Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 236 Removing Turnips and Cultivating Vegetables

Chapter 236 Removing Turnips and Cultivating Vegetables
From the beginning of recruiting into the camp to tonight's bombing of the camp, the young and strong people staying in the recruit training camp have always thought it was a joke. The hard training here is very different from the training of soldiers and horses they have seen. Game joke.

They were in the guardhouse, and they heard from their fathers and brothers who had been soldiers that the military law was extremely strict, and the lightest thing was hitting with a board, but this hitting with a board can often kill people.

Other tortures such as cheek piercing (piercing both cheeks with arrows), horse dragging (horse dragging), cutting ears, skinning, beheading and other tortures, often a small mistake will be irreversible.

When they came here from home, the elders said that it would be easier and richer than being a soldier in the barracks in Jinyiwei, and they said that they should be careful, otherwise they would die in vain if they died here.

But in Wang Qianhu's recruit training camp, if he made a mistake in training, he would be whipped and beaten with a stick, and if he made a small mistake, he would be whipped and beaten with a stick. It wasn't as serious as I thought. After half a month, everyone felt that it didn't matter.

Many people felt that it would not matter if the bombing of the camp tonight was not successful. At worst, they would be whipped a few times. If there was no deterrence of consequences, people would act recklessly.

Until they saw a few companions being nailed to their chests and foreheads by the arrows from Howling, and their foreheads were nailed by the arrows, they would naturally die immediately.

The person who was shot in the chest couldn't die for a while. He held the arrow shaft with his hand and tried to pull it out, but his strength gradually lost, and his whole body was convulsively moving on the ground.

Everyone was stunned, their bodies were like falling into a cellar of ice, they stood there and did not dare to move, someone had already come out and started to light more braziers, the barracks became brighter and brighter, and they also saw the instructors around Wang Tong He is holding a longbow and drawing an arrow, and he is aiming at this side.

No matter how fast he ran, could he still go faster than the bow and arrow? The scene was completely stopped. Wang Tong leaped out and circled around these people. Whoever the horse passed in front of him would tremble.

"Look at your abilities, can you still fight!?"

Wang Tong stopped the horse, and asked condescendingly. These young people who were roaring and arrogant just now were all pale, and they all shook their heads in panic after being swept by Wang Tong's eyes.

"Strike the gong and call everyone to gather!!"

The sound of the gong sounded loudly, and the small square team of infantry also dispersed, each of them ran to the area in charge to call people to assemble. It was extremely dark, but the camp was as noisy as day.

After more than half a month of training, it was somewhat effective. The three battalion leaders one, two, three didn't come out to make trouble, and those who ran back just now got dressed quickly and came out to line up.

Those actions that were not selected were much slower, and it took a long time to organize the team. Wang Tong rode on the horse and said loudly in front of the queue:

"I want to ask you, come to work here as an errand, have you ever treated you badly, are you not full enough to eat? Or not warm enough to wear?"

No one made a sound below, it's hard to come here, but there is enough food and warm clothes to wear, it's really not a bad treatment, even the group of people who made trouble tonight can only be angry.

"Hundreds of households in each battalion, the general banner, and the small banner immediately counted the rioters, and found out which battalion leader is so short-sighted."

The servants and teenagers rushed out to check the count among the crowd, and soon the result was reported. There were not many people from the first battalion, and they were all from the second and third battalions.

Young and strong military households with skills, they usually practiced, know the hard work, and naturally understand whether the arduous training in the new barracks is torture or torment.

On the other hand, they rushed forward with sharp knives, and those who were shot to death by bows and arrows were from the first battalion. This joint is easy to figure out. If you want to sneak in and show off your skills, you will naturally be selected. If running is more powerful, I really don't know very well.

"Since you are a soldier of Jin Yiwei, you must know the rules. Tonight, being instigated by treacherous villains, making noise in the barracks, intending to flee, is a serious crime of beheading."

Wang Tong said in a cold voice, those young and strong people who were tremblingly surrounded in the center suddenly became chaotic, some people subconsciously took two steps forward, "whoosh" repeatedly, the bow and arrow had already shot in front of them, these people were immediately frightened and stopped step.

Finally someone came to his senses, knelt down there, kowtowed and begged for mercy loudly:
"My lord, my lord, the little ones are all blinded by lard, and they can't think about it for a while, so they do such a bastard thing. The little ones still have parents at home, Mr. Wang, you must spare your life, spare your life !!"

Nearly [-] people were crying and begging for mercy. Wang Tong leaned closer and could only hear the buzzing in his ears. The noise made people irritated. He couldn't help but turned around and said:
"Knock the gong and hold it down!!"

Dangdang gongs sounded, immediately suppressing the movement here, Wang Tong said loudly again:
"I think you are the first offender, so the death penalty will be exempted..."

