Chapter 246

The people who beat the board in the inner court are all skilled. It is said that during the summer practice, the board hit the watermelon, and the watermelon was intact, but the inside was rotten and mushy.

This time fifty boards, presumably he was ordered by someone, Zou Yi broke a few ribs, but his body didn't have too many bruises and swellings, the broken ribs were nothing more than a rest, and he couldn't move violently.

Sipping porridge, Zou Yi turned his head from time to time to prevent Zhao Jinliang from seeing him cry. He always thought that he was calm when talking and laughing, and he didn't panic when things happened, but he didn't know if he was lying here before. For a few days in the hut, I ate poor meals every day, and the people who used to smile and respect were all cold and heartless.

The only one who came to see me was Zhao Jinliang. Zhao Jinliang was less than ten years old this year, but everyone in the palace knew that Zhang Cheng and Eunuch Zhang liked him very much.

There are also rumors that Feng Bao, the eunuch in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies, also praised Zhao Jinliang casually, and this kid has been studying in the inner study for half a year. To the position of a junior prisoner.

Before Zou Yi committed the crime, Zhao Jinliang, who was on business with Zou Yi, was taken out for a separate look, and he was believed to belong to Eunuch Zhang, not Eunuch Zou.

Zou Yi was unlucky to be deposed this time, but Zhao Jinliang was not affected. The world in the palace is cold and cold. Zou Yi has always been on good terms with everyone in the palace and never offended anyone. One came to visit and condolences, but they were afraid to avoid it.

Zhao Jinliang, who had only known him for less than a year and was loved by everyone, took the initiative to visit him. Zou Yi, who was poor and sick, was naturally filled with emotion.

After drinking the hot porridge, pancakes, and hot meals, his energy improved a lot. Zou Yi sat up on his back and watched Zhao Jinliang tidy up the house. He went out for a while, but he didn't know where he was. I found a charcoal stove, put it at the door to light a fire, and started to boil the medicine.

"Xiao Liang, study hard in the inner study and work hard on errands. I will be able to get up by myself tomorrow. It's not convenient for you to come here now that I look like this."

"That can't be done. Eunuch Zou, you are still weak now, and you have to come over to take care of him in the next few days. When you recover, the younger one will not come."

Whether it is the tableware or the charcoal stove, it is very difficult for a child. Zhao Jinliang wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands while fanning the fire.

Friendship in adversity, Zhao Jinliang's answer was very calm, thinking that what he did was just a matter of course, Zou Yi was a little excited, his breathing became short of breath, but it affected the wound, the pain was so painful that he gasped and dared not move, and sat stiff It was a little choked up there.

After being quiet for a while, the voice choked with self-deprecating self-deprecation:

"I don't know where Eunuch Cai is on errand today. He must have lost sight of our family."

"Eunuch Zou, Eunuch Cai didn't see him seven days ago. According to people around him, he was kicked out."

Zhao Jinliang didn't think about anything, and answered directly, Zou Yi sat there speechless, he just ridiculed, but he didn't expect that everyone around him would be affected.

When I think about it, I was really dizzy when I was making money that day. I thought I was close to the emperor. There was Zhang Cheng, the eunuch who was in charge of ceremonies and Bingbi, to protect me. This is a big loss.

The weather is very comfortable now, approaching May, which is the best time for the capital, Zou Yi is very at a loss there, he doesn't know where he will be dispatched after he recovers from his injuries.

He looked at Zhao Jinliang who was quietly brewing medicine there, and sighed in his heart. Zhao Jinliang did these things as a matter of course, not to repay or bestow favors, this kind of spontaneity is extremely rare, completely sincere .

In this palace, there are intrigues and inexplicable intrigues. She is only sincere and kind at a young age. I am afraid I will suffer a lot in the future. Unfortunately, I will not stay in the palace for a long time, and I cannot take care of Zhao Jinliang too much.

Just as he was feeling emotional, he saw that Zhao Jinliang dropped the cattail fan in his hand, knelt down in one direction, kowtowed and said:
"Grandpa Zhang is well!"

The only one in the palace who could make Zhao Jinliang scream like this was Zhang Cheng, the eunuch who was in charge of ceremonies and Bingbi. Zou Yi was shocked all over, ignoring the sharp pain in his ribs, he struggled to get up and get out of bed.

Broken ribs are very troublesome, often even a small movement will hurt terribly, and just get out of bed, the wound is so painful that I can't support it, and I kneel on the ground with my hands on it.

Zhang Cheng appeared by the door, and the already dark little room became even darker. Zhang Cheng's face sank like water. He looked at Zhao Jinliang, who was kneeling beside him, with an imperceptible smile on his face. He nodded and said:
"At a young age, he is very affectionate."

After speaking, he stepped into the room. Zou Yi wanted to speak, but his mouth was choked up, but he couldn't say anything. He kowtowed and kowtowed to the ground. Zhang Cheng frowned, and said in a cold voice:
"Do you know it's wrong?"

