Chapter 230

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the celebration of the New Year has disappeared, the exhaustion after indulgence has also recovered, and everything is on the right track.

But the place where the cabinet discusses every day is very quiet. Anyone with a certain status in the capital knows that although Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, is diligent in government affairs, he is also fond of banquets and beauty. Mr. Zhang's father died of illness, so children should be filial, stricter, not even touching wine, meat and meat, not to mention indulging in sensuality.

So since he came to court on the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Zhang Juzheng has been gloomy and not in a good mood.

Last year, a large number of hidden acres of land were found out, and the tax base of the imperial court rose sharply. The officials of the various divisions of the household department, up to the ministers and ministers above, have never stopped smiling since the twelfth lunar month of last year.

Nearly 30 years of hardships have finally passed. Last year, the national treasury began to have a surplus, and this year we can even hope that the national treasury will be full.

There are small-scale rebellions all around, and the provinces can assess it by mobilizing their own troops. There are no famines, and there are not many places to spend money.

It is no wonder that the officials of the household department are happy. In the past, every year for the silver and money that the local government and the army needed to use everywhere in the palace, from the minister to the chief below, they racked their brains. From now on, they will no longer use it. How can they not be happy .

Financial affluence, all aspects are going well, everyone is in a good mood, but no one can reflect this joyful mood on their faces, because Mr. Zhang Ge is in a bad mood.

Zhang Siwei, a cabinet scholar and Minister of the Ministry of War, is deeply trusted by Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant. He himself is also respectful and hardworking. Zhang Juzheng never spends the night with him. He must do it well. He is very capable and never does it. It's appropriate, the status and power are getting higher and higher.

Now Zhang Siwei's ranking in the cabinet is nominally under the first assistant Zhang Juzheng, the second assistant Lu Tiaoyang, and the university scholar Ma Ziqiang, but in fact he is already ranked second in power.

This is only a change of more than two months. Everyone in the world laments that there are so many capable people. You must know that Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, prefers Zhang Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Unexpectedly, Zhang Han can't see the situation clearly.

Early in the morning, the cabinet scholars, the six ministers and the corresponding important ministers entered Wenyuan Pavilion one by one. After entering, they nodded and said hello, and then sat upright, waiting for Zhang Juzheng's arrival.

Zhang Siwei, who has always been amiable and greeted everyone with a smile, looked a little cautious when he entered the room this time, and he didn't know what was on his mind.

Seeing Zhang Siwei's appearance, some thoughtful ministers were worried, wondering if there was something important, this Siwei was Zhang Ge's confidant!
Not long after, Chief Assistant Zhang Juzheng also came to the house, and all the people in the house got up to meet and greet, Zhang Juzheng nodded calmly, sat there and opened a few folders to read.

Master Ge is in a bad mood, if everyone smiles, it is disrespectful to Master Shoufu, so let's stay with him and not talk.

According to the rules of these days, when the boss of the pavilion is here, there is almost a stick of incense in the Wenyuan Pavilion, and the few old officials must try their best to cheer up. Otherwise, I am afraid they will sleep for a short period of time. But it is the king's disrespect, a great sin,

"Mr. Ge, my subordinate heard the news from the Ministry of War last night. It said that Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of the Liao Town, led his troops out of the fortress to attack Su Bahai of the Taining Ministry. This time, we are [-]% sure, and the calculation time is three to five days. There is news of a great victory.”

"... Li Chengliang is really a famous general..."

"...Su Bahai, the chief thief, has been in trouble for more than ten years, and I don't know if he can beheaded this time..."

Hearing Zhang Siwei's words, all the ministers were buzzing. Li Youzi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Shen Shixing, Minister of Rites, looked at each other. This is obviously good news. Why is this picture of Siwei so dejected? It was strange that both of them were silent there without making a sound.

Zhang Juzheng coughed lightly, and the room suddenly became quiet. Zhang Juzheng said in a deep voice:

"Li Chengliang is good at attacking, and his subordinates have many powerful generals. It is reasonable to win, but Su Bahai of the Taining Department has won three times in three years, but Su Bahai is still a disaster. If there is a big victory this time, praise It's the praise, and the joint should be explained to him."

When everyone was happy, Zhang Juzheng said these words, although it was the same reason, but it poured cold water on the atmosphere.

Zhang Siwei got up immediately, without a look of disappointment on his face, bowed to accept the order and said:

"Mr. Ge understands that, but the vision of the lower official is narrow. When the military newspaper over there comes over, he must draw up a ticket."

With such a low profile, Zhang Juzheng nodded in satisfaction, but everyone looked at each other but didn't speak, wondering if Zhang Siwei, who was so thoughtful, said this to make him feel uncomfortable?Zhang Siwei sat down, but took out another booklet, and said loudly:
"I still have a brochure here, which was sent by Panda of the Tianjin Bingbei Road. He is still undecided, so please let me take a look here, whether to pass it to the Secretary of General Administration?"

