Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 218 The Veteran Visits All Kinds of Guests

Chapter 218 The Veteran Visits All Kinds of Guests
"How can people live in this broken place, quickly find a better house and let my old man live in it!"

"Master Yu, you are old and young, this is the official office..."

The new guest yelled loudly outside before entering the door. Several teenagers beside Wang Tong in the yard looked at each other and shouted out in surprise:
"Yu Jiaoxi, General Yu."

Li Hutou ran in front, and a group of teenagers ran out, everyone was very surprised, Wang Tong was also taken aback, and walked out with random strides.

Yu Dayou, who was a little stooped, stood in front of the door, smiling and greeting the young men who surrounded him. The old general was still hale and hearty, wearing a leather robe.

After arriving in Tianjinwei, there was a thrilling interception on the road, and it was difficult to come here. Wang Tong was calm on the surface, but he felt exhausted in private. At this time, he suddenly saw an old friend visiting, and he was filled with emotions for a while.

He is much more mature than the youngsters, and naturally he doesn't show his emotions as much as everyone else. He saluted first on the steps, and said hello respectfully:

"General Yu hasn't seen you for a long time. I don't know what's important to come to Tianjin."

Yu Dayou stomped his feet, pointed at Wang Tong and cursed with a smile:

"At your age, you learned these old-fashioned manners there. What kind of general are you calling a certain family teacher? Don't talk useless gossip. First lead the certain family to a warm place to rest, and then get a pot of good wine, mother. , Why is it so hard to endure winter in the north here?"

The other party's heartiness also made Wang Tong feel better immediately, and he quickly said with a smile:

"Teacher, go to the house to stay for a while, the good wine will be warmed up immediately, let the boys light the fire for you first!"

Everyone's mood improved a lot, Li Hutou ran to the door to greet people without waiting for Wang Tong's order, while Li Tao came over and asked:
"Brother Wang, should you settle in an inn outside the city first?"

Wang Tong raised the land deed and house deed in his hand, and said:
"There is a ready-made place, send a few people over to make a room first, light up the stove to warm it up, Sun Xin, didn't the things that Panda sent just now have good wine, get out a jar, and heat it in the room Come on, when it’s hot, remember to cover the jug with a cover, and when you talk to the teacher, go to work!”

Yu Dayou rubbed his hands and walked up the steps. Wang Tong turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation. According to the actual grade, this Yu Dayou is much higher than Wang Tong. There should be rules. Yu Dayou shook his head and followed him. A slap on the shoulder is enough to knock someone down.

The youngsters all knew what this professor liked, and not long after they were in the room, someone filled Yu Dayou's large coarse porcelain tea mug with hot tea and brought it out first.

Only the people Wang Tong brought over from the capital were left in the main room, so Yu Dayou took a sip of hot tea and heaved a sigh of relief, explaining why he came first.

"The imperial court gave the old man a false title again, and the Imperial Horse Supervisor paid 5000 taels of silver to let the old man go back to his hometown in Quanzhou for the elderly. After thinking about it, the son and daughter-in-law at home haven't enjoyed the blessings with me for so many years, but it's true. I have been involved a lot, they bother me, and the old man is too embarrassed to see them."

Yu Dayou is known as a famous general, not under Qi Jiguang and Li Chengliang, but his official career has been very bumpy, with ups and downs. He has served as a general officer and has been in prison, and his family members have been implicated a lot.

"Old man Yinzi asked someone to take it back, and he stayed here. He has been training soldiers and fighting all his life, and his bones hurt when he is idle in the capital. Coincidentally, I heard that Eunuch Zou said that you are going to train a soldier here, so I want to come and see it." Look, maybe I can help you!"

When Wang Tong heard this, he was overjoyed. He told the little emperor Wanli that day that he wanted to train a mighty tiger army. With the help of such experienced veterans, it was a timely help.

He quickly stood up, clasped his fists and bowed deeply again, and said solemnly:
"It's Mr. Wang's luck that Professor Yu came to help. I really don't know how to thank him."

Yu Dayou waved his hand, shook his head and said with a smile:

"You don't need to thank me, I am willing to come here to help. I also saw your things in the martial arts hall, such as queues, physical fitness, and some passwords. It is simple, but it makes sense to use it. This is what Daming’s soldiers and horses are lacking now. After training for so many years, the old man seems to have figured out something after reading your things. Let’s just come and see how you train soldiers. Maybe you will be able to close your eyes when you die.”

Wang Tong clasped his fists and bowed, and said:
"Instructor Yu praised you, and I need your guidance on this matter of military training in the future."

After hearing Yu Dayou's words, all the teenagers in the room stared at Wang Tong with wide eyes, that is, Li Hutou was there triumphantly, a look I had known for a long time.

With the system in the martial arts hall, the teenagers feel that they have strengthened their bodies and learned something. Everyone wonders who came up with this brilliant method. Tong Tong, at this time suddenly knew from Yu Dayou's mouth, everyone was surprised and admired.

