Chapter 227

The person was standing there, beheading his head with a knife, and blood gushed out from the gap, like a fountain, and everyone in the yard who was nearby was drenched in blood.

Different from Wang Tong's wishful thinking, those people in the courtyard who were in the bow of the boat all seemed to be touched by some kind of poison, and retreated hastily. The head rolled down, blood spurted wildly, his white beard was also stained a few spots, and his brows were furrowed unnoticed.

Wang Tong looked around, as if a lion was looking at the flock of sheep surrounding him, and said in a cold voice:
"This officer handles the case, do you still want to stand and watch?"

Everyone was dodging the sprayed blood, and before they could react to Wang Tong's words, Wang Tong immediately yelled and said:

"Kneel down to me!!"

Just now when he rushed in, and he did this vicious action again, everyone was completely intimidated, but after being yelled at by him, everyone unexpectedly knelt down involuntarily.

"This world belongs to Daming, and Tianjin Wei also belongs to Daming. The officials in charge of it are Daming's officials, not you bastard Chuantouxiang!!"

The old man with white beard knelt down again, kowtowed on the ground and said:

"My lord's lesson is that the incense crowd acted recklessly and violated the laws of the Ming Dynasty without knowing it. Today's lord's punishment can be said to be a long drought and rain. Otherwise, it will lead to a catastrophe sooner or later. Such a great kindness and great virtue , Bixianghui really doesn't know how to thank you, and I will definitely come to the door to thank you in the future."

Seeing how old this old man was, he also had some bearing, but he didn't expect to be so shameless when he said something. He set the bottom line to such an extent that Wang Tong couldn't say anything for a while.

Hearing the quiet scene, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect Wang Tong to say:
"There are five more people following Jiang Song, hand them over!!"

Everyone who said this trembled, those kneeling on the ground started to commotion, and the group of people behind Wang Tong started to turn their horses' heads outward, and immediately stepped over to wash the place with blood if there was anything wrong.

But the old man with white beard didn't even hesitate, he raised his voice and said:

"Pu Quan, get those bastards out!"

A big man wearing a pointed hat suddenly raised his head and said in a rough voice:

"Don't bring anyone!!"

Unexpectedly, this white-bearded old man has a high prestige among these men who don't look like good people. The big man with the pointed hat got up reluctantly when the old man yelled at him, and led a few big men in green clothes to walk in the field After a circle, the five people who were with Jiang Song just now were arrested.

These few people had long since lost their arrogance, they were all trembling, they were dragged to the open space, Wang Tong didn't say a word, he called everyone to get off their horses together.

"Hold it all down for me!"

Wang Tong yelled, and his subordinates immediately stepped forward and held down the hands and feet of these people. Wang Tong picked up Ma Sanbiao's big knife, turned it over, raised it high, and smashed it down fiercely with the back of the knife.

The courtyard was filled with the screams of ghosts and wolves. Wang Tong got on his horse again and said condescendingly:
"Break hands and feet, I will teach you a lesson first. From now on, if this officer encounters such things again, I will only have to lose my head!"

The decapitated body was in the courtyard, blood was still flowing, and five other companions with their limbs broken were struggling and screaming on the ground, all of them were trembling with fear. It turned out that the trace of dissatisfaction and anger had disappeared.

"Thank you, my lord, for cleaning the house for Chuantouxiang. Everyone in Chuantouxiang is grateful."

The old man's expression became more and more respectful, he didn't lower his limit to such a point, but Wang Tong couldn't continue to attack, so he rode his horse for a few steps, and when he reached the old man, he asked in a deep voice:
"Who are you and what is your role here in Chuantouxiang!"

"The old man's surname is Jin, and his humble name is Doucang. He can't say what kind of job he is. He works as an incense head in this Chuantouxiang, and his discipline is not strict. It makes adults laugh."

Wang Tong immediately sneered and said:
"Be careful too, don't fall into the hands of the official, we will meet again in the future."

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the group of people walked away.

At this time, Pu Quan came over to help the Jindou Cang up, Wang Tong had already led the people out of the courtyard, Pu Quan gritted his teeth and asked:
"Jin Xiangtou, what shall we do next!?"

That Jindoucang, who lacked the respect and respect just now, said in a cold voice:
"How to do it, what can you do with that official, or forbearance, the old man went to tell the big incense head, you take all the incense people out, if there is no news, just burn incense outside the city."

Hearing the sternness of Jin Dousang's words, Pu Quan was reluctant but could only agree. He looked at his companion who was still rolling on the ground, and then stepped forward and asked:

"These brothers?"

"Tie them up with stones and throw them into the sea, causing such trouble for Chuantouxiang, why are you thinking of paying them for medical treatment?"

On the way back, he walked the same way. Wang Tong killed people along the way, and Ma Sanbiao felt very itchy if he didn't do it.

