help came back, and said out of breath as soon as he entered the door:

"My lord, General Li Shen is here with his troops."

Bing Bei Dao Panda clapped his palms together, and said with some excitement:
"It's really time to come. Hurry up and ask Li Shen to disperse these unlawful people in front of you. All the yamen in Tianjin will lose their faces today."

After thinking about it, Panda excitedly walked towards the front yard, and asked several soldiers to help him onto the wooden frame. The shouts outside made him feel ashamed, and he wanted to see these bastards being beaten away no matter what.

Going up excitedly, after half an hour, no soldier other than Jin Yiwei appeared in his field of vision, and the Jin Yiwei outside were no longer shouting in unison.

On the contrary, there are people crying everywhere about how poor and miserable they have been in the past few years, and they are all telling the truth. When their family members get sick and have no money for medical treatment, they can only live and die of illness, and they can’t eat enough meals all year round. Not to mention the idlers, even the guards on the wall looked a little unkind.

General Li Shen's soldiers were there, and the soldiers said that Panda was about to go crazy, and when he turned around to shout, he saw Chang Sui running over with a mournful face, and shouted from behind:
"Master, General Li Shen said that if he had owed them such a long time of salary, he would have led the troops to fight in. Now the people of Jinyiwei are doing decently, sir, why don't you just send out the salary? so ugly."

Bing Bei Dao Panda swayed on the wooden frame, nearly fell, but at least the people around him supported him, and then he stabilized. He stood on the wooden frame and said weakly:
"Go and talk to the people outside. This officer will pay them back the wages they owe and tell them to leave quickly."

Chang Sui was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly ran out. Hearing the sound of the door, there was a moment of silence outside, and then it became noisy again. The Chang Sui came back quickly, and said out of breath:

"My lord, the Wang Qianhu will be reissued according to the Jinyiwei thousand-person system, twelve shi every year, no treasure banknotes, just money and rice."

Panda rolled his eyes and passed out straight...
thanks for your support

(End of this chapter)

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