Although Wang Tong is taller and taller than them, but he has been in the martial arts gym together for so long, and knowing that he is about the same age as everyone else, and he has no airs, it is inevitable that some people will think that Wang Tong is lucky, and it is nothing to be able to do what he is today It's amazing, but on the road to deal with robbery, step by step in Tianjin, even the training method of this martial arts hall was thought out by Wang Tong alone, this image suddenly became taller.

Everyone chatted and laughed, and Wang Tong said solemnly:
"Professor Yu, if you plan to train soldiers and horses in the future, you are already a governor, and you can't manage it with your own job. If you talk about teaching, you can't convince the public. I thought of an official position, and the general and lieutenant called you a consultant. The soldiers below all call you the chief instructor, and your status is equivalent to the commander-in-chief of this army, what do you think!"

"It's fine, it's fine, this consultant sounds like a civil servant, interesting!"

Everything is still scratch, and when Wang Tong said this, Yu Dayou agreed nonchalantly.

According to Wang Tong's plan, the Xingcai Inn outside the city is not small, and the conditions are not bad. Living outside the city will not lack anything, and it will be clean. But since Yu Dayou came and moved in, the hotel that Li Shen will send The old general can't be left guarding the house by himself, so he might as well start moving today.

Don't look at it for a few days, but when Wang Tong said that he was going to move, the rich and noble people in the entire Tianjin Acropolis were alarmed. Naturally, the soldiers of Tianjin Jinyiwei Qianhu had to contribute, and the people in each yamen also had their own care. General Li Shen sent a hundred soldiers and ten carts over, and the Qing army accomplice who was stationed in Tianjin in Hejian Mansion arranged for the government servants to seal off the road from Xingcai Inn to the Drum Tower, exclusively for the king. Used for moving.

As for Panda and Wandao, the eunuch who supervised the grain, each sent fifteen servants and maids, as well as various household utensils and household items.

I thought it would be a very troublesome moving process, but in the end, I went there in a big way, and then everything was cleaned up.

Things were moved here, and people allocated houses to live in. Ma Sanbiao, Sun Dahai and others who brought their families all arranged single-room courtyards. Wang Tong shared a courtyard with the teenagers, and the Tan family surrounded them. It is a good preparation.

The family moved here, but it is impossible for others to help with the arrangement of things. Wang Tong and his subordinates are busy, and someone specially arranged to cook a few dishes for the veteran Yu Dayou, and opened the good wine on the altar. Let the old general drink and rest by himself.

This kind of moving, Wang Tong can't stay idle, people always come to ask where to put things, who should arrange to live in various places.

The atmosphere was smoggy, and the head was burnt out. Who would have thought that there would still be guests coming to the door, and the outside servants would report that a local businessman, Xiang Yan, would pay a visit.

The name Xiang Yan is really unfamiliar to Wang Tong, and he is also a merchant, Wang Tong really can't remember any dealings with merchants here.

But the more strange it is, the more necessary it is to meet him. When the servant brings him to him, this Yan is of medium build and ordinary appearance. He is also wearing a cotton padded jacket made of silk, but not new clothes. Dressing up belongs to the kind of person who is inconspicuous on the street and will be forgotten immediately after passing by.

As soon as the two met, the etiquette of extending people to see officials respectfully kowtowed, and when they stood up, they said with a smile:

"Master Xue from the east of the capital asked the villain to come to Mr. Wang."

The voice was soft, but Wang Tong was taken aback. Master Xue in the east, he only knew Xue Zhanye from the hundred households in the East Factory, but his words were unsubstantiated. Wang Tong asked directly:
"Do you have a sign?"

That Xiang Yan smiled unabated, his sleeves trembled, and a palm-sized iron plate fell into his hand. He was facing Wang Tong from this angle, but others couldn't see it. It was Dongchang Fanzi's waist plate. He kowtowed and said:
"Over there, I entrusted the young man to bring some local products of Tianjin, persimmon crackers and fruits to the adults. The adults can also use them during the Chinese New Year. If there is a need for the villain in the future, the villain will come to the door."

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed his head and delivered the things, but did not say much and respectfully said goodbye, Wang Tong knew it well, this was just to meet each other, the hidden pile arranged by Dongchang here may not be something he can drive, but it is It's just a face-to-face meeting, and we will know each other from now on, but it is a favor from the boss to be able to do this.

Before Xiang Yan left, Qiao Da from the blacksmith shop came to ask for instructions, saying that the fifteen newly recruited blacksmiths were waiting for money for the Chinese New Year. Could they withdraw some money first? Wang Tong asked Zhang Shiqiang to get the money for him. At this time, Sun Dahai hurried in, with surprise on his face, and said in a loud voice:

"My lord, Lu Tong from the capital judged that Master Lu is here!!"

At this time, in the duty room of the eunuch supervised by the imperial horse supervisor in the capital, it turned out that Lu Wang’s companion, Eunuch Lin, was sitting there with half-closed eyes. Use the abacus to calculate quickly.
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(End of this chapter)

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