Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 233 Weaving the Web

Chapter 233 Weaving the Web
"...The army's salary is reduced by vehicles and horses, rice bills are discounted, and the Ministry of War will handle it in conjunction with the Ministry of Households. What's the matter with Guan Qing? If everyone doesn't respect the rules, what's the point of following the law...Punish the salary for half a year, and then there are such things body, will be severely punished..."

There was an incense table in the Tianjin Jinyiwei yamen, headed by Wang Tong, followed by a group of people from Hang Daqiao, all kneeling there to listen to the eunuch's announcement.

Words such as "What's the matter with Guan Qing", "Half a year's salary", and "Severe punishment will not slacken" popped out one by one. Hang Daqiao, who was kneeling there, felt his heart beating accordingly, and secretly raised his head to look at Wang who was kneeling in front of him. I can only see the back heel, and I can't see the expression clearly.

The emperor's decree is so strong, isn't it time for this Wang Qianhu's rampage in Tianjin to come to an end? He offended so many people before. I don't know why it's unlucky, it's been a good few days, and it's going to be gone again.

Hang Daqiao thought about it, wondering if he should steal some of Wang Qianhu's horses back at night, and after committing a crime, they would become his own livestock.

Thinking this way in my heart, my body also moved towards the back. It turned out that the group of Jinyiwei in Tianjin thought so, and several hundred households wriggled and shrank back slowly.

Behind them, Sun Dahai and Zhang Shiqiang raised their heads slightly, and they felt baffled when they saw the person in front of them rubbing their backs like a big bug.

After the eunuch finished reading every word, Hang Daqiao and the others hurriedly lowered their heads, thinking that they will be reprimanded next time, and it is not impossible to ask the crime face to face.

"My lord, please get up quickly, please get up quickly, after the decree is announced, you are still kneeling there, isn't it a short life?"

After reading the imperial decree with a straight face, the eunuch immediately put a smile on his face, stepped forward and put the imperial decree into Wang Tong's hands, and helped Wang Tong get up in fear.

The Jinyiwei who followed the eunuch were all in their early thirties and stood majestically in armor. At this time, they also nodded and bowed over and greeted with a smile.

"Wang Baihu...Wang Qianhu, your complexion has improved a lot. In this poor and remote place in Tianjin, if there is something missing, just say it..."

"Nonsense, Mr. Wang still lacks something from us. When we were about to leave Beijing, Mr. Li also ordered us to see Mr. Wang and Young Master Hutou..."

Hang Daqiao and the other hundreds of households knelt on the ground dumbfounded, watching all this before them. The eunuchs who announced the decree and the guards in Jinyi surrounded Wang Tong and flattered them.

However, Wang Qianhu, who they thought was about to be unlucky, stood there with a calm expression, as if all this was as it should be. The small amount of "penalty for half a year" was not in Wang Tong's eyes at all, and the other reprimands were even worse. It doesn't matter, looking at the attitude of these people passing the decree, Wang Tong knows it well.

"My father-in-law and all the brothers have worked hard, Brother Zhang, give 50 taels to the father-in-law, and 30 taels to each of the rest of the brothers."

As soon as he raised his voice, the eunuch laughed so hard that he lost his eyes, several Jin Yiwei booed and said:

"My lord Wang is a good hand. When I was in the capital, I didn't know how much I benefited from my lord. When I came to Tianjin Wei, I have to make a fortune. Go back and talk to those people, and they will be greedy to death."

After a few words of politeness, the eunuch suddenly put on a straight face and said to the others:

"Our family still has important matters to discuss with Mr. Wang, you go out first and wait!"

Everyone dared to be negligent, and hurriedly bowed and retreated, the outer door was closed, Wang Tong was standing there, the eunuch's posture was much lower, and he turned back and unwrapped a package on the chair beside him, holding it in his hands. An iron box was delivered to Wang Tong, and he said respectfully:
"Master Wang, please check it. The lock is intact and the sealing seal is intact.":
This iron box is exactly the iron box that Wang Tong and Emperor Wanli secretly passed on. In addition to the lock, there are two seals around it, the interface is sealed with wax paint, and there is a red seal between the seals.

It was a bit safer than what Wang Tong did. If someone opened it and touched it, they would definitely be found. The eunuch's attitude was much more respectful than before, and he handed it to Wang Tong and dropped his hand to the side.

Wang Tong glanced at him and asked with a smile:

"Are you sending the iron box now?"

Wang Tong only took a serious look at the eunuch now, seeing that he was in his early twenties and usually alone, when he heard Wang Tong's question, the eunuch bowed his head and replied respectfully:

"The young one is not so lucky. The person who sent this is Zhao Jinliang, a close friend of Eunuch Zou. The young one is out of Beijing this time on a business trip, so I came here by the way."

"Go out and get another 100 taels later, just say it's my order!"

Having won such a prize for no reason, the eunuch quickly thanked him and went out. He didn't seem to know that the iron box was sent from the emperor, and thought it was an entrustment from Eunuch Zou or Eunuch Zhang.

Zhang Cheng and Zou Yi are in the palace, in the eyes of ordinary eunuchs, that is the sky beyond sight, and it is a blessing to be able to work for them.

The eunuch who passed the decree had also eaten at the delicious restaurant, so he knew a little about the origin and history of the teenage Wang Qianhu in front of him, so he handled this errand very carefully, not daring to show the slightest arrogance .In just a short period of time, this Wang Qianhu was also polite to others, and he got 150 taels of silver.

Wang Tong fastened the door with the latch, then carefully opened the iron box, and folded the thin sheets of paper inside.

Open it and read it, but it was not written by one person. Emperor Wanli said two things. The first thing is that he approved his request for surveillance and supervision. He went to the palace, but the second thing was a bit childish, saying that he asked Wang Tong to report in detail all the big and small things he saw and heard when he came to Tianjin.

Seeing this, Wang Tong couldn't help shaking his head with a smile. He could understand Wanli's mentality. The little emperor couldn't leave the palace and the capital. What he did was what he did, and he had a sense of substitution, so he was asked to write down everything that happened.

However, Zhang Cheng also wrote a letter, which first warned him sincerely that if he acted rashly on the matter of military pay, it would cause a catastrophe.

Everyone knows where the money and food go, and why no one mentions it. It is not because it is related to the wealth of many officials. Cutting people's wealth is the first thing that attracts people's hatred, Wang Tong Bringing it up so hastily will definitely be attacked by groups, isn't it just asking for trouble.

He warned a few words, and said that the rules Lu Wancai brought back were very reasonable, and they would be very effective if they were implemented, so that Wang Tong didn't have to worry about money or anything, and he was prepared to allocate more money.

Wang Tong put these letters into his close pocket, and after thinking about it, he went out. The red envelopes and money given to the imperial envoy had already been given. Seeing Wang Tong going out, these people hurriedly said hello and said goodbye respectfully.

Even the imperial envoys were like this, Hang Daqiao and the others didn't know where to put their hands and feet. When they first came, this Qianhu was nothing more than an ordinary child. After eating so much, he was already extremely tall. Wang Tong was already a person who could not be looked up to, and he was terrified to the extreme.

"Do you know the news inside and outside Tianjin?"

Hearing Wang Tong's question, Hang Daqiao actually shivered first, and hurriedly replied:
"More than 200 old brothers are natives of Tianjin, so I don't know any news."

"What's the use of you knowing, after half a year in March, even the stone at the door can know."

Wang Tong said so, but Hang Daqiao understood the meaning, thought about it, and said with some uncertainty:

"My lord, we have a lot of people working in various places. Now these more than 200 brothers are also making a living outside. There are also many people dealing with various aspects. There are some troubles and rumors on the street. However, ..."

"But what?"

Now these Jinyiwei in Tianjin, no matter they are on errands or those who have been rejected when they come back, they are the most grassroots class in Tianjin city. No one usually regards them as official servants, but as peddlers. If there is no defense, there is no taboo , there is a lot of news that can be inquired about.

Hearing what Hang Daqiao said, it really moved Wang Tong a little bit. The Hang Daqiao hesitated, which made Wang Tong a little annoyed. He asked back sharply, but Nahang Bridge said with a mocking smile:

"Lord Wang, many brothers don't even have a military salary, and they can't come back to work. This news can't let them ask for nothing, right, this, this..."

"If you can inquire about useful information, I will naturally give you money in exchange for it, so that they don't have to worry. With credit, status and money are indispensable. Let this word out and let them do it with their heart!"

After getting Wang Tong's promise, Nahang Daqiao happily agreed and hurried out to do it. Wang Tong looked at his back and shook his head.

With such a character, the information obtained from inquiring can only be used as a reference. If you want to keep an eye on these officials in Tianjin, you must put people around.

But with Tianjin Jinyiwei's heart, this kind of secret thing must not be done. It was originally a proposal of his own, but since the emperor officially decided to do it, he had to make a show, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble. the opposite effect.

Military training had already started outside the city, but Wang Tong didn't continue to look at it. Instead, he rode back to the house near the Drum Tower. After entering the house, he went directly to the side courtyard, where the villagers' residences and stables were located. In the courtyard, the leader of the farmer, Chi Hei, was brushing his horse. When he saw Wang Tong coming, he hurried forward to salute.

Wang Tong asked straight to the point:

"Are you familiar with those Zhuangzi outside the capital?"

"Returning to the master, the young one has lived there for nearly 20 years, and several Zhuangzi have worked hard, so they are very familiar."

"Go over there and find five honest and responsible people, and tell them that there are jobs for them here, and you can talk about everything about money. There is one thing to remember, just say that you are looking for someone, don't mention the name of the official... ..."
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(End of this chapter)

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