Zou Yi held back his pain and kowtowed repeatedly, but couldn't answer. Zhang Cheng shook his head and shouted outside:

"Xiao Liang came in and helped him to sit back, and then let the bone be in the wrong position."

Zhao Jinliang quickly ran in to help him, and when he heard Zhang Cheng say such words, although his tone was cold but caring, Zou Yi suddenly relaxed, and couldn't hold back his tears.

Zhang Cheng stood at the door, which was against the light for Zou Yi. His whole body was dark, and he couldn't see his expression clearly. Zhao Jinliang struggled to move a broken chair to this side, but Zhang Cheng didn't sit down. He looked coldly. Looking at Zou Yi.

Zou Yi finally calmed down, and said in a hoarse voice:

"The son was really dizzy at the time, thinking that his wings were stiff, and some things could be done without the help of his father-in-law. The position of supervising eunuchs was vacant. At that time, there was no word anywhere, and everyone around him moved. I can't help it, I didn't expect to cause such a catastrophe, the son himself is nothing, but the righteous father has been implicated, this is the crime that deserves death..."

Zhang Cheng said calmly:
"Do you think that Lin Shulu doesn't make money? Do you think that Huang Yang's hands are clean? This is nothing more than a trick for money. It's nothing more than seizing the handle to punish people. If you are not careful about this matter, you will be considered unlucky. You yourself blame your bad life."

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Zou Yi felt aggrieved and relaxed at the same time. At least his adoptive father was not the one who complained about him, but why was he so unlucky? He thought so, but he still said:
"Your foster father..."

"Serving the Empress Dowager and Lord Long Live for so long, our family has no credit but hard work, but we have to be more careful in the future and talk less, so we won't get involved...Old Lin is really a black hand, less than a month's work , The horse inspector went up and down, the army inspector supervised the guns, and the battalion officers of each battalion were actually washed by him, either expelled or accused of crimes, what does he want to do!?"

Having said that, Zhang Cheng, the always calm eunuch, still showed some resentment. Hearing this, Zou Yi struggled to get up, and kowtowed on the bed. The pain from the wound made him turn pale, but he still insisted on saying :

"Godfather, the Imperial Horse Supervisor is one of the foundations of the inner court. No one is there to follow soldiers and horses. After all, it is not a safe way. Please godfather show mercy and let your son go back. Tie down there and show your godfather to take care of the mess."

Zhang Cheng's voice became colder again, and he said:
"Where is it possible to go back, with your little knowledge, you will die in Lao Lin's hands when you go back. What you think is not unreasonable, but Sun Hai is still working as an admiral and eunuch over there, which shows that the empress dowager still has a plan in mind. "

After speaking halfway, Zhang Cheng stretched out his hand to touch Zhao Jinliang's forehead beside him, and said softly:

"Xiao Liang, go out and watch, don't let outsiders in."

Zhao Jinliang agreed in a low voice, and ran out in a small step. Zhang Cheng turned his head to look at it, and said appreciatively:

"You are young but not impetuous, and you know the importance. You will definitely be a promising person in the future. Look at you, the more you live, the more you regress. The next time I come, I will tell you the truth. You don't have to do the errands in the palace. The empress dowager got angry, and if she didn't drive out of the palace, it's because our family put up an old face to fight for you."

Zou Yi's face was ashamed, he had no errands in the palace, could it be that he was going to be a handyman, it would be better to die, Zhang Cheng continued:
"You can't go to Tianjin either. Lord Long Live doesn't like you, so naturally he doesn't want you to be by Wang Tong's side."

Hearing these words, Zou Yi even forgot to be respectful, and slumped down on the bed, staring at the corner of the room in a daze, Zhang Cheng shook his head, remembering Wang Tong's reply, Zou Yi is a capable and capable character, But too much ambition in terms of fame and fortune is a fatal wound. Too much ambition and too much desire. In some things, you always have a risky and speculative mind. This has a huge risk and is easy to be watched by others.

Unexpectedly, Zou Yi has been with him for so many years, but none of him, Wang Tong, who has been with him for a year, can understand it. From this point of view, this tribulation is not a bad thing for Zou Yi, but a rare test. Going to be a eunuch in the chief of ceremonies, but without the ups and downs of 20 years, who can sit still after doing errands, Zhang Cheng thought about it, but said:

"From now on, I will be a footman next to our family, but instead of writing, the Department of Public Security also needs a special person to straighten it out. You have done so many places, and you will organize the Department of Public Security for our family. Put the skills learned by the yamen in the palace into use, and if you do it well, it is naturally your credit, and it’s not like you didn’t come back today, if you can’t do it well, then let’s forget about it.”

Things have come to this, it is a surprise to have a place to go, what else can Zou Yi say, knelt there and kowtowed, Zhang Cheng just said "come to our house when the injury is healed" and left.

When Zhang Cheng went out, Zhao Jinliang carefully brought in the boiled medicine. Zou Yi looked at Zhao Jinliang, nodded and smiled suddenly:

"Looking at you from now on, you are a good fortune..."
Please vote for my monthly ticket tomorrow, one to double is too many variables.thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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