Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 248 The master sent to the door

Chapter 248 The master sent to the door
Before Zou Yi's accident happened, Cai Nan was also in high spirits. He had done several errands properly, and he had almost decided on his next destination, which was the Delicious Restaurant on South Street.

The Delicious Restaurant is the closest imperial store to the imperial city, and the person in charge is designated as a young prisoner. Although Cai Nan will not be able to survive for a while, his future future is guaranteed.

Unexpectedly, with a thunderbolt from the blue sky, Zou Yi's ink corruption incident happened, and Cai Nan's glory and wealth disappeared immediately, let alone an errand at the delicious restaurant, and he couldn't stay in the palace anymore.

Zou Yi has a forbearing temper, and has been restrained all the time. This Cai Nan has come all the way up from the labor eunuchs below, and he is especially keen on money.

The eunuch Lin Shulu, who was supervised by the Imperial Horse Supervisor, checked it out. Although he did not target Cai Nan, the accumulated crimes on this body could kill a person with a blow.

However, Cai Nan is Zhang Cheng's apprentice and grandson after all, this time, the empress dowager was furious, and the guilt is inevitable, but if someone really wants to be tortured and killed, there is nowhere to put Zhang Cheng's face.

A group of people couldn't stay in the palace, so they simply arranged some idle errands and threw them out of Beijing according to their relationship. How to see their good fortune in the future, avoid the limelight in front of them.

Cai Nan was regarded as Zou Yi's caring person, Zhang Cheng cared about this relationship, sent him to Tianjin and entrusted him to Wang Tong's subordinates to take care of him, this was also a way to communicate with others.

Wealth is in front of you, but you suddenly fall into the abyss, and the psychological gap is too great. After Cai Nan came to Tianjin, he was also extremely discouraged, and he stayed in the room every day and couldn't come out.

After staying like this for five days, he was called to the main room by Wang Tong. He walked over in a depressed mood, thinking that the other party would comfort him, but he didn't expect that Wang Tong would just ask indifferently.

Ask Zou Yi about the things he committed in the capital. After asking, he sat at the table and pondered for a while, then said:
"I dictate, you write."

People who can follow Zou Yi on errands, and Zhang Cheng is willing to come forward to protect them, have some writing skills. Wang Tong's words are plain, and Cai Nan directly turns them into official documents.

But after finishing the recording, I had to make another copy, because during the process of recording, my hands trembled several times, and the ink spilled on the letter paper, which was so dirty that I couldn't read it.

"Zou Yi is just a bit more motivated, and he is still reliable. He has participated in the Department of Public Security from the beginning."

"Everyone inside and outside the palace knows that Zou Yi is Eunuch Zhang's adoptive son, the number one person around him. If he doesn't have an arrangement, if he can't keep it, it will be harmful to Eunuch Zhang's reputation."

".Zou Yi said that his mind is calm, but after all, he has gone smoothly all the way to the present. He has not experienced any setbacks. It is a good thing to be hit by this incident. It is also a good thing to hone and hone. The future is bound to be boundless, and the father-in-law will have successors."

His words were all expected, and his attitude towards Zhang Cheng and Eunuch Zhang was respectful and polite, and his words seemed to defend Zou Yi, and he said in a consoling tone that this may not be all a bad thing.

But all kinds of combinations, it is obvious that the eunuch Zhang Cheng, the chief eunuch, wrote a letter to seek Wang Tong's opinion, and Wang Tong also made suggestions with a very equal attitude. The world is full of people who promise everything, but they actually want to ask a young man who has been away from the capital for almost half a year, and his identity is just a thousand households of Jin Yiwei.

What's the matter, a high-ranking eunuch who once served as the junior supervisor of the internal official supervisor and the supervisor of the left guard of Longxiang, unexpectedly asked a thousand households of Jinyiwei to judge and decide.

In the past, Cai Nan got a lot of benefits from Wang Tong, and he also knew that this young man who was a few years younger than himself was very close to the Lord Long Live, and even knew that even if Wang Tong came to Tianjin Wei, his favor would not weaken in the slightest.

The record of writing this letter really shocked him. Only then did Cai Nan realize what position Wang Tong was in. He thought that the other party was only one or two steps higher than him in the past, but now he realized that Wang Tong might be in his position. In a position where you can't even look up.

Speaking of which, coming here from the capital is indeed degrading, but if I work hard and help curry favor with this Wang Qianhu, I will have a prosperous day in the future.

Thinking about it carefully, Eunuch Zou Yi and Eunuch Zou really became a celebrity in the palace because of Wang Tong's influence, and his relationship with His Majesty was greatly shortened.

Now that I have reached such a status, if I don't want to risk it once, if there is a day when I recover, my status may be equal to Zou Yiping's, maybe that's the case.

For the eunuchs who cannot carry on the family line, power and wealth are their desires. After figuring out this joint, Cai Nan's spirit improved a lot. After writing this letter, he explained that he would copy it again later. In order not to make Eunuch Zhang feel impolite, he knelt down respectfully on the ground.

