Chapter 219
Of the twelve supervisors in the inner court, the Supervisor of Rituals leads the internal officials and is the head of all the supervisors. However, with the deliberate support of the royal family, the Supervisor of Horses has a status not inferior to that of the Supervisor of Rituals.

The Yumajian has military power in his hands, and this armed force is the most powerful armed force in the Forbidden City and the capital. It is the last guard of the royal family and the imperial city. The Yumajian has financial power. His food, armor, and horse consumption are all provided by himself. , and also has the right to collect taxes from Huangzhuang Huangdian on behalf of the royal family.

With military power and financial power in hand, he naturally has the power to speak hard, and the eunuchs in the Yumajian are not inferior to the eunuchs in the Lijianjian.

Moreover, in order to balance the Tian Family, the eunuchs of the Chief of Rites and the Eunuch of the Imperial Horse will not easily belong to the same faction, and because the Imperial Horse Supervisor controls the military power, the three eunuchs of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, the supervisor, and the admiral will not belong to the same faction. .

This is after Zhang Jing, the eunuch from Yu Wangfu, became the eunuch of the palm seal, the supervisory eunuch and the admiral eunuch have been refusing to use the so-called old man of the East Palace.

The supervising eunuch Huang Yang went to the martial arts school to teach, and there was a vacancy. Zhang Cheng recommended Zou Yi, because both Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jing were old people from Prince Yu's Mansion, and they had worked together for many years. To get this position, it was actually Lu Wangbandang Lin Shulu who was more familiar with Zhang Cheng and the others.

The admiral eunuch is responsible for training soldiers and horses, leading military affairs, and it is this eunuch who is responsible for the supply of ordnance, the turnover of food and grass, and the supervision of various illegal matters.

Lu Wang's companion is Lin Shulu in this position, and no one can say anything. After all, Lin Shulu also has qualifications. In order to serve His Highness Lu Wang, he has rejected several opportunities to join the Ritual Supervisor.

Lin Shulu was known for being cautious in the palace, and when he went to the Yumajian to gain real power, he didn't see how arrogant he was, and he was still doing his job properly.

Even if I feel a little uncomfortable with him, if I don't like him, I can't find anything wrong with him for a while, not to mention that Feng Bao, the eunuch in charge of the official seal, knows that he can't reach out to the imperial horse supervisor, so he doesn't care. Regardless of the father-in-law, the others also acquiesced to this fact.

Lin Shulu also brought some old people to the Yuma Supervisor to do business. These people are also very careful, they are diligent in studying and working, and they don't want to make money for trouble.

On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, most of the people in the Lijian and Yumajian went to rest, leaving a few on duty, but Lin Shulu never went back.

"Eunuch Lin, there is something wrong with the accounts of Longxiang Zuowei. The expenditure here is 1000 taels. It is said to buy [-] horses and a set of harnesses and weapons. According to the father-in-law's order, the younger ones the day before yesterday I just went to each battalion to count the soldiers and horses, and there are only [-] more horses at Longxiang Zuowei than last year, which is a fair balance, but the money and things don’t match up.”

The room was heated with high-quality silver charcoal and a white copper stove, and it was very warm. Sitting there, Lin Shulu seemed to be drowsy from the heat, but when he heard the report, he opened his eyes immediately, and asked with a smile. :

"Are you sure?"

"If you go back to your father-in-law, yes, Zou Yi, the supervisor of Zuowei, withdrew 1000 taels of silver for buying horses in our prison's treasury in September, and brought back the receipt. Zuowei's horse count is 260. , only thirty horses more than last year when Eunuch Huang was here."

Lin Shulu shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's nearly 1 taels of silver inside and out. This kid has been living in poverty in the Inner Prison for a long time. When he comes to the Imperial Horse Prison, he will inevitably be a little bit more thoughtful."

The eunuchs who checked the accounts did not dare to speak out after hearing Lin Shulu's evaluation, and stood there respectfully with their heads bowed. Lin Shulu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Our family heard that there were people setting off firecrackers outside the imperial city. It seems that the Chinese New Year is about to come, isn't it? Give.

"Thank you, Eunuch Lin, this is the responsibility of the little ones."

Lin Shulu nodded and smiled, and said softly:

"Let's live together for a few years, maybe I will call you if there is some urgent work!"

After finishing speaking, they lightly waved their hands, and several eunuchs retreated respectfully. As soon as they went out, two more eunuchs in black robes entered the room. The supervising eunuch Lin Shulu's face darkened, and he ordered in a cold voice:
"The doors and windows of this house are all sealed, and people are arranged to watch in shifts for twelve hours. Those few audits just now have been checked. Without our family's order, they can't talk to others, and they can't go out of that yard."

Two black-robed eunuchs bowed to accept the order. Lin Shulu walked out of the room with a smile. A young eunuch in green clothes rushed over with a goose-feather cloak, put it on and tied Lin Shulu, and said courteously:

"Eunuch Lin, you are still working so hard this New Year's Eve, you should pay attention to your health!"

