Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 247 Advanced Team Building

Chapter 247 Advanced Team Building

"Ten people from the Seventh Small Banner of the Third Battalion go out!"

On the wooden platform, Wang Tong stood with his hands behind his back, and Tan Jiang and Ma Sanbiao stood beside him in armor, with a chair and a half-circle screen beside them, and Yu Dayou sat there.

The five battalions under the stage lined up in a square team and separated into battle lines. Each of the hundreds of small flags lined up at the corner of the line. Hearing the angry shout from the wooden platform, the small flag that was shouted was ten people Walked out with a pale face.

Wang Tong nodded, and Ma Sanbiao stepped forward and shouted:
"Here, don't you have enough to eat!?"

"Enough to eat!"

"Have you ever deducted your military salary?"


The person who asked the question was full of anger, but the answers were a little sparse. The content of the question was simple, and it was nothing more than whether they had been treated harshly or unfair to them.

After the ten people gave negative answers, Ma Sanbiao turned to look at Wang Tong, who nodded again, and Ma Sanbiao shouted loudly:
"Since I have never treated you badly, why did the training fail to meet the standard? You are so slack, do you think there is no military law? Come here, each person will be punished with twenty military sticks and sent to the warehouse to work!"

The faces of the ten soldiers who came out became paler, and some even shed tears. Twenty soldiers from the first battalion ran out, pushed them down to the ground, and started beating them with big sticks.

No one complained of pain, only the muffled sound of the sticks being knocked down. There was no sound in the training camp. After the fight was over, a boy came forward with a wooden plate, and another boy took off the belt tags of the ten people. , thrown into the wooden tray.

There are not many of these twenty military sticks, but they are not light-handed. After the beating, these ten people couldn't stand up. They also stood neatly in a line outside the recruit training camp. These people are the young and strong people currently under the name of the warehouse Ladies and gentlemen, some people ran in from there and helped the ten people down.

Standing beside the wooden platform were fifty young men dressed as hard workers, but the expressions of these people were different from those of the soldiers who were beaten, and they all looked excited.

"50 alternate soldiers, line up in front of the stage!!"

Ma Sanbiao shouted at the top of his voice, these fifty people trotted out, their formation was not so neat, crooked and out of shape.

Wang Tong had already stepped off the stage, and Li Hutou was holding a tray under the wooden platform. There were fifty belt cards on the tray. Wang Tong handed the belt cards to these young and strong one by one. The young and strong punched their chests with their right fists, bowed to thank them, and everyone's expressions became serious unconsciously.

"You will be the soldiers of the reserve battalion next, and all the treatment is the same as that of other battalion leaders. You must train diligently, listen to the orders of the adults, and if you slack off, you will be dismissed immediately. Do you understand?"

Wang Tong asked loudly, and the young and strong shouted in unison:

"I would like to die for adults!"

Wang Tong nodded, turned around and walked up the wooden platform again, Ma Sanbiao shouted to the following:
"Sweat more in normal times and bleed less in wartime. Our adults let you train like this for your sake. Each battalion and each small flag must work hard and never slack off. Do you understand that?"

"Subordinates take orders!! Willing to die for the adults!!"

Wang Tong also stood on the stage in a military posture and waved his hand. The soldiers below began to disperse one by one. Although the ceremony time was short, they did it very solemnly. Li Hutou who followed behind was full of excitement. It was flushed red, and it looked like it didn't know where to put both hands.

When the team dispersed from the audience, Yu Dayou stood up with his hands on the chair, Wang Tong hurried to help, Yu Dayou waved his hands and said with a smile:

"You can move without holding it. Your set of things looks like a gift, but it is really useful. These bastards are practicing hard, for fear of being brushed off, and they are all full of energy."

Wang Tong smiled. This kind of ceremony is very effective in cultivating people's sense of belonging and collective honor. After doing it for such a long time, everyone's loyalty to the group, obedience to orders, and cohesion will be greatly strengthened, and the more solemn it will be The more solemn procedures and ceremonies, the more convinced those who execute them will feel that the matter is serious and noble, and they will be serious instead of treating it as a joke. They have used similar knowledge to form and train various teams back then.

For those who have not experienced the information explosion in this era, and have never been out of the house much, compared to Yu Ding, a simple military household, this method is particularly effective.

In less than two months, these recruits have begun to feel proud of their identities, and they are working hard consciously or unconsciously during training.

"That waist card is a good idea. If the name of the pawn can be engraved on the waist card, the effect may be even better!"

If there is any difference from Jin Yiwei's habit, it is that the waist badges have changed from various materials and styles to a palm-sized iron piece. It is written with name and position.

The small iron plate is the product of the blacksmith workshop. Wang Tong is willing to spend money on this iron plate that symbolizes his status. Each iron plate costs about [-] yuan, and several workshops in Tianjin city share the work. .

The effect of this brand is very good. Every soldier who receives it cherishes it very much and keeps it carefully. Those young and strong laborers outside are even more greedy.

