Chapter 229
What kind of person is Liu Shou? Standing behind him is Zhang Juzheng, who was already a scholar of the cabinet at that time. He himself is the commander of Jinyiwei, so he naturally knows the truth of beating a dog in the water.

Panda offended him so badly, there was still a glimmer of life for him, and it would not be over until he died, but this Panda went against common sense and was able to go outside to be a magistrate, and then go to Tianjin to be a soldier road.

Although these two positions are what people call "dirty officials" at the time, they may not have a great future, but if you look at it from another angle, they are also comfortable vacancies. At least there is no shortage of money and real power in the local area.

It is really unimaginable to be able to survive from death to the point where it is today.

Why Panda treats Jin Yiwei so harshly, there is an explanation in the past, but how he recovers, who is behind it, is not clear in the file, it seems that he does not know.

After reading this file, Wang Tong was silent for a while, and considered all the possibilities he could think of, but he still couldn't think of a reason.

This is also because he is too young, he doesn't know many secret stories, and there are too few directions to speculate. For some reason, he doesn't know who is running Panda behind the scenes, and he always feels uncomfortable.

Opening the second cowhide envelope, it said the resume of Wan Dao, the eunuch of grain supervision. Zhang Cheng was the veritable second person in the twelve prisons. It was very simple to check the identity of the eunuch.

Where did Wan Dao come from, what kind of relatives did he have, when did he enter the palace, where did he go to work, and how did he get this position? It's nothing, at most you can get some money back, but you can't get much.

This Wan Dao was working diligently in the Yuma Supervisor, and it was his turn to come out as usual, so he was sent out to be a grain supervisor. There was no mistake when he came here, and his filial piety to the superiors has always been more or less, punctual and punctual , and it will continue for a long time.

However, Wan Dao's identity is also different. He used to be an errand for King Jing. In the 40th year of Jiajing, King Jing died of illness, and he also returned to the palace.

Jiajing had a total of eight sons, that is, the two sons of King Yu and King Jing lived to adulthood, but King Jing died of illness in the 40th year of Jiajing. The brotherhood between the kings is deep. It is said that King Yu's poor health is caused by King Jing crying after his death.

The eunuch's wealth and glory depend entirely on the master who follows him, and the eunuchs and maids beside him must not have benefited from the death of King Jing.

Wang Tong shook his head, sighed, and opened an envelope again. It is rare that the person who wrote these things to him may think that he is a warrior and does not know any words. Even if he listens, he may not understand ancient Chinese. These files are not only It is written in vernacular, and it also makes sentences, which is very considerate.

If Li Dameng, the general guarding Tianjin Weicheng, hadn't been mentioned in this file, it would have been impossible to tell that he was 52 years old. The Ministry of War also has detailed records of this person's experience.

In the sixth year of Longqing, this Li Dameng was still working as a garrison in Baoding Mansion, and he was promoted to this position in the second year of Wanli.

This is not uncommon, the generals in Weisuo Junzhen have less seniority for promotion, and sometimes they will be promoted immediately after meritorious deeds. This Li Dameng got this position because he wiped out hundreds of bandits in a certain county of Baoding Prefecture, and was praised for his bravery.

However, after joining the army for 35 years in Jiajing, Li Dameng has always been a soldier beside Hu Zongxian, the governor of Zhejiang Strait.

Hu Zongxian made great achievements in eradicating Japanese pirates. When Yan Song was in power, people all over the world had to communicate with him, otherwise the official position would not last long. Hu Zongxian died in prison after being imprisoned for three years. Many people said he was wronged.

It’s not easy for General Li Shen. Wang Tong shook his head and opened another envelope. The above mentioned are all normal resumes. Round, the command envoy of the three guards is a position handed down from generation to generation, which is also normal. As for the position of the Department of Transportation of the Household Department, it has always been changed every two years, which is also the practice of the Household Department.

The file is written in detail, even including how many people are in the family, what are their private preferences, and what are the ulterior things that Dongchang and Jinyiwei can know, and they should all be reflected in it.

For example, Panda has two outhouses in Tianjin City, both of which are raised by women bought in Qinhuai, and there are several handsome servants in Wandao Mansion, etc.

Wang Tong closed his eyes slightly, only to feel that the voices and smiles of these people immediately appeared in his mind, and everyone's image was much clearer. At this time, Wang Tong had a little confidence.

Knowing who the other party is, he has a relatively accurate judgment on the other party's thoughts and style. Wang Tong put down the envelope, poured himself a cup of cold tea, and drank it with his head raised.

Putting down the teacup, I felt that something was wrong. After reading the letters just now, everyone's files seemed to have something in common.

