Chapter 231
There are no secrets in the capital, especially the matters discussed by the cabinet in an open and aboveboard manner. The integrity of the principles of the princes in the court and in the court soon spread throughout the capital.

This matter was discussed everywhere in the teahouses and restaurants. Whenever it was said that the little emperor walked into the gate of Wenyuan Pavilion, Zhang Juzheng and all the ministers knelt down together and said, "Your Majesty, the minister has this performance", when they heard this Everyone who did this couldn't help but applaud.

Sure enough, God bless Daming, all the princes are strong and strong, which is admirable.

If you want to pay the full salary, this has already touched the interests of all the civil servants and scholars, and it will inevitably be the most powerful backlash. All the officials will speak out with one word, and even the Wanli Emperor cannot treat it casually.

However, a general wanted to pay his subordinates full salary, no matter how you looked at it, it was an extremely reasonable request, and this matter could not be life-and-death.

Moreover, this incident involved Wang Tong, the closest courtier of Emperor Wanli. Everyone still remembers the little emperor's vehement statement last time.

In the end, the final result was a reprimand. The commanders of the Ministry of War and Jinyiwei all reprimanded and fined his salary for half a year. He warned Wang Tongchu to be diligent in his work when he arrived in Tianjin Wei, and not to use his thoughts elsewhere. The rules have been established, and the rules must not be broken. If there is such a bold thing, it will be severely punished.

However, in the documents of Panda of Bingbei Dao, he repeatedly stated that the example of Jinyiwei in Tianjin cannot be opened, and the full salary cannot be paid. Everything should be done according to the old rules. Or where it is illegal, it must be impeached.

It's nothing to do with myself, but the issue of Tianjin's full salary needs everyone to express their attitudes. The attitude shows that there is no need to go to the trouble of offending the emperor to punish that small thousand households. That Wang Tong is now in Tianjin and is no longer with the emperor. It's not a problem anymore.

As for the principles of sages and sages taught by Lu Tiaoyang, the foundation of building a country, firstly, there is no money to get it, and secondly, there is no promotion of official positions. Only those who are idle can take it seriously.

On the 25th of the first month of the sixth year of Wanli, many people who went home for the New Year returned to Tianjin Wei. There were no signs of civilization on the frozen canal. The wharf warehouses by the river were deserted. The preparation work will start to be busy in mid-February.

An open space five miles north of Tianjin City was extremely lively. At least a few thousand people gathered here, and many of them came out of the city to watch the excitement.

In the center surrounded by idle men, young and strong men from various guards outside the city lined up in an irregular line, and on the track painted with white ash inside, there were people running non-stop.

Some of the onlookers applauded, some yelled, and those runners ran panting. Somewhere on the runway, a few people were staring at an hourglass and incense sticks in the incense burner. Someone yelled to stop.

The young and strong people who ran past before shouting to stop were all elated, while the other group of people were downcast.

After these dejected people calmed down for a while, they came to another place, where there were stone locks and stone rollers, and some strangely shaped items, such as two stones on the side of a wooden pole, and iron rods hammer.

Those who are fat and can't run, pick up stone locks and other equipment and lift them up and down. After reaching a certain number of times, someone calls to stop, and then these people also walk to the back of the wooden platform arrogantly.

There are more idlers watching running, more people watching lifting stones to lock heavy objects, and more idlers in front of the wooden platform, this place is different from other places.

Among the young and strong people who came here from various guards, some of them are arrogant and slightly reserved characters. These people are strong and well-dressed.

The area in front of the wooden platform is divided into two parts, one is where archery targets are placed, and bows and arrows are placed according to the standard distance of martial arts. Ten people take a round. After shooting, someone will go to check the targets and report the results loudly. Yes, I went to the back of the wooden platform, and those who failed to meet the standard had to go to the other side.

The crowd on the other side was the most, and the cheers were louder and louder. You can see such a wonderful scene in the street performers.A dozen people wearing bamboo armor and masks stood in the middle, each holding sticks of different lengths in their hands, and each had an opponent.

Many young and strong faces waited nervously or excitedly, and those whose names were called changed into armor and protective gear, and went in to fight with the wooden stick they selected.

Some people were thrown to the ground as soon as they met each other, some gestured a few times, and some persisted for a little longer, but none of them lasted too long.

The archery is not accurate, and the contest is overturned again and again. They all go running or lifting heavy objects dejectedly. Hold the firecracker and stand on the target to load the ammunition and launch it.

Running tests the most basic physical fitness of the body, lifting heavy objects is strength, archery, competitions, including riding a horse and shooting with a firecracker, these are all specific skills.

Tianjin Jinyiwei will recruit anyone who is equally qualified.

