Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 232 Everything Begins

Chapter 232 Everything Begins

"Do you know what you are going to do next?"

Wang Tong asked with a smile on the wooden platform, but the 600 people were divided into two teams, those who were capable of martial arts stood on the right side, and those who passed the test by running with strength stood on the left side.

Hearing Wang Tong's question, the people below were a little strange. The team on the right became calmer and looked at each other for a few times without making a sound.

Sweeping his gaze, he saw the left side. Wang Tong looked younger than most of the light-clothed people below, and asked with a friendly smile. Everyone was also very relaxed.

"The adults have to take care of the food and lodging of the younger ones, and also give us robes. The younger ones understand that we can't let the adults spend all this money and thought in vain. We all work hard so that the adults can't lose money!"

I don't know that it was the articulate person who yelled this sentence. Everyone saw that the smile on the little adult's face became wider, and felt that the answer was correct, and immediately said in a hurry:

"I'm good at growing crops!"

"Serving the fields is not inferior to others. When the farming season is busy, all the people from all over the world rush to hire me as a part-time worker..."

"It's not enough to do small farm work, but you still have a lot of strength. Once the canal is opened up, there will be more labor. The villain can earn a lot of money by carrying bags, and he won't lose the adults' food and house money."

There was a lot of hustle and bustle below, Wang Tong glanced at the people on the right, but the people over there didn't follow suit, but their expressions were not quite right.

After Jing Nan, even including the change of civil fortresses, Ming has never had any major battles that mattered life and death, and there has never been any invasion that shakes the country. Foreign enemies and internal strife can be defeated and wiped out with absolutely superior manpower and financial resources. It can barely be said that peace will last forever.

After a long time of peace, the army gradually relaxed. The generals did not put their minds on training and fighting, but thought about how to accumulate family property, get promoted and get rich.

Withholding military pay is one of them, and using the officers and soldiers to open up wasteland and farm for themselves is another. With free labor, the food harvested is not only eaten, but the rest is owned by the general himself. The situation is different again, the laborers always earn more than the farmers.

This is the case with the military households in the guards. The military households are equivalent to the private servants of the guards, farming and working, but there is no such thing as training.

The imperial guards in the capital had to go to the street to collect money, and then hand it in layer by layer. This was a similar act. Hearing Wang Tong's question, many recruits below naturally thought of the habits in the guard, and shouted out as common sense.

Seeing that Qianhu on the wooden platform was smiling more and more, everyone below thought he was right, and the noise of the drums became louder and louder, while those on the right looked at each other, also hesitating.

Wang Tong raised his hand and pressed down. It took a long time for the buzzing in the audience to calm down. Wang Tong's smile remained undiminished, but his brows were furrowed inadvertently. Looking at the crooked team below, now It was almost completely dispersed, and Yu Ding, who chose the guard, had a more reliable military household status, and could have family members as guarantees, and also felt that they were people from the militarized reclamation organization after all, so they needed some basic training.

But looking at the situation in front of him, he still had a lot of things to do. Gradually, people in the audience also noticed that Wang Tong's face gradually darkened, and the audience began to be quiet.

Wang Tong stretched out his finger and pointed behind the selected young and strong, and raised his voice and said:
"Look back, those people just weren't chosen."

Many people saw what Wang Tong said before queuing up. Under the supervision of construction and foremen, many young and strong laborers were moving materials and building houses. Although the weather was quite cold, these people were still sweating profusely from exhaustion. Someone looked at the wooden platform with envious eyes.

"They will build barracks for you, as well as a school field for future practice. When the canal is opened up, they will go there to work and make money. I just heard that you will do this, and you will also make money for me?"

Wang Tong raised his voice, and everyone turned their heads, not daring to speak out again. Wang Tong's face turned cold, he glanced down, and said loudly again:

"If you are asked to work as cattle and horses to earn money, why would I have to spend so much effort to test you? It's enough to recruit all of you. In the days to come, you will be able to eat and eat every day, live comfortably, and wear clothes. It is warm and warm, but you are ten times and a hundred times more tired than those who do the work. When you enter Jinyiwei, you have to be trained to look good, so that you have skills in your hands, and you can stand up to others when you go out."

After speaking impassionedly, the people on the left were stunned, but the expressions on the right gradually became excited. Wang Tong waved to Sun Dahai who was standing beside him, and Sun Dahai took out a whistle from his mouth Blow.

The voice was sharp, and everyone covered their ears subconsciously, but saw a small square team jogging into the field not far away. Jogging was nothing, but the 50 people jogging in line were as neat as when they were standing still. This one is different, those on the left think it looks good to run, while the team on the right have shocked expressions on their faces.