Now every half month, the survival of the fittest, those who are eliminated to the warehouse will be collected with a brand. As a result, everyone has practiced hard, and those with a brand are afraid of losing it, while those without a brand are desperately trying to get it.

Hearing Yu Dayou's opinion, Wang Tong pondered for a while, then smiled and said:

"Instructor Yu is right. I plan to let the top 30 people from each battalion with the best grades in the annual exam engrave their names on the iron plate. No matter what happens in the future, this plate will not be taken back."

Yu Dayou came down from the wooden platform cautiously, and said with a smile when he heard this method:

"You can draw inferences from one instance, so they will have to practice harder."

Wang Tong bowed and smiled, and Li Hutou beside him couldn't help but said:

"Brother Wang, I looked at the training. Even in the first battalion, I am no worse than them. Just let me come to the battalion. Even if I don't want to be a flag, I can do it as a soldier."

"Just wait until you grow taller, now you are too young!"

Hearing this answer, Li Hu pouted his mouth full of sulking and stopped talking. In fact, it is still the above statement. A child, even if he is a very strong child in the camp, will make people feel that he is not serious. At present, Wang Tong doesn't want to spoil the atmosphere in any way.

Moreover, when Li Hutou was growing his body, too harsh training would actually hurt him. Although Li Hutou has won the title of Chief Qian from Huwei Martial Arts Gym, too many aspects are involved. You have to take good care of it.

Wang Tong's mind quickly turned to other places, how to make people have a sense of belonging and teamwork, how to make people work hard, how to constantly motivate, he has all these knowledge, but how to apply it to the training of this era needs to be carefully considered.

When he first came to this era, Wang Tong felt that what he learned and saw was basically useless, and he knew very little about history, which made Wang Tong quite helpless. As he gradually grew up, he came into contact with more and more people and things. Many, Wang Tong discovered that some things in the past can also be used in a new way.

Less than half a year after coming to Tianjin, Yu Dayou is very old, and he can't walk as fast as before. Wang Tong wanted to step forward to help him, but he was afraid that the old man would get angry, so he only took a few steps. Tan Jiang from behind followed him, and said in a low voice. said:
"Master, Tan Gong said, just now, when the ten people from Xiaoqi were on duty the day before the eve, they heard movement outside the barracks. After they came back to report the report, they were assigned to search outside for an hour. They were inevitably tired. The assessment fell behind, this"

Wang Tong waved his hand and said in a deep voice:
"Until they go into battle, as long as they train in this recruit training camp, the rule of being eliminated at the bottom cannot be broken, and there must be no accommodations. Since there is this reason, it is necessary to make them up next time, and there will be such a night in the future." Waiting for things, all postponed for one day before taking the exam."

General Tan quickly took orders, but Yu Dayou, who was walking in front, heard this and didn't look back, and raised his head and said:

"Military discipline is like a mountain. It is better to kill the wrong than to let it go. This is the rule. If the rules are broken for big things and small things, then everyone has a reason. Who would listen? General Tan, you have been working with Tan Shangshu for so many years. Don't you know this!"

The words were a bit harsh at the end, Tan Jiang trembled all over, walked quickly a few steps and knelt beside him, kowtowed three times before getting up solemnly, and said with self-reproach:

"It's a little confused, please forgive me, my lord and master!"

Wang Tong helped him up with a smile, but he thought in his heart that the punishment rules he set during his military training were nothing more than five to ten lashes, so Yu Dayou made a straightforward suggestion.

"The beating is too light, just use the army stick, as long as it doesn't cripple you, you can do whatever you want!"

It is indeed a wise saying to govern the army with strict laws, establish authority and act orders.

Before walking out of the recruit training camp, an eunuch in a blue robe got off his horse outside the camp gate, hurried to Wang Tong, and said with some shame:
"Master Wang, the younger one went to the firearms workshop, but Eunuch Lu didn't let him in."

Wang Tong smiled, stepped forward and patted the eunuch's shoulder and said:

"Eunuch Cai, you have just arrived, so it is inevitable that Eunuch Lu will not recognize you. I will post a post for you later."

This Eunuch Cai is Cai Nan, Zou Yi's follower in the capital. Zou Yi committed a crime and involved so many people. He can't say it's clean, but he made less money, and his status is not high, and he doesn't know who is looking after him. A wine and vinegar noodle bureau to buy the deputy envoy's errand.

The Wine and Vinegar Noodle Bureau is responsible for the storage and supply of food in the palace, but the procurement ambassadors are dispatched temporarily, not permanently in various places.

But Cai Nan's appointment was special: temporarily living in Tianjin Jinyi Pro-Army Qianhu Government Office, waiting for the bureau's clerk to be assigned to work.The hidden meaning is well known to everyone.

Cai Nan also understood that after coming here, she immediately regarded herself as Wang Tong's footman, running back and forth diligently.
The above "Organizational Psychology" have been introduced, and are often used in team building in enterprises.

Please save the monthly pass until tomorrow, tomorrow will be double, thank you again

(End of this chapter)

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