Having said that, Zhang Juzheng frowned again, and said in a cold voice:

"He has already achieved military preparations. Didn't the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of War teach him the rules? Shangshu also made so many weird things."

"Forgive me, Mr. Ge. The military pay and food in Ji Town are all raised and distributed by Panda. However, after Jinyiwei Qianhu Wang Tong went to take office, he had a conflict with him."

Zhang Siwei spoke very slowly, but Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, looked down. The ministers can still roughly judge the likes and dislikes of Mr. Zhang Ge. The name of Wang Tong will obviously not make Mr. Zhang Ge happy, but what Zhang Juzheng said What he said shows that his judgment is clear:
"Then why is Panda offending Wang Tong?"

"So that Elder Ge would know that Panda discounted Wang Tong's military salary by [-]% as usual, and paid four for six rice. If it cannot be discounted, and insists that the whole rice should not be used, Panda is also in a dilemma. This rule is followed all over the world. Wang Qianhu gave the whole rice salary without discount. What if other camp leaders in Ji Town make a fuss? "

After he finished speaking, all the ministers in the room couldn't sit still. The Secretary of the Household Department, Deng Yuemin stood up very excitedly, first raised his fists to Zhang Juzheng, and said in a slightly trembling voice:

"The payment of military pay will inevitably lead to loss of vehicles and horses. If it is not broken, it will not be bleeding and cutting flesh on Daming. Besides, the discount of this rice bill is also determined according to the situation of each place. How can it be changed just now, Mr. Ge, now The national treasury has just recovered, if there is a disturbance in this matter, if there are so many soldiers and horses in the important towns on the nine borders of the Ming Dynasty, and the provinces in the interior, if this continues, something will happen again."

"Warriors are vulgar and vulgar. Only by starving them can we prevent them from causing trouble. When Qi Zongbing of Ji Town was in Zhejiang, the soldiers below were hungry, and their food and wages were in arrears for half a year. They also defeated the Japanese pirates. Make great contributions, that is to say, whether the soldiers are full or hungry has nothing to do with victory or defeat, as long as we choose the right generals to lead the army, we can win the battle."

"Li Chengliang of Liaodong, it is said that nearly 20 soldiers and horses were deducted by him to support his family's generals. The long victories for so many years were achieved by these family generals. This is still a discount. Pay, how can he toss about it, in case he has other thoughts?"

The courtiers talked about each other, no one thought it was a good thing to pay the full salary, and the minister of the Ministry of Rites, Shen Shixing, did not make a sound, but kept nodding there, seeming to agree, he knew it in his heart Quite, the discounts on food and salaries, the ratio of rice bills, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War and the relevant officials below do not know how much profit they will get from it, and this is related to all aspects, including local prefectures, counties, provinces, and the imperial court. It is no exaggeration to say that if this part is touched, [-]% of the civil servants in the world will be damaged, and no one dares to touch it.

If the civil official agrees, he will be criticized by everyone, and he will be accused of all kinds of crimes, and he will be completely doomed.Therefore, once this matter is mentioned in this Wenyuan Pavilion, everyone must express their attitude, otherwise this position will not be stable.

Lu Tiaoyang, the second assistant of the cabinet, seldom expresses any opinions. His family is a big family in Jiangxi, and there is no shortage of money and land, so he never has any stains on money. will target him.

However, the old minister pondered for a while, and stood up from his seat. After all, his identity and qualifications were on the other side. Zhang Juzheng raised his head when Lu Tiaoyang made this movement, and the others also fell silent.

"Ge Lao, fellow colleagues, when we became the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, the food and rice money distributed to the army began to be mixed with rice and banknotes, and there were discounts. Until today, what is it for? It's not to restrain this warrior, the warrior dance Use knives and guns, don't read the books of sages, don't know the principles of sages, and if you have a little indulgence, you will do lawless actions."

Everyone nodded one after another, Lu Tiaoyang's white beard fluttered, and his face was full of righteousness and awe, Lang Sheng continued:
"The rules set by Grandpa Tai and Grandfather Cheng are that we civil servants are the first to help the emperor rule the world. This is also the ancestor's rule, but now the military generals everywhere are flying and domineering. Where do you take this rule in your eyes? Without this military salary control, I don't know what troubles will arise. Since the founding of the country, there has never been any military chaos. Gentlemen, don’t read sage books in vain!”

Having said that, Zhang Juzheng and all the ministers in the house stood up solemnly, bowed their hands and clasped their fists, and the clerks of the book office who were serving outside the house all burst into tears and couldn't control their excitement.
Time flies so fast, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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