Chapter 249
"The father-in-law in charge of the firearms workshop, if you calculate it carefully, he is at the level of an ambassador for the wine and vinegar noodle bureau!"

On the edge of the recruit training camp, a house of good quality has been built with wood for Wang Tong to live in and temporarily handle official business.

After the assessment and punishment of the training camp, Wang Tong and Cai Nan came here. The weather in May is already quite warm. The doors and windows of the wooden house are all open, and the tulle curtains hanging are blown and fluttered.

The smelly wind blows into the house, which makes people feel very comfortable. The Tianjin Acropolis Pool in this era is very close to the sea, and you can see the sea from the east gate.

Sitting on the seat, Wang Tong looked quite relaxed. He smiled and asked Cai Nan, who was a little uneasy, that there was no seat for Cai Nan. He bowed his head and answered:
"Grandpa Lu is old. Emperor Sejong made a lot of firearms at that time. The Ministry of Industry made them. Eight out of ten were unusable. The soldiers from the north and the south were unwilling to take them. In those days, the officials of the Ministry of War went to the Ministry of Industry to fight all day long. Six years The former Yumajian, Yuyongjian and the Ministry of Industry opened firearms workshops in various places in Beizhili. The other places are no different from those in the past, but the firearms made by the Tianjin workshop managed by Duke Lu can have [-]% of the goods, which is considered good. The first-class credit has brought face to Eunuch Feng, who is in charge, otherwise, he is a middle-aged man who has entered the palace by self-purification, how could he be able to make it to where he is today with no job in charge."

This is the same as the vast majority of Juren may not be able to be a magistrate in their lifetime. Eunuchs who are not born in the inner study will not be able to be in charge of affairs in this lifetime.

However, this Eunuch Lu seems to be appreciated by someone, and his waist is also much stronger. For Cai Nan, who has recently been defeated and has never had any dealings with him before, he will naturally not give him a good look.

After hearing this, Wang Tong raised his hand and said:

"Sit down and have a sip of tea first, and worry about it later!"

Cai Nan didn't dare to sit down, she felt ashamed after doing such an errand, and wondered in her heart, how this little adult never dragged his feet when he did things, so he still got up leisurely in this simple wooden house.

About half an hour later, when Cai Nan got a little impatient, the sound of horseshoes stopped outside the house, and someone outside raised his voice to report:
"My lord, Joe brought it."

Wang Tong agreed, and a thick-handed man in his 40s walked into the house and knelt down to greet him as soon as he entered the door. He was Qiao Da, the foreman of Wang Tong's blacksmith workshop.

"What are the clues to the things I asked you to ask?"

"Returning to the master, the masters who are currently working in our workshop say that they can't make it. In the past two days, I have gone to various places with them to ask. The masters who can do this are all paid by the firearms workshop. It's better, I don't want to go out."

Wang Tong nodded, turned to Cai Nan with a smile and said:

"It seems that we still can't do it by ourselves. When you go back to the city and I go get the film and hand it over, Qiao Da, you should go back too and continue to inquire about this matter."

After several people went out, Tan Jiang, Zhang Shiqiang and other confidantes came in, Tan Jiang hesitated and said:

"My lord, there are no more than a thousand people in Jinyiwei's one thousand households, and their weapons are knives, guns, and firecrackers. Because the role of Jinyi's pro-army is to suppress the local area and monitor the government. Master, you go to the workshop to inquire about the artillery. If someone is interested, I'm afraid. To commit a taboo!"

Ma Sanbiao was there wiping his waist knife, not paying attention to the content of the discussion, but Zhang Shiqiang had a look of astonishment on his face, and Li Hutou's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Wang Tong said in a deep voice:
"As for the bastards inside and outside the city of Tianjin, we still use cannons to deal with them. The people in our recruit training camp are not afraid of them now. The cannons have other uses. Without this sharp weapon, nothing can be done!"

Hearing Wang Tong's categorical words, the others did not dare to persuade them, but there were puzzled expressions on their faces, and Wang Tong fell into deep thought.

The training on the drill field started again, and loud slogans came into the room. Ma Sanbiao and Li Hutou couldn't sit still, they looked at each other, and just about to go out, Wang Tong suddenly said:

"Find a few people to wait on the road. As soon as the messenger from the capital arrives, it will be delivered to me immediately."

The Acropolis of Tianjin is not only a turnaround before water transportation to the capital. As early as the Hongzhi period, several rivers leading to Jizhen from Tianjin and to the west of North Zhili had been dredged and opened to navigation.

The imperial court placed the official workshop for firearms manufacturing here, also considering the convenience of transportation, the import of iron and coal, and the delivery of manufactured weapons to Jizhen, Jingshi, Xuanfu and even Liaozhen, all by water and sea. to transship.

Similarly, this official workshop supplies firearms for several major border towns and important places in the North, the cost of iron, coal and various materials, labor employment, transportation by vehicle and boat, all of which are huge. Every year, the imperial court allocates a large amount of money to make This Tianjin firearms workshop supervisory job has become a fat job.

The Emperor Tiangao was far away from anyone, and a large amount of money and goods flowed freely. It was very refreshing to be able to live in this position for several lifetimes.

