Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 244 The Case of the Imperial Horse Supervisor

Chapter 244 The Case of the Imperial Horse Supervisor

After eunuchs entered the palace, they had no one to depend on, and they had become slaves of the royal family. They could not marry wives and have children. Apart from gaining power, what they were most passionate about was money.

Whether in the imperial palace or sent out of Beijing to do various foreign missions, making money is the top priority, and this is also something that has been criticized by people all over the world.

Compared with the greed of eunuchs, it is considered common sense that civil servants all over the world are greedy for money. A certain person has been in a certain position for a few years, and then earned a lifetime of wealth. This is described as an enviable deed. If a certain person is clean and honest, people generally say that he is being raised and prepared to be promoted, and they are all treated as a different kind.

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty, or the emperors and dignitaries of the past dynasties since the appearance of the eunuchs, always turned a blind eye to the greed of the eunuchs. After all, they are their domestic slaves. It is better to be able to make money than to have evil intentions. , what's more, most of the eunuchs' raids outside are for the royal family.

Some money can be fished, some money can not be fished, this is also a principle.

The Four Guards Battalion and the Warriors Battalion of the Imperial Horse Prison were called the Forbidden Army by the ruling and opposition parties, while the upper twelve guards in charge of the palace guards were called the Jingwei. Some courtiers also said that the Imperial Horse Prison Army was the last screen to protect the foundation of the world.

This is the armed force that the royal family can directly mobilize and command without going through the cabinet and the Ministry of War. The most embarrassing statement is that if the Beijing camp outside the city and the Beijing guard inside the city are in chaos, the Four Guards Battalion and the Warrior Battalion of the Imperial Horse Supervisor will be used as the final suppression The presence of protection forces has always been the top priority.

The source of soldiers and horses for the imperial horse supervisor is not drawn from the common people or military households, but selected from the Han youths who fled back from the north. , and there is a resentment and bravery, he is the best candidate.

Although it was a common practice in the Ming Dynasty to deduct military pay, the Yumajian itself had the authority to collect the rent from the Huangzhuang and the income from the Huangdian. Using this money to support the soldiers, it was rarely deducted, and priority was given to the supply of equipment.

With excellent equipment, sufficient food and salaries, and experienced generals and school leaders, the four major battalions and the warrior battalion of the Yumajian became one of the most elite armed forces in the Ming Dynasty.

This can also be said to be the military force of the royal lineage that the royal family relies on. There have always been officials in the past dynasties who have said that there are unlucky soldiers and horses in the palace, which may be the source of disasters. They request that they be placed under the command of the Ministry of War, or be abolished. For such remarks, The emperor may have rewarded him for his outspokenness, but he never heeded the suggestion of abolition or adaptation.

Such an important force has also become a forbidden area of ​​the inner court, and money can be made everywhere, but it cannot be used for military salaries and military equipment expenditures of the several battalions below the Yumajian. If this rule is broken, from top to bottom , everyone will not forgive lightly, and no one will protect.

After the eunuch Lin Shulu, who was supervised by the Imperial Horse Supervisor, found out that Zou Yi was embezzling the money, he did not report it to the queen mother, the emperor, and Feng Bao first, but instead gave the news to Zhang Cheng first.

"Master foster father, the position of supervising eunuch was vacant that day, my son was a little anxious, and there was no money to spend at the moment, so..."

Zou Yi knelt on the ground and kowtowed again and again. Zhang Cheng, who had always been indifferent to emotion and anger, turned pale. After hearing a few words, he put the tea bowl in his hand heavily on the coffee table beside him. flow down.

"You've been on business for so many years, how come you've been so obsessed, the money here dares to reach out, and Lin Shulu sent the file over there, it's like a slap in the face of our family!"

Zhang Cheng's voice trembled a little, and he was obviously very angry. He sat on the chair and looked at Zou Yi in front of him, his face full of hatred.

The expression on Zou Yi's face was almost desperate, he looked up at Zhang Cheng's expression, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed his head, his forehead was bruised and purple at first, and soon oozing blood, he said with a crying voice:

"The son is also in a daze. At that time, all the qualified people in the Yumajian were sending up the money. Wang Tong couldn't adjust it, and neither could the son. I heard that 8000 taels from Eunuch Zhang would make him live in Long live. Let me mention..."

"Bastard, didn't our family fight for you that day? You are tossing around like this outside, and you still think that our family is your godfather. If you talk about it, you will lose all face of our family."

"Godfather, my son was thinking that you always told the nobles that Zhang Jing and Zhang Gonggong are friends with you, and he is the supervisor of the Yumajian. He will talk about it..."

Zhang Cheng casually grabbed a piece of ink and threw it over. Zou Yi didn't dare to dodge, and was hit hard on the forehead. Fortunately, the ink was not heavy, and his forehead was immediately bruised.

"Get out! Get out!! Our family can't be your godfather!!"

Zhang Cheng, the eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, was furious. Zou Yi kowtowed a few times on the ground, hugged Zhang Cheng's thigh with a mournful face, and said:

"Godfather, I beg you to save my son. My son gave Eunuch Zhang 8000 taels this time, and Eunuch Feng sent 1 taels. I thought I would make up for it when the money from the Department of Public Security and Huangzhuang came down, but I didn't." Thinking of Lin Shulu actually checking the accounts quietly!"

