Chapter 216
If Ji Town recruited soldiers, it would definitely not be done by setting up a flagpole in the market and performing in an opera. It would be to go directly to various guards and villages and towns, read the proclamation, and call the important people.

Hearing that it was Jinyiwei, the emotions of the people below were immediately different. Jinyiwei had a miserable life in the city, and the people in the guard who owed so many years of payment did not know much about it, but in everyone's heart, this Jinyiwei was not considered a soldier, but a Working in the yamen, not to mention the danger, is the best place to go.

However, this big event was held in the city, and some people who knew the inside story muttered in low voices, and some thought too much about the good things that fell from the sky.

But the big man on the stage took off his outer robe, revealing the flying fish suit inside, and the person who cooks the pot and ladles the soup below is also wearing the flying fish suit. three points.

Then there were a few big boxes on the stage, and while he was talking, he tilted the big boxes outward, and the shiny silver ingots "flowed" out, dazzling his eyes in the sunlight.

"My lord has money and responsibility. If you are afraid that you will not be able to pay the salary, my lord is willing to risk your life to go to the Yamen to make trouble. If not, my lord will pay you yourself!!"

Hearing this incomparably heroic shout, the tempted people below couldn't help believing it again.

"Come on, brothers, you probably don't believe it. We don't mean that you can become one if you can. First, go to the table over there to get a paperwork, write your name, age, and family situation, and stamp our lord's seal. On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, all of you will come to Jinyiwei Hutong in the north of the city, and you will be tested on your strength and ability before you can finish the calculation. The truth is, without this document, you don’t even have the qualifications for the test!"

This person has a habit of always being suspicious of those who come to the door. If they are hanging, they will go up the pole to snatch them. After Ma Sanbiao said this.

The onlookers hesitated for a while, and surrounded them with a bang, and a few paperworkers over there wrote out the application papers one by one.

Few people may recognize the words on the application form, but everyone thinks that the big vermilion seal on it is authentic. Both civilian and military households have a superstitious belief in this yamen, and at first glance, the big vermilion seal is stamped on it. , that's still fake, not to mention that the writer is quite picky.

It’s really troublesome to pick and choose, but there are three guards in Tianjin Guard, and there are almost eight guards in this area including the surrounding area. What is the only thing that is not lacking? This is not an only son and a young man without a family.

Military households pay twice as much food for farming as civilian households, and except for the one who can inherit the family business and become a soldier, everyone else has nowhere to go. Otherwise, what is going on with this young man wandering around the market.

The people who signed up were overwhelmed, and the writer who was in charge of writing the application form was tired of writing, and Zhang Shiqiang had to bring a few Jin Yiwei who were familiar with the local area to knock on the door and invite him at a high price.

Li Hutou, Li Tao, Sun Xin and a dozen other teenagers, under the arrangement of General Tan, usually follow Wang Tong's side. These teenagers have been with Wang Tong for so long, and they are familiar with each other, and their skills are good. Firstly, he can be regarded as a bodyguard, secondly, he can also learn skills, at least to say so publicly.

They were in an open-air tea shed not far away, leaning on the big brazier in the shop and facing the crowded and lively scene opposite. Sun Xin and Li Tao were calmer, but Li Hutou opened his mouth wide.

Seeing the astonished and questioning expressions of all the teenagers, Wang Tong smiled, half explaining, half jokingly said:
"Whatever you deliver to your door, no one wants it. As long as there is a shortage of good items, everyone will unconsciously grab them, regardless of whether they need them or not."

It is not an exaggeration to say that marketing, consumer psychology and other things are used here, and it is no wonder that these teenagers feel amazing about the gap of hundreds of years.

But the youngsters half-understand what Wang Tong said, but the bustling scene in the market makes everyone feel happy, everyone understands that now it is only worrying about the number of people and not about the number of people. up.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and the soldiers guarding the city gates in Tianjin City are also lazy. Once the water transportation stops, all the people entering and leaving the city gates are guards from inside and outside. The next day there were hundreds of people gathered around to explain, who would want to cause this trouble.

Therefore, 120 soldiers are routinely placed on duty at the gate of the city. Two shifts take turns. People, who would care.

An hour and a half after the city gate was opened, I saw someone excitedly coming outside to find acquaintances, saying that Jin Yiwei in the city was recruiting soldiers, a great opportunity.

Hearing this, the soldiers guarding the city laughed, thinking that these military children have short-sightedness, put it elsewhere, Jinyiwei is a good place, and working as an errand for Jinyiwei here in Tianjin Wei, isn't it just a scumbag, but Having said that, this new Mr. Wang is not very old, but he is an unscrupulous character. It is said that he led people to make troubles at the Bingbei Road, and actually made a lot of money, which is considered a skill.