Lin Shulu patted the little eunuch on the forehead angrily, and scolded with a smile:
"Little bastard, you're the only one who will do this. Have you bought all the things our family asked you to buy in Shima Lane?"

"Eunuch Lin, how dare you forget your orders. Everything has been delivered to your residence, and nothing is missing. Lord Lu will definitely like it after reading it."

The little eunuch was eloquent, Lin Shulu casually threw a golden scorpion over, and the eunuch accepted it gratefully.

There were already sporadic firecrackers going off outside the palace, and everyone inside the palace had joyful expressions on their faces. After all, the Chinese New Year was almost here.

All those who died in the palace in the past few days had to be incinerated and buried outside the palace immediately, lest the dead air collide with the nobility in the palace, and Jiang Zhonggao just passed away without a sound.

"Brother Lu, the Department of Public Security and the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion are so busy, and they are rushing here to celebrate the New Year, why are you rushing here!"

On the afternoon of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Lu Wancai, a very popular official in the capital recently, also came to Tianjin and visited Wang Tong in person.

Seeing his own people, Wang Tong was naturally happy in his heart, but in this day and age, Chinese New Year is a big event, Lu Wan just rushed over, could it be that something big happened.

After asking this question, Lu Wancai said nonchalantly:
"I've spent decades with my family during the Spring Festival, and this time they're fresh at home, but brother, you let it out, and my brother wants to come and accompany the New Year."

Wang Tong shook his head with a smile, and quickly invited him into the room. It was convenient to tidy up a small living room inside. The two of them sat down, and Lu Wancai said:
"This time, Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Zou are taking care of them, and they also brought some things here. They are nothing more than snacks and gadgets in the capital. When the time comes, we will share with the old and the young, so as not to be deserted during the New Year outside."

The wealthy households in Tianjin City just bought some wine, meat, and some fish and shrimps for the New Year. Wang Tong had already bought a complete set of chicken, duck, fish, delicacies, and such a big family. Thank you with a smile.

It was less than a month since Wang Tong left the capital, and there were no changes in the various situations, and most of them were proceeding on the expected track. The destruction of Anping Hou Fang's family gave Wang Tong another judgment on his position in the emperor's heart. Lu Wancai had to ask that The details of the fierce battle with bandits and bandits in the past few days also made me sigh and marvel.

But both parties knew that Lu Wan didn't need to make a special trip to Tianjin around the Spring Festival if it was just to accompany the New Year, or to express condolences. In this era, there is no high-speed rail or high-speed train between Beijing and Tianjin.

"The Department of Public Security has a large scale, but there are several difficulties. If you want to get more news, you need a lot of people, but all of them are counted in the establishment of the Yamen. No one will allow it. There are too many people. Many people fabricate news in order to get this money. , These days there are already signs, Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Zou are very unhappy, and they often have to send people from Xue Baihu to check again, so it becomes a job in the East Factory, and the Department of Public Security itself is meaningless?"

After a few words of pleasantries, Lu Wancai raised his question, and Wang Tong gave a reply after pondering for a while:

"The news of the Department of Public Security is to collect rather than inquire. People who handle affairs listen more from the market instead of asking. In order to prevent them from making up, it is necessary to set up another team. These people randomly select news to review to avoid making up and Fiction, then there must be rules, fabrication and fiction should be severely punished, if the information is accurate and useful, then there should be rewards, these rules also need to set up a team to implement."

Ordinarily, this visit was a celebration of the New Year together, and Lu Wan was a little embarrassed when he got to the point in a few words, but what Wang Tong said was true, and he listened attentively.

"A team for doing things, a team for inspections, and a team for rewards and punishments. If Brother Lu is in the hands of these three teams, it will easily cause problems, and second, he will be suspected by others. Why don't you let Eunuch Zou and Xue Baihu be there?" Each of us is in charge of a team, which shows that we are open-minded and not prone to accidents."

Lu Wancai was still holding the folding fan like a sign in winter, and slammed it on his palm, nodded and said:
"Brother Wang's words made my brother Mao Sai suddenly understand. Only in this way can he understand the errands and check and balance each other."

The modern company's business, financial and auditing and other parties' mutual constraints can be said to be the advanced form of human organization for thousands of years. It is certainly impressive to use it hundreds of years ago. Wang Tong pondered said:

"Those writers who record the news must choose someone who can be assured. They must have a family guarantee, and they are willing to give money. It is up to them to record and transfer the upload. We must have official status, and we can rely on our own people."

Wang Tong got up and walked a few steps, then said in a deep voice:

"Don't think that the Secretary of Public Security is our own yamen, and we must hold it firmly in our hands. It belongs to the emperor and our Daming. We must not have any selfish intentions, otherwise we have keen eyes and ears and know the secrets, and we will die. road."

Lu Wancai also stood up with a cautious expression, as respectful as a subordinate official listening to a superior official, Wang Tong was just about to continue, when suddenly there was a loud sound of firecrackers outside, everything was settled, and then it was the Chinese New Year...
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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