"My lord, there are a total of 250 and six people who meet the physical standards, and a total of 200 people who meet the strength standards. There are 40 people who are qualified for archery, 32 people who are qualified for competitions, and 47 people who are qualified for horseback riding. Fight with bare hands, and those who can use firecrackers. Up to 21."

Wang Tong stood on the temporary wooden platform and looked back and forth, while Sun Dahai, Zhang Shiqiang and several members of Jinyiwei ran up and down, telling him the results non-stop.

"This will bring 600 people!"

Facing this result, Wang Tong immediately frowned, said something in a cold voice, then turned his head to look back and forth, and asked in a deep voice:

"Have all the applicants tried it?"

Zhang Shiqiang nodded, and handed over something like an account book in his hand, all the names on it were ticked, and he explained:
"The people who came here have tried it all, and some even tried a few projects. If they don't succeed, they won't succeed."

"You don't have to feel sorry for the master. The children in the guards are physically strong and capable. Those who have money in their families go to practice martial arts, and those who don't have money wait to recruit soldiers to join the army to earn a family background. These people are leftovers. , it is not bad to have more than a hundred people in archery, martial arts and firecrackers."

General Tan, who was wearing bamboo armor, came to the wooden platform at some point. He took off his hood, and he couldn't see any sweat on his forehead, and explained with a smile.

Wang Tong shook his head feeling rather bored, took two steps, turned around and said to Zhang Shiqiang:
"Those who are not selected don't want them to leave. Tell them that the official has a warehouse to recruit workers. They take care of food and housing. The monthly salary is [-]% higher than that in the city. These young and strong are good. They can be trapped or trapped."

Zhang Shiqiang agreed and hurried to do it.

Wang Tong looked around, and those young people who were not a few years older than him were either disappointed or excited, and they had a panoramic view of joy, anger, sorrow and joy. For him, there were still too few people.

Standing there, Wang Tong sighed and said in a low voice:
"It's useless to be anxious, let's start slowly with this scale!"

After the conflict that day, Chuantouxiang not only did not continue to make trouble, but actually sent 500 taels of silver as an apology. The man came to Tianjin Jinyiwei yamen naked and kowtowed to make amends.

The other party's low profile is so low, Wang Tong's side is not easy to push too much, this military officer killed people in the street, and the civil servants can find out if they want to find fault, but after this incident, Chuantouxiang didn't make any noise or make a fuss , and was suppressed silently.

Chuantouxiang's behavior did not make Wang Tong relax, but made him more wary. The other party's confrontation that day, subsequent shrinkage, and the huge scale, no one could just because of a few soft words .A few hundred taels of silver is taken lightly.

The biggest trouble that Jin Yiwei encountered at the beginning of recruiting new recruits was that he could not find a place to take the exam. Needless to say, the city of Tianjin is small and the outside of the city is expensive.

The city of Tianjin seems to be different from what Wang Tong said in modern times. It takes less than an hour to ride a horse out of the east gate to see the seaside.

Therefore, warehouses, commercial firms, and inns are everywhere around the city of Tianjin, as well as corresponding restaurants and teahouses, large and small shops and warehouses, as well as checkpoint tax offices sent by various government offices and large and small residential buildings brought by these government offices and shops.

There are houses everywhere, and there is no open space anywhere. To recruit Jinyiwei new recruits, thousands of people sign up, and a lot of space is needed, but there is nowhere to choose inside and outside the city.It is not good to be too far away from the city. If the distance is more than fifteen miles, the food supply and so on will be a big trouble.

In the end, I found a place five miles north of the city. This place was once flooded by sea water and no crops could grow. Later, when Liu Liu and Liu Qi rebelled, a large number of heads were beheaded here. It is said that there are ghosts at night, so this place is also So wasted.

Today, manpower was recruited, but Wang Tong felt that this place was really good, so he told Sun Dahai to go to the Qing Army Hall to go through the formalities, find someone to take care of it, and put the camp here from now on.

Those who are selected don’t have to go home today, and they all live in the official office of Jinyiwei in the city. Those who are not selected will be sent home. Many who are not selected are tempted by the treatment of this warehouse, and I heard that this is Wang Qianhu. Of course, there is no need to worry about any risks in the business of the official family. Although you can't be an errand in Jinyiwei, it is better to do something to make a living than to rely on your parents at home.

On the 600th day of the first lunar month, even those who were not selected had already returned to Tianjin City. Wang Tong gathered these people in the open space during the selection, and arranged for those who were not selected to carry materials and build shacks, and then sent the selected people to Tianjin. The [-] people on board were handed over to the wooden platform.

Looking at the untidy team below, Wang Tong asked with a smile:

"Do you know what you are going to do next?"
thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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