Halfway through the conversation, the frightened people below quickly kowtowed their heads in thanks again. The chaos in the arena was unbearable for a while, but this time Wang Tong didn't knock the gong, and directly asked the servants and youngsters beside him to take the money. He went in with sticks and whips and beat him wildly. When he calmed down, Wang Tong continued:

"Each person will receive thirty lashes, and all those who participated in the bombing camp will be expelled from the third battalion, and those who are not selected will be replenished in turn!!"

With the statement of the death penalty just now, who would dare to say no, just endured the pain and kowtowed, but the young and strong laborers over there were a bit sensational, doing coolies on weekdays, and seeing the energetic training of the people here, I've been envious for a long time, but this group of people actually want to run away tonight, I have been scolded by this group of laborers in my stomach for countless times, and I am not happy to hear that there is still this opportunity.

Working as a laborer, I thought that this would be the case for the rest of my life, and there was no bright future. Who would have thought that there would be such an opportunity, no wonder they were happy.

"Everyone present, those who did not participate in the incident in the third battalion received five lashes each, and the laborers each received three lashes!!"

It was already early morning and the sky was dark. Although the camp was bright, it was quiet. Everyone dared not speak out, but felt strange about Wang Tong's decision.

The chaos outside is so chaotic. Shouldn’t everyone be rewarded if they don’t have a coordinator? Why should they be drawn? What’s the reason for this? Wang Tong’s words then answered their questions:

"There is chaos in the army. If you don't come out to suppress it, you just sit on the sidelines. What if the enemy takes advantage of the situation to kill you before the battle? This is also a capital crime. If you whip the whip this time, you must be careful next time!!"

As soon as the words fell, he drove his horse back to the queue, and the young man led by his servant stepped forward to push out the kneeling people one by one, and beat them with whips.

As soon as I started to do it, I heard Wang Tong say:

"Dip the whip in water, let them tell who instigated them to do this, and whether there are still alive. If you don't say anything, then continue to whip the second round."

Before the first round of whipping was finished, the names of three more people were revealed, but these three people didn't care what happened to their families, and ran away from the surrounding wooden fences when the beating started just now.

Since he was mixed in to stir up trouble, he naturally wouldn't care about any guarantees. In such a cold weather, the whip was very heavy after it was soaked in water. After five lashes, there would be blood, let alone thirty lashes. up.

Although the beating was miserable, no one had any sympathy for them, because the innocent people were also implicated by them, and they all stared fiercely at the young and strong who made trouble.

"Master, these people are just ignorant. They've lost their heads this time. So many whips are enough. Why bother sending them over there? They are qualified and in good health. It's a pity."

Regarding General Tan's remonstrance, Wang Tong was silent for a while before saying:

"Military discipline is the heaviest. It is a great forgiveness not to kill them. Let's go to labor and work. Think about it. It's hard and depressed. Anyway, there are assessments every day. After learning this lesson, I want to understand. If you come back, you won’t fail the exam, at worst, set up a fourth battalion.”

Hearing what Wang Tong said, General Tan nodded and did not continue to persuade.

All the disposals ended after dawn, and no one inside or outside the city even knew that there was trouble here except for those who participated in these matters.

"Training is non-stop during the day, regardless of whether you are injured or not, stand up for me. The chaos last night was not caused by me. After Wang Tong left this sentence, he led everyone back to the city.

After leaving the barracks and setting foot on the road, Wang Tong sighed and said to himself:

"After what happened, there should be no more sand in the camp."

This time is beneficial and harmless to Wang Tong, firstly, it removes the hidden stakes in the camp, secondly, it establishes the authority to clarify the military discipline, and let the soldiers monitor each other, so it will be very difficult to cause troubles in the future.

Although he didn't sleep all night, Wang Tong was very excited. He didn't sleep after returning home, and planned to write down these things that happened that night in detail and then show it to Emperor Wanli. Presumably, the little emperor would feel very exciting.

There is a link in this matter. After Wang Tong recruited servants for the first time in the capital, some of them were sent to the brothel of the gambling house to keep an eye on them. When they left the capital this time, more than a dozen people followed.

Wang Tong did not let them live in his mansion, but arranged for them to participate in the recruitment. With Wang Tong taking care of them, these people were naturally selected easily.

Except for Wang Tong and a few others, no one knew these dozens of people at all, and they all thought that they had nothing to do with Wang Tong and others, so they lurked in the barracks as Wang Tong's eyes and ears. Wang Tong knew about it in advance and responded accordingly.

As for the one who got the favor to inform, it was a pure coincidence. Of course, both the informer and Wang Tong's eyes and ears were whipped together. They would naturally be willing to give more money to comfort them afterwards.

The masterminds who were shot to death set up a shelf next to the barracks, and their bodies hung for ten days...
What is the life of a writer, and the Mid-Autumn Festival needs to be coded

(End of this chapter)

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