Chapter 235
The rookies who can pass the test in running, strength, and various skills have a reasonable family background. There is a saying that they are poor and rich in martial arts. Don't talk about bow and horse martial arts.

This family is well off, and he is not the eldest son who inherits the family business. Although it is unlikely that he will be spoiled, the family members follow their will and come to Wang Tong's side to be a guard in brocade clothes. Acting rampant in the city, I didn't expect to train in the barracks after arriving.

It was okay at the beginning, but the daily training was so hard, the bosses beat and scolded fiercely, and sometimes those who were not selected to work next to them even laughed a few words, and some people couldn't stand it.

"I don't know how long Jinyiwei of Tianjin Wei has been poor. How can there be so much money and food distributed? I'm sure it's a lie to you. After training so hard, you will die of exhaustion by then. You won't have a place to cry!"

"That Wang Tong is said to be very good at detaining people. I heard that he clearly wants to recruit Jin Yiwei, but in fact he wants to send you to the north to fight the local barbarians. That is a deadly business!"

"Who in Tianjin Wei doesn't know Chuantouxiang, who are as capable as the brothers, who come in to eat and drink spicy food, and those who are fans of Chuanniang don't just sleep casually, let alone worry about money."

In the camp, there was no gap between the three battalions and the unselected laborers. When it was time for free activities, a few people would always go over to provoke.

It didn't matter at first, but after more than ten days, there were more and more people who didn't follow the rules, and more and more people were beaten and scolded. Yu Ding, a military household, had never worked as a job, and he didn't know the rules and manners, and his resentment became more and more serious.

People are dissatisfied. When I come to work as a job, I eat enough and sleep well every day, but I think it should be taken for granted. If I don’t train well, I am scolded and beaten, but I think it is harsh treatment.

Coupled with the instigation of caring people, the threat of going to fight the barbarians, and the vision of going to Chuantouxiang, each of these thoughts came alive.

The young people couldn't hold back their spirits. After practicing for half a month, nearly 300 people were encouraged to run out. Of course, some people may not necessarily want to participate in the Chuantouxiang, but just want to run out. , This place is hard to train and supervised too strictly, it really makes people uncomfortable.

On the night of February [-]th, everyone wished each other the best. Taking advantage of the clamor in the middle of the night, they started to beat up the generals and then dispersed.

"How do you know this news?"

"On the seventh day of camp training, there was a soldier in the camp who was waiting for money at home, and his subordinates lent it to him. This afternoon, he had time to talk secretly."

On February 20th, the bright moon was in the sky, and the night in Tianjin Wei was very bright. There were several wind lanterns hanging at the four corners of the Jinyiwei Xinding training camp, and there were braziers burning at the entrance and on the road. There were guard posts at the front and back, and a team of [-] people. Constantly patrolling the battalion.

It was quiet everywhere, but in a place about a hundred steps away from the camp, Wang Tong and others were riding horses and talking there in a low voice.

They are located in the firewood pile of the camp, and no lights are lit, and no one can be seen if they don’t get close. Some of the servants and teenagers who are serving as military academy in the camp run out from time to time. gather.

The generals of the Tan family and the merchants in the city have all been mobilized here. Counting these dozens of servants and more than ten young men, there are only a hundred people in Wang Tong's hands, but only the newcomers who they know are going to make trouble No less than three hundred.

But in Wang Tong's eyes, he couldn't see any embarrassment at all. On the contrary, he was talking and laughing happily. The Tan family and Ma Sanbiao who were around him on the horse, although they were fully clothed, they didn't look nervous. The assembled servants and teenagers were also very calm.

"There aren't any irons in the camp!"

"If you go back to your lord, the iron utensils are counted and taken out every day according to your lord's instructions, and then sent to the camp the next day, and the people inside can't get it!!"

During the conversation, the quiet camp just now gradually became noisy. Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Put someone over there at every fire source. If you can't stand it, you have to put out the fire before leaving. Don't let these people have the opportunity to set fire!!"

General Tan nodded in agreement, and turned around to name several people. Those people drove the horses out and galloped away. Wang Tong shook the reins and said in a cold voice:

"It's good to make a fuss. On the ground in Tianjin, it would be strange if no one mixed sand with what I do. It's also a good thing that the boils pop up and get out early."

After finishing speaking, he also drove forward, and when he arrived at the gate of the camp, everyone followed.

These newcomers took advantage of the appointed time to make a fuss and went out clamoring. What they did was not a secret.

Seeing the commotion, some people joined in the fun and wanted to run away, while others hid aside. These people rushed out of the shack and gathered into a pile, shouting and cursing constantly, inciting those who were not selected to join them. Walk.

