Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 243 Making a Profit Difficult to Partner Again

Chapter 243 Making a Profit Difficult to Partner Again
March is nosy on the river, and this Wang's warehouse is not the property of a noble family. As a wealthy businessman with no reputation, he should come to thank him that night.

But half a month has passed since it dragged on, it was really against the etiquette rules, Wang Tong didn't care, Wang Si, the head of the yamen servants in Shuntian Mansion, was always respectful and polite to him, and he was able to do things well. Yes, why bother.

Wang Tong didn't care about it at all, but he didn't expect the other party to come to thank him at this time. It didn't matter, but it was a little strange.

After the rich middle-aged man was brought in, he knelt down on the hand, kowtowed a few times according to the rules, and then sent someone to hand over the gift list.

300 taels of silver, and six pieces of high-quality porcelain and lacquerware, the calculated price is about a hundred taels, and the gift is very heavy. It may not be possible to earn so much from selling a boatload of porcelain.

Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said:
"You and I have dealt with each other in the capital, the blacksmith workshop, I also accept your affection, I have a good relationship with Wang Si, your gift is too heavy, and the cost is so high, I can't bear it, you Take it back!"

The Gu Dong family kowtowed and said respectfully:
"Master Wang has helped my little one so much. I was afraid that you would always feel poor with this little money. If you return it, you will be really ashamed."

This little money is really nothing to Wang Tong, so he didn't continue to worry about it, he threw the gift list aside, and said:
"It's not a stranger, you don't have to be so polite, sit down!"

Gu Dong’s family thanked him again, and carefully sat on half of his buttocks in the chair next to him. After all, his family was not familiar with Tianjin, and Wang Tong wanted to get to know a few more people of all levels. His attitude was very kind. When the people sat down, Wang Tong asked first:
"The business of your warehouse is good, no one has made things difficult recently!"

The owner of the warehouse, Gu Zibin, had a strange expression on his face, and said with a wry smile:

"If you go back to Master Wang, the matter will be over that day, and the younger one should have come to thank you that night, but after thinking about it after going back, the business of this warehouse can't be done. I just came to see you."

The warehouse was actually sold, Wang Tong wondered, looking at the prosperity of the warehouses and shops in and outside Tianjin, it should be a lucrative business, so they sold it anyway.Wang Tong immediately thought of other directions, he frowned and said:

"Gu Dong's family, if someone from Eunuch Wan or Master Pan bothers you, you can just tell me, and I will make the decision for you."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Gu Zibin gave a wry smile, his rich face squeezed into a ball, he shook his head and said:
"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness. This business can't go on. I'll pay you a day's worth of money every day. I don't have the heart to toss about it. The villain still has some ancestral property in Baoding Mansion. Go back and buy some fields. It's enough to live an honest life. gone."

"Don't you want to make money? There are so many people on the boats traveling from south to north, and there is no shortage of goods. Gu Dong, you are also an expert who is used to doing business. How can you still be like this!?"

"I didn't expect Mr. Wang to be an expert in business. To tell you the truth, I have been in business for many years. I know small profits but quick turnover. I know that I treat people with sincerity. But in this business, the incoming goods have to be tossed once. The shipment will be tossed once more. The adults have also seen the card inspection and entrainment in Hezhong. The villain has been in this business for several months. Every time he buys goods, he is inspected, and the right and wrong are found out every time. Enter the silver, wait for the time to ship, pass the Haihe Estuary, there is another checkpoint, it is said that it is afraid that traitors and bandits will sneak into the capital, and there will be inspections by soldiers on the shore. This time, there are many right and wrong checkpoints. , All kinds of money and expenses are added up, and it will be sold at a high price, but who will pay attention to this high price, since last year, I have done business a total of thirteen times, and I did not earn a penny, but lost some!"

Gu Zibin became excited while talking, but Wang Tong was very interested, and couldn't help but said:
"The sale of southern goods in the northern Zhili prefectures is also a great profit, so why bother with the capital."

Gu Zibin didn't even care about the rules. Hearing what Wang Tong said, he slapped his thigh heavily and said loudly:

"Master Wang, you can think of this, but why can't you think of it, this time the goods are shipped in Linqing, and the buyer has already been found in Baoding Prefecture, but when you encounter this incident again, it seems like you are staring at me. I am like a villain, and I will tell the master that the master helped a lot that day, and I am happy in my heart, thinking that I will have a shelter in the future, but seeing what happened to other merchants on both sides of the canal, my heart will be cold."

Speaking of this, Wang Tong sighed, but he was puzzled in his heart. What do other merchants say? Looking at the shops and warehouses on both sides of the canal, as well as those big inns, the business is booming. He asked immediately:
"You don't have to be so depressed, the big deal is to start the business again, with my official behind you, what are you afraid of?"