On the way, he accelerated his horse and came to Wang Tong's side, leaned over and asked:

"My lord, I was in that den of thieves just now. I just took them all. Why did you just leave like this? It's so smooth."

"What crimes are used, and what are the reasons? It can be said that the surnamed Cui and this Jiang Song intended to harm the officials and rebelled by killing officials. The few who interrupted their hands and feet can be said to be accomplices. Touxiang handed over everyone, what else can we do?"

Wang Tong answered coldly, Ma Sanbiao was stunned but could not speak, Tan Jiang came over and said:
"It's also reasonable for the master to do this. After all, in broad daylight, if you want to kill someone, you must be convicted. Killing and beating these people is all reasonable. If you do anything else, you may cause unnecessary trouble."

Liwei should also pay attention to propriety, there are many caring people staring at him at present, and Wang Tong also knows that some things have been overdone, and falling into the eyes of others may not be just a troublesome problem.

Coincidentally, a group of people went back along the original road, and when they arrived at the gate of the Zhang family's house, they happened to meet Li Hutou and his group who were trotting forward in full armor.

Seeing these family members, Wang Tong's mood improved a lot, he smiled and waved his hand immediately and said:

"Go back, go back, the work has been done, and people have been killed!"

The family is okay, but the teenagers immediately let out a disappointed sound. It was precisely this shock that the Zhang family walked out of the yard, knelt down and kowtowed at the door, the little girl's eyes were red, at this time But he looked around curiously, not knowing why he knelt down.

Just as Lao Zhang's daughter was about to stretch out her hand and kneel down on him, Wang Tong immediately smiled and said:

"It's cold, why are children kowtow, Dahai, arrange for someone to carry away the body of that surnamed Cui, don't pollute the door of other people's houses here."

Sun Dahai agreed, and led the two servants to move forward. Wang Tong got off his horse, walked up to that old Zhang, and stretched out his hand to help him up. It seemed that this man was less than 50 years old, but his hair was gray. Many, although they are wearing satin cotton robes, they have patches, making them look very shabby.

"What's your name!!"

"Returning to the adults, the name of the villain is Zhang Chunde. If there is no help from the adults in today's incident, the villain's family will die here."

When he was about to kneel down after speaking, Wang Tong stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and said with a smile:

"The people from the Chuantouxiang brigade came here. You didn't run back to the yard, and you didn't want to implicate the official. You are a responsible character. How much money do you owe outside, tell me?"

He had a very good impression of Boss Zhang, but Wang Tong clearly remembered the experience of working for the shopkeeper Xia in the capital, and finally being locked out of the door by himself. The little adults are so kind.

Zhang Chunde is an honest person, otherwise he would not have been bullied by Jiang Song to such an extent, at this moment he was a little at a loss, and when he heard Wang Tong's questioning, he murmured:

"Returning to the adults, the younger one owed 600 taels in front, but the 500 taels still hadn't been collected, so I collected a lot of money from here and there, and as soon as the goods from the south came, I could turn around."

Wang Tong turned around with a smile and said to General Tan:
"Send 2000 taels of silver to Zhang Chunde in the afternoon."

Hearing this, Tan Jiang nodded and agreed, but Zhang Chunde's body was weak, and he was about to kneel down again. Wang Tong supported him with both arms, and said loudly:

"This money is lent to you, do this business well, and return it to me when the time comes. From now on, all the goods from my side will be purchased from you. Just pay attention to raising money. The interest will be considered as your hard-earned money, so don't give it to me." !"

Buying from the government, and there is no interest in the turnover of money, business people will know what this means, Zhang Chunde was stunned for a while, struggling to kneel down, but he didn't even kowtow, he just covered his face and groaned began to cry.

The daughter next to her was kneeling all the time, seeing her father's emotion, she was also sobbing on the side, Wang Tong hadn't spoken yet, when someone beside her said in a rough voice:
"It's so cold on the ground, don't kneel."

Turning around in astonishment, he saw Ma Sanbiao staring at the daughter with a red face, and said in a hurry, and then he did not know where to find a fist-sized cloth tiger. Wang Tong remembered that Ma Sanbiao hung it on Ma Sanbiao's body to ward off evil spirits , Ma Sanbiao handed it to the little girl and said:

"Hey, let's play this."

The little girl looked at the cute cloth tiger, wanted to stretch out her hand but flinched, and Ma Sanbiao teased the little girl with the little cloth tiger in his hand, but his eyes were fixed on the crying woman.

The group of people behind couldn't help laughing, Wang Tong patted Ma Sanbiao on the back of the head angrily, stretched out his hand to pull him away, Ma Sanbiao forced the cloth tiger into the little girl's hand , still not forgetting to squeeze out a smile, seeing that he wanted to stay close to him regardless of his disregard, Wang Tong roared in a low voice:
"Don't freak people out here..."

At this time, there was a man riding a horse from the road, and when he got here, he immediately shouted:
"Master, hurry back to the mansion, there is a letter from the capital!"
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(End of this chapter)

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