At this time, four knights on horseback also ran in from the outside, and the four men and four horses separated into the four corners of the small square team, and they all stood still.

Wang Tong waved his hand again, and Sun Dahai blew his whistle, and the four knights on the horse uttered the password loudly one after another, which was very simple for a single person.

Walking a few steps forward, front, back, left, and right specials, stepping forward, holding a long pole in your hand and stabbing forward, it is indeed very simple for a single person, but this is a team, and the team on the left is still low at the beginning. laughed.

As the actions were carried out one by one, the uniform movements and the meticulous execution of the passwords, the entire school ground fell silent, and even the laborers who were moving the building logs and stones not far away watched silently.

Dozens of people marched and retreated in the arena like thousands of horses and horses, and they had the spirit of a large army. Although there were hundreds of people standing under the wooden platform, which was several times the number of 50 people, everyone was facing the team. Sometimes, I feel that if I stand in front of me, I will definitely be crushed to pieces.


Following the shout of the last man on the horse, dozens of people shouted in unison, put away their sticks and stood there without moving, from movement to stillness, completed in an instant, if the dust was not still flying, everyone would be suspicious of this team Have you ever moved?

The Xin Ding on the left was completely stunned, while the Xin Ding on the right was shocked. Wang Tong was very satisfied with the effect, and said in a calm voice:
"Bring you here, give you money, let you eat and wear warmly. This is what you need to practice. I started running and practicing today. I have a saying that I put it first. If you don't practice well, something goes wrong. The officials will not drive you away, see if there are any unselected ones over there, there are still many people waiting to come in, from now on, there will be an exam every month, and the survival of the fittest will be eliminated."

When the word "survival of the fittest" is used, the people below are dumbfounded and don't understand what it looks like. Wang Tong coughed twice, and there are military children who can read, but those are all studying for the imperial examination. Who would come here? join in the fun.

Turning his gaze to the right, he saw a young man pouted, as if he understood the word. This young man was standing on the right side with a skinny figure. He must have some kind of expertise, but Wang Tong watched too much that day, and forgot what kind of specialties this person has.

Waiting to inquire with Tan Jiang and them, just when I was about to finish speaking, I heard someone on the right shouting loudly:
"Master Wang, do you guys also want to practice some running queue with there?"

Looking at the voice, it happened to be the young man curling his lips. The thin young man asked loudly. This man has small eyes and thin lips, and his face is not comfortable to look at. However, there was a sense of arrogance in his eyebrows.

Wang Tong smiled and asked:
"Why don't you practice, what qualifications do you think you have not to practice!"

The thin and tall young man bowed to pay respects, and then said loudly:
"My lord, the brothers standing here have been working hard every day when they were at home, and they have practiced endlessly. Only then have they developed their skills. Since they have entered the Jinyiwei, they have to work for the lord instead of doing these introductory tasks. act."

Wang Tong shook his head with a smile, pointed at the generals of the Tan family riding on horses over there, and asked loudly:

"You guys have competed with them yesterday, how are they better than you, aren't they much stronger!?"

Regarding this question, no one denied it, and they all nodded their heads. Many people thought they had all the skills, even if they couldn't beat them, they could support them for a while. They didn't expect to be overthrown within a few blows. Most of them were the first blows. Anyone who has practiced the opponent's style knows it is extraordinary, not to mention equestrianism, archery, etc., all of which are outstanding, those who have not practiced do not think so, but those who are beginners are convinced.

Seeing everyone's affirmation, Wang Tong smiled and said:

"They are so strong, and they still have to practice hard every day. As an official, they still have to practice hard every day. Why don't you practice with this little skill? You should also say hello in advance. Just because you have the ability, you need to practice hard It's harder, and you have to practice more than the left side. On the right side, the soldier's salary is [-]% higher than that on the left side. But if you can't practice well, you go to the left side. In the same way, if you can practice on the left side, you can go to the right side."

After saying this, the rookies who were divided into left and right sides all looked at each other with a bang, and their expressions were full of competition.

The effect was good, Wang Tong was very happy, he raised his voice and asked the skinny young man:
"What's your name!?"

"My lord, the villain's surname is Ma, and his name is Yunkui."

Wang Tong nodded, and the newcomers below looked at Ma Yunkui with worried eyes, thinking that he was a young man just now, and was asked his name by an adult, and he was afraid that he would be unlucky.

Just as Wang Tong stepped off the wooden platform, a horseman ran over there at a high speed, and one of the horsemen shouted loudly:

"Master, there is an imperial edict, hurry home and receive it!!"
It's already the middle of the month, watching the monthly tickets in the front and back are rising slowly, reading Laobai's book fans, if you support it

(End of this chapter)

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