Chapter 226 Happy!

Wang Tong got on his horse, turned around and said loudly:

"Go back and put on your armor and get your weapons, and call out everyone who can be called out, and follow the master to kill people!!"

The servants and teenagers who had passed through the battle on the official road had nothing to fear, but were excited to be able to fight. The crowd suddenly agreed, and turned around and ran back under the leadership of several leaders.

General Tan hastily brought out only 25 people, that is, the generals of the Tan family, Ma Sanbiao, Zhang Shiqiang, Sun Dahai, and several dealers.

Wang Tong lightly lifted the horse to an idler, and asked in a rough voice on the horse:

"Do you know where those people went just now?"

The scene was ups and downs, and another person died on the spot. The idle man who was asked was already in a daze. Wang Tong asked and saw that there was no response, so he swung his saber with his arm and slashed down.

The idle man let out a terrified scream, and everyone around him flinched subconsciously, and closed their eyes together, but the screams continued, and when they opened their eyes again, they found that the idle man who had been macheted had disheveled hair. The hat has been chipped off.

"Grandpa doesn't have time to talk nonsense with you. Tell me quickly, or your head will be chopped off!"

The man collapsed on the ground, his legs were already wet, and he was so frightened by the knife just now that he couldn't control himself. Hearing Wang Tong's question, he hurriedly shouted:

"On Hubu Street on the other side of the north gate, Chuantouxiang's incense hall is over there, right over there!!"

Wang Tong turned his mount, swung his saber forward, and began galloping. Tan Jiang, who was behind him, hurriedly rode his horse to keep up, and said immediately:
"Master, let's wait until the servants come up!"

"Don't be afraid, do those thieves of them dare to attack the officials? Even if they dare to attack, how can those mobs withstand our charge? Damn, I have been suffocated in Tianjin City for a long time, and I dare to offend even if I am a bastard. Let them set a rule today and let them know how powerful they are!!"

The blood on Wang Tong's face hadn't been wiped clean, but after wiping it just now, it was even more ferocious. When he spoke, his voice was rough. General Tan couldn't say anything in such a mood. He tapped his boots on the horse's belly and hurriedly followed.

On this road, this small team of horses rushed up with astonishing momentum. The people who watched the excitement over there just now couldn't dodge, hurriedly dodged to the two sides, fell down and stampede, cried and screamed in pain, and became a mess for a while. .

It was just arranging to ask questions and pursue them, which also delayed the time. Those men in brown clothes are also local snakes, and the road is familiar, so they can't be seen.

"None of the former soldiers of Tianjin Jinyiwei followed!"

The road was not wide and smooth, so Wang Tong also slowed down the speed of his mount, and he looked back at the people following him after he had not gone far, feeling angry again.

"Master can understand that when someone went back to ask for help just now, when they heard that it was Chuantouxiang, it turned out that these people from Jinyiwei Qianhu in Tianjin all changed their faces in fright. No one wanted to follow, but we brought from the capital The ones who came over all scrambled to be the first, this is still a small arrangement for some to stay behind."

General Tan came forward and replied that being able to maintain such calmness under the rage made General Tan think highly of Wang Tong, and Wang Tong snorted coldly:
"Our old brother is still reliable!!"

He shook the reins fiercely and accelerated the horse's speed.

Wang Tong and the others ran along the city wall just now, and the place they ran was almost near the north gate. Tianjin City is not a big place. After riding out on horseback, they finally saw some men in brown clothes.

Tianjinwei is a water transportation hub. In the past, the waterways near Tongzhou were silted up. A large amount of grain and materials were unloaded and turned around in Tianjin. A large amount of materials were stored and accumulated. The Ministry of Households specially set up the Tianjin Transshipment Department here. This is the government office directly under the central government. , has never had any trouble with the place.

The street where the Tianjin Transit Department is located is called Hubu Street, and the Yamen of the Transshipment Department is quite conspicuous. Next to this Yamen, there is a large mansion. After those brown-clothed men ran in, they closed the gate tightly.

Wang Tong and others rode up to the gate, looked at the closed gate, and then looked left and right. On the rare and spacious streets in Tianjin, there were only two gates, the yamen and this house.

Ma Sanbiao pushed the black-painted door with the big knife in his hand, but it was already tightly closed, and Wang Tong roared loudly immediately:
"Open the door for me!!! Otherwise, I will burn you down, this den of thieves!!"

Shouting like this, I could hear running footsteps behind the door, but no one answered to open the door. At this time, a few people shouted loudly at the door of the household transfer department:

"Who is roaring loudly in front of the door, don't you know the rules!!!"

Wang Tong glanced over there, and shouted louder:

"You gangsters who are covering up thieves, quickly open the door for me!!"

There was still no movement inside the door, but six people ran out of the Transshipment Office not far away, all of them were servants in black and square hats, with their hands on the handle of their knives, they ran over angrily and shouted:

"The important place of the transshipment department disturbed the adults who are working, is it something you people can afford?"