Those young and strong who were not selected were exhausted from working during the day, and besides, no one had ever beaten or scolded them, they were just urging them to work. At this time, they were sleeping deeply, and many people outside did not hear the scolding.

Those who make troubles are always anxious, and dare not stay here for too long. Seeing that they can't stir up trouble, they ignore it and rush out.

They have also heard of the example of bombing the camp, where one person yelled at night, and the rest were alarmed, and then everyone hacked and killed, and the whole camp was in chaos.

But this time something was wrong, they seemed to be the only ones tossing about in the whole camp, and some of them who joined in the fun felt scared after walking a few steps, and ran back to the shack to cat while taking advantage of the chaos.

And there was nothing messy about it, everyone was holding boards that had been disassembled from the beds, and they couldn't find a single weapon, and the entire camp was cleaned up, even if they wanted to find a stone, they didn't know where to find it .

Noisily walking outside, suddenly the rapid sound of gongs broke all the noise. The night was already quiet, but the sound of gongs was particularly clear and piercing.

After the sound of the gong was knocked, those young and strong people who were about to reach the gate of the camp stopped. The gate not far from them was moved from the outside, and a small square team composed of small flags and general flags walked inside the gate first. , and then saw Wang Tong and others riding to the right of the small square team.

There were two braziers at the entrance of the entire camp. With the light of the fire, Wang Tong and the others could be vaguely seen, but behind them was a blur, and nothing could be seen clearly.

"It's still too late for you to go back. Now strike the gong. When the gong stops, whoever is still there will be impolite!"

Wang Tong raised his voice on the horse and shouted. As soon as the words fell, the gong around him started beating again. The sound of the gong at night made people feel upset.

But looking at the posture at the door, many people retreated in their hearts, not daring to stay here anymore. Those behind and on the side, some timid ones, turned their heads and ran towards the barracks.

Some people saw that the momentum was wrong, and shouted loudly in the team:
"Brothers, they have few people and we have many people. If we go back now, we won't even have a chance to escape in the future. Besides, Wang Tong is ruthless. I don't know how many ruthless methods he has used to concoct us. Look at what they have in their hands." Holding sticks, let's rush over!!!"

Shouting at the top of his lungs, there were still people in the early [-]s left. The gong stopped. Wang Tong squinted his eyes to see the number of people in front of him, and said loudly with a smile:

"If you can beat us, just run away. I will never pursue it. After all, I will give you my permission. If you run away in the dark, do you think that guarantee document you wrote is a joke?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Tong waved his hand down, and the people in the small square team in front shouted in unison, leveled the wooden poles in their hands, and walked forward in unison.

After Wang finished talking, these young men were dumbfounded. They seemed to have no other choice but to rush up to fight. Some people encouraged them to rush forward, and when they moved there, they also rushed forward with shouts.

No one restrained the leader, and no one shouted the password. These young and strong men who had just entered the camp were completely scattered and rushed forward noisily. This thing really burned my brain.

After walking a few steps, they were about to bump into each other. Someone in the small square team of servants yelled and stabbed forward with poles in unison. The second and third rows did the same.

The novices who ran at the front held nothing more than a wooden plank, how could they resist it? The three rows of poles in front of them pierced like a wall.

The wooden pole has a round or square head, and it will definitely not kill people if you stab it, but being poked by this hard thing, the pain is not light.

As soon as they met each other, they immediately screamed and were knocked down by more than a dozen people. The group of people who had no fighting spirit immediately retreated in a hurry. , yelling, stepped forward step by step, and poked past.

Those people kept being knocked down by screaming in pain, and more and more people ran back to the shack in the dark, and some people ran without any place to run. More and more braziers were lit in this camp, and the place became brighter and brighter. .

Wang Tong and others on horseback lined up on both sides of the small square, almost blocking all the gaps, pressing the newcomers back step by step.

The people who had been agitating in the crowd from the beginning gradually became uneasy. If they continue to fight like this, they will definitely be pushed out. Although the beating is fierce now, the only thing available is sticks and whips. Taking advantage of this commotion, several people in the field took out The blade squeezed forward.

The brigade retreated backwards, a few of them moved forward, and soon came to the forefront, as long as they fought hard and rushed over with sharp knives, these people were just about to move with daggers and short knives.

The bowstring sounded, the air whizzed past, and several long arrows were nailed to their chests and foreheads. Wang Tong looked at the fallen newcomers and said with a sneer:

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. The moon is full during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Please give Laobai all the monthly tickets with the word "month".

(End of this chapter)

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