This Eunuch Lu's work is also different from other eunuchs who are tearing their faces and desperately trying to get money. [-]% of the things made by the workshop he manages are usable.

Although [-]% of them are usable, they have received the highest evaluation in various military towns and battalions. After all, less than [-]% of the firearms made by the Ministry of Industry can be used, and the most produced by other eunuch supervision workshops is [-]% .

In addition, Mr. Lu did not read many books, but he was self-taught in the management of the upper and lower levels. He understood very well that the silver that should be given to the ancestors above has never been less than one point, and it was [-]% more than usual. Yes, Eunuch Lu has been stable in the position of Tianjin Firearms Workshop for a long time, and he has become a person who speaks for himself.

If the weather is good, Lu Gonggong loses his temper in his official office. He has been pampered and pampered for so many years. He is not as delicate and white as the eunuch in the palace. On the contrary, he is a big black man. If he didn't have a beard, he might be thought to be running a boat on the canal.

The eunuchs below and the foremen in the workshop were all in the main hall of the official office of the workshop. Everyone stood with their heads bowed, not daring to speak out.

"You killers, the five thousand three-eyed blunderbuss at the Xuan Mansion were urged so urgently that you only finished so much, and the work was suspended today. Could it be that you will kill a few heads before you are under the supervision of the Imperial Horse Supervisor?"

Everyone lowered their heads a lot, and no one dared to speak. Seeing this, Eunuch Lu became even more angry, pointing at the person who looked like a master in the front and shouted:

"Fan Dazui, aren't you the most eloquent on weekdays? Why are you dumb at this time? Tell me, come and explain to our family!?"

The "Fan Dazui" who was called by him raised his head in embarrassment, looked at the few people around him, perhaps felt that those people shrank even more from his eyes, "Fan Dazui" cursed in his heart, but had no choice but to whispered:
"Grandpa Lu, this... The three ghost craftsmen here didn't come to your old man the day before yesterday, saying that they were processing money."

"When we first recruited, didn't we agree on 25 taels of silver per month? With such a price, our Daming can't even keep up with the salary of a cabinet scholar. What else do they want? Besides, why doesn't our family know about this? !?"

That Fan Dazui's voice became softer, and said in a low voice:
"Eunuch and Eunuch Wan, who supervised the food, had a drink there, and fell asleep when they came back. The younger ones also want to discuss with those ghosts to see if they can do it."

While he was talking, something flew towards him, and he dodged subconsciously, his face was hit, but a writing brush was thrown over him. Eunuch Lu slapped the table vigorously and cursed angrily:
"How much to add!?"

"Two thousand four hundred taels per year, and there is a separate red envelope silver for the New Year's Day. This amount is too large, and the younger ones dare not agree to it. Who would have thought that these few ignorant ghosts would incite those craftsmen to stop working, and still What are you talking about, without them watching, our workshop can’t make qualified firearms.”

As soon as the number was said, Eunuch Lu seemed to be able to spew fire from his eyes, he stood up and shouted:
"Two thousand four hundred taels, three people is seven thousand two hundred taels, our family only has one year!"

After speaking halfway, he consciously stopped, Haoxuan told the amount of money his family could earn in a year, and a man dressed as a porter also ran in quickly.

The concierge looked at the people in the hall who were silent and strange, and quickly put a smile on his face. When he came to Eunuch Lu, he whispered a few words, and Eunuch Lu, who was panting heavily, stared again and shouted angrily:
"I don't see our family. The murderer who has been mixed up to such a degree has come to ask our family for help. Didn't the little thief who protects him poach more than a dozen people from our workshop and let them do it by themselves? He is a servant in the palace. For many years, when Jin Yiwei wanted to use cannons, he was really out of his mind, and he was about to be dismissed!"

After a few reprimands, the porter ran out again. Eunuch Lu was distracted by this incident, his anger calmed down, and he asked in a cold voice:

"I really thought we wouldn't be able to turn on the stove without them, Old Shi, you arranged those clever apprentices, have you learned something in the past two years?"

The one below said with a dry smile:

"Back to my father, those ghosts are very thoughtful, and I don't know what skills they hide, but if they can do it, we can do it too."

Just as he was talking, the concierge who had just run out came back again. Eunuch Lu raised his eyebrows. Just as he was about to get angry, the concierge quickly stepped forward and said something in a low voice. Looking at the porter, he asked in a low voice:

"Did you see clearly that it was Zhang Cheng's post?"

The concierge nodded vigorously, and Eunuch Lu suddenly sat back on his seat, stood up again after a while, gritted his teeth and said:
"Fan Dazui, go and answer, and say that there are too many firearm manufacturing orders taken by the imperial court, and this place is too busy to spare manpower to help, but since it is Eunuch Zhang's greeting, then grit your teeth and draw three people who know how to do it." Master, I will send it over in a while, you go to pass the message first!"

Fan Dazui went out, and Eunuch Lu said in a cold voice:

"Old Shi, go and dispatch the soldiers now, arrest those three money-grubbing ghosts, strip them off and send them out, and then tell the other craftsmen and laborers to start working, and anyone who doesn't go will be arrested and chopped up!!"
There is something urgent in the afternoon, I didn’t eat dinner and rushed out of this second update, thank you for your monthly support

(End of this chapter)

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