He kowtowed first, then said earnestly in a deep voice:

"The young one committed a crime in the capital and came to Mr. Wang's side to take shelter. Fortunately, Mr. Wang took him in with nostalgia. The young one first kowtowed to Mr. Wang to thank him."

Wang Tong, who was quite polite with Cai Nan in the past, did not get up to support him, but instead sat on the seat with a calm face and accepted the worship. Cai Nan also took it for granted, and said there:

"Living at Mr. Wang's side, what he eats is Mr. Wang's hospitality. I am in such a situation, and I have nothing to repay him. Fortunately, I have practiced in the palace and learned some writing. I am familiar with the official correspondence. Seeing that Mr. Wang is short of such people, he is willing to recommend himself to share his worries."

Hearing this, Wang Tongcai stood up with a smile, pulled Cai Nan up, and said:
"It's all from my own family, why bother to say so politely, I do have a master by my side, if you are willing to take care of this matter, let Butler Tan go to your side to arrange it tonight, the initial creation here, first according to every day The monthly payment of taels of silver on the tenth day of the month has other benefits.”

At this point, the current master-servant identities of the two parties have also been settled, and Cai Nan also knows her own role, so she took a step back and thanked respectfully.

When Cai Nan was transcribing there, Wang Tong turned around and poured water, with a smile on his face. At present, Cai Nan has been subdued. These people under him are not defeated in martial arts, but in civil affairs. Some people can't take care of it. Among the generals of the Tan family, there are a few generals who are proficient in writing and ink, but they are worried about participating in secrets. Cai Nan is the best candidate.

The Ming Empire’s training of eunuchs in the palace was far more useful and effective than the promotion of civil servants through imperial examinations. A small eunuch entered the inner school to study, then went to various government offices to practice writing, and then received internal and external errands to do errands. I was lucky enough to end up working as eunuchs in the three places of the Rites Supervisor, Yuma Supervisor and Neiguan Supervisor. Generally speaking, it takes two to 30 years. The people trained by this system are at least well-behaved administrative bureaucrats. Useless sage books, no practical administrative ability, even if there are many officials, the literati and civil officials who rely on masters and subordinates are too strong.

Cai Nan's ability to become Zou Yi's follower is naturally outstanding. He has entered the stage of running errands, that is to say, he is already a qualified administrative official. Being able to do it is also what Wang Tong lacks the most people to do.

But how can an eunuch in the palace serve him sincerely? The correspondence between Wang Tong and Zhang Cheng is also the first-class confidentiality. Let Cai Nan participate, on the one hand, it shows his trust in him, on the other hand, it is difficult. It is to use this kind of exchange and communication to intimidate him. The eunuch Zhang Cheng, the supervisor of ceremonies, Bingbi, who seems to be in heaven to Cai Nan, has such an equal relationship with Wang Tong. What a prestige and power this is.

Appropriately allowing subordinates to participate in their own secrets and revealing their relationship with high-level officials is of great benefit to strengthening the loyalty and awe of subordinates. Wang Tong has also used it in the workplace, and the effect is very good.

Naturally, when Wang Tong communicated with Emperor Wanli, Cai Nan was not allowed to know about it.

In the letter to Emperor Wanli, Wang Tong firstly introduced the current situation, and secondly said that the Secretary of Public Security is the eyes and ears of His Majesty, and his status and role will definitely become more and more important. With great power and great power, according to the rules of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, the supervisor of rites is not allowed to be in charge of the East Factory. This is the case. Zou Yi has no status now, and he is coldly received in the palace. He has nowhere to go except relying on His Majesty. Such a talent is the most Loyal and reliable.

After finishing writing, Wang Tong hesitated on the letter paper, wondering whether he needed to remove the part of the ancestor's rules, after all, alluding to the palm print eunuch Feng Bao was no joke.

After thinking about it again and again, Wang Tong still left this passage, offending is offending, but the palace is in such a state, and he has reached such a point, it seems that he should also express his position through certain things.

After the letters to Emperor Wanli and eunuch Zhang Cheng were delivered to the capital immediately, Emperor Wanli also had a discussion with Zhang Cheng, which was why Zhang Cheng went to visit Zou Yi in that small courtyard.

Cai Nan was working for Wang Tong, and Wang Tong was not polite to him. The first errand was to contact and communicate with Tianjin Fire Organ Workshop.

Everyone wants to give Wang Tong some face, but in everyone's eyes, Cai Nan is just a eunuch who has lost his power and was dismissed. , The first time I contacted the outside world, I was shut down and came back disheartened.

Unfavorable start, Cai Nan who wanted to perform well was really ashamed, but Wang Tong didn't blame him, on the contrary, he had a pleasant face, which made Cai Nan feel relieved.

From the beginning to the end, Cai Nan was surprised that no matter how Wang Tong's errand authority was, it had nothing to do with the government-run firearms workshop. As for Wang Tong's request, it was even more puzzling.

However, with the greeting post from Eunuch Zhang, this matter should be much easier to handle.
Thank you everyone, it really excited Laobai's growth. Apart from the previous masters, Laobai's growth rate should be the largest today. Continue to ask for monthly tickets and continue to thank everyone

(End of this chapter)

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