Chapter 217

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the original place of the Delicious Restaurant was not abandoned, but a large group of people were busy there.

In addition to the shop assistants and women, there are many dressed as low-grade eunuchs in the palace, some are tidying up tables and chairs, and some are washing dishes.

"What is Xiaoxie doing with red eyes there? Being able to work here, besides the monthly salary in the palace, and the wages and dividends of the delicious restaurant, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with."

"You don't know? Xiao Xie's godfather went away..."

"It turns out that Eunuch Chi, the supervisor of the palace, Xiao Xie entered the palace to pay homage to this godfather, and has been filial to him until now. It is rare to see such a godfather in the palace!"

"That's right, how many people are working as errands, either worshiping another godfather or evening their seniority. It's rare that Xiao Xie is kind and filial. Alas, it should be done. He died on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month and before the first month. He couldn't even get a coffin to bury him properly. According to the rules, it was pulled out and burned, and there was only such a handful of ashes left..."

The two of them were discussing, and suddenly they were slapped on the back of the head. Looking back, it was a fat eunuch with a smile on his face. The two quickly bowed and saluted, and said in their mouths:
"Eunuch Jiang, I send my greetings to you!"

"Little bastard, don't take care of it. Don't you want to stay alive until the [-]th and then get busy again? You know you are lazy!"

The words were reprimanded there, but the faces of the two little eunuchs were not necessarily nervous, and they agreed with a playful smile, and the fat eunuch was also smiling when he reprimanded people, with a smile on his face.

It turned out that Jiang Zhonggao, the eunuch who worked in the Shangshan Supervisor for less than a year, became prosperous immediately after returning to the palace. Originally, there was one eunuch and one young supervisor in the Shangshan Supervisor, and the rest were all in charge. The emperor changed it himself. Following this rule, the Imperial Store was opened in a place south of the Imperial City.

This imperial store is not a business of forced buying and selling to disturb the people, but a canteen dedicated to supplying food for the low-value Imperial Guard generals and eunuchs.

That's right, it was the delicious restaurant in the past, and the staff in it were retained, and a lot of people from the palace were added to go in. The task of leading this delicious restaurant was naturally placed on the Shangshan supervisor, but there was also a special young man. Supervisor management, this young supervisor is Jiang Zhonggao.

In the past, Jiang Zhonggao was famous in the palace for being able to remember people and recognize people, and he didn't have any extraordinary skills, but this time he became a young prison, and he reached the sky in one step!

There are countless people in the palace, Jiang Shaojian can have such good luck, it is not because he is familiar with Wang Tong outside the palace, and helped to accomplish a few big things, and in the end, Long Live Lord remembered his kindness, this is Only today.

Regardless of what the civil servants think about him, the eunuchs know that Lord Wang Tong is a lucky star, and there is nothing wrong with being with him.

Jiang Zhonggao looked around with his hands behind his back and grinning. He had no intention of fighting for power and gain. He was content with eating enough and sleeping warmly. It was even more unexpected joy to be able to work in this restaurant as a young prisoner.

Every day in the delicious restaurant, seeing the politeness of the people around, everyone's smiling faces, he was also happy in his heart, not to mention that this errand was a good thing for the people in the palace.

I found a table at the door and sat down, the shop assistants and busy eunuchs all came over respectfully to ask questions, and someone brought a bowl of almond tea with interest.

Jiang Zhonggao likes this tea made from ground almonds and walnuts with fried noodles and honey. Drinking a bowl in this cold weather is the most heart-warming and stomach-warming.

Jiang Zhonggao drank it all in one gulp. This almond tea is particular about drinking it in one gulp. The taste is full of sweetness and warmth. After drinking it, Jiang Zhonggao flattened his mouth. Weekdays are heavy...

There was a loud bang in the store, and Jiang Zhonggao, who was sitting there with a smile just now, fell to the ground with his back to the sky. Everyone stopped their movements and looked over in amazement, then screams and footsteps sounded.

"Master Yifu, Jiang Zhonggao of Shangshan Supervisor died of a sudden illness in the morning."

In Zhang Cheng's study room in the palace, Zou Yi bowed his head and reported that Zhang Cheng was sitting on the kang, rubbing his eyes with his hands, he stopped when he heard this, and asked with a frown:

"Jiang Zhonggao, who knows how to recognize people, has just been promoted to a young prison. Why is he so he really ill?"

Zou Yi showed a wry smile on his face, and said in a low voice:

"Godfather, you also know that from the 25th of the twelfth lunar month to the seventh day of the first lunar month, the eunuchs and maids in the palace died, and they were all burned and buried on the same day, so as not to spoil the joy of the New Year. What."

Zhang Cheng patted the kang table on the heated kang, and said in a deep voice:

"It's a coincidence. This matter needs to be investigated, but don't touch the Dongchang side. Let us slowly inquire with our trusted people in the Department of Public Security. It is better not to find out, and don't alarm others."

"Godfather, why be so careful, you are old enough to use Jingchang and Dongchang."

Zhang Cheng closed his eyes again, sighed rather sadly, and said:
"Miscalculated one step, these people just drive Wang Tong out and it's over, they want to suppress you and me together, now as long as there is a slight mistake, someone will ask our family to give up this position, you must be careful on your side, you Being the supervisor in the left guard of Longxiang is somewhat of a strength."