The Department of Transshipment Department in Tianjin Wei has always regarded itself as a Beijing official. The officials who are higher than the local officials in Tianjin are not first-class or second-class, and even the people who work below them are arrogant. As the saying goes, they are directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and local officials can't even control them.

After the yamen servant yelled angrily, Wang Tong turned his horse's head and came up to him. The yamen servant seemed courageous, pointing at Wang Tong and wanting to speak again, Wang Tong couldn't tell his identity because of his casual clothes, and the yamen servant was even more angry.

Before the words of scolding came out, Wang Tong raised his other arm, and pulled down the horsewhip whistlingly. It was too late to block it with his hand, and there was a slanted whip mark from the cheek to the bridge of the nose, which was extremely bright purple.

The cheek is the most sensitive part of a person, and when the whip was whipped hard, it was extremely painful, and he fell to the ground and screamed loudly while covering his face. Wang Tong shook the whip when he got on the horse, and angrily said to the remaining few people:
"Stay here if you don't want to die, or leave to grandpa!!"

Those yamen servants saw Wang Tong's fierce appearance covered in blood, and he was so fierce, they all backed away a few steps in fright, and didn't dare to say any more.

Wang Tong turned his head, saw the closed door getting more and more anxious, and couldn't help but ordered loudly:

"Climb in and open the door!"

Ma Sanbiao and a few dealers got off their horses when they heard the order, but Tan Bing beside him said with a smile:

"Master, you don't have to do this. Just knock the door open like you did outside."

Wang Tong was stunned, thinking that this kind of street fight, should he still have to cut down the surrounding trees to make things for knocking on the door.

Everyone made way for an open space, and Tan Bing and other five celebrities from the Tan family formed a row, that is, a few steps away, and came forward together with a shout.

The gate of this house does not have a step, it is just a threshold. When the five horses were still a step away from the gate, the five knights yanked the reins violently, and the horses under their crotches stood up. The hooves hit the closed door heavily.

There are horseshoes on the horseshoes, and the force of the horseman's kicking is great, and there is a bonus of momentum. When the horseshoe kicks upwards, the entire door and the door frame tremble.

Tan Bing and the others whistled, turned their horses around again, and were about to repeat the action, but Wang Tong understood the action and said:
"Changed to three horses, facing the middle!"

Everyone in the Tan family glanced at Wang Tong, and after a brief surprise, they all looked admiring. According to Wang Tong's instructions, Tan Bing rode in the center, and the other two rode on both sides, and moved forward again.

This time, he kicked heavily in the middle of the gate, causing the two wooden doors to sink in. Hearing the sound of "click" wood breaking inside, the gate slammed open.

Hitting the door with the strength of the horse kicking, the door latch at the back couldn't hold back, and it had already been kicked open. Seeing the door being opened, a group of people surrounded by the door saw the door being opened, and immediately dispersed.

Wang Tong and others rode straight in, and the courtyard was actually paved with green bricks, but there was a second hall facing them. It looked like there were still a few people inside, and a group of men with swords and weapons were all standing by the wall, with nervous expressions on their faces. Staring at Wang Tong's team.

Although the other side has a large number of people, Wang Tong didn't pay attention to these people when he was riding on the horse. He pointed at the front with his knife and said:

"Everyone, look at this house is not small, are you willing to come in with me!"

Tan Jiang next to him smiled, but Ma Sanbiao said harshly with a big knife:
"Mountains of swords and seas of fire, let's go in and out with the adults, not to mention these messy sites, I will take the lead."

The heroism of these words made everyone laugh out loud. They really treated the people around them as if they didn’t exist. Just as they were about to drive the horses forward, they heard someone shouting:

"My lord, wait a moment, my lord, the little one has something to say."

Following the voice, an old man in his 50s walked out of the second hall quickly. Behind this old man was Jiang Song, who was tied up with five flowers. The old man had a fluttering white beard. He prostrated first when he stepped down the steps, and said in his mouth:

"The good and the bad of Chuantouxiang are different. Scum like Jiang Song did something outrageous and offended the Lord. Just now, he tied up this villain and handed it over to the Lord!!"

After speaking, Jiang Song was pushed to the front, his mouth was stuffed with a rag, his body was tied up, and two people behind him grabbed him, his face was extremely terrified, and he couldn't stop twisting But he couldn't break free at all.

Wang Tong looked at it, laughed loudly on the horse, shook the reins violently, rode the horse forward, and when he reached Jiang Song, the two behind him hurriedly let go. Before Jiang Song could struggle, Wang Tong had already cut him off. .

With a galloping horse, Jiang Song immediately separated his body and head, and blood spurted out to the sky. The people around him were covered in blood all over their faces. Wang Tong and his mount were almost stained red with blood. Wang Tong stopped his horse and put The knife wiped the trousers casually a few times, and said in a cold voice:

"If you say you're going to chop off your head, then it means what you say!!"
Happy no!The monthly pass is also cast down happily! ! ! !Thank you for your selfless support! !
(End of this chapter)

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