Chapter 234
Although the master's order was strange, Chi Hei still agreed without hesitation. He turned around and was about to go back to prepare. Before he could walk out of the yard, he was stopped by Wang Tong again.

"There's no need to go, it's as if you didn't say what you just said."

After this tossing and turning, Chi Hei was confused, but he still agreed, Wang Tong paced slowly in the yard, and everyone saw the old man's serious face, and also consciously stepped forward to speak.

After walking a few steps, I heard Mrs. Ma talking loudly. Now Mrs. Ma is the big housekeeper of Wangtong's house, and everyone inside and outside should respect her three points. More than 100 people are very respectful.

Hearing her stern voice, even Wang Tong became curious and walked a few steps to listen carefully.

"Sanbiao, you are also a person of status now. Why are you so ignorant? You didn't like a few pictures of you in the capital, but you came to Tianjin Wei to fall in love with a widow. Not to mention how old you are, you still have a With a mop bottle, you want to piss your mother off..."

Hearing this, Wang Tong couldn't help but smile, he was in the same family, since the days are getting better, it's no wonder that Mrs. Ma became particular about it. Ma Sanbiao never dared to be so arrogant in front of Mrs. Ma, and whispered a few words inside .

Wang Tong didn't want to hear more about this purely private matter, but when he just walked away, he heard the door knock, and Mrs. Ma opened the door and walked out, saying in a babbling voice:
"You're getting old, as long as you're willing, mother will find someone to ask you."

Things suddenly took a turn for the better, Wang Tong didn't want to interfere with the freedom of whoever liked, anyway, under his protection, Ma Pozi and Ma Sanbiao would not suffer.

It was at night that Zhang Shiqiang came back from outside the city. Fortunately, after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, most of the shops in Tianjin Acropolis opened, and Bingbei Road gave them convenience. Otherwise, the bedding and accommodation for these people would be a big problem.

Yu Dayou had no opinion on the layout of the military training ground outside the city, only one thing he insisted on, that is, you can't live in a private house, you must have a camp.

Soldiers live in the camps, so they can follow the routine assembly drills, and get used to this kind of life. Living in civilian homes is a waste of disturbance to the people, and secondly, it is very inconvenient to move and assemble.

So starting today, shacks were hastily built outside the city, and the bedding was distributed, so that they could live in it.

The servants trained by Wang Tong no longer live in this house from now on, but live in the temporary camp outside as the law enforcement team and the supervising team. I don't necessarily understand it clearly, since I can't figure it out, Wang Tong will use sticks to help.

Zhang Shiqiang had been busy for a whole day, and before he had time to rest, he was called over by Wang Tong, thinking that something had happened, and Wang Tong closed the door after he entered, making it quite mysterious.

"What old knowledge do you have in Tongzhou?"

"After the villain broke up his family, his former relatives and friends didn't have much contact with each other. However, there were a few tenants who worked in the past who received some favors. I still remember that the graves of the villain's parents were also taken care of by them."

After Zhang Shiqiang answered, Wang Tong patted the table to ponder, and asked again:
"That is to find someone who can rest assured..."

"My lord, it's really hard to say whether you are safe or not, but people who farm in the countryside are honest and honest, and their minds are not so active."

Hearing Wang Tong's cautious question, Zhang Shiqiang also answered cautiously. Wang Tong nodded again, remained silent for a while, and then said again:
"Find someone you can trust, and ask him to find a few more trustworthy ones, saying that he is going to come to Tianjin Wei to find a living for them, and I will find someone to introduce them to work as servants."

Zhang Shiqiang probably understood what Wang Tong meant, and nodded silently. Wang Tong raised his hand and added:
"It's just to introduce jobs to them. No matter who you are looking for, or that person is looking for it again, don't tell them anything else. You just come here to work. The person that person is looking for again should not know about you. That's it. You must tell me to understand."

Wang Tong stood up from the chair and said as he walked:
"The person you are looking for must have parents and family members, and you must report to the police. This is the most important thing. You will go out of the city tomorrow and go back to do it. The sooner the better."

Zhang Shiqiang quickly stood up to take orders, and was about to go out when Wang Tong said after him:
"Don't be stingy with money, spend what you need, but control it, don't let them think things are weird."

The calendar at this time is the lunar calendar of Wang Tong's other life. Since the first month passed and the second month passed, there was already a hint of warmth in the air, and the canal had begun to thaw.

The saline-alkali beach outside the city that was originally used for beheadings has been surrounded by wooden fences, and the ground that was originally potholed has also been filled with sand.

The shacks for accommodation are also quite neat, and drainage ditches and convenient places have been dug around. The selected and unselected joint efforts have made a rough road from the camp to the nearest warehouse, which is convenient for transportation.