Zou Yi quickly agreed, and when it came to this, both parties were heavy-hearted. When Zou Yi wanted to leave, Zhang Cheng stopped behind him and asked:
"Is there anyone in the palace who has the ability to recognize people like Jiang Zhonggao?"

Zou Yi hesitated for a while, but still shook his head, the two sides looked at each other, both were speechless.

"100 taels of gold, 500 taels of silver, ten bare pigs, ten bare sheep, and one hundred big fishes. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. My family's father-in-law, Mr. Wang, came out of Tianjin Wei. Many things were not fully prepared. It’s too late to prepare, these things are to show our respect, and we will meet again in the next year.”

In the yamen of Jinyiwei Qianhu in Tianjin, a well-dressed middle-aged man said to Wang Tong with a smile on his face. Behind him were several carts and porters.

In the afternoon, Wang Tong didn't stay at the market for too long, and was quickly called back by his subordinates, saying that Wan Dao, the eunuch of the local food supervisor, sent someone to give the New Year gift.

In official circles, the mid-autumn festival and the Spring Festival are such big festivals that the gifts should be delivered within five days of the festival. This kind of rush to come to the door today on tomorrow's New Year's Eve will be laughed out of the mouth on weekdays.

Wang Tong took the gift list lightly, glanced at it and said:

"Thank you, Eunuch Wan, for your kindness. I have accepted the things. I will definitely visit you someday."

This middle-aged man who looks like a butler has been quite nervous. Seeing Wang Tong take the gift list and say this, the middle-aged man was relieved immediately, and quickly bowed and said:
"Young one, pay Mrs. Wang an early New Year's greetings. My father-in-law said that there is absolutely no reason for Mr. Wang to come to the door first. I will definitely pay a visit to Mr. Wang first in the first month."

After finishing speaking, he waved to the back, and a group of people began to carry things inward. Seeing that some young men came out to take over, the middle-aged man shook his head and said with a smile:

"My lord's side is full of men, so it's a bit too smokey. After a few years, I'll send a few servant girls to my lord's side, so it's comfortable to serve you personally, isn't it?"

Wang Tong thanked him with a smile, the middle-aged man put down his things, said a few more polite words and went out, the young men who had been following him immediately surrounded him, and before they could ask any questions, Wang Tong smiled and said:

"Do you want to ask why the former is arrogant and the latter is respectful? When I met the imperial envoy that day, the people in Tianjin Wei must go to various places to inquire about the identity of the official, and the news should come back after calculating the time."

Before the words were finished, someone outside raised a voice to announce that "Hejian Mansion Qing Army Tong Zhi so-and-so came to worship", Wang Tong turned his head and smiled, and went out to meet him again.

This Qing army colleague was just an acquaintance, not to mention being offended, he just came to show his favor, sealed 300 taels of silver, and said that there was any civil involvement, just sent someone to the yamen to post a post, and then said a few words to say goodbye.

General Li Can, who was in charge of Tianjin, and Panda's family, who was in charge of the army, came at the same time. General Li Can probably sent a personal follower, and this warrior moved much faster. He was definitely faster than the butler of the Pan family advanced through the door.

Different from the previous two groups of people holding gifts, the person sent by General Li Shen only held a thin piece of paper and no other gifts, but this piece of paper was also unusual.

"My lord said that there is no place for Mr. Wang to settle down when he comes to Tianjin Wei. It just so happens that my lord has an unoccupied mansion near the Drum Tower. It is fully furnished and furnished. You can just move in when the time comes. The land and house deeds will be given to you. I brought it here, and when the time comes, I will go to the Qing Military Hall to settle an account."

This is really urgently needed, the house that can accommodate so many people in Wang Tong, the price will not be too cheap, but it is still a lot worse than the 500 taels of silver sent by Wan Dao.

"200 taels of gold, 500 taels of silver, [-] catties of various wild game, [-] catties of seafood, [-] heads of pigs, cattle and sheep, and a number of exquisite gadgets."

Panda's butler was eloquent and gave it. As soon as he entered the door and said hello, he began to read the gift list. There is no reason not to eat the meat delivered to the door. Wang Tong naturally accepted it with a smile.

It can be seen that after Wang Tong accepted the gift list, Panda's housekeeper heaved a sigh of relief, bowed again and said:

"Master Wang, my master said that the inspection of soldiers and horses is just talking in front of everyone. You don't have to take it seriously. How could you come to check and check? The missing salary will be raised to make up for it in the next year, and please be quiet. Don't wait."

Wang Tong nodded with a smile. These annual ceremonies just now are equivalent to the civil and military officials in Tianjin city knocking their heads on the ground at him. Naturally, there is no need to give a cold face to such a submissive attitude.

After a day of tossing around, recruiting troops outside and seeing guests inside, Wang Tong was also a little tired, and the few officials who had come to Tianjin had been subdued, so he felt relaxed and wanted to rest.

As soon as he turned around and listened to the announcement of "There are guests paying homage", Wang Tong wondered, everyone in Tianjin has come, who else is coming?
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(End of this chapter)

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