The files sent from the capital could not be put down so easily. Wang Tong picked them up again and read them one by one. This time, he finally found out the difference.

Panda went out of Beijing because he offended Liu Shouyou, Wan Dao once served King Jing, General Li was Hu Zongxian's personal soldier, and these three parties seemed to be opposite to the current Emperor Wanli in one way or another.

Although the rotation of the throne is normal, and the other two are just ups and downs in the officialdom, it is a bit too coincidental for the three of them to get together.

He has also seen the appearance of the three when they were together, and after finding out their identities and giving him gifts, it seems that they are not close allies.

Wang Tong was there patting his forehead with his hands. Perhaps it was a coincidence that he had been in the officialdom for too short a time. It was no coincidence that any of the ministers over 50 years old in the court had not been denounced and beaten by the strict party. The situation in the place may also be normal, and it's just that I rarely see it.

Originally sitting there watching intently, Wang Tong couldn't help standing up at this moment, pacing back and forth in the room.

After walking for a while, I took down the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the bookcase next to the table. The pen was a quill made by myself after learning how to do it from the missionaries in the capital. Other things have also been improved. Wang Tong has been practicing the brush Words can be written for the emperor, and it is better to make fewer mistakes and omissions.

King Jing is the uncle of the little emperor Wanli. The unjust death of Hu Zongxian is Jiajing's fault. There is still someone pushing behind it, two things are related to the royal family, and one thing is related to the chief assistant who is currently even afraid of the royal family. Although I am close to the emperor, there are some things that I can't talk about.

What's more, I'm still in Tianjin, so I can't respond immediately... After hesitating for a moment, Wang Tong sighed, dipped the ink with a quill pen, and wrote on the paper:
"Long live my emperor, my minister Wang Tong would like to play... Although there are factory guards, the affairs of the world are still out of His Majesty's eyes and ears. What the courtiers say is known to His Majesty... Your ministers are outside the capital, just like outside the Ming Dynasty. Officials act unscrupulously, There is no rule of the emperor... I am willing to be His Majesty's eyes and ears, and monitor the place..."

The half-text and half-white sentence expressed some things Wang Tong wanted to say, but Wang Tong didn't mention the "coincidence", but just kept it in his heart.

After finishing writing, he opened the lock on the iron box and put it in, then locked it. Not knowing what kind of feedback his suggestions would have after being read by the emperor, Wang Tong let out a long sigh.

There are still two envelopes that have not been opened, but they look much thinner than those two. Wang Tong did not expect that there are still officials in Tianjin who need detailed files. The few envelopes have already said almost everything. After opening one, But I found that there was a booklet-style greeting card inside.

The leather and paper are all of the highest quality, and nine out of ten are the workmanship of the imperial supervisor in the palace. What is the use of this thing? Wang Tong opened it wonderingly, and found that there were a few words written on it in traditional script, "Secretary Supervisor Bing Bing Pen Zhang Chengbai", apart from the beginning, there are no other words, only a vermilion seal is stamped at the end.

With this greeting card, it is equivalent to having a talisman by your side. The eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies and the eunuch holds the pen. Today, the holy companion is Zhang Cheng's face. I am afraid that there will be very few people who will not sell it.

In the last envelope was a list of about 50 people, but the top person was Xiang Yan's name, and there was a sentence at the end "available when necessary". Tianjin Wei's manpower.

Envelopes and tin boxes were piled aside, Wang Tong took out the firecracker from the hidden compartment next to the bed, and began to check habitually. Look, that's really ashamed of the world.

"Elder-in-law, Chai Fulin from Tonghai Warehouse please pray."

That night, a carriage, accompanied by several knights, came to the mansion of Wan Dao, the eunuch who supervised grain production. After handing over a post, the concierge immediately sent a message, and the housekeeper went out to invite him not long after.

A fat middle-aged man got out of the carriage, gave rewards to Wan Dao's servants, and then entered the living room of the inner hall.

Wan Dao walked away from the left and right, and unexpectedly met Chai Fulin as equals. After sitting down, Wan Dao first smiled and asked:
"Chai Daxiang, the people below have to suppress it, otherwise the matter will get serious and no one will be able to help you."

"I thought we would meet each other after the first lunar month, but I didn't expect to run into each other recently. He is really a fierce man. If this kind of person wants to let the people below know his identity, who would dare to fight hard? Knowing that, I was already so frightened that I didn't know how much I knocked my head down."

"It's okay, it's a long time."
Thank you everyone, I finally finished writing, ask for a monthly ticket, please give me all your support
(End of this chapter)

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