If the head of the camp in Ji Town dares to do this, I'm afraid that Marshal Qi invited Shang Fang's sword to chop off the heads of these people, but this thing is not for a while, but for a long time!

Everywhere was sunbathing and chatting like this, but there was a bit of chaos at the west gate. The crowd on the official road was yelling and yelling, and dodged to both sides of the official road in a panic, which alarmed the soldiers at the west gate. The west end is connected to the capital, so flustered, what happened.

The soldiers held their weapons and looked up. A few fast horses had rushed past the crowd and galloped towards the gate of the city.

Looking at the attire of these knights, they were either messengers to various yamen, or they were sent by the big family. In other words, you can't afford to offend them, just let them in as soon as possible.

But suddenly there are so many messengers delivering urgent letters, could something serious happen? The soldiers guarding the city gate have been here for a long time, and they are very alert to this trouble.

With a quick mind, he hurriedly followed into the city to have a look. These couriers went to that yamen, and they probably figured out what was urgent.

Who would have thought that those knights would go their separate ways after entering the gate, and went to different streets. Those who are familiar with the Tianjin Acropolis can also tell from this street that the letter was delivered to that yamen, but look at where they are going , It seems that every yamen has messengers, what happened.

I never thought that this is not over yet. In the afternoon, there were a few scattered rides, and even a small car entered the city together, which made these guards nervous, afraid that the sky would fall.

In the market in the city, the number of people around the recruiting and registration table was increasing. From morning to afternoon, the writers had changed a few times, but they still couldn't handle it.

At noon, I bought some cooked chicken and noodles at the market, and had the bone soup in the big pot for lunch. Seeing how good the food was, the enthusiasm for signing up increased a lot.

The people sent by Bingbeidao Panda were all staring at the nearby stalls, and quite a few young people were excited by this series of performances, and wanted to work as errands, but were grabbed by the housekeeper who brought them over. After a while of scolding, I woke up. Seeing the bustle over there, the gang of stalkers who were hiding their whereabouts didn't care anymore. They simply gathered together to chat and stare, and went back to do business at night.

"Do you think this Wang Qianhu is out of his mind? He recruits so much, not to mention a thousand households. I think he can recruit even a guard. If he is fully paid, what will he eat?" ?”

Those servants in the Panda mansion on Bingbei Road are used to such vacant things, and they are also very clear, and they are actually very logical when discussing there, talking here, rubbing their chins and laughing:

"I see that Wang Qianhu may have the idea of ​​making a fortune, and now he has confused everyone, and then they will break up again..."

Before he finished speaking, someone behind him patted him on the shoulder, but when he looked back, it was Master Pandapan's stalker. The stalker's finger prints on his face hadn't disappeared, but looking at it now, he seemed to have been slapped again. With an ugly face, he shouted in a low voice:
"Master's order, don't stare, come back with me, I have another errand for you!!"

"...This is a very trustworthy person of the emperor. It is said that he was going to give an errand to a Jin Yiwei to direct his affairs, but was stopped by all the experts..."

"...Eunuch Zhang Cheng, eunuch Zhang Cheng, the supervisor of ceremonies, is said to be the elder of Wang Tong, and the eunuch Feng Bao, the eunuch of the supervisor of ceremonies, also wrote banners for Wang Tong... The Marquis of Anping's family was stripped of their titles, it is said... ..."

Bing Beidao Panda looked at the letter in his hand, without any expression on his face, but the teacup on the table could not stop tinkling lightly, looking carefully, Master Pan was shaking.

After a while, this Panda threw the letter in his hand to the sky, his whole body seemed to have no food bag attached to his mouth, and he slumped on the seat, muttering:

"Such a person, what are you doing here? Isn't this deceiving people? Isn't this deceiving people?"

After chanting a few words, he straightened up suddenly, and shouted to the outside:
"Hurry up and call back the people who are following you, hurry up and prepare for the annual ceremony, and follow the specifications prepared for those elders in Beijing, hurry up, hurry up, and make double copies!!"

The captain outside ran in quickly, and said smartly:

"Master, did you send someone to call back that urgent letter to Jingli?"

Panda slapped hard, but there was a cry in the scolding voice:

"Offending the emperor's close ministers is nothing but dismissal. If you pay full salary and break the rules, you will be smashed to pieces. Hurry up and prepare!!!"
For this code word, I really

(End of this chapter)

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