Such hard work has some unexpected results. Many people who were not selected worked much harder, ate more, and their strength increased a lot. After another screening and assessment, it is estimated that they will be selected.

Among the nearly 600 people selected, those who know how to bow and horse are called the first battalion, and those who have just passed the standard are divided into the second battalion and the third battalion. It's even worse.

There are 200 people in a battalion, every ten people is a small banner, every hundred people is a hundred households, the battalion officer is a hundred households, called the battalion hundred households, and the deputy is called the general banner.

Xiaoqi, Yingbaihu, and Zongqi are all served by Wang Tong’s servants, while the Tan family’s generals are called instructors, who are used to supervise and lead the training. They only have suggestions and instructions for camp affairs. Responsibility, but can not intervene in management.Sun Xin, Li Tao and others were all assigned to the third battalion as small flags.

The only exception is Ma Yunkui, who was appointed Xiaoqi.

Ma Yunkui, who was very popular in the camp that day, was investigated by Wang Tong afterwards. This Ma Yunkui is the son of a thousand households in Tianjin Youwei. He studied to test his fame, but this Ma Yunkui was naturally good at martial arts. While studying, he practiced with a few uncles. In the end, he couldn't read the book, but he practiced martial arts well.

But the two sides were delayed, the family had no money and the food could not keep up, and the body was a little weak, ordinary soldiers were unwilling to do it, but the martial arts exam was also delayed, and it was not until Wang Tong recruited soldiers that he had a chance.

According to General Tan, his martial arts skills are not bad. After more than a dozen rounds under Tan Bing, he can ride a horse and shoot a bow, which is rare. Moreover, in Wang Tong's mind, this person can read and have some culture. It is really rare among warriors of this era.

Since it is rare and excellent, it is natural to reuse it.

According to the regular reports from the servants, it is said that Ma Yunkui still has prestige among the new recruits. It is said that he was once a top-notch among the children of military households.

The training is very boring, even those young and strong who do hard work and coolies are not selected. Fortunately, they can eat and sleep after finishing their work every day. They don’t have to do boring and repetitive movements in the school field, otherwise they will go out endlessly The queued up and ran around.

Everyone is from the guards, and they have also seen soldiers and horses drill, how can it be like this, the team must be aligned, everything is done according to the password, even walking and running can't be messed up.

If there is anything wrong, those military academies who are younger or even younger than the rookies will scold loudly, beat them with whips and sticks, who is not raised by their biological parents, and come here to work as an errand to eat food, how can it be like this Play hard.

Not to mention all kinds of discipline, you are not allowed to go out without permission, and you can’t even speak loudly without permission. If you are tired from practicing, your throat will smoke, and you will be whipped if you drink water from the small river next to you. The boiled water, isn't that superfluous?

Just like Wang Tong intends to monitor others, various forces inside and outside the city, Tianjin and the capital are also monitoring Wang Tong. Many people in the capital know about the Huwei Martial Art Museum, and with the help of veterans like Yu Dayou, they can keep the camp and It is not surprising that the training ground is being built.

Many people sneered at the training method, thinking that it was children slapping their heads and messing around. It was expensive and the effect was not necessarily good. From the hands of familiar generals, thousands of soldiers were also produced.

What is really surprising is the organization and the rules of the battalion. Small banners, general banners, battalion households, and instructors, etc., although it looks like the system of Jinyiwei, actually has changed. The rules of those battalions are The rules are even more reasonable, even Yu Dayou may not be able to figure out the rules.

Anyone who has fought and led soldiers can see that this is reasonable. It is different from Daming's rules, and has been improved and improved a lot. No one around Wang Tong has this ability. Let people re-evaluate.

On February [-]th, after more than half a month of military training, the people Zhang Shiqiang found in Tongzhou also brought them back. This matter was done quietly, and no one would notice.

They all thought that a middle-aged man somewhere in Tongzhou had brought a few young people from his hometown to Tianjin to find a meal. No one knew what relationship Zhang Shiqiang and Wang Tong had.

Zhang Shiqiang had just finished reporting everything, but Li Tao, who was training outside the city, hurriedly asked for an interview. The order not to go out at will was not only for the newcomers, but also for these military academies. At this time, there must be something urgent.

"My lord, those newcomers think that the training is hard and strict, and they are going to blow up the battalion tonight!!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shiqiang standing next to him suddenly stood up. After Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, he laughed. The secret booklet that was supposed to be delivered tomorrow was postponed for another day. This kind of wonderful story was written for the little emperor Wanli. Sure to make him happy.
Thank you everyone, please vote for Lao Bai
(End of this chapter)

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