Zhang Cheng kicked his legs hard a few times, threw Zou Yi away, flicked his sleeves fiercely, and was about to go out. Zou Yi almost walked up to his knees and hugged Zhang Cheng's leg again, saying loudly:

"Master Yifu!! Who doesn't do this in the Imperial Horse Supervisor? The transfer of tens of thousands of taels of silver will be collected in February and March, and the accounts will be settled. Why did Lin Shulu want to check at this time? Why did he give it to you, Yifu?" This side sent it, everyone turned a blind eye to the past, why did he want to investigate it with such fanfare!!"

Zou Yi was almost hoarse, and his usual calm appearance was completely invisible. Zhang Cheng stopped his movements and raised his voice to shout to the outside:

"Did you hear anything?"

It was quiet outside, followed by several people's answers:
"The slaves didn't hear anything."

"It's gone, I'll go back to my house for a few days to recuperate, and I'll get three monthly bills when I'm done!"

"Slaves and servants thank Eunuch Zhang, and I will go back to recuperate."

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and people quickly dispersed. Zou Yi let go of his hands and knelt on the ground again. Zhang Cheng turned around, frowned and walked towards the chair in disgust. Seeing Zou Yi standing in front of him, he kicked him in disgust. With one foot, he whispered as he walked:
"You can't keep your position. None of the twelve inner court prisons will want you. You bastard, you have worked so hard to cultivate you for so long, but you were caught in this kind of dirty thing."

After April, this was not the only incident in the inner court. Zou Yi, who was originally thought to be the left guard of Longxiang, was found out. Unexpectedly, the four battalions, the warrior battalion, and the eunuchs in charge of weapons, armor, and firearms were all involved. In the list of investigations, the middle-level managers of the Yumajian are all adopted sons and students of the twelve chief eunuchs.

Although the money of the Yumajian cannot be touched, but he often walks by the river, how can someone with some power in his hand not get it, and everyone knows that this is a forbidden area, and nothing has happened for many years. On the contrary, no one cared about it, no one investigated it, Lin Shulu made a sudden attack, and a large number of cases were revealed at once.

Various forces in the palace, needless to say Zhang Jing, the eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor, and other related people are also disgraced, even Feng Bao, the eunuch of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, cannot avoid it.

The documents were handed over to the various families in the inner court, not to blur the past, but to say hello first, everyone knows that such things cannot be concealed at all, and anyone who wants to conceal it, if it is exposed in the future, it will be even more serious sin.

After saying hello, the document was sent to the hands of the Empress Dowagers of the Two Palaces. When the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li saw this, she was furious immediately.

If the soldiers and horses under the jurisdiction of the Yumajian were damaged and weakened, the safety and majesty of the royal family would also be shaken and unstable. I didn't expect these servants to have such courage and dare to stretch their hands where they shouldn't.

Half an hour after Mrs. Li received this questionnaire, she sent someone to hand over the principals of the 24th prison, the fourth department, and the [-] yamen of the inner court of the eighth bureau to the residence of the queen mother.

There was no record of the secret conversation that day. Except for a few female officials who were close to the Empress Dowager Li, the rest of the people were also sent out.

The next day will be dealt with, all the eunuchs involved will be resigned, and the punishment will be imposed. Except for the disciples of the two eunuchs, the Supervisor of Rituals and the Supervisor of Internal Officials, the rest of the yamen are all arranged in the palaces of the feudal princes errand.

This can be regarded as raising it high and lowering it gently. After all, it involves too much, even Feng Bao can't get rid of it, and all the old people in Prince Yu's mansion are involved.

The eunuch Zhang Jing, who was in charge of the imperial horse supervisor, ended up recuperating at home. The supervising eunuch Lin Shulu found out the matter, but he also offended all the people in the palace. Although the Empress Dowager Li trusted him more and more, I think this kind of lonely minister is the most loyal, but he can't be promoted.

But now Lin Shulu is in charge of the big and small affairs of the Yumajian. The previous thunderous method has made everyone tremble, and they are afraid that there will be some other tricks.

Moreover, Zhang Jing is currently recovering from his illness. The second supervising eunuch, Lin Shulu, has the highest position. No matter how you count, you have to ask him for instructions. Several people decided to add supplements, and Eunuch Lin's opinion accounted for a large proportion.

Zou Yi, the supervisor of Longxiang Zuowei, was previously a young supervisor in the inner court, and the adopted son of Zhang Cheng, the eunuch Zhang Cheng, the supervisor of ceremonies, and has been handling errands similar to the Long Live Lord. Everyone thinks that he is a person with a bright future, and he will definitely be one of the people who will be in charge of the chief inspector in the future.

Unexpectedly, the ship capsized in the gutter this time. It is said that Wubanzi broke several bones and was deprived of all duties. Now his status is the lowest eunuch in Tsing Yi.

The ebb and flow of the tide, the impermanence of the officialdom, is really touching.

Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, was on his way back to his hometown. The guards kneeled to greet him in the prefectures he passed, and the governors crossed the border to greet him.
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