But Gu Zibin showed a troubled look on his face, hesitated for a long time but did not speak, Wang Tong took a look, coughed, and said impatiently:
"If you have something to say, why are you so hesitant!"

"Master Wang, those who can open warehouses on both sides of the canal and start business are all behind the nobles in Beijing, the ministers and ministers of various ministries, and those who are in the business. The father-in-law in the palace also has business. Others I’m afraid it won’t work.”

"Those transactions are all from the dignitaries of the capital?"

"No, Tonghai Warehouse, Jinhe Commercial Bank, and Yongsheng Warehouse account for about [-]% to [-]% of the business."

"Oh? Do you know who is behind these three companies?"

[-]% to [-]% of the business, in terms of the prosperity outside, I don’t know how much gold and silver money is flowing behind it, it is really a huge business, who is behind it is really interesting to Wang Tong.

"Master Wang, I really don't know who is behind these families. One is from Shuntian Mansion, and the other two are from Shanxi. It is rumored in the market that they have a good relationship with Chuantouxiang. Maybe it is this boat. The head fragrance is behind"

Hearing Gu Zibin's narration, Wang Tong sneered disdainfully, and said:
"It's just a gang formed by people from the market. They usually show off a bit. How capable they are. Those big bosses in the capital account for less than [-]% of this business. Why do they have [-]% of their incense club? There must be something weird behind it!"

Gu Zibin shrank back and nodded there. The two parties had met each other in the capital. At that time, Gu Zibin could still talk and laugh calmly, but the two sides saw each other after a few months. This Wang Tong's status was unusual. There is a power in his speech and demeanor, and every sentence he speaks can hit the point, which makes people feel awe.

Hearing Wang Tong's judgment, although Gu Zibin didn't dare to answer, he didn't agree with it in his heart. The boat head incense was on the canal and at the pier, it was so majestic, and the government would give him some points. It is not difficult to start a business, but I have also prepared a heavy gift to accept it, and I am willing to pay money to burn incense. Why did the other party ignore their financial management?

While thinking wildly, Wang Tong asked:
"Master Gu, how much money have you lost so far?"

"It's less than 3000 taels."

"I will pay you 3000 taels, stay here and continue to work, if you owe me money, how about half of what you earn?"

Gu Zibin was taken aback for a moment, then trembled all over his body, with a troubled expression on his face, he said:
"The small shop has already been cashed out. If you want to make it for the adults, the small one has already lost all the way. How dare you involve the adults again."

"The 5000 taels of silver are on your side. When you pay for it, you can leave or stay as you please. Besides, with the care of the official, who would dare to trouble you? The way of coming and going is smooth, and others can If we earn money, we will not be able to earn it."

Wang Tong said with arrogance, but Gu Zibin still had a look of embarrassment on his face, Wang Tong understood after a little thought, and said with a smile:

"Does the Gu Dong family think that the official is kicked out from the capital and is no match for those dignitaries? Old Gu, where did you have the courage to open a blacksmith workshop to make weapons and make money!"

Say something, Gu Zibin trembled, and at the end, Gu Zibin stood up blushing, knelt down again, kowtowed and said loudly:

"The grown-ups have already said that, but the small ones have another thing to say. The adult's compensation is not worth a penny. Even if the family goes bankrupt, I have to follow the grown-up to the end!"

Wang Tong smiled, stepped forward and pulled the rich businessman up, and said with a smile:

"You're going to get rich in the future. What are you talking about going bankrupt? Let's not talk about it. Go and buy your shop back. On both sides of the canal, it's a good place where every inch of land is expensive. If you don't have enough silver, get it from me first!! "

Gu Zibin agreed with trepidation, regardless of whether the excitement was real or not, Wang Tong and Gu Zibin knew in their hearts that they were at least on the same side now.

When Gu Zibin left the house, Wang Tong rode to the recruit training camp as usual. After leaving the city, he saw the bustling canals and banks, and the boats going upstream and downstream. Thinking about how many secrets there are inside and outside Tianjin.

Ever since Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, returned home to bury his father on March [-]th, Emperor Wanli has been more at ease. Papers, easy and comfortable.

But after the sixth day of April, the easy days stopped. The eunuch Lin Shulu, the supervisor of the Royal Horse Supervisor, found out that Zou Yi, the four guard camp under the direct control of the Royal Horse Supervisor, Longxiang Zuowei Supervisor Zou Yi, was greedy for ink, and used methods such as falsely reporting horse harnesses and fodder, and paid a total of two taels of silver for the purchase. A total of 6000 taels.

Lin Shulu said in the report that the soldiers and horses under the jurisdiction of the Yumajian were the last of the imperial court, but Zou Yi corrupted the military system and discipline, and it was a serious crime to embezzle military expenses.

The memorial was handed over to the empress dowagers of the two palaces and the emperor Wanli. According to the rules, such crimes are decapitated——
Thank you everyone, is there a monthly ticket